Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Jigglypuffs Other Song ❯ The Incident ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Standard Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon, nor do I intend to profit
from use of its characters.

Jigglypuffs Other Song

Part 1 The Incident.

Ash: “I sort of wreaked their bikes. That’s how I got Misty and May
to follow me for so long.”

Ash was surprised when Brock asked him how to get a girl, but he quickly
gave this answer and left. He was in a hurry, having been summoned to
Prof. Oak’s lab, and didn’t have time to talk. The boy said bye to Brock,
May, and his mother then left.

Five minutes later.

Oak: “Ash, you know I love to let your pokemon stay at my lab. As
a researcher it is very convenient to have so many varieties of
pokemon to observe right in my own home. However, having
so many of the same variety is becoming inconvenient.”

Ash: “Are you talking about the Tauros?”

Ash had caught a whole herd of Tauros in the Orange Islands long ago.
Since then the herd has been breeding in captivity and now numbered over
300. They are over grazing the land, and making various messes
everywhere, plus there was also THE INCIDENT to consider.

It was really Squirtles fault. He thought it would be funny to surprise
cyndaquil with a water gun. Cyndaquil shot fire back at Squirtle, which
spooked the herd, and started a stampede. Tracey was caught in the
stampede and went missing for three days. When they finally found him he
was huddled in a ditch with hoof marks on his body, chanting “So many
Tauros” over and over again.

Ash: “So is Tracey recovering.”

Oak: “See for yourself.”

The Professor pointed to Tracey, who was huddled on the floor, still
chanting “So many Tauros.”

Oak: “I won’t force you to get rid of the Tauros, but please consider
this. The Cerulean gym is hosting a Trade and Sale exhibition
for trainers in two weeks. Tauros are rare in the Indigo region;
or rather you have a monopoly on them, so they would be
popular at such a show. This would be a great opportunity for
you as a Trainer.”

Ash thought about this. Misty runs the Cerulean gym, and he hadn’t seen
her since Hoenn, he could get some cool pokemon, and make some money.
It seemed like a good idea.

Soon all the Tauros were packed in pokeballs. Brock supplied three bikes
with carriages in the back. Ash and May each carried half the load of
pokeballs in there bike carriages, and Brock carried the quivering Tracey in
his (Oak thought the trip might snap him out of it).

Tracey (when he was sane) hinted to May that Ash and Misty had been more
than friends (not true). Naturally she didn’t want Ash to visit her without

Noticing that the bikes where pink and had tassels, Ash had to ask “Brock,
where did you get these.”

Brock: “I borrowed them from some cute girls.”

May: “Then we better take good care of them.”

Brock: “Actually, I’m planning to smash them on the return

May and Ash both sweat-dropped.

Ash: “Seriously!”

Brock: “No, but considering your record I’m sure they’ll get
destroyed somehow.”

Ash wanted to protest but was afraid they would find out that they only saw
the tip of the iceberg concerning how many bikes he really smashed before:
1) His first tricycle.
2) His first bicycle.
3) Gary’s first, second, and third bicycle (that’s how the rivalry really
4) Professor Oaks bike.
5) His Moms.
6) Mistys.
7) A rack of 11 bikes (while training Charizard).
8) A bike shop (Charizard again).
9) Mays.
All these were accidents of course.

As they left, nobody noticed the little pink puff that stowed away in Mays

Misty was not happy. For a long time now she had been leader of the
Cerulean gym. Things were done her way without question. She even
organised a whole trading exhibition that would have made Cerulean the top
gym of all the eight indigo league gyms. Then her sisters, Daisy, Lily, and
Violet waltz in (back from their vacation) and immediately start making
changes to her exhibition. Suddenly her big leadership role was reduced to
cleaning litter and making sure the free punch bowl was always full. The
only good thing was that Ash would show up to trade his Tauros. Maybe
after the show she could follow him when he leaves (hey it worked before).

On the other hand, Daisy, Lily, and Violet couldn’t be happier. They didn’t
know how to say it but they were proud of Misty. She had done an excellent
job running the gym, and the exhibition was like a big welcome home party
for all of them. It just needed a few more decorations.

Delia Ketchum was on her way to the Cerulean gym. She was going by car
on the highway while her son Ash, and his friends, took the forest bike pass.
With her were three girls: Natsumi, Atsuko, and Mai (Gary’s sister). These
girls had little in common except they were all beautiful and each had lent a
bike to Brock. Brock seemed nice enough (though a bit clingy with girls).
He said he just needed them to get his friends and a large load of pokeballs
to Cerulean. But they later learned that one of those friends was Ash the
famous PALLET TOWN BIKE SMASHER. They were determined to save
their bikes. Delia usually had absolute faith in her son, but bicycles were the
exception to the rule. She new he was going to Cerulean, and Brock was
providing the transportation, but only later heard from these girls that they
were using bikes. She immediately rented a car and offered these girls a
ride, hoping to avert another family scandal.

Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny were travelling together to the Cerulean gym to
meet with the exhibition co-ordinators. Daisy, Lily, and Violet were having
a weekly meeting with all people involved in the exhibition. With so many
pokemon in one place the exhibition would need a pokemon nurse and
security to control the rowdiness. Duplica (the girl who specialises in shape
changing Dittos) was on her way to provide entertainment. Sabrina (the
psychic) was going to see what festivities the rival gym had in store. Dr.
Ivey (the pokemon researcher) was also on her way. She was in town and
Misty had invited her to visit any time.

May and Brock arrived in cerulean city on bikes. Ash dragged his carriage
and the surviving parts of his bike (handlebar, and one wheel) after them.
He had made a wrong turn at the cliffs.

Brock decided to register that they would be setting up a booth and trading
and selling Tauros. Ash and May went without him to the gym. Tracey went
with Brock in the carriage (since he showed no signs of getting out on his

May had also found jigglypuff stowing away with them and continued to
carry him along.

May: “I’ve been thinking Ash.”

Ash: “About what.”

May: “Tracey. He hasn’t slept since the incident.”

Ash: “Really! That was three months ago.”

May: “They say when a Jigglypuffs song puts you to sleep you wake
up refreshed and clear headed. Maybe it will cure Tracey.”

Ash: “It’s worth a try!”

This insulted Jigglypuff. It had always been her dream to be a pop idol. She
already looked like a ball of gum that was about to pop. However, her
singing always seemed to put people to sleep. She hated that. The pint sized
pokemon thought about this (and thinking didn’t come easily to her).

Maybe it wasn’t her singing, but the song itself. After all it was a lullaby,
and a sonic hypnosis attack. However Jigglypuff only knew one other song.
It was a song never sung to humans. Male Jigglypuff sang it to female
Jigglypuff WHOM THEY LOVED VERY MUCH. Still, desperate times
called for desperate measures.

Meanwhile team rocket was (as usual) spying on Ash and their friends, when
Brock and Tracey went one way and Ash and May went another.

Meowth: “The twerps have split up.”

Jesse: “No problem, I’ll follow the smaller twerps, and you two
follow the bigger twerps.”

James: “This would be less confusing if we just learned their names.”

Jesse ended up following Ash and May.

When Ash and May arrived at the gym Ash immediately noticed that he was
the only man there. The moment he and May stepped in they were greeted
by the smiles of Daisy, Lily, Violet, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Duplica,
Sabrina, Dr. Ivey, Delia Ketchum and Misty. He also saw the frowns of
Natsumi, Atsuko, and Mai. Jesse was also spying from the closet.

Natsumi, Atsuko, and Mai immediately began hassling Ash about their
bikes. It turned out to be Mai’s that he destroyed.

Jigglypuff on the other hand saw a big enough audience to try her new song
(THE JIGGLYPUFF MATTING SONG). She jumped on a coffee table and
began to sing.

Everyone: “No!!!”

Jigglypuff: “Puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-
jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-
ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly,
puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff
jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-
jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly,
puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly,
puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-
jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-
ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly,
puff-jiggly, puff jigg-a-ly, puff-jiggly, puff-jiggly, puff