Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbow Island ❯ Chapters 1-3 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rainbow Island
(sequel to Pokégenie)

Chapter 01

Ash looked at the Saffron City Gym and swallowed heavily. Taking
a deep breath, he entered the building. Close behind him was Brock.

Ash called, "Mr. Canton?"

Sabrina's father walked out of one of the rooms inside the gym.

"Ash, it's good to see you. What can I do for you?"

Ash winced a bit, sighed, and said, "It's about Sabrina, Mr.

Mr. Canton took a long hard look at Ash and motioned for Ash to
follow him. The two boys followed Sabrina's father into a room. Ash
noticed that Sabrina's mother was in the room sewing. Looking up, she
studied Ash's face and set her sewing aside.

"What has happened to Sabrina?" Mr. Canton asked.

Ash bit his lower lip and stammered, "There was an accident
involving a teleporter that was recently set up..."

"Go on."

"It's... well... It will be easier to show you," Ash said, as he
took a Pokéball from his belt and tossed it.

The ball opened up and Sabrina appeared.


"What?!" the Canton's exclaimed.

Brock quickly jumped in and explained the situation. Sabrina
stood ramrod straight as what happened to her was told to her parents,
while Ash sweated nervously.

"My daughter has been turned into a life sized metal doll and you
expect us to go along with this?" Mrs. Canton almost yelled.

Mr. Canton held out a hand to silence his wife. "Sabrina isn't
the only one that's been changed. Misty was first and Whitney was
changed along with Sabrina."

"Sir?" Ash asked, "I thought you'd be more upset. Why aren't

"I am upset, but it wouldn't have made any difference," Mr.
Canton said with a resigned sigh.

"I don't understand," Ash said.

"That's right, it takes a sledgehammer to get something through
your skull. Sabrina is/was the most powerful human psychic. That
would have made her a prime target of kidnapping for human into Pokémon

"Psybot," Sabrina said, nodding.

"Ash, I'd like for you and Brock to wait outside while we talk to
our daughter in private."

"How are you going to communicate?" Ash asked.

"I am a telepath," Mr. Canton said bluntly.

"Oh," Ash replied, as he and Brock walked outside.

With her arms bent in an 'L' formation, Sabrina waited for her
father to say something.

"Sabrina, I'd normally would ask or demand that Ash would hand
over the Pokéball that is linked to you, but I have a feeling that
wouldn't be the best thing for you."


"Dear, what are you saying?"

Putting a hand on his daughter's shoulder, Mr. Canton said,
"Spend time with Whitney and Misty, beyond battles. You have a chance
for friends who you can relate to."

"Dear, you're rationalizing. What's the real reason?"

"Do I trust my powers or not? They are telling me it's in
Sabrina's best interests to go with Ash."

Mrs. Canton softly said, "I see."

Mr. Canton gave Sabrina a hug. "Good luck on your journey."

"You'd better rejoin your Trainer," Mrs. Canton whispered after
she hugged the Psybot.

"Psybot," Sabrina replied and left.

"Besides," Mr. Canton said, "On some level, Sabrina wanted to be
a Pokémon like Misty. That's why her danger sense didn't go off when
she entered the teleporter. This gives her a second chance at a

"Why do you say that?"

"Most psis don't link up with their Pokémon as closely as Sabrina
and her Kadabra are. My guess is she wanted to live through the
battles as much as possible. I'd better talk to Ash."

"Hugging her was like hugging a statue," Mrs. Canton idly

"That it was, but she will be fine," Mr. Canton said with a
slight smile. "Now then..."

Mr. Canton went to talk to Ash and Brock.

"Ash, take care of my daughter. I will explain the situation to
Whitney's uncle."

"Thanks, Mr. Canton," Ash said with some relief.

"But, I think we should have Nurse Joy take a look at Sabrina and
the others."

"It's a good thing PokéCenters are free," Ash muttered. "I spent
a lot of money at the game corner to get enough tokens to buy Gary's

"So that's where you got it," Brock said. "I was wondering."

"Am I missing something here?" Mr. Canton asked.

"Christmas gift," Ash replied.

"Ah. Well, let's get to the Pokécenter."
--------------------------------------------------- --
Whitney felt a current running through her non-existent body,
keeping her fully charged.

*It's been a few months and I'm still a Pokémon. I should be
crying or in a rage, but I'm not. Is it because of the transformation
or something else?*

*Mas-Ash is nice to allow us to stay out if we want to, but I'm a
Pokémon. I should be in a Pokéball while traveling with my trainer.*

Whitney turned her thoughts to her gym.

*I know that I'll be allowed to keep my Gym Leader status, but I
wonder how long this journey will take. And, will I want to be a Gym
Leader after it?*

*Misty can talk to humans and Pokémon and can act like a
translator. I've got a crystal in my chest, why not a switch on the
back of my neck that switches me from human speak to Pokéspeech?*

*Sabrina and I are putting on brave fronts for our mast-Ash. We
keep the depression and outrage here in our Pokéballs.*

*Pokebot,* Whitney thought amusedly. "Pokemon robot. Psybot.
Psychic Robot. I wonder what our pre-evolutionary form looks like.
The Up-Grade kit obviously made me a second stage Pokémon and Sabrina's
psychic powers did the same to her.*

*I wonder what mas-Ash would say if he knew what his kindness is
doing to us, along with Misty. I hope Misty can take her next
evolution well.*

*Our Pokédex pictures aren't ready yet, since we haven't decided
what we're going to wear yet as Pokémon. Hmmm.*

*I have it. I'll talk to Sabrina, but I know she'll go for it.
Since our clothes are now changeable due to being evolved with us, we
use them to cover our whole body, including hair, and make us look like
silver versions of ourselves, wearing silver clothes. And out of the
top of our head we have two antennae, to further go along with the
robot theme of our new forms.*

*We walk like robots, why not look like them as well?*
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In the Saffron City Pokécenter, Ash handed the balls containing
his Pokémon over to Nurse Joy. Pikachu leaped from Ash's shoulder onto
the table next to the Pokéballs. Mr. Canton and Brock were discussing
current Gym leader regulations.

Looking at the display over the healing machine, Nurse Joy
exclaimed, "What in the world? No. The Surge."

Picking up a phone, Joy made a call.

"Please head over here. It's important. No, not Pokémon
thieves. The Surge."

"Uh," Ash stammered, "What does Lt. Surge have to do with my

"Wait until Officer Jenny gets here."

The three males looked at each other in perplexity. They didn't
have to wait long for Officer Jenny to show up. She was covered with
sweat, had a red face and she was puffing heavily.

"Please tell me you're joking," Jenny gasped, as she tried to
recover her breath.

"No. The Surge is starting once again."

Mr. Canton asked, "What is the Surge you are talking about? My
daughter is one of the girls turned into a Pokémon."

Joy explained, "Myth, legends have humans with special powers.
They are true. They were Human Pokémon. Every so often a cycle occurs
called 'The Surge' where new Human Pokémon are formed."

Jenny continued, "After the Surge has passed the new Human
Pokémon shift back to human through mating or degenerate and aren't
thought of as human anymore."

"Degenerate? How?" Ash asked.

"Magmar, Electabuzz, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, the Hitmons, Jynx,
Hypno, Drowzee, Machop, Machoke, Machamp," Joy said.

Brock exclaimed, "That's crazy. They don't look like humans."

"Neither does Nastina," Ash said.

"I'll grant you that one," Brock allowed.

"We don't know why it happens, but it does," Joy said.

"How come the two of you know so much about it?" Mr. Canton

"Hitmonjen and Joifill were two Pokémon breeds from the last
Surge that melded back into humanity," Jenny said. "A Fighting and a
Normal. They kept part of their heritage."

Mr. Canton nodded, "The Officer Jennies and Nurse Joys."

"Yes," Jenny said, and handed a map to Ash. "Go to Rainbow
Island. You'll be drawn there eventually."

"Rainbow Island? But, I'm supposed to go on tour with my Human
Pokémon," Ash objected

"There is a league there," Jenny said. "Joy and I have to warn
out families to be ready."

"Ready for what?" Brock asked.

Joy replied, "We are close and we might backslide. We want to
retain our humanity as much as possible."

"I see. By the way, what's the name of the league?"

"The Celestial League," Joy said.

"That settles that," Ash said. "I'm off to the Celestial League."

Jenny whispered to Joy, "and in for a whole lot more than he
------------------------------------------------------ -------------
Giovanni looked down at the reports he had received from the
Indigo League an scowled.

"Three powerful Human Pokémon and not one of them under Team
Rocket's control. Misery!!"

A woman looking a lot like Nurse Joy walked into Giovanni's

"Yes, sir. What do you want?" Misery asked.

"Take a look at this," Giovanni said and shoved the paper to his
chief Pokémon nurse.

"I see. The Surge is starting again."

"The Surge?"

"Long story, but short answer is that new Human Pokémon can be
formed at this time. Judging by this, two of the new Pokémon are steel
types. Now as there are no steel evolution stones and the only thing
that can evolve something into a steel type is a steel coat, I would
say that use of a modified trading machine caused those two girls to

Giovanni leaned back in his plush leather chair. "Turning humans
into Pokémon with a link cable machine? Interesting. We are going to
need a test subject."

Misery wrote down the name and address of a person. "This

"Interesting and quite ironic. We'll see to it."

A couple days later, Misery looked at the person they had chosen.
She was dressed in a blue leggless leotard, had blue fingerless gloves
on, wearing soft calf high boots, and a black belt was tied around her

"Greetings Officer Jenny," Misery said. "I hope you like the
clothes we picked out for you."

"Joy? What's with you?"

"I am not a Nurse Joy! I am Misery!" Misery yelled.

"The black sheep," Jenny whispered in horror. "What are you going
to do to me?"

Pointing at an elaborate machine that was pointed at Jenny,
Misery said, "I'm going to turn this one and throw you back."

"Huh? Throw me back to what?"

Misery flipped a switch and grinned evilly as Jenny's body began
to glow. "The Surge has restarted."

"NO! I don't want....Aaaarrgh!"

Misery turned the machine off and watched as Jenny glowed white.
After the glow had faded, Jenny's clothes looked like they were part of

"Jen-jen-hit-mon-jen," Jenny said weakly.

Misery picked up a Pokéball and threw it at Jenny. In a flash of
red light, Team Rocket had acquired their first Human Pokémon
Chapter 02

Ash looked at the map that Officer Jenny handed him and shook his
head. "Rainbow Island? Not exactly the first place I would go."

Brock nodded his agreement. "True. But, we might find some more
answers there regarding Human Pokémon."

Ash sighed. "We are going to need some way to get there. I
guess I could send Bulbasaur back and get Lapras out."

"That might be the best option."

Ash tapped on a few buttons in his Pokédex and the Pokéballs
containing Bulbasaur and Lapras were switched. Before releasing
Lapras, he called Misty out.

"Ash? What's going on?" Misty asked, once again in her pre-
genie clothes.

"I'll explain on the way," Ash replied, as he released Lapras.
"It just doesn't feel right just having Brock, Pikachu, and myself

"Right," Misty said with a slight smile.

Ash and company boarded Lapras and they started their journey
towards Rainbow Island. Along the way, Ash told Misty of the meeting
with Sabrina's parents and the subsequent meetings with Jenny and Joy
and the Center.

"So, this isn't the first time it's happened," Misty said.
"Jenny and Joy used to be Pokémon? Should have guessed."

"Well it's not like I need anymore Human Pokémon."

"I think we'd better stop talking about that," Misty said.
"Brock's drooling."
Giovanni looked pleased, as he handled the Pokéball containing
Hitmonjen. Looking up, he addressed Team rocket's head Pokémon nurse.

"Good work, Misery. We have the means to capture the other three
Human Pokémon now."

"Not quite. Hitmonjen is a Fighting type. She'd be good against
Pokebot, a pure Steel. But, the other two are threats. A Fire/Ghost
and a Steel/Psychic."

"I see."

"However," Misery said, holding up a hand, "We could figure out
which humans can be turned into Pokémon. The kid, Ash, might help us
in this regard."

"Go on."

"Three people that he has encountered have been turned into
Pokémon. He might stumble across others that might be right on the
edge. We could have someone follow him"

"I have the two imbeciles Jesse and James constantly chasing

"Leave them," Misery stated. "They will provide distraction,
while another agent goes after the real prizes."

"Agent double O nine. I'll pull her off the Mewtwo hunt and
assign her that job. She's good enough to get the job done."

"I thought you'd still be after Mewtwo."

"If things work out right, Mewtwo will be superfluous."

"By the way. Here's a report on how the trade machine and items
will probably work out," Misery said and handed the leader of Team
Rocket a paper.

Giovanni looked at the paper and smiled. This is what he saw:
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\
Human Pokemon Items

King's Rock
Up-Grade kit
Dragon Scale Dragon
Metal Coat Steel
Black Glasses Dark
Spell Tag Ghost
Black Belt Fighting
Nevermelt Ice Ice
Mystic Water Water
Miracle Seed Grass
Charcoal Fire
Magnet Electric
Soft Sand Ground
Twisted Spoon Psychic
Sharp Beak Flying
Poison Barb Poison
Silver Powder Bug

Hitmonjen-the Pokemon form of Officer Jenny's ancestors(Fighting)
Joifil-the Pokemon form of Nurse Joy's ancestors(Normal)
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

Looking up from the paper, he asked, "What about Psybot?"

Misery shrugged, "Sabrina was a powerful psychic before being
altered. That's why I chose that paticular Officer Jenny. She's a
black belt in at least three martial arts, so is a bit closer to her
heritage of being a Hitmonjen."

"So practicing Martial Arts or having high Psychic abilities will
also help."

"A bit."

"I'll get word to Double O nine and assign Butch and Cassidy to
the Mewtwo hunt," Giovanni said.

"And Hitmonjen?"

Twirling the ball in his fingers, Giovannis said, "Run some
tests. I want to know how powerful she can become."

"I see," Misery said with a smirk. "Since Hitmonjen is the female
version of the Hitmon series, we might want to start using her to breed
more Hitmonjen."

"I'll think about that. We could just capture another Jenny and
convert her. What about your own family? Is there a paticular Nurse
Joy that might be converted?"

"I'd like to change them all and stuff them in Pokéballs," Misery
stated. "But, none of them stand out at the moment. Maybe the one in
the Orange Islands that uses a canoe to get from island to island."

"I'll send someone to capture her," Giovanni said.

Misery grinned wickedly.
Riding on Lapras, Misty asked, "So Ash, which gym are you going
to tackle first?"

"I have no idea. I guess that will be decided at which town we
land in."

"Have you decided which one of us you will use first?"

"Sabrina and Whitney need more experience," Ash said. "I'll go
with Whitney."

Looking at the map, Brock said, "It looks like we'll land in
Metallium Bay."

"Weird name," Ash said, as he peered at the horizion. "At least
it's a starting place."

"Ash, there's something I'd like to do," Misty said.


"I'd like to bring Sabrina and Whitney into my ball for a while."

"I don't see how that can be done," Ash replied.

"I've set up a Center in my ball. I can give you the information
and you can teleport the two of them in their as storage."

"That feels like cheating," Ash replied. "That way I could have
more than six Pokémon with me."

Misty's shoulders slumped somewhat.

Brock commented, "It would proably be easier if you had some way
to keep them registered as six and have a way for them to visit Misty."

"I feel confused," Ash said, rubbing his head.

"Normal for you," Misty quipped.

"Misty!" Ash protested, while Misty giggled.

"Anyway, Ash," Misty went on in a normal tone of voice, "I'd like
to head back into my ball. I want to check up on Togepi."

"Misty, Return."

In a flash of red light, Misty was pulled back into her ball.

"How much longer before we reach Metallium Bay, Brock?"

"A couple hours," Brock replied.

"Enough time to get a nap in. Right, Pikachu?"


Ash pulled his hat over his eyes and was soon asleep.

Brock muttered, "I don't see why Ash doesn't let me date Sabrina
or Whitney."

"Pikachu-ka-pika," Pikachu said

<Because you're nuts>
-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
Chapter 03

At the sound of Lapras' cry, Ash woke up and saw the harbor of Metallium Bay. Some ships were pulled along by whale looking Pokémon or Gyrados. Scanning the area, it appeared that not one of the ships, other than sailiboats, had their own source of power.

"That's weird," Ash said. "The way the Pokémon are moving the ships along."

Brock commented, "They probably don't want to deal with pollution and the Pokemon that form from it."

"I see," Ash said. "Lapras, take us in. It's time to begin the Pokémon journey."

The blue dino nodded his head and took Brock and Ash to the shore of Metallium Bay. As they landed, they saw multiple pedestals with Eevee statues on them scattered throughout the town and a bit into the countryside surroundings.

"Hmm. Must be a gym that specailizes in Eevee evolutions," Brock said. "I can't think of any other reason for the statues."

Ash shook his head and stated, "Let's get to a Pokémon Center. I want to get this over with and find out what I can about Human Pokémon."

The two males set off in search of the Center.

Jesse, James and Meowth were underwater in their Gyrados submarine following Ash and company.

"When I get my hands on that water brat...," Jesse ranted. "I didn't like it when Cassidy landed on my head."

"Easy Jess," Meowth said. "The Boss wants all of the Human Pokémon that Ash has. He's counting on us."

"All right. I'll curb my desires. Besides, the water brat will be punished enough when we bring her in."

James added, "Don't forget the others and Pikachu. We'll be on top again."

"Let's do it," Jesse said. "There is nothing that's going to stop us this time."
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Walking into the Pokémon Center, Ash called out, "Hello? Anybody here?"

A Nurse Joy with a Blissey came out of one of the back rooms.

"A fine good morning it is to see two new faces, "Joy said with an Irish accent.

"Ah. This Joy is the most beautiful yet," Brock said, with a blsuhing face.

Before Brock could go on his spree, Ash said, "Nurse Joy? My name is Ash ketchum and I'm here to register for the Celestial League. And well, it's like this......"

Ash then told Joy of the past year and what was to be expected of him. Nurse Joy was little surprised that The Surge had restarted, but shook it off and listened closely.

"...so your relative told me to come here, because I would be drawn here eventually," Ash finished. "Do you know why that is?"

"Ah, laddy. There is a secret hidden on the island regarding The Surge. No one knows what it is. But every time The Surge starts, the trainer who has caught the first HumaPoke of the new Surge comes here and tries to find it. Something else for your journey, each of the towns holding a gym has a piece of information regarding HumaPoke's Some is duplicate information to protect from being lost. A guardian has that info. But it is not a Nurse, Officer, or Gym leader."

"Then who?" Ash asked.

"Well here, we don't like to talk about it. In the towns of Argentshire and Arumville, certain librarians have that piece. Now, I'll get you registered and let the Indigo Leagu know you're here."

"Er, thanks," Ash replied, handing over his Pokédex.

After registering, Ash and Brock left the Center to find the Gym. They came to a huge black dome with white, blue, yellow, orange and red dots on it.

"Constellation Gym. Gym Leader: Molan," Ash read. "What's with the spots on the building."

"They're supposed to represent stars in a constellation grouping. The person who painted this proabably knew his star positions well."

Ash shook his head, "I'm here for a Gym badge and to advertise the new Leauge, not admire the outside of a building."

Ash took a deep breath and entered the building. As he did so, he saw a yellow beared man wearing a yellow shirt and blue jeans.

"Welcome to the Constellation Gym, Ash. Oh don't be surprised, Joy sent a picture of you to all the Gym Leaders. A new League in that area would be of some use. So, it's time to see if you are ready for a Constellation Badge."

"Er. I...," Ash stammered, and put it aside. "I'm here for a badge and I'm not going to be put off. Whitney, go!"


Molan wrinkled his nose as he saw the girl. "Steel type? Not what I was expecting. Ampharos!"

"Amphros," a yellow dino called as it faced off against Whitney.

"Whiteny, Lock-on!"

"Ampharos, Thunderpunch."

Whiteny took the blow as her eyes started tracking the yellow creaure.

"Tri Attack."

"Iron Tail."

Whitney launched her blaze of red, blue, and yeloow light before Ampharos could hit her. The blue light flared and left the Pokémon trapped in a block of ice.

Molan recalled Ampharos. "Looks like you won the first round. Magnemite!"

"Metal Claw"

"Show them how it's really done Magnemite, Lock-on."

Whitney's hand crashed against the magnet Pokémon, but did not do any real damage. The Magnemite started tracking Whitney.

"Great. Magnemite's also Steel," Ash muttered. "Tri-attack."

"Zap Cannon!"

Whiteny's attack force her opponet back a bit, but did not knock it out. Magnemite shot a fierce globe of lightning at Whitney. The attack forced the Pokebot back and surrounded her in a veil of sparks.

"Try another Tri Attack."

"Lock On!"

"P-poke-pokebot," Whitney stuttered, as she tried to get her body to move.

"Come on Whiteny, you can do it."

"Zap Cannon!"

The second Zap Cannon caused Whiteny to bend over at the waist and fall to the ground. She looked like a fallen action figure.

"Whitney, return."

"One-one," Molan said with a smile.

Ash grimaced as he muttered, "Sabrina? No. Lapras? Against an Electric? Pikachu? Maybe. I'll save him for last though."

Deciding, Ash threw a ball and Misty appeared.

"Misty, Fire Punch!"

"Show him, he's not going to win the badge Magnemite. Lock On!"

Misty's fist was surrounded in fire as she punched Magnemite hard. The previous damage along with Steel's vulnerability to Fire attacks, knocked Magnemite out.

"Second round is yours. But not good enough. Raichu!"

"Misty, Lovely Kiss!"

"Quick Attack!"

Raichu shot forward to tackle Misty, but passed right through the genie. Misty blew a kiss at Raichu and the evolved form of Pikachu fell asleep

"A ghost type?" Molan asked, shaking his head. "You won three out of three and here is the Constellation Badge."

Taking the badge, Ash said, "I've got a Constellaion Badge."

"Pi-pikachu," Pikachu added, while holding his paw up in a victory pose.

Ash looked at the badge and asked, "I thought maybe you'd have a Jolteon or other Eevee evolutions because of all the statues out there."

Molan cringed and replied, "We don't like to talk about it. But, you'll probably find out anyway. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking my Pokémon to the Center to get revived."

Molan grabbed up his balls and dashed out the front door, leaving behind a bewhildred group.

"What gen that nie about?" Misty asked.

Ash and Brock looked at Misty.

"Misty? You're slipping back into Pokéspeech," Ash said.

"Genie! How can that nie?" Misty asked, cringing as she switched back and forth.

"Misty, I wsih you would speak Pokémon and not be able to translate," Ash said.

As Misty glared at Ash, Brock asked, "Why did you do that?"

"Misty has to be in Pokespeech mode for Gym Battles."

Brock said, "Oh. That."

Ash shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, it wouldn't have been much longer before she went that way on her own. Sorry, Misty. I don't want to get in trouble with the leauge"

Misty threw her hands up in disgust and returned to her Pokéball.

As Ash and Brock returned to the Center, Ash flipped open his Pokédex and did some readings.

"Pokebot. Attacks-Metal Claw, Lock-on, Tri-Attack. Psybot. Attacks-Metal Claw, Lock-on, Disable, Confusion, Psybeam, Psychic, Teleport. The 'bots need different attacks and in Whitney's case, more."

"'bots?" Brock asked.

Ash shrugged, "They both have 'bot' as part of their name. So, why not?"

Brock shook his head and let it go.

After visit to the Center, Ash called Whitney out.

"Pokebot?" the steel girl asked, looking at her Trainer."

Pulling a small metal box out of his pack, Ash answered, "Whitney, you only have three attacks. I have a TM here that contains Mega Kick," Ash began.

"Bot," Whitney interupted and nodded her head stiffly.

Holding the box up before Pokebot, Ash said, "Get ready."

A beam of yellow light shot into Whitney from the box, discharging its skill into the Pokémon. As it did so, Whitney started shaking and looked lie she was going to cry.

Concerned, Ash reached up and put a hand on Pokebot's shoulder. "Whitney? What's wrong?"

"Pokebot-bot-bot-pokebot," Whiteny tried explaining.

Shaking her head, she mechanically pointed at the TM.

"I don't understand," Ash said

Brock stroked his chin and commented. "Misty had a simmilar reaction, when she learned Teleport. Remember? Maybe, it takes learning from a TM to fully wake a person up after turning into a Pokémon."

Ash looked at Whitney's face and saw her nod in agreement.

"Brock, could I use the Mega Punch TM. I think I'd better wake up Sabrina as well."

Brock pulled it out as Ash called Sabrina out. Getting the TM from Brock, Ash pointed it at Sabrina.

"Sabrina, I'm going to use this to wake you up fully," Ash said, as he discharged the TM into the psychic.

Seeing Sabrina shuddering, Ash said, "I think I'd better put you two in your Pokéballs, so you have time to think."

Seeing Molan, Ash recalled the two Steel Pokémon and hurried over.

"Molan, why are there Eevee statues all over the place. And, why don't you want to talk about it?"

Molan replied, "We don't like to talk about it. And, that's all I'm saying."

Brock and Ash watched as the Gym Leader fled from the two of them.

"What is going on?" Ash asked in exasperation.

Brock shrugged. "It must be something terrible."

A familiar female voice interrupted them.

"Well whatever it is. It's not as terrible as we are."

Ash hung his head and said, "Oh no. Not them."

"Prepare for trouble."

"And, make it double."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of Truth and Love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Meowth, that's right."

Ash and Brock said in unison, "Team Rocket."

Jesse demanded, "Hand over all your Pokemon twerp, and I might go easy on you."

Meowth said, "We're going to be on top once more."

Just as Ash was about to say something, all the eyes in the Eevee statues glowed a bight red and the mouths opened.

"Eevee-Eevee-vee-vee. Eevee-Eevee-vee-vee. Eevee-Eevee-vee-vee. Eevee-Eevee-vee-vee," came from all the statues.

As that sound went off, the entire populace of Metallium Bay had a look of horror on their face and ducked inside various buildings and slammed the doors shut.

"Um. James? What is going on?" Jesse asked.

James replied, "Whatever it is, it doesn't look too good."

The five looked around the now deserted town and wondered what was going on.
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Chapter 04