Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 50_Prompts: Theme Set #2 ❯ Theme #15: First Meeting ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: First Meeting
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #15, First Meeting

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, Shoujo-ai
“Wait!” Red cried, but the figure did not pause. She vaulted into the air and seemed to hang there for a moment, before she vanished.
The Champion frowned, as she glanced down at her Pikachu. “Who do you think that was?”
Pikachu shrugged.
Red closed her eyes and tried to think. She had heard rumors on the news about… Sailor something, wasn't it? They were mostly found in the Kanto Region, if she remembered correctly…
With a sigh, she released Charizard, who flew her back to the Indigo Plateau.
Lance was waiting with a worried expression on her face. “Where were you, Red? It's late.”
Red flushed. “I ran into one of those mutated pokemon.”
The Dragon Master winced. “Are you all right?”
“Sure. It seemed to be weak to water attacks, so I used Blastoise…”
“Ahh.” Lance raked her eyes up and down Red's body for a moment, before she stopped, satisfied.
Red flushed slightly, as Lance left the room and returned with hot chocolate, topped with a dollop of whipped cream. “Drink this, and tell me if you have any nightmares.” She instructed.
Red flushed. “I'm not that little, Lance!”
“But you don't mind me cuddling you, do you?”
“Er… no…” Red wrapped herself in the animal-patterned quilt, sipping the hot chocolate. It was kind of nice to be treated like a kid, instead of Champion.
Lance sat down next to her with a book, and began to read a fascinating fairy story. Near the end, Red's eyelids were drooping, and she allowed Lance to tuck her into bed. The Dragon Master left the room, and released her Aerodactyl.
What is it, Master?
“She saw me tonight, as Neptune.”
The fossil pokemon frowned. Did she recognize you?
“Luckily, not my face, for it was dark. I think she got a glimpse of my uniform…”
Then will she wake, and join you?
“I hope not.” Lance sighed.” Tis a hard path to walk.”
Then you should not walk it alone, Master! You are her partner in this life, and you were in your last. Thus, she should stand by your side with her sword…
Lance smiled. “Yes, Ptera, but she is young still.”
And you were younger than she is now when you accepted the power.
“But I knew, Ptera. I kept a bit of my foretelling ability…I saw that I would wield water, and I loved it.”
The Aerodactyl stifled a yawn. Well, I would like you to be loved in both your forms, Master. So prepare your heart…
“Sensible advice.” Lance agreed, and Aerodactyl said no more.
In her bed, Red slept, and knew not that the ebb and flow of time was shifting around them all.
End Fic
Completed 11/29/06
If you do enough of these themes, you will get repeats! Sailor Moon-esque, Woohoo! Lance is Neptune and Red will be Uranus.