Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Temptations Inn ❯ "Your uncle is dead." ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

".. Hey, mister. Wake up. We're there."

I felt something shake my shoulder, and some man speaking. I quickly opened my eyes as I fully awoke, and saw that I was still sitting in the back of the taxi, parked out in front of the apartment in which I lived in. The taxi driver was smirking, taking his hand back before sitting back down in his seat.

"Sorry, I dozed off," I said, and paid the man before hopping out of the taxi.

"It's ok, man. People do it all the time," the driver replied before pulling off the curb, and drove down the street out of view.

"Yeah.." I said quietly to myself, and turned towards the apartment, gazing up at it. I only sighed, and wandered up the steps and entered the complex.

After reaching the second floor, I opened the first door to the right; my apartment. I shut the door behind me after walking in, and turned on the lights. The first thing I noticed was a letter at my feet.

"What's this?" I arched a brow, and knelt down, picking it up and walked over to the table, sitting down on the chair.

I noticed something quickly about the letter; it said it was from my uncle. It was addressed to 'Matthew Cale'; that's me. My uncle's name was Jack Zimmer, and he was a rich man.

I opened the letter, and pulled it out. I began to read it.

"Dear Matthew:

I am sorry to say, but your uncle recently passed away due to a sickness he received. There will be no funeral.

Your uncle was a great man. Very rich, and very kind. So kind, he left you a big section of his will. In fact, basically all of his will. He has decided to give you his mansion, formally a large, fancy inn. For generations, this beautiful mansion has stood well, and we hope that you will continue his legacy.

Please, on Monday, come to your uncles mansion.

I wish you the best of luck.


Charles Tanile,

Mansion Butler."

I never really met my uncle, except for once. Why the heck would he want, of all people, me to have it? The address was included with the letter, and today was Sunday. Tomorrow, I'd have to leave. It'd take a few hours to get there, but oh well. I didn't really have much of a life, so what the hell?

I leaned back against the chair, tossing the letter back onto the table, and sighed. Nearby lay the message machine, and I saw that there was a message. I pushed the button.

The machine turned on.

"Hey, Matt.."

I could tell right away who it was; Jill. My girlfriend.. well, ok, not really my girlfriend. But I really liked her, and as I knew, she liked me. We said we were just friends, but ever time we got so close...

"..Just wanted to know how you were doing. I'm sure you're still at work. Oh, and happy birthday! Don't think I wouldn't remember that it's your 18th birthday? I'll see you in a few days. I have to go somewhere to meet my parents. I love you, Matt. I'll talk to you later."

Then there was the click of the phone hanging up. I smiled to myself.. and sighed happily. I couldn't wait to see her again.

"I'll just go there, then come back, and take her to the mansion. That'll be good," I said to myself, and nodded. Yeah. That'd work.

The next day, I paid a taxi to take me to the mansion. It took a few hours to get there. The trip seemed forever.. traveling through mountains, forests, and all that 'erotic' stuff. I didn't care about it. I never even saw the stuff as beautiful. I just wanted to get there.

We started to follow a semi long drive, about a mile, up a cliff.. and at the top of the cliff, there was the huge mansion. It was dark; like a haunted house. It did have a hotel resemblance. Oh well. The taxi pulled up, and I had to pay him an outrageous fare before I could get out.

The taxi pulled away, and I held onto my suitcase that I brought with me as I ascended a short flight of stairs. I knocked on one of two doors that were before me, and soon, a short man opened the door, immediately smiling and opening the door further.

"Sir Matthew! Come on in!" He said.

Sir? When did I became a sir? I only smiled as I stepped in, and glanced from left to right. I noticed I had entered a somewhat dark foyer, only lighted by a few candles here and there. I saw a bar, with a fridge and the whole works, then some tables and chairs, and a door right next to the bar. Straight in front of me a-ways was a long, dark hallway, filled with many doors. They must have been hotel rooms.

"Sir Matthew, I am so sorry about your uncle. I am Charles, the butler of the mansion," Charles, the butler, said. He offered his hand to Matthew to shake.

I forced a smile, and slid my hand into his, briefly shaking before returning my hand back to my pocket. "It's nice to meet you. And it's alright, I barely knew him anyway." I shrugged, and glanced around before looking back to the butler.

"Ah, yes, yes," he replied, and began to to walk towards the hallway. "This mansion has been around for years. When it was first built, it was used as a hotel. But after your great great uncle bought it, it was used as a living place," the butler continued as I followed. I hoped he wouldn't go into some long, damn conversation about how he missed my uncle, and how he was a great man, and yadda, yadda, yadda.

"Your uncle was a great man.."

Oh, great.

"..he was always talking about how he missed you, and how he remembered when you were just a little boy."

My childhood? Oh, please, don't get into that.

"Then he'd tell of when he was gonna give the mansion to you."

Please, just shut up.

"But.. I do have to tell you something.."

Now what?

"The mansion is haunted," the butler said as he stopped in front of one of the hotel room doors.

"What?" I stopped as well, and laughed, gliding my fingers through my hair. "Listen. I don't believe in that crap."

"Well, Sir Matthew, you don't have to. I was just.. warning you, just in case. I'm not supposed to hide anything from you." Charles said, and he opened the door for me. "Now, I must be going. I will be back in a few days. But for now, relax and enjoy the mansion. There is a library down the hallway, its two stories. You can get into it from the second level, as well. The third level is the pool. And the fourth is the ballroom. Nothing too special. I hope you enjoy the mansion."

I forced a smile, and nodded. "Thank you. Have a good day," I replied, and with that, stepped into the room, listening to Charles gently shut the door behind me. The room was pretty nice; a bed, a bathroom, desk, table, and wow.. even a TV, which is the thing I least expected. I stepped to the bed, and sighed, placing my suitcase beside it.. and collapsed on the soft matters.

"Haunted? What bullcrap." I muttered to myself.. staring up at the white ceiling in deep thought. A few days? What if he missed Jill? Oh well, she'd probably understand.

I was tired; that long drive had killed me, practically. I always hated long drives, especially in taxis. I couldn't drive, my car had been wrecked a month ago, and I didn't have the money to pay for the repairs.

Soon, I fell asleep soundlessly, and slept comfortably upon the bed.


"Wake up!"

"Ah!" I sat up quickly, glancing from left to right, forward and behind. What the hell? There was no one around. Something had screamed out suddenly.

I glanced out the window, unable to see anything. I could tell it was nighttime, and raining. Water was hitting the window fast and hard, lighting and thunder cracking across the black sky.

"What the hell was that..? I know I heard something."

Maybe it was just a dream. Or, was it a ghost? I laughed at myself for the thought. Haunted? That was the biggest lie I ever heard; the most unbelievable one, too.

Well, now I was awake, great.

"Ok, ghosts. You woke me up. Now I'm gonna be up for the rest of the night," I spoke out to these 'ghosts', and laughed again as I stood up.

What should I do first? Take a shower? Get some breakfast? Or go dance in the ballroom? Who knew.

A shower sounded really good, actually. I needed it.

I stepped into the bathroom, relieving my clothes, and jumped into the shower.

After a few minutes of bathing, I stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around my waist after drying off. The bathroom was filled with heat smoke, and I stepped over to the mirror and the sink, and noticed something. Something was written in the smoke covered mirror, as if someone used a finger to write it.

"I'm watching, Matthew."

I growled, and quickly stepped out of the bathroom, and having not seen anyone in my room, I wandered out into the hallway. It had to have been the butler.

"Charles!? I know you wrote that!" I yelled down the hallway. That was going to far when someone entered MY bathroom while I was taking a shower, unless it was Jill.

"Charles!" I screamed again. But no answer. The hallway was dark, and there was no sound at all, no evidence of life.

Charles..?" I said, and frowned.. and then wandered back into my room, shutting and locking the door.

"..It's not haunted.. just.. breathe, Matthew," I said to myself, and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I stepped back to the bed, and sat down on the edge of it, picking up the nearby TV remote. I turned it on, and the first channel I got was the static channel; in other words, it was only static. I sighed, flicking through some more channels, and found nothing but.. well, nothing. But soon, I came across a channel that actually worked.

It was the news.

Some lady was speaking about a murder, I was just making the starting of the discussion.

"..he was found stabbed to death on his bed in the Zimmer Mansion, today. Police stated that they have no evidence whatsoever on Matthew Cale's murderer, but maybe you can help."


The channel suddenly went to static, and I shut it off quickly, standing up.

"What the hell is this!?"

I was utterly confused. Matthew? Murdered? That was me! And obviously I wasn't dead!

Maybe this place was really haunted; either way, I was gonna get out of here. I stepped to the door quickly, and stepped out into the hallway, running down it towards the foyer. Still no signs of life whatsoever, but no matter now. I was almost too the main door. I soon got there, and gripped the door handle, and began to turn it, and..

It was locked.

My eyes widened, and I began to freak out, quickly trying the other door, then both of them again. They were both locked.

"What the!?"

I stepped back away from the door, and heard a laugh, a girlish laugh. I quickly turned around, not seeing anyone.

"Who the hell is doing this!?" I screamed, hoping I'd get a nice reply this time.

I heard something being lifted off the counter nearby, and before I saw what it was, something made of glassed shattered across my head, and I collapsed to the ground. I had fainted.