Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 52_Card Pickup ❯ Theme #37: Silent ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: S is for Silk
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Fandom: Pokémon

Theme: #37, Silent
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, Het

She reclined on the sheets, luxuriating in the feel of cool, watery silk against her nude body. Her nipples were taut and stiff, and her sex was damp with desire. The moonlight spilled over her alabaster skin, catching glints in her raven tresses.
A footstep sounded, and she looked up. Her lover was near!

He slipped into her bedchamber, a smile on his face. “I have returned, my lady.”
Red rose, holding out her arms to welcome him. “My lord…”
Lance kissed her, feeling her tremble. Her lips were soft and sweet, as he sucked on her lower lip, tasting it.
She was beautiful and talented, the youngest daughter of the Toshiba family. She slowly slid from him, giving a sideways look as she moved to the bed.
He chuckled, and began to remove his armor. Luckily, today’s patrol had been simple, and no insurgents had shown their heads.
She watched, her soul humming with desire for this handsome man. Yamato-sama was from a noble family, much higher in station than hers. The gods had smiled upon her – he could have made her a mere concubine, but he had chosen her as his wife.
She ran their household well, and was always available for his attentions. After all, her husband had right to her body for sexual pleasure whenever he wished.
She hardly wanted to deny him!

He was a considerate warrior, and always made sure she received pleasure. She had heard tales from the servants’ quarters of other men, and found herself blessed.
He truly loved her…

“Red-chan,” Lance chuckled. “I’m finished.”
She raised her eyes to him, as he sat on the bed next to her. She kissed him again, as he smiled.
Red was a beautiful girl, and he wanted to protect her. He kissed her throat, than her small breasts. She moaned as he licked first one areole, than the other. Her nipples rose to sharp peaks, as her breathing quickened.
The signs of her arousal quickened his. He could feel fluid gathering in his shaft, heavy with seed. He pressed his sword against her thigh, smearing seed on her soft skin. She gave a quiet sigh.

“My love,” He agreed, before he penetrated her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, gazing up at him in joy as he began to touch her intimately.
They were happy.
He gave a quiet growl as he slid in and out of her body. She was perfectly capable of receiving him, and she knew it. She kissed his throat, his chest, as he moved, increasing in speed, until finally, they both peaked with a cry.
He trembled, his rod stiff from root to tip, as a rush of seed filled her womb. In response, her inner folds convulsed, milking every drop of precious cum from him.
She kissed him again and again, her bosom heaving.
Afterwards, they basked in the afterglow, as he stroked her satiny-smooth skin with a smile.
Beautiful love…

End Fic
Completed 1/10/08
Well, I hope I can wrap this series up soon! Go me! I was out of ideas for shonen-ai at the moment, so!
Plain vanilla sex in this one, move along… and yes, this used to be part of Letter Series #3, before they were deleted.

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