Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Jigglypuffs Other Song ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7 Betrayal

Tracey had been waiting for over an hour. He should have known better to
rely on James for even the tiniest detail of his plan, even for a plan as simple
as this. Everyone was gathered in the gym auditorium. He had left the back
door unlocked and deactivated the security system. All James had to do was
come in and help him quietly load the Tauros into his balloon then they
would leave.

Finally his partner in crime arrived, but along with the balloon was a giant
Jigglypuff Mecha. With no regard for his tardiness or their plan to be quiet
he jumped out and threw Tracey a team rocket uniform.

Tracey: “I thought we agreed to be discreet.”

James: “This will be more fun, trust me.”

Meanwhile in the auditorium, Brock had come to make one last desperate
attempt to convince everyone that they were victims of Jigglypuffs hypnotic
spell. The girls were still very defensive of their Ash, so Brock had needed a
note from Professor Oak just to be allowed in.

Delia Ketchum: “I can’t believe you tricked Professor Oak of all people
into supporting these crackpot theories of yours!”

Brock: “C’mon people don’t you see anything odd going on

Just then May pranced up to him in a sickeningly cute dairy girl outfit with
ribbons on her clothes and a bell around her neck (imagine a cuter digi

May: “Why Brocky, nut-ings wrong I just wuv Ash very very
much nyu.”

Ash: “Actually she’s been acting pretty strange.”

May: “Meanie nyu” she exclaimed while snuggling up to him.

Just then Brock caught a glance at his former mentor, Dr Ivey. She was
wearing modest flannel pyjamas with pictures of butterfree on them. In the
past Ivey had always worn the most revealing clothes; her normal nightwear
was black lingerie and a see through pink robe. This wouldn’t have
bothered him except that she was cowering behind Ash. The woman he had
once found intimidating was now afraid of him.

Brock: “Dr. Ivey, are you okay.”

Dr. Ivey: “f-f-fine” she answered while holding Ash a little tighter.”

Once the Tauros were loaded fireworks began to erupt from the ears of the
Jigglypuff Mecha. Everyone rushed outside to see What was going on.

Tracey: “Prepare for trouble.”
James: “And make it double.”
Tracey: “To protect the world from devastation.”
James: “To unite all people within our nation.”
Tracey: “To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
James: “To extend our reach to the stars above.”
Tracey: “Tracey”
James: “James”
Tracey: “Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.”
James: “Surrender now or prepare to fight.”
Meowth: “Meowth, that’s right.”

Jesse: “You replaced me with that!”

Officer Jenny: “Where did she come from.”

James: “That’s right Jesse we don’t need you anymore. Me and Tracey
are going to steal all these Tauros without your help.”

Brock: “Tracey, I know you must hate the Tauros for what they did to
you, but…”

Tracey: Tracey interrupted, “Hate them, HA! I love these Tauros.
Being stampeded helped show me there true potential. I’m
going to re-train them to be my personal army and take over the

Meowth: “I thought we was gonna give them to the boss!”

Tracey: “We’ll talk about it later. Let’s focus on escaping now!”

James: “Escape, why run away when we can make them run from us”

James put on some earmuffs and pressed a button. Incredibly loud music
erupted from the Jigglypuff mecha. It was a recording of Meowth singing
the original pokemon theme song.

As usual, a claw slithered from the jiggly puff mecha and tried to grab
Pikachu. However the electric mouse shocked them at full power, damaging
the speakers of the mecha.

Still by the time the ringing left everyone’s ears James, Meowth, Tracey and
the Tauros pokeballs had long since escaped on the familiar Meowth head

Officer Jenny: “That rat! Tracey betrayed us.”

Dr. Ivey: “Well um actually, I’ve read that uh sleep deprivation
makes people crazy.” The now kind yet timid doctor
blushed nervously from having spoken out in front of
other people.

Sabrina: “I can sense the abnormal vibrations of Traceys aura.”

Ash: “Great, then we have to go catch them.”

Everyone: “Right.”

Soon they rented a bus and Everyone was off chasing after Tracey’s
psychic/psycho signals. They brought Jigglypuff along figuring his sleep
song might cure their friend of his madness. They would have tried the
sleep song sooner but everyone had someone else on their minds.

Jigglypuff was upset. She finally had a song that people could stay awake
through. This thrilled the creature at first, but then she noticed that after the
song people gave their adoration to Ash instead of her. Still she was
determined, and since they were all gathered together in the bus, maybe now
was the time.

Seeing that the pink terror was about to sing Brock ran over to try to stop it,
but Ash stopped him.

Ash: “Relax Brock, this new song won’t hurt anyone.”

However, Jigglypuff didn’t sing her new song. Instead she sang a more
familiar one.

Jigglypuff: “Jig-gly-puff, Jig-gly-puf, Jigglypuff jig-gly. Jig-gly-puff, Jig-
gly-puf, Jigglypuff jig-gly. Jig-gly-puff, Jig-gly-puf, Jigglypuff
jig-gly. Jig-gly-puff, Jig-gly-puf, Jigglypuff jig-gly. Jig-gly-
puff, Jig-gly-puf, Jigglypuff jig-gly. Jig-gly-puff, Jig-gly-puf,
Jigglypuff jig-gly. Jig-gly-puff, Jig-gly-puf, Jigglypuff jig-gly.
Jig-gly-puff, Jig-gly-puf, Jigglypuff jig-gly.”

Officer Jenny struggled to keep her eyes open. She was driving the bus at
90 km / hour on the highway, and everyone’s safety was in her hands. To
her credit she stayed awake longer than anyone else did. However, that was
not even long enough to turn off the cruise control.