Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Rakki, Rakki ❯ Chapters 1 through 3 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Notes: This WAS just going to be a stupid yaoi fic, but it kinda blew up into this. I have no idea where it's going but it should be cool. Don't ask me why I wrote a Pokemon fic, though.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Rakki, Rakki"

"Hey, Musashi, what did you say this stuff does again?" Kojiro asks as he throws a small flask of strangely colored liquid into the air then catches it. "I don't see why we had to go through such trouble just to get some stupid serum."

"Moron." The red-haired girl sighs and slaps her partner in the back of the head. "Be careful with that. According to the man from whom we stole it, this has the power to turn any Pokemon human."

"Oh." The blue-haired lad stops throwing the bottle and, instead, starts to study it. "Why would we want to turn a Pokemon human, though? What good would that do?"

"You really are a moron." Nyase jumps into the conversation while Musashi scrambles for an answer. "If we turn Pikachu to a human, then no one will recognize him. It will be only too easy to take him away from his stupid band of trainers."

"Ah, I see." Kojiro nods thoughtfully. "Hey, wouldn't you want it then, Nyase? Wouldn't you ever want to be human?"

"Sure, I guess." The cat shrugs his shoulders and cups his chin in his paws. "It would be interesting, to say the least."

"Hn." Musashi sighs and gets to her feet. "You guys can stay here and discuss this all you want. I'm going to go see if I can't find some food." She frowns and lays a hand to her bare stomach. "I'm starving."

"Okay. Have fun." Kojiro comments casually as he continues to stare at the strange flask. Musashi glares at his back for a moment before storming off. After a moment, the boy once more glances at the cat creature. "Do you think we'd need the whole flask to turn Pikachu to a human?"

"How should I know?" The cat pokemon grumbles moodily. After a moment, he blinks up at the human. "Er, why do you ask?"

"Just curious." The boy raises a shoulder in a half shrug. "I was thinking that we could sell whatever is left over." He frowns and lays both hands over his stomach. "Musashi is right. I'm starving."

"Moron." Nyase hisses as he takes the flask from the boy's hands. "Something this important shouldn't be in your hands."

"What are you going to do with it?" The boy asks angrily. "Like it's any safer in your hands."

"Of course it is." The cat Pokemon grins and uncorks the bottle's thin neck. At once, Kojiro makes a dive for the flask, but he is too slow. The cat downs the oddly colored liquid in a single gulp. Almost immediately, he groans sickly and falls to all fours. Kojiro, amazed that Nyase had actually drunk the liquid merely stands by as the cat's body elongates and changes. In an amazingly short space of time, an entirely new creature stands before him.

This creature is humanoid. It stands on two legs and, at its sides, hang two arms. It has a long fur-free torso and chest. Its legs are long and hairless; each ended in a normal human foot. Its face is human as well with all the normal human features: a thin lipped mouth, a smallish nose, and a pair of large dark blue eyes. Topping all this is a messy mane of pale cream hair, each strand ended in a splash of brown. At either side of his head stands an erect ear colored in cream and brown and from its backside hangs a long cream and brown tail.

"N-nyase?" The shocked boy stammers as he takes in the sight before him. "Is that really you?"

"Of course it is." The cream-haired boy mutters. "Who else would it be?"

Nyase, suprised that the liquid hadn't been something foul like poison or knockout juice, turns this way and that in order to take in his newly human form. He smiles at what he sees; he makes as good a human as he did a cat. Meanwhile, Kojiro continues to stare on in silent suprise. No one notices as Musashi finally makes her way back to their camp.

"Hey guys, look what I fo--" She stops, the fruit she had found falling from her hands. She blinks at the strange naked lad then turns a confused expression to Kojiro. "Um...who is that?"

"That?" Kojiro nods towards Nyase and Musashi nods. "That's Nyase."

"What were you thinking?" Musashi groans as she glances at the two boys then turns a heated glare to her blue-haired partner. "How could you let him drink that serum?"

"It's not like I had much choice!" Kojiro responds angrily before turning petulant. "I tried to stop him, but he was too fast."

"Hey, why are you treating this as if it were a bad thing?" The newly humanized pokemon asks. "I can be just as useful like this as I was before."

"Sure." Musashi crosses her arms and nods. "But don't you remember that Sakakki wanted the serum? Remember the whole thing about bringing it back to Headquarters or being fired and getting thrown out?"

"You worry too much." The cream-haired boy chuckles and makes a waving away gesture. "We'll just convince that doctor to make some more."

"Think it'd be that easy?" The blue-haired Roketto Dan member asks as he crunches into an apple from Musashi's horde. "The doctor didn't seem too happy with us when we left last time."

"Just leave it to me." Nyase grins. "I can get it, no problem." He blinks his dark blue eyes, then, and glances down at himself. A moment later, he glances at the other two. "Erm, as long as you guys have some clothes that I can borrow."

Chapter 2: Science is Fun!

The following day, a group of three walks merrily down the main road of the small town. The one in the lead is a shortish ten year old. His rather unruly ebony hair is mostly hidden under a red and white cap while the rest of him is hidden in a black shirt, jeans, and a blue and white jacket. A step or two behind him walks a youngish girl with bright orange hair pulled into a single ponytail at the side of her head. She doesn't seem pleased at all with things, but, regardless, she continues to walk a step or two behind the dark haired boy. Beside her, a young amber skinned lad walks slowly. It's difficult to say what color his eyes are, but his hair is defintely rich brown in color and cut in a spiky manner. Across his back is slung a green backpack.

"Hey, are you sure that you know what you're doing?" The girl asks of the boy walking in front of her. "It seems kind of weak to me."

"Trust me." The dark-haired lad grins. "I know what I'm doing. This'll be easy."

"He always says that." The amber-skinned youth sighs. "And we always end up being defeated."

"Tell me about it." The girl nods her head and crosses her arms. "It's starting to get old."

"Will you two shut up?!" The boy in the lead grumbles as he stops before a rather large building. Glancing up at the sign, he grins. "We're here. Just remember what I told you, okay?"


In a rather stark lab, a neon green lab coat cloaked figure whispers about. The figure pauses before a gleaming set of test tubes and beakers and such. He tinkers with these a bit, but, not getting the desired reaction, sighs and moves along. Finally, he steps up to an oblong table and, with an audible sigh, slumps into a handy chair. Unfortunately, he doesn't hear the people walking up behind them until the leader decides to speak.

"Professor Forrester, I presume?" The baseball capped youth asks as he steps forward and takes the doctor by a shoulder.

"That's right." The Professor, seeming unhappy at the intrustion, nods curtly. He is tallish and wraith thin. His hair is a dark brown bush growing wildly from the top of his head. His hazel eyes peer out weakly from behind a set of neon green glasses. He glares at the boy before him before turning the same to those standing behind the boy. "What do you want?"

"Oh sorry!" The boy chuckles and rubs at the back of his head. "I'm Satoshi. I believe Professor Okido told you I was coming."

"Right." Forrester nods and pushes his glasses higher up on his nose. "So you've come for the serum? How do I know you'll really give it to Okido and not use it for your own purposes?"

"Why would he do that?" The amber-skinned lad pipes up. "We don't even know what it's capable of. For all we know, it could be some terrible poison or something."

"I doubt it'd be poison, Takeshi." The redhead growls and gives him a light glare. "Okido wouldn't want something like that."

"Oh right." Takeshi chuckles and rubs at the back of his head. "Of course not."

"Just ignore them." Satoshi whispers to the Professor and grins. "Anyway, I don't really want to know what the serum is. I just want to go see Professor Okido so that I can drop off a few excess Pokemon."

"Hmm.." The professor peers closely at the boy for a few seconds before shrugging. "Alright, fine. It'd be your trouble if you use it anyway." Turning, he picks up a stopped flask and hands it to the boy. "Here. Just be sure not to drop it or anything."

"Hey, why did you say it'd be my trouble if I use it?" Satoshi asks quietly. "What would happen?"

"Nevermind that." The redhead sighs and, taking the boy's arm, begins to drag him from the room. "Thanks, Professor Forrester. We'll give this to Okido right away!"


"Why did you do that?" The baseball capped youth screams at the girl. "I want to know why it'd be trouble for someone to take the serum!"

"Don't worry about." The redhead shakes her head. "He was probably just trying to scare us."

"Yea." Takeshi nods. "Not that it's all that important.."

"Not important!" Satoshi screams and lunges at the other. "Are you trying to say that I'm not important?!"

"Guys.." The redhead sighs and grabs both of the guys by their shirts. "Stop this. We have to hurry and change. It won't be long until that brat and his friends get here and we have a lot to do yet."

"Fine." Satoshi sighs and removes the cap from his head. "But I'm going to make that professor tell me all about the serum."

Chapter 3: "C-Changes?!"

A short while later, a troupe of three trudges gamely along the now busy street. The group, as a whole, seems to give off the air of someone that has been on a long and endless journey, despite the young ages of all involved. The boy in lead, a shortish lad with rather untamed ebony hair and a small yellow creature at his heel, smiles at those that walk past. He seems to be reveling in every moment of his journey. The girl a step behind him, a tallish redhead cradling a small egg-shaped creature in her arms, looks both tired and worn out yet also seems willing to follow the dark-haired boy anywhere he may go. Beside her, a deeply tanned lad walks at any easy gait and seems to be eying every cute girl that walks past.

"Hey, Satoshi." The redhead pauses in front of a non-descript building and blinks at the boy's back. "Isn't this the place that we're supposed to stop?"

"Eh?" The boy blinks at her over his shoulder for a moment before quickly turning, running back, and glancing up at the building. After a moment, he grins and nods. "Oh yea, this is the place. I told you I could find it!"

"Oh yea." The redhead sighs and turns her head aside. "Your sense of direction is almost as well honed as your common sense."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know very well.."

"Guys?" The older boy finally speaks up. "Why don't we stop arguing and just go inside?"

--------------------------------------------------------- ---

After a short time of wandering the many halls of the large complex, the three finally stumble across the lab for which they had been looking. They step inside and take a short inventory: It's rather spotless for a well used lab and most of the beakers and test tubes seem to be empty of any sort of experimental substances. The cages in which are usually kept test animals are all empty as well, as are many of the oblong tables. Curious at this, but eager to finish his mission, Satoshi walks deeper into the lab in search of the professor.

"What are you kids doing here?" A voice demands as a form steps out from between two tables. This form is no taller than Takeshi but is more delicate of build. This build is hidden fairly well beneath a brilliant neon green lab coat that hangs to just past the man's knees. A pair of large blue eyes peer out at the lad from behind the lenses of a pair of neon green glasses. As Satoshi stumbles for an answer, the man continues. "Unless...are you those kids that Okido told me would be coming?"

"That's right!" The redhead nods as she steps up behind the black-haired boy. "This is Satoshi." She nods at the boy before her. "He's Takeshi." She motions to the lad standing behind her. "And I'm Kasumi. Professor Okido told us that you had something for him?"

"And who's this cute little creature?" The man asks as he crouches down by the small yellow pokemon at Satoshi's heel. Without waiting for an answer, he reaches out and gently takes the mousey creature into his arms. Suprisingly, Pikachu doesn't resist in the slightest. "It's been a long time since I've seen such a tame creature."

"That's Pikachu." Satoshi answers proudly. "He's my favorite Pokemon and a good friend."

"Mm." The professor nods and gets to his feet. "You must be treating him well for him to be acting so calmly. Say, would you mind if I take a look at him for a minute? I've been trying to get some basic data on all the Pokemon and have yet to see such a well behaved Pikachu."

"I don't know..." Kasumi answers for the lad. "Pikachu doesn't really like being away from Satoshi."

"Don't worry!" The dark-haired lad grins and makes a waving away gesture. "Pikachu seems to like him well enough and, besides, it'll only be for a minute."

"Great!" The professor grins. "I'll send one of my technicians in with the serum that Professor Okido wants. He should be able to answer all of your questions."

"Hey, what's taking the doctor so long?" Satoshi sighs and kicks his legs against the side of the desk upon which he is sitting. "It feels like it's been hours."

"It has been at least an hour." Kasumi nods before turning to the lab assistant. "What do you think is taking so long?"

"Couldn't say." The blue-haired lab assitant lifts a shoulder in a half-shrug. "Maybe the creature's being more of a problem than Professor Forrester had thought he'd be."

"No way!" The dark-haired boy quickly shakes his head and slides off of the desk. "Pikachu's never any trouble. I'd better go see what's going on."

"No, wait!"

"I'm sorry, kid." A second lab assistant shakes her head as she steps out of the door through which Forrester had gone. "The Professor needs some time alone with your creature. Unfortunately, he found a rare disease in the poor Pokemon's blood and he's decided to start treatment right away. To do this, he'll need absolute peace and quiet."

"Pikachu is sick?!" Satoshi's face suddenly floods with a mixture of worry and doubt. "Then, I have to see him."

"No." The second lab assistant continues to block access to the door. "I told you, the professor needs peace and quiet. You can't just go barging in there. I'm sorry, but you'll just have to wait."

"Hey, I have an idea." The blue-haired assistant chimes in. "Why don't you all go to the hotel that's down the street and take a little rest? We'll get in contact with you as soon as the Professor's finished."

"I don't know.." Satoshi frowns and hangs his head. "I hate being away from Pikachu, especially if he's sick."

"C'mon, Satoshi." Kasumi smiles gently and lays a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure it's nothing serious. We'd probably best leave the Professor alone for now. I'm sure Pikachu will be back where he belongs before the day is out."

"Well....." The lad seems to ponder this a moment before reluctantly nodding. "Okay."


"I can't believe how easy that was!" The professor grins as he bends to glance more closely at the mouse pokemon. "I knew the boy was slow, but I never thought he'd be that easy to fool."

Pikachu, sitting comfortably on an oversized cushion, blinks his beady black eyes at the man. In his little pokemon brain, he doesn't feel any real need to be weary of this human. Sure, there's something odd about him, but, then again, there is also something odd about Satoshi. Besides, he seems nice enough and the others are just outside the door. What does he have to be nervous about?

"Hey, you look thirsty." The lab coat clad man turns and picks up a bowl of sweet-smelling liquid. "Why don't you drink some of this?"

The man sets the bowl down and Pikachu sniffs at it for a moment before shrugging his tiny shoulders and lapping at the stuff. As the sweet, syrup-thick liquid trickles down his throat, the mouse creature finds himself drinking all the more eagerly. This stuff is good!

The bowl finished, Pikachu settles back with a contented sigh. Just as he is settling back to rest, he notices a stabbing pain coursing through his body. Squeaking with consternation, he leaps to his feet then to the tiled floor. He hardly takes a step before the pain causes him to pause and collapse. As his body hits the cold floor, the Pokemon's body elongates and changes.

In an amazingly short span of time, a new creature stands before the professor.