Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Jigglypuffs Other Song ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After his defeat Tracey was locked in a room and forced to listen to
Jigglypuffs sleep song. He slept for a week straight. Nurse Joy even had to
put him on an IV so that he wouldn’t starve to death in his sleep. When he
awoke he seemed normal. Tracey spoke of having a strange dream in which
he was a megalomaniac trying to use Tauros in a plot of world domination.
Everyone sweat-dropped in trying to explain this, except Daisy. She just
handed him the bill for her rental buses repairs. He has now returned to his
intern job with Professor Oak, and taken several other jobs on the side.

Brock, after much argument was placed in a room with Natsumi, Atsuko,
and Mai, where they listened to the Jigglypuff mating song. He came out
with all three girls hanging off his shoulders. Misty reminded him that this
was only to counter the spell that made them love Ash. The plan was that
since they didn’t really love Ash this would cancel the previous exposures to
the song, and since they only heard it once in Brocks presence the effect
would wear off in a week. Brock assured Misty that he would not take
advantage of them unless they still wanted him to when the week was up.
He knew that if they really loved or even started to really love him in the
next week then the effect would be permanent, which he secretly (not too
secretly) hoped for. Two weeks later he was the second happiest man in the

Jesse and James were forced into a room to hear the mating song also. This
was just to get rid of her. When it ended James ran out, being chased by his
partner in crime. He really hoped this wouldn’t last more than a week, but it

Delia Ketchum returned to Pallet. Since the song didn’t effect her normally,
it wore off soon. Once again only the world revolves around her son, not the

Ash did well at the trading exhibition. He sold his Tauros to someone
named Giovani (who found Traceys former Tauros army plan interesting) in
exchange for two dragonite eggs, three unknown eggs, and a brief case full
of money. Ash liked getting eggs since he preferred to be the pokemons first
trainer. He also met some interesting people, some old friends, and got
some tips on training. Afterwards he, May, Dr Ivey, Misty, Nurse Joy,
Officer Jenny, Sabrina, Daisy, Lily, Violet, and Duplica all moved to Dr
Iveys private research Island, where fewer questions were asked.

Jigglypuff is now a wanted felon. Known for pooping up and singing the
mating song anywhere where large crowds gather she soon became public
enemy number one.
