Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Kuryami Hakken Suru ❯ Ohayoo Gozaimasu, Senshi ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One: Ohayo Gozaimasu, Senshi

A gentle fog pressed down the spines of many, the icy blanket of wind sweeping dust off its tracks as it exercised its attacks of death, noises echoing its forshadowing.

Dark Pokémon were the only creatures to roam the dark paths of neverending streams, their coarse fur and feathers sweeping the wind's dusk of midnight.

Men, too, were traveling the night of hate, their weapons in hand...ready to execute anything that stood in their path...not a single piece of mercy standing within one another.

Moon light poured into its broken cup across the skattered ground of bloodshed; fallen humans resting their ashen bodies in blood, spit, and sweat, holes or gashes slicing up their scrawney, meatless bodies.

One man watched all this through hungry eyes, his heart meating hate and grimaced anger.

A sword plunged inside a silver engraved scrabbard at his side, all the people seeming like simple arrow targets used to get sliced up for a bit of practice of a dodge...a speed tip here and there...a gasp in the middle of each shot taken.

Shadows deeply covered his face from ebony eyes to blood spilling in each ear.

Pokéballs tightly tucked beneath the belt at his waist, as bent, crimson covered knives hung at the pockets of his waist for his use of severe pertection, tan clothes ragging over his shoulders like an old rag. His pants were the same color of the midievalish style, only a slight darker with golden linning; ebony boots pouring from the legs of the stranger.

A small Pokémon ducked at its master's heals, its mohogany eyes watching the dim shadows of the night, dead people blocking its view from the moon's pour.

An assassin was watching upon them.

When he spoke words it was in a low tone, barely no more than a whisper. His Pokémon had to perk its ears up to listen to each command as the soft voice hung in the air that seemed to flow as thick as time itself, "War has brewed across the winter air, my friend." He showered, slowly moving his arms down to his waist, "It's unusual how the coldest things can brew in the hotest climate."

The stranger's Pokémon nodded slowly as its ears twitched against the wind, its calm fur slashing across its body like flowing blood from a wound; a growl ran.
"What you say? An intruder near?"

Once again the Pokémon nodded, fur standing straight on end as the wind crackled thunder.

"Hell to them...bloody soldiers...shame no privacy ever corners any more...always have to run into someone...how annoying can people get?"

The Pokémon recoiled at his feet, soon leaping onto its master's thick padded shoulder, its tiny claws scratching at his back as it tried to lift its body fully up upon his shoulder.

"Pika pi..." It nuzzled against its master affectionatly, its mohogany eyes lighting the way among the deep ebony of the darkness.

"Now, Pikachu...lead the way across this black tunnel of a road."

Golden sparks of thunder escaped the yellow Pokémon's crimson cheeks, the light swarming down its trainer's right arm like snakes on a scavage for its prey, static distarge sweeping the ground like remnants of dust.

It's trainer clenched his teeth to withstand the jolt the electricity was giving him, the
feeling of his life being grasped by invisible hands remaining within his inner thoughts. As the electricity fully took hold of his right arm, it formed down the rest of his body, the distarge gathering like a dashing wolf on a midnight run. The sparks all formed together within a cluster, morphing into a golden road of static, and a painful smoke heave from the opponets aquaintance.

With a clash of red thunder, the stranger collasped to his knees, hair sticking up in statics like thorns on a hedgehog.

The stranger smiled at the Pikachu weakly as the last shocks of thunder withdrew from his body, and into his Pokémons, his eyes and finger tips bolting up thunder clouds as his disruntled legs arose to the ground, "Thank you, Pikachu...you've left me some of your power. Your strength. Your wisdom. You've done a good job...lightning can now be called upon. Now let me lead the way...with the gift you've just handed to me, I can now see across these roads of ebony. Thank you, my friend."

He somehow felt uncomfortable in the moment of silence...every step he took his spine shivered.

He wasn't scared. Never worried.

To him, those words never had a meaning--they just attracted attention to gather sympathy.

Sympathy just slowed you down.

Anger was what galloped you forward on all fours.

A knife in a hand of a grimaced knight was more likely to win than a knight with a nervous glance of blood spat between the teeth.

The stranger didn't know what made his spine shiver like tender fingers clutching an ice cube...he didn't know why his thoughts were racing. It never happened before--only when he was at the early age of a teenager, but that was a long time ago, and couldn't be rewritten. There was no rewind button in reality.

But in Aydria...there was. Aydria was the real world of life...where the world everything lived in was being created within a blink of emerald eyes--where every step you took was controlled like the motions of a puppet--only when you arrived in Aydria within your dreams could you control yourself. Develop magic; actually able to clutch the moon between your fingers, kill your nightmares with a slice of an invisable sword, destroy your love life to end guilt more rashionally--make yourself dead on the inside if you felt you deserved it--control destiny yourself with a simple thought of your imagination. Anything could happen. One mistake there could send the world into misery. Just one. One.

The stranger and his Pokémon often entered this world--changing things within their dreams, never actually feeling the depth of sleep...to them, sleep didn't exist. To them, sleep had never even been thought up of. Tiredness never actually came. A yawn was never actualy true--only a call of warning saying they were on their way.

Sleep, in their words, was entering another world. One more dangerous than bullets on a rampage--summoning packs of various Houndors' to sing their own song of a howl like the wind--a song of a death unseen to human eyes--but seen to theirs.

"I'm coming for you...pets shouldn't roam freely...my clutches are around you as I speak...I'm grasping you toward me. I'm holding your hand. Clutching it tight."

The stranger froze in his tracks with a halt of dust sweeps, shallow eyes searching for the voice that called upon him.

"Who's there?" He whispered into the shadows, his brow hunching its way up his face as he grimaced, fists clenching as his nails sprouted blood from the withdrawing of broken skin.

He stared deeply at his hands, a smooth stroke of a nail scratching his palm, his bones outstretching throughout his skin.

Silence hung in dead air.

But silence didn't stop the dead silent spinning arrow--the arrow that swatted at the air, clutched the wind with its spear, spinning at its awkwardly rate--poison dipped at the point of the clay--the arrow the soldiers hoped would give him death.

As the soldiers, tall, dark figures of cobalt uniforms of glory watched the arrow become closer to him between emerald, bloodshot eyes, they found an impact never happened between the young male--only a simple strike upon the arm with the drop of poison.

It was an unusual feeling to them--as if a thunder storm were brewing within a twitch of their eyeballs, clouds swelling in their ears.

The arrow landed with a clash of crisp leaves, the spear burnt to crisp, static sparks escaping its eye.

Something they hadn't seen had shocked it--but what? What else was there besides the electric Pokémon they knew could've done nothing in that fast of a rate? What was that dangerous?

"Damn you." The stranger retorted to the arrow's attack, his face full with hard scowls cored with bared teeth, his boot kicking the stick away with a push, "Let

Thunder punish you in the underworld--but first, let Fire do worse." The pain in his arm stung, but he shrugged it off easily as his Pokémon licked the poison slowly off, its loyalty remaining only between hearts.

The stranger growled at the thought of his upcomming death, stomping a hard thrust straight on the stick, breaking the joint in half.

Hours of work only took a few seconds to destroy.

He knew soldiers had done this...ruthless soldiers...soldiers who had turned their backs to their pupeteers of Aydria...disgraced their families...without knowing they had even done so.

The stranger only spoke a few sentences to the soldiers he couldn't see, his eyes closed as he started to drift from the world:

"The wind whispers secrets...yet no one can here...
Thunder is peaceful, yet strangely gives a bolt of fear...
Leaves crumble across the wind--once part of a tree of life...
Those leaves are like soldiers--they are beautiful, but then accept the pain of the knife.
As those wonders escape our lives, there's then nothing...
Nothing is left to listen to...
No wind, no leaves, no thunder.
Continuous is inevitable."

As the stranger and his Pokémon lied sprawled on the ground in trembling skin, the same voice lowered itself among the dead silence of the air, "I've now grasped your arm, Ash Ketchum...there's no escape. After all these years, I've found you at last."

Slices of blood and dark matted fur slung in the air with thrashes of handfulls, shadows escaping the creatures body as it's spirit dashed away from its exectued body, the knife penetrated in its body's chest leaving a sharp window-like gap through its right shoulder. The spirit, although, never knew what death came to worst...or how it felt to be cold and lifeless...

The only thing the dead spirit did was look up at it's murderer with confusion, seeing him as a seeming god...as it did when it's murderer tricked it to it's sudden death of apparel.

The murderer glared his cerulean eyes at the creatures dead mounted fur, soon reaching out a hand missing two fingers toward the knife that was left blood coated, snatching it away from the flesh of the creature.

The spirit, Ikuo, yet,didn't notice the surroundings of its paleness...it was still alive in its eyes.

"Art thou sama...why ye let me live?" Ikuo bit its slithering, moist tongue through it's long layer of knife-like teeth, gazing its soft silver eyes toward its assumed murderer, its unique, cunning silverish cobalt rings shining like the morning sun across its ebony body of the dusk, "Ye don't understand the powers of mere mortals...ye never hope the art come near either...but hopes still grant the point of the serpent's tooth...I hope why to not find ye dead..."

The man standing in front of it had a fierce look of the comprehension forces...it was hard to even place a hand in the middle of his thoughts, since they were often so dark and un-open minded that they were almost unreachable to the real human eye.

"You are dead, Ikuo. Deader than blood from a Gyarados' fangs...deader than time." The man flicked a strand of blonde hair from his mohogany eyes of midnight's dusk, his other hand grasping a blood covered metallic knife that hung limply between his fingers, "I have killed you. Your spirit remains untouched."

Ikuo's fur stood on end within invisible static, its crimson eyes glowing like the beginning of the sun's full life, "Ye don't feel the art of death...death hurts worse than a pinch of nails."

"Oh...so you say you'd rather have made your death more painful...? As too, hammering your paws to a cross? Watching your own blood break free from your veins as they snap in two...the power of your very existance warping from the inner soul inside you?" The blonde-haried man gave a gratting laugh, the knife between his fingers dripping the immortal Umberon's silver blood, "Maybe a more painful death would've been better for your attitude toward the great spirits...not like you'll ever reach their grasp."

Ikuo let out a fierce glare, cobalt rings gleaming their light, "You shall see what ye mistakes have caused you...killing me may not be the worst, but thou threatening may be...get ready to die, my sama...ye don't deserve to live...and for this act, I have no regrets. My spirit will remain here--deader than ever as I kill you--slice from the wrist to throat. Once you drop to the floor with your wrists cut, I'll guard you to make sure your spirit doesn't escape."

"Long morning..." Wyukio's crimson veined emerald eyes glared out into the dephts of the ocean of pure reflection, the waves slapping the shore with a slightest look of care, but of disgust among being, "Ships have been sail for three long days now...war ships, I suppose..."

Wyukio grimaced at himself foolishly; how stupid was he? Talking to himself about things he didn't even understand himself...but how else were things supposed to be discovered when no one else was around...?

He hesitated off his thoughts, shrugging back the memories of his past, and the reasons they could cause problems for the future...the capturing of the Cnorkspa for example--what was Uniolare thinking when she wrapped those vile chains around the creature, sticking it in a dense pit that soothers only with nightmares? Wasn't that making it even madder than it already was?

His thoughts only snapped open-wide when a small tap of comfort hit his bones on the right shoulder, causing him to turn around with a gwak to the young girl standing in front of him.

A long, flowing indigo dress flew at her well-shaped knees, the cape attached to its back flying the thermals like a frolicking bird. Her golden eyes gleamed at him with a source of terror, yet a glamour of seeing him alive and well. Sturdy ebony boots slapped the sand as her toes tug beneath dirt.

Wyukio smiled a huge grin that cracked his smooth, yet dry lips, "Why, Kinoyko, what a surprise...I wasn't expecting you home until the next ceased moon."

Kinoyko gave him a small grin that made his heart skip a beat; the pure pleasure of his dear aquaintance grinning at him gave him a soft sentation as if he were running a winning race with a pack of wild Rapidashs'.

"Well, I thought maybe I could say hello to my dear friend, Wyukio...is that a problem with you?"

"Of course not, Kinoyko, I was just kinda surprised you came here so early..." He bit down on his lip with a hard force; he didn't believe how stupid he was probably sounding in front of her...it was almost terror he was feeling inside his lungs--big rocks and boulders. It was pretty unusual for him...he was never nervous around girls, especially Kinoyko, "You usually are home when you say the time...no second later or earlier."

She gave a wholesome shrug, gazing her golden mirrored eyes to the turmoils of the ocean, the waves like ice winged birds flapping across the sky, "I guess I was just thinking about Darqun...since he lives near the sea, or as the legend says, I came here."

Wyukio gazed toward her glance, watching the dragon-like clouds wonder their ways across the sea of air, the shapes forming as icy Dragonite clouds ice beamed thunder outwards on a farthen island, "I'm worried about Darqun too...the waves have been high lately, and war ships have been set sail for days...I'm worried he might go biserk about all this violence, and threaten a Ragnarok."

He gulped down fresh sea-air, running trembling fingers through his hair, "I don't want to face that bloody Cnorkspa...it freaks me out just thinking about the end of the this world...you know, if Aydriea is destroyed, I don't see how the other world can survive..."

Kinoyko shot a fierce look at Wyukio, running a cold hand across his face to wipe off warm sea water that fried under the scorching sun, "It's called Midgard, Wyukio...not just 'the other world.'"

"I know, Kinoyko...you don't have to remind me...but as I can see in your eyes, there's something else bothering you besides Darqun."

"Oh yes...there is." Kinoyko flattened her voice down with a puff between her cheeks, "I found this crashed ship over in the mainland...had a young boy on it...by the looks of his dressing, I'd say he was a soldier for Midgard...captured by Klioaps, I suppose."

"Any creatures along with him that could give us any harm?"

"No...just one Pokémon...a Pikachu, I think. Unless you are really sensative to having a little Thundershock hit you, I wouldn't actually call the little creature dangerous...but it could be tougher than I think...they were both unconsious when I found them."

Wyukio waded toward the ocean's showering waves, the wet sand at his feet showering the dirt and residue off his filthy boots, "Take me to them...this Pokémon trainer may know Darqun, and help stop the Ragnarok threat."

Kinoyko's right eye gave an immense jerk toward the idea, her fingers clenching into her palms, "I don't think so, Wyukio...he looks mortal."

"Who cares about mortal and immortal states at the moment? Midgard, Asgard? As long as his world has the word 'gard' at the end of the point."
"Fine, you win my friend...I guess I'm being paranoid...more than I should be at the moment, I guess. Baka me." She gave a long sigh that seemed to last for more than the average seconds.

Aggrevated, Wyukio struck the sole of his boot to the wet sand before him, snapping his eyes shut as he met a deep breath of air that filled his lungs, "Just take me to these two...I'd like to investiage this mortal...meeting someone from Midgard would probably actually be a pretty nice, and rare aquaintance."

March 21, 2010
3:08 AM
Past from future event by two hours

"It hurts, Ash, it hurts! I can't stand it! My blood is draining!"

Screams echoed across the faint land of the present battlefield, corsps of blood leaking through swallowen inhabitants of burnt flesh and melted bones that stenched further more than the burnt flesh ever could within a human's nose. Loyal Pokémon stood beside their dead trainer's sides to the grave, their actions proving Greyfiar's Bobby wasn't the only loyal creature that left their sight among their master's prescense.

The wind whispered gentle secrets to the dirt that woke at it's wake, rolling sheetclouds of it toward creature's paws and feet that stud sturdy, feathers of the wind's silver wings fluttering through the air of the arid climate of hate and bloodshed.

Ash kneeled down next to his fallen partner, Pikachu shivering its staticed fur ontop his shoulder.

"Ash! Please help me! My soul is being ripped from me! Help!"

"Lyra...oh god what happened to you?" Ash's voice suddenly became as quiet as a whisper, his throat filled with hundreds of rocks that couldn't seem to shrivel down his throat, banging his insides like a club that would never break apart, "What has happened...? I know you're in pain, but please try to answer me...if you struggle to hard, I'm sure you'll die...please, don't struggle against it."

Lyra's gashed forehead became covered in beads of silver, salty sweat, the heavy drops flowing into her mouth with a sour volt, "I'll try, Ash...just please...hurry your words...this pain is beyond belief...why can't Woako be here...? Why? It's only wanting me to end my life to destroy this pain even more...oh dear spirits of Asgard!"

Ash held out a shaking hand above her, his bleeding lips shivering against the wind chill, "Hold on, Lyra...you'll be all right, I promise...but after this, don't think you'll be seeing me or Pikachu again."

"God, Ash, no! Not that! Please, Ash! Never that!"

Ash ignored his partner's wails, the dying people around him screaming their final fates.

"I...I have to, Lyra...I can't explain now. Maybe later in the future you'll understand...but right now I'm just telling you that you have to live...no killing yourself, I demand of you. I'll be happy where I'm going, I swear...alot happier than I am here..."

Miniature stars dwelled in the midnight sky fell into the roof of Ash's hand, the light of their force causing him to scream in pain as the shadows of the sky blasted into him like black thunder. His knees collasped to the ground till dirt met with blood.

Lyra was now the one watching him die sprawled ashen, Pikachu screaming beside him with only shreds of thunder escaping its crimson cheeks.

Lyra screamed in agony at the death of her partner, jumping to her knees to try to shake him awake, "Oh god, Ash! No! No! You stupid baka, how could you do that to yourself!"

But no matter how much she shook him, she couldn't wake up the true dead.

"P...p...pikachu..." Ash's voice sounded cracked and sore, the sound of harsh waves repeating themselves across the ears of all around, "W..w...we're dead...aren't we...?"

Pikachu brushed against the side of his face, its mohogany eyes giving him a soft glance, "Kaaachu..."

"B...but if we're dead...how can I still be alive? I mean...I can feel the waves...the sun...can't the dead not feel anything...?"

Pikachu jumped ontop his head with a soft pounce, eyeing the ocean with panicked glances.

"Chuu...pika...chu, kaa..."

"Aydriea...? You mean I can still visit it..? Even if I'm dead..?"

"Chu." Pikachu grimaced at it's master's ignorancey, licking his cheek with a soft gesture.

"Hai...that's right...I live in both worlds...just not in the other one anymore..."


"B..b...but we're on a ship...who...who's driving it?"

As the Pokémon and it's master stared at each other with blank glances, only then did they see the rock they were about to crash into on the mainland...

*~Present Time on Aydriea~*

"There he is, Wyukio...the kid I told you about..."

Wyukio gave Ash a small glance, eyeing his ripped uniform and scrapes from the rock's surface, his messy, ebony hair flowing down his forehead with the sweeping of the icy blanket of wind.

"Well, Wyukio, anything you can find that might be a little bit interesting?"

She took her rates to Wyukio's side, dropping her knees into the pure, ghostly white sand that softened her skin within a smooth touch. She leaned over Ash's pale face that struck the sunlight, grasping an arm around his right, scraped elbow that bent rocks among the sand scrapes. Kinoyko pinched the crimson bandana at his neck, pushing the fabric upwards till it scratched the edge of his chin, and recoiled back to it's usual place.

Wyukio grimaced at the rushing sand and water, his eyes burning.

Something unusual was pressing down inside of him...a burning presence.

A thought scratched suddenly into Wyukio's mind--jerking his wake like dirt among a hill.

"Kinoyko...this kid is indeed from Midgard..." He gasped a deep breath that seemed to even slower time, "But he is no mortal."

Kinoyko gasped at Wyukio's words, leaning closer to the young boy till her knees ached from the procedure of staying so low on crooked bones, "B...bu....but no immortal being from Asgard as ever went to the world of Midgard...except durring the evil wars of Beulithim...it's impossible that this being can be immortal like those of us."

"I know...that's what confuses me most..."

He gasped a deep breath of sea air, a sudden sleepiness awakening inside of him, leaving splits under his shallow eyes, "But it could be just the environment around here...I mean, when was the last time a child of Midgard entered Asgard? What? A thousand years or so?"

"Yes...you could be right about that..."

Kinoyko placed a salty, sweat covered hand onto Ash's forehead, rubbing the back of her hand across it.

A sudden shape of light rushed inside his body with an impact of a rampaging Tauros, the glitters of it dashing through every muscle of his body, "That should wake him up..."

Ash's eyelids snapped open at the touch of the light, blinking away ocean water that stung his pupils like a Tentacruel's poison sting. After the water blured away, leaving him staring off into the deep blue skies of Dragonite clouds icebeaming the sun's surface of light, he noticed he didn't recognize any of this...it was as if he was being born all over again--not knowing a single thing that rested between him, and the earth itself.

He pushed his legs backwards till the ached in pain, his arms feeling limp against the thick air.

He only stopped when his back hit something hard, and shap-edged, causing his spine to gain a bloody slice that made his right eye twitch upwards. Strangers were looming above him.
A couple...they looked like...

One was a beautiful girl that had long, silky mohogany hair bouncing at her shoulders as it loomed into two ponytails at her neck. Her eyes gleamed a solid, milky cobalt that grimaced as if they were the eyes of an Vaporeon. Dark, sunburned skin followed down her arms and legs with soft comfort, a bushy, Eevee-like tail expanding behind her.

But what caught Ash's eyes the most were her ears--they seemed to perk up as those of a Pikachu's, fur as those of her hair surrounding the limbs. Her clothes ressembled as a crimson, olive shirt that passed through to her hips, tight mohogany pants dashing lossely down to her ornately covered boots.

Her partner, though, was somewhat different. His hair was brownish, cream colored coat that flowed to his neck, but split upwards at his ears. His eyes gleamed a gentle mohogany with a pinch of deep ebony down his pupils. A crimson, blood red gem beamed on his forehead, his reflection beaming from it with a gentle pace of magic. His ears were splitted ebony and cream, the limbs spreading out like those of a cats, a similar looking tail expanding from his rear the same fashion as his partners'--except it was long, and flexable, twitching at every movement he saw within him. His clothing required the same as the girls--except only requiring as a moade shirt that overlapped a midnight layerd one, a furnished, silver engraved sword plunged inside a wooden scabbard at his side.

"Please..." Ash whimpered in a soft tone that made a tear soften through his eyes, his voice cracking through his sliced lips, "Whatever I did, I didn't mean it--please don't hurt me..."

Wyukio grasped his fingers around the unconsious Pikachu at Ash's side, bringing the creature to its master's chest with a shove of meaningful, eyes burning like a fire's flames. "You didn't do anything, you baka...just crashed your damn ship on shore. Good thing Kinoyko found you, or you wouldn't even be awake by now, probably."

"Awake? You mean I had been sleeping?" He rubbed gentle fingers down his creature's back, cradeling it in his chest as his right palm hit his forehead with a grasp between his finger nails, "I...I don't remember..."

Kinoyko's eyes gave him a look of sympathy Wyukio probably could never show, placing a fist on her hip, "Looks, like you've gotten yourself a catch of amnesia, kid..."

Ash's eyes perked up at her face, his bangs dashing across his forehead. He didn't understand--why did this happen? Was it

Destiny, or some sort of curse?
He just had to try to remember something--his own name, even...if he didn't, what would he actually be in the name of a person?

He closed his eyes till the stung in pain from the salt water barrier, silent, blurry memories flashing across like lightning. The one's he could pick up were often blurred together, while the one's further apart were hard to recgonize.

"Get it, you fools! In Darqun's name, just grab the stupid thing!"

"Sometimes things just have to be done to show how much things have gotten by."

"You're only happy because you're thankful for what you have."

"How many times can you loose yourself in one day!"
"Life is never who you are, remember that, Ash."

"My name is Ash." He blurted within a dash of words, the wind rippling through his ears. "That's all I remember."

"Well, remembering something is better than remembering nothing at all, isn't it?"

Wyukio laughed, placing a gentle palm on his shoulder, "Just don't worry about it. We'll help you out all we can to get your memory back to yourself...besides, you never know...you can actually come in real handy to us."

Ash winced at those words, closing his eyes with a small snap till he could regain focous.
"You mean use me? For your own purposes? Isn't that...unjust?"

Wyukio bit back a howl of laughter, his curled tail twicthing to his words, "Of course not, boy! What I mean by 'come in handy' is that you can help us out with a few things, if you know the answers to them when your memory returns."

Ash gave a slow, weary nod that brought his heart skipping a few beats, "So your a friend...not a foe?"

Wyukio drummed his right fingers on the sword's scabbard at his side, "Just depends how you put it. If you follow along with us,

I'll be the best friend you'll ever have...but if you betray us in any manner, I'll automatically be your foe, and push a sword through your chest. Understand me?"

Ash's bottom lip quivered till his eyes watered, the electric mouse in his arms jerking awake to his words. "Y..yes...sir. I understand."

"Good then." He turned to Kinoyko's vaporeous eyes, "Now, shall we go?"

"Wyukio..." Kinoyko stared misty eyed at the sleeping Ash before her, running one of her ponytail strands through her shaking fingers, a scowl confronting her face as she turned toward her partner, "I really don't like how you scared Ash today...I mean, he's kind of helpless at the moment, and I think it was kind of rude how you threatened to kill him...wasn't using a sword for an example far to harsh?"

Wyukio, who was sitting leg over leg sternly against a crimson, cotton furnished pillow cusion, twitched his ears forward, and shrugged his shoulders in a flippant fashion, "Look, Kinoyko, I don't care if you have a crush on this guy, but you can never be to safe around strangers...I thought you would've remembered what happened to you when you were being way to naive around the Beulthium war."

Kinoyko ran gentle fingers down Ash's right side, her long, mohogany ears twitching the air. "I don't have a crush on him, Wyukio...I just feel sorry for the poor soul. He probably feels as if he's being eaten alive."
Wyukio stood to his feet, his ebony boots glittering to the sunlight. Within a flash of brilliant, verdant light, the charm on his forehead started flashing. "Well, Kinoyko...as I see it, he is."


A vast, wolf-like creature skimmed the area of burning flames, tree ash from the slash and burn effect on the outside garden smelling of burned flesh. Steel, verdant wings extended from its back, flapping against thwing of a gust. Orange fur rippled across it's body like those of ocean waves, ebony stripes slashing across it's body like a knife had hit it several times. It's roar was as if a tornado was destroying a whole village in one engulf of wind.

"It's a Cnorkspa!" Wyukio cried, his voice sounding deafened to the Cnorkspa's roar.

As the scene pictured closer to the trio standing in front of the immense beat of flames, Ash noticed he looked alot different than when Kinoyko showed him his reflection earlier that day.

Gleaming cobalt rings that shone toward the fireike diamonds were all over his body, along with a black, bushy ringed tail extended behind him. His ears were like those of an Umbreon, and his eyes glimmered brighter than he ever thought would be possible.

What was wrong with him?

Then as his dream followed closer, he noticed Kinoyko wasn't with them...but another strange girl with orange locks that flew to her shoulders, her cerulean eyes following the rapid results of the fire.

"Geat ready to fire, everyone." Wyukio continued, his tone in a coarse sore, "Cnorkspas are mighty powerful...but I bet two Anitrans and a Kiloasp can take it on...just follow at my lead!"

Ash grabbed a silver engraved sword from a matching silver scabbard at his side, slaying it in front of his face as the Cnorkspa came closer to the trio. An ebony sphere covered in stars flowed toward the tip of the sword, glowing a deep blood red as he got ready to fire it.

Wyukio followed by bringing up a glass bow and arrow that shimmered reflectionatly throught the fire's gleaming hot flames, stringing the bow's band to his face, ready to fire.

The girl stood still at their sides, leaving her attack for the last position.

The Cnorkspa became confounded by all this; for it had never seen soemthing, or someone daring to challenge it's part of the Ragnarok's path.

So it did one thing it felt would make these humans step off it's path.

It charged.

Like a rampaging Tauros it ran, teeth and claws slashing the air as fire scorched among it's hot, dragon breath. Nothing was

going to stop it.

"Hooooeeeeeeaaaah!" Wyukio yelped within a mix of anger and fear, fireing the arrow straight toward the right Cnorkspa's mohogany eye.

The arrow slashed through the air like a sword in action, striking the eyeball of the creature till it eventually popped out of it's eyelid.

The Cnorkspa reared on it's feet, staggering off the arrow. But as it's eye finally popped from it's eye, it once again charged straight toward the trio in anguish and fusteration.

The first target it locked on was Ash.

It jeered straight into the blade of Ash's sword, gnawing toward his right arm tht held the weapon.

Ash yelped in pain at the creature, sending the black sphere of the stars straight into the Cnorkspa's chest, making it rear back in agony.

As Ash tried to slice the creature away with black spheres of lightning and stars, the strange girl started her attack on the vile creature, "Oh wind of might...

please charge this fight...

Diamond of sky...

Mystify!" She slapped her hand into the air, a gust of wind and ice escaping her fingers into the immense creature of fire, making it fall to the ground with a mixture of blood and ice, the wind attack still biting at it's orange fur of fire.
"We've got it now!" Ash jumped toward the creature with a slice of his sword, sending it into a mess of mattered fur and bloodshed, black stars surging straight into the Cnorkspa's bones, killing it off within seconds. The battle against the Cnorkspa of fire was over.

"Don't get over excited..." Wyukio cursed, holding his arrow up to his well-built shoulders, his Persain tail twitching against the air, "It's not over yet."

As soon as those words were spoken, a vast, dragon like creature of ice charged at Ash, biting at his neck on instant...


"Don't hurt me!" Ash awoke with salty sweat droplets cowering down his face, his mohogany eyes scorched with red veins. He knew once he woke up it was all a dream...but it sure felt real to him--realer than ever.

As he straightened his back, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

Sure enough, when he felt his neck with nervous eyes, blood and fierce bite marks were there.

The room was pitch black with solemn silhouettes of deep umbras of invisable shadows, an eerie feeling scraping down the back of Ash's spine as he looked around with nervous eyes.

As he saw it, Kinoyko and Wyukio must've went to bed, leaving him there on the floor hungry, cold, and sweating in pure anguish and fear with unknown mysterious of his possible past, or even future.

What was in a dream?

Were they legends of the past...or a tale worth knowing?

But something told Ash that the dream he had was real...real as the shinning, silver moon hanging in the sky by the invisable strings of space--real as the wind's voice among the thick air of time.

Then to add, how else would those bite marks and blood have gotten there?
To make himself feel better underneath the pressure of his dream, he called out the twosome's names, keeping his voice soft and stern, just in case anyone was watching him underneath the deep shadows of the night. "Kinoyko? Wyukio? You there...?"

No answer repeated his wail of fright and demolished anger.
The only thing he heard beneath the thick walls of the cowered room was his own echo and the sweet sound of chirping crickets that twisted their sounds with the wind's scream and the rain's sob.

Small dew drops continued to bang it's hand against the roof of the small house, thunder and wind crackling among the distance, shouting their names within wails of the lost souls.

Ash started to shiver to the sudden coldness of the room, his lips quivering as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders to keep his sleeves deeply down to his arms, the cuts inside of them piercing his flesh as he gripped tighter.

He felt so alone sitting there…for he had no one.
No memories…no friends…no family…

The only company and friend he had was the wind and thunder crying out in the distance of the room-but a fight had conquered. A storm had followed the first word of the argument between the mind, hammering coldness into the hearts of millions; blaming all.

Kinoyko had told him the young creature who followed him around, Pikachu, belonged to him, and as the electric mouse showed his offection toward him, besides the occasional thundershock in the face, had probably had a very close relationship, even if they weren't in the same species as one another.

But as he reached a shivering hand toward the creature, he found it sleeping within slow gasps of air between the rising of it's back, small, high-pitched noises escasping it's tiny nose as it sniffed the air, tail wrapped around it's back legs as it lied sprawled.

Was he always this nervous on pressure?
It wasn't like he'd ever know…with his memory gone…

But as others, Kinoyko had told him earlier about an upcomming Ragnarok on the surface of the current place he was in currently…Aydriea of Asgard, she called it…

But, what in god's name was a Ragnarok? Was it some sort of rock? A festival? A monster?

Great… He grumbled, pulling his feet closer to his body and shaking ams, more things to ruin my mind…

The wind started to howl even louder, the wolf's name chomping down across the midnight sky of silver stars and the gleaming moon…but as Ash glared more into the deep umbras of black clouds across the room, he noticed a dark creature staring at him…or at least he thought it was staring at him.

It was hard to tell, since it's eyes were pretty much as dark as the rest of it's shaky boned body-but when the light of the moon had shone in the window at just the right angle, the eyes flashed a deep verdant color that sparkled like a cat's-eye marble.
Snarling noises sprouted from the corner of the creature's mouth, fire sparking it's curling lips like sprinklers on an open lawn.

Ash's head cocked to the right side of his neck, his vision trying to spot the eyes that glared at him beneath the shadows. He squinted to see the light, but only received a headache that pinched the inner sight of his forehead, his hands clenching his fingers together.

What was that thing?

The shadow loomed closer to him, the sound of claws against wood echoing among the walls.

The floor Ash had been laying on was covered in pillows, blankets, and other accessories that fit the living of relaxing, a couple of collasped chairs surrounding the area-it was as if that was the only thing the house was made up of…as if a conceited Meowth was trying to make it's living there, or even a Growlithe.
When Ash's fists slapped the ground, and moved across the surface, they slid against something slimy, and runny. When he lifted his hands up, the substance slimmed through his fingers, cowering to the floor, with a small slap.

As he shook the last droplets of the substance off his fingers, he stopped with a breath taking trance. Breathing erupted to his right…firey, steaming dragon breath errupting in and out of the creature's mouth onto his face, the stench making his spine crawl.

That creature was right next to him…

"Dear spirits help me…" Tears of fright escaped Ash's eyes, his back standing stiff as a board as he cowered in fear. The breath on his face was getting hotter, the saliva from it's mouth dripping on his hands as they stood in loose fists.

As the breathing clenched closer, the greenish, verdant eyes gleamed in the corner of his right eye, the rapid breathing of the monster haunting as it's tongue wrapped in and out.

As the claws clattered even closer against the wooden floor seperated from the cushions, a deep roar escaped the window, rocks clashing the floor with a slash of claws, followed by a bawling wallop of damaged glass.
Another creature was in the room…

"H…how many are there of you?" Ash gasped in a undertoned voice that blended perfectly within the shadows, stretching his back even straighter, "I might as well know how much teeth are going to gnaw at my neck."

The claws stopped within a sojourn, it's devilish tail swapping the air like a fly-swatter in action, the bones plastered among it's body finally taking light into the room.

Another creature, long and bulky shaped, placed it's immense head adjacent to the devilish creature, it's soft brown eyes gleaming with the verdant shine. A long, rock spike stuck from it's head that seemed to have the shape of a broken boomerang, a grim-like smile plastered among the rock made head.

"Gnaw at your neck?" a grating voice spoke up a whisper among the darkness, fire sparking between it's held back, slobbery lips, the sparks giving Ash a small glance at the two creatures. "Why would we do that? Not only do we need you alive, but Darqun here doesn't have any teeth to bite at your neck for, unless you want a massage on your neck done by rocks, if that's what you mean."
Ash's eyes snapped open to their full limit, his pupils becoming small against the main course of his eyeballs. Were these creatures…talking?

"You can't talk." Ash finally squeezed out after moments of silence, sweat pounding down the back of his neck like dripping snake venom. "Pokémon aren't sentient creatures…Wyukio told me they only could speak part of their names…unless there were exceptions…but…your lips don't even move when you talk."

The verdant eyelids gave a quick blink toward him, it's devil tail swatting the air like feathers against the wind, "Well, just call us the 'exceptions' for the following. Also, we don't need to talk to communicate…it's almost like…hmm…what do you Homo sapiens' call it? Sign language? Yes?"

Ash gave a nervous nod, his bottom lip giving a slight quiver to the creature's aquaintance.

"Don't worry about us, kid. We just need to pick up something-once we get it, we'll be on our way…righty then?"

The Houndoom reared against the Onix's side, the horns piled ontop it's head twitching violently to the wind's roar. "Yes. It took us a great long time to get here in the rain's presense, since our types are violated by water, and we wouldn't want to go through that place of hell again empty handed…but the problem mainly is that what we need comes from you."

Ash's breath took a trip from his lungs at that moment, his eyes shaking off his true fear. "M…m…me? What exactly do you want!"

"Oh nothing very treasurable…" Darqun retorted in a fashionable tone, twitching it's long, rock-like tail to the sound of it's partner's, "Golachin just needs a little something from your mind…just a simple dream...you wouldn't mind loosing something as simple as that, would you?"

Ash staggered back in surprise, his fists clutching to his crossed knees with displeasure, "Maybe I should ask Kinoyko about this…I mean, I lost my memory a while back, and I don't think it'll be good to raise off my dreams as well as my memories have been…"

"Kinoyko?" The Houndoom's jaws flexed, an immense glare approaching it's face of horror, "You mean that girl who looks…hmm…half Eevee by prospect?"
Ash's right eye began to twitch violently. He wasn't to sure these creatures were actually into the good crowd…or someone he'd actually would want to be close too. "Yeah, so? What about her do you know?"

"Oh nothing in the importance of this deal." Darqun ended, setting the argument aside from the original concept, "What we need is one of your dreams…nothing else of a sort."

Ash's teeth bared tightly, he eye's tightening to his skull, "What will you pay me for it? I want to make this a fare deal, just in case your cheating off of me while I'm still gullible."

The Houndoom settled itself on the ground, placing it's muzzle between it's claw coated paws; assumed to be thinking in difficult measures.

When it finally lifted it's muzzle back into the air, verdant eyes gleaming proudly, it spoke up in a slow beated measure, "I'll give you a memory."

"A…memory?" Ash was confounded by this; he couldn't actually see how this creature could give him a memory in exchange for one of his dreams-or even how it could even take the dream from inside of him in the first place. "How can that be possible in speaking?"

"It's quite easy…for you, anyhow." Darqun responded smoothly, it's bulgy eyes staring at every move he took from his sitting position, "Just hold out your palm."

Ash did as he was told, holding his palm up to his chin view, his bones giving him a sore hurt beneath his back.

"Good. Now say these words, but let me finish before you actually start." The immense creature's head buldged upwards, the rocks across it's body flowing to it's words.

"Stars of silver sky,

where the Dream's run high,
Darkness of dusk,

Ebony of fields,

Magic of the true tale of a dragon's mystify,

Steal the god's memory of life,

Done for-


"Close your eyes while doing it." Golachin sneered coldly, scratching it's sharp as knives claws against the wood, making huge dagger marks imprints.

When Ash met his mind's ebony colors he could see within blindness, he began to chant the words in a slow, raspy voice that echoed within the halls of the room.

"Stars of silver sky,

where the Dreams run high,

Darkness of dusk,

Ebony of fields,

Magic of the true tale of a dragon's mystify,

Done for-

An eruption of pain suddenly sprinted up Ash's right arm, making him cringe in pain, salty droplets of sweat cowering down his face.

An ebony sphere clutched between his fingers with a flash of silver stars, the object rising into the air within a drift of a feather's actions, the pain gaining worse up his arm till it reached his chest within seconds.

A flash of golden light nearly blinded his sight, making everything silver blobs-yet, the pain still dashed faster.

The sphere flashed into Darqun and Ash's foreheads, a silverish diamond seperating the light from one another's view.

Within a deep shriek from Ash's throat, sweat drops fully encountering his face, he heard Golachin's deep voice bellow his ear as he screeched, "Don't even bother to tell Kinoyko, Wyukio, or even your electric rodent about what happened tonight, Ash Ketchum…for the real spark of life hasn't even gone by ten seconds…in their world, this hasn't even happened..not a sound."

Before Ash could even squeak out a simple answer, a wave of crystal light splashed into the room, causing the two creatures to disappear from the sight of human reality.

The sun was nearly up over the deep horizon of the wonderful smell of salty sand, and ocean water, small splashes of the waves whapping against the ocean shore, bringing in all sorts of creatures from Krabbys to Shellders, along with the occasional flip-flopping Magikarp that fisherman usually found for their next course for a hard smacking dinner.

To wear off the pain the unusual sphere had given him, Ash had waded in the ocean water from the moment the two creatures had left to the full horizon of the sun.

He found he liked the way the cold water waves splashed against him when the small sparks of sunrise poured in a certain area across his face. His muscles often flexed backwards from the first wounds he had recieved, causing him even more pain than started with, but he somehow shrugged them off to meet the water's warm comfort, even if his wet clothes dragged him down to the floor of wet, soft sand that often was so delicate it blew away with a single swish of a plant leaf.

There were often soft ripples in the water from a strange creature he couldn't recognize-one that seemed to have a tail of a mermaid, but an aqua coat of a blaster, it's molecules blending in perfectly within the waves of the ocean's touch. But if he squinted hard enough at it's area, he would spot the creature's cerulean, crimson eyes staring up at him like those of a bubble, the shine within it gleaming to the ocean currents.

This creature was a Vaporeon by the name of Valeo, one of the creatures of the brilliant sea of brilliant colors and fabulous wonders never told to human kind, one of the sea's gods itself.

The waves were getting mightly tough on her lately, and seemed to be pushing her closer and closer to the sandy shore each day. The war ships were starting to give her a deep annoyance, and the tales sent farther out from creature to creature every hour was an even more annoying experience…especially the braggarts of how the other creatures had human mates that would follow their every chance of need, while she didn't-used their magic upon them, they did.
Every water creature of the ocean had a special glowing olive gem that granted wishes…wishes that could only be brought upon themselves.

Most wished for the line of human mates, while others wished for their own selfish needs of royalty…but the catch was that only one wish could be granted by it's owner.
Valeo wanted a human mate of her own…but she first had to find the right one for her own soul…spirit. She had to choose one that wouldn't judge her before concluding he was hers.

She saw a human often squinting her way, his deep mahogany eyes watching her own, the faint cerulean substances on her coarse fur trying even harder to become cornered into camoflage…but her body already had squeezed into it's ultimate limit of aquiracy.

There's a man… She thought between the essence of a daydream, better try luck on him.

Valeo concentrated on her mere, meager human form, the changes soon countering her like the evolution she had conquered as an Eevee so many years ago. Her human form wasn't actually something she liked to take, but had to in order of being spotted by humans-a gift, the Water Stalker had said-being able to take sight as something else, even if you were another form from another world not worth mentioning.

Yes, it had been a gift…but sometimes it seemed to be a curse. Young boys often stared at her as she waded the ocean when people surrounded the beaches, her gleaming cerulean eyes eyeing every corner of their looks-they seemed to have something she didn't have…artificial skin, it looked like…every person at that…but was it really actually important to maintain? Or was she being put on a silent freak show she couldn't actually describe?

Before she knew what was happening, she had flowing cobalt hair that cascaded at her shoulders, along with matching cerulean eyes that cocked up to her brow that flew loosely among her forehead. When her lungs no longer could withstand the strong force of the water, she flung her head upwards to the surface, the water flung plunging like a waterfall ontop of her with a small splash.

When she brushed the wet hair from her cobalt eyes of crystal, she came face to face with a handsome young man with charming mahogany eyes that reminded her of her own at her Eevee stage. He seemed to be blinking crazily at her sight-bloodshot, they were-twisting his head around with a sharp turn that cracked his neck.
What hell was a young woman doing swimming naked in the ocean water durring the time of sunbreak?

"Why hello there…what is your name?"

Ash had only had a quick glimsp of her…beautiful figure, she had…beautiful breasts as well-but it wasn't as if he was too talk about those kind of things at the young age he was. But it still frightened him that a naked woman was standing before him, acting as if nothing was wrong.

He wasn't ready to have this pressure put on him…

"M…my name is Ash Ketchum…but before we continue, can you please put some clothes on? It would be mighty helpful…"

Valeo blinked her cerulean eyes a few times before giving another word. "C…clothes? What be these 'clothes'?"

Ash's face grew steaming hot. What the hell was she talking about?

"Um…these…" He pricked the shirt collar on the back of his neck, the flap of it becoming free from the slick slide of the water, "these are clothes. Now, can you please put some on?"
Within a concentration of her thoughts, and the feeling of magic within her, she made a beautiful velvet dress flow beneath her, a headband of brilliant colors swelling at her forehead. The last touch involved three blood red strikes across her cheeks that seemed to be blood slashes from a tiger's claws. "Is this better, Ash Ketchum?"

Ash blinked away streaming water that burned his eyes, twisting his neck back towards the sea beauty. His mouth almost dropped in shock at her beauty…his foot took a step closer toward her between the water's currents.

"Just Ash please…and…uh…who are you…?"

Valeo gave him a short smile. He was perfect.

"My name is Valeo. Valeo Oporan."

"Well, Valeo Oporan, why don't you follow me, and we can get you some dry clothes and food…you'd like that won't you?"
Valeo gave a small crack of her neck forward, following Ash toward the sandy area of the beach, somewhere she had never been before. "I'd like that very much, thankyou."

"Hm." Ash gazed a small smile her way before looking back into the direction he had been heading earlier, stuffing his pruned hands into his waterlogged pockets. "You just about read my mind…some food and good clothes sounds like a good idea to me as well."

When he reached the door of Kinoyko and Wyukio's cabin, a sudden memory bolted into his mind-one of his shaking hands reaching for a sharp bladed knife at his belt…


"He ran off, I tell you!" Wyukio yammered at Kinoyko with a crooked brow, yanking his silver sword from it's scabbard, "He abandoned us, just like I said he would. Teenagers from Midgard are nothing but trouble-and I know that as a fact of life!"

Kinoyko continued to scrub residue off the shiny, glass plates from the dinner they had had earlier before she and her teammate had found the young teen, her teeth bared in annoyance.

"I don't know why you're so hard on the kid, Wyukio…he's probably just taking a walk down the beach like any apprentice would…I just wish you'd stop being so…well, paranoid."

"I'm not being paranoid, Kinoyko! I'm being serious! I just wish you'd stop being such a baka, and smell the coffee, even if you are allergic to the damn drink."

Footsteps interrupted the twosome's argument, followed by a shriek of knuckles on the door's floorpad.

Sure enough, when Kinoyko answered the door, Ash was standing there with a look of grimace and anger, blood from the knife's blade covering his fist.

Valeo was standing behind him in horror of what he had told her-her own anger heading straight toward her wrist's veins. She was going to kill this woman who had done this deed to her love.

"A…a…sh?" Kinoyko looked at him in shock-not only at the knife in his shaking hand, but at the anger replacing the innocent look it had once held.

"You killed Turquan, and slit my wrists of fire!" Ash roared with eyes of gleaming brown flames, his fingernails causing more blood to shed between his fists, "You shall pay for your actions, Anitran Kinoyko Tyur!"

Kinoyko stood in even more shock, Wyukio standing guard behind her with a bow of crystal glass, sparks spurting from his eyes.

"I told you he was a rebellion, Kinoyko…but you never listen to me…after this I think you'll learn about being too naïve."

Ash's knife fist went straight into the air at Kinoyko's chest, the blade glimmering to the beaming sunlight of the morning.

"Wrong choice, Ash." She grieved between bared teeth, smacking a flame covered fist at his face, sending him into a barrell of broken materials Wyukio had collected along the beach one afternoon within a clash of glass.

Blood ran from his forehead as his senses snapped back, his breathing quick to his motions.

It was Golachin's memory he had recited! The memory he had received!

"What do you know of Turquan, you bastard!" Kinoyko bellowed, her fists clenching her thumbs, "Tell me, or die!"

Ash's lips started to quiver like they always did when he became under pressure; his eyes gleaming to the certain angle of the sun. The flames from the fire wrist began to swell up across his body, burning his flesh, tears dwelling from his eyes.

"Nothing…Kinoyko…I don't know what came over me…really. Last night, these two creatures by the names of Darqun and Golachin came to me…they offered to trade me a memory for one of my dreams…being an idiot, I accepted."

Wyukio's glass bow lowered to his waist.

"I think what I just recited was one of Golachin's memories, not one of my own…it sounds weird, but I truley think that's what happened…please forgive me for trying to kill you, Kinoyko…"

The three teens stared as he fell unconsious from the rapid burning of his skin, the dwelling causing his body to shake within rapids of his fingers.

"How dare you do that to my love!" Valeo screeched within a tone of a banshee, her eyes as cold as a baslik under the face-tone of a curse. She dropped to her knees in front of Ash's body which was now cowered in fire, her fingers running across his chest like the ripple of a title wave, unusually becoming non-effected by the scorching fire.

Her fingers seemed to bring the fire to it's death, leaving Ash's skin burnt, and covered in big gashes of blood and dirt, and glass stains between them, water leaking from his eyelids.

Kinoyko stood paralyzed-stiff as a mouse at the gnaw of a python-frozen.

"I…I thought he meant to kill me…" She bit tightly on her lip to bite back tears, blood leaking coarsly. "I should've thought it through…but the story of it all scared me too much…"

She stared from Valeo and Wyukio, her Eevee-like tail swapping the wind, "A long time ago, I killed an Espeon by the name of Turquan…a god of Psychic abilities…Golachin, an apprentice of Darqun's court lord, had been adopted into her family, thought of to rule the sea one day in the future, even if he was in the stage of fire.

"He thought of her as a sister, since he evolved throughout her family's wishes, thinking he really did come from her family of psychics, only just being unique by being put into the fire ability. "Another one of their members under the family name happened to be an Umbreon by the name of Ikuo…now known as Ikuo; Day's Candle.

"He had been the only Umbreon to have been known to have cobalt rings instead of the reality of gold-one fair partner, I'd say. Well, how I got tied up into all of this is because I used to have a farthen job up north to the mountains. I was an apprentice to Lord Sama-Feldena the III, and had a job as a cheap serf of the Lord's Manor.

"The Lord ordered me to set sail south to the island of Hoi-arn, an ancient island of many legends within the past centuries to kill the god of the baslik living among there. It was said to have a curse for spirits-for many deaths and tales of petrified people had encountored throughout the farthen lands. I was worried to go at first, but I knew I must to survive beneath my own skin. So the next day I set sail with my Eevee, Yukadoh.

"About seventeen days later, after suffering through many hardships, I finally reached the island of Hoi-arn…the first thing I noticed about it was the rough waves it held, and the unsual Rapidashs' that were kept among the island. Ebony flames of fire, they had-gray as a shadow, black as midnight. The soldiers there called them by the names of an 'Opidule.' One told me it meant 'midnight soldier' in the Hoi-arn language.

"Well, to the point, Yukadoh and I traveled across the lands, listening to the sound of the baslik's roar, asking people questions about the monster. Well…when we found the Gyarados…something bad happened.

"Yukadoh had sensed the monster before I had, and had tried to kill the monster, but ended up dying in the act-her magic of spirit was one of the happened chosen…that was when her spirit joined up with me, making me an…"

"Anitran." Wyukio ended, placing a scornful fist on his hip. "So that's why you're half Eevee…I was wondering about that."

Valeo continued to look at Ash's unconsious body, wishing apon the stone to grant her wish for him to become her true soul mate. But something was blocking her path-she couldn't tell what it was, but she knew it was something hard-hard as a Golem's skin of boulder.

What was that boundary…?

"So anyhow, magic had developed within me at that moment, making me a stronger challenge against the monster. As I started my attacks without even the silghtest bit of thought or control within my own body, Turquan and Golachin had arosen from the baslik's dragon breath of ice and rage, blood encountering their body from the dead creature.

"I managed to kill Turquan, and damage Golachin's spirit quite a bit…making it impossible to translate into a human form unlike Ikuo and Turquan could…it was stupid of me not to remember something so important in my life…Ash couldn't be Golachin…it's impossible."

At those words, Ash awoke dazed..his body scorching in pain.

Everything was so blurry to even seem to be sorted out…Kinoyko attacking him…seeing Valeo…trying to kill Kinoyko…

Kill! I tried to kill!

Was there…

…something that happened to me before my memory was lost…?

Something that gave me the instinct to kill…?

…to taste blood between my teeth?

Was it…something in my lost dream…?

As Ash finally stared up to the space above him, he saw Valeo staring at him with her beautiful cerulean eyes…had she saved him from the cruel hands of death?

Between a harsh whisper of pain, he squeezed out a response to her gleaming eyes of fright. "Thank you for saving me, Valeo."


Valeo waited till dusk set upon the morning sun before heading back out to the brilliant sea cowering down the sunlight, waiting for the Water Stalker to arrive to her pressence, a brilliant, rainbow lighted stone in hand.

"Ukae!" She galloped to the air's force of wind, gulping down more and more sea air under the pressure, "Ukea! Show your face! I need to speak with you."

An immense whirlpool engulfed the sea's surface, splattering gigantic waves toward Valeo's feet that were being swallowed by the delicate sand of the ocean floor, her hair whippling the air.

A massive Lapras of cobalt scales arose from the whirlpool, it's huge fins slapping the water arround it's surface.

The creature journied it's way toward Valeo, it's coffee-colored eyes staring her way as it kept on galloping, sand resting upon it's russet shaded saddle.

A huge, silver wave of teardrops cowered above them before the creature approached shore, the water engulfing both. "You called for me, Valeo?"

It's voice gave a soft ringing into it…one that could echo throughout your mind for hours at a time.

"Why yes…Ukea…you see, there's a man who loves me…and I love as well."

Ukea gave her a stare of unison, but then of confusement, "Since he loves you as well, just wish on the stone for you to get his hand in marriage…it's perfect for your power."

"Yes…but I don't want to force it…besides, he may already love another girl, yet me at the same time…he told me that before he fell asleep into his own dreamland…just wanted to see what you can find about it, since you can read people's timelines of the past."

The Lapras' head bobbed slowly in the midnight air. "Tell me his name. I'll see what I can find."

"Thank you me lord. His name is Ash Ketchum…" Her gaze set even farther on the sun. "But I think he only likes me because he thinks I saved him from death…"

"I'll see what I can find." The Lapras' eyes grew a deep color of lapis lazuli, it's mind in a way of seeing invisable things within time-it's flippers slapped the water, causing small waves to wrap around Valeo's bare feet.

A few minutes later it jerked up in surprise.

"I can see something." It's eyes glew back to it's normal mahogany, it's Lapras smile fading across the scales of it's speherish face. "His heart is for another girl, yet one he can't remember, Valeo…but since his heart is now yours, I don't see why you need me. You can simply wish for his hand in mariage…sound good by chance? Just see it now…marry a human, and be free forever from us…live for immortalty."

Valeo's eyes tightened closed, her cerulean hair rushing against her face. "B…but he doesn't really love me…but another girl…only because of his amnesia does he love me."

Ukea's eyes became a look of confusion; sea water slapping against it's russet blended saddle.

"Doesn't matter with humans…" It's head once again bobbed in the air with a hard crack of it's long, noodle-like neck, "Just make your wish, and he'll be yours forever."

Valeo bit tightly on her lip between a gash of blood, tears flowing from her eyes. Her grip became tighter on the stone. "I…I wish…I wish…"

Ukea nudged her on. "Say it. It wont hurt."

Before she could whisper her wish, she burst into a wail of tears that burned her face. "I…I wish he didn't love me anymore…"