Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 52_Card Pickup ❯ Theme #41: Storm ( Chapter 41 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Storm
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #41, Storm
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: AU, het, gender-bending

“It’s certainly raining hard today.” Red commented, as they soared through the city on silent wings. Lance nodded, frowning as he watched lightning flash several miles away. It was always dangerous flying in a rainstorm, his armor and wings were made out of metal and would draw charges so easily…
“What kind of daimon would be out in this weather?”
Red grimaced. “Probably something that likes this kind of weather.”
“Figures.” He shook his head. “But at least if we fly, we won’t have to deal with Sailor Moon.”
“I hope so.” She sighed. The girl was too naïve. To save the world, three people had to die. It was the loss of three for the entire world… surely she should understand that sacrifices needed to be made.
But she didn’t, and she had stopped them from taking the Heart Crystals more than once. All they were going to do was inspect them… and unless the crystal changed into a talisman, well, that was fate.

The two of them landed silently atop a wall, while they watched the daimon extract the heart crystal from a little girl. She looked no more than four or five years ago.
It would be a pity if this child carried a talisman, but no matter…
Neptune’s Atlantis Tide attack smashed into the daimon, sending it reeling, while Uranus grabbed the heart crystal. One peek was all it took to confirm that this was not a talisman. She returned it to its owner.
There was no point in staying and fighting. Their duty had been done.

“Hold it right there!”
Ah, it seemed like Sailor Moon had shown up again. While she made her speech, heedless of the rain that plastered her pigtails to her body, the two of them shrugged and flew off.
It seemed like they were destined to deal with that pesky girl again… but not today. They still had time, but the Silence was ever approaching…
Find the Talismans, forge the Holy Grail, and give the Grail to the Messiah – that was their task.
Until then, they would have to deal with constant interruptions, both from the enemy and from Sailor Moon.
What a pity.

However, they were not helpless. They had memories enough from the Silver Millennium to know what to do, and to not trust the Moon Princess when she came along. After all, were it not for her unnatural lusts, the Moon Kingdom would never have fallen. Lance knew this, and Red knew this, and they hated her for it.
They had weathered the storms of life before. They could do so again.
In their bedroom, they shed their transformations, and had hot tea together.
“She won’t succeed,” Red promised her husband. “I’ll protect you.”
“I know,” Lance smiled. “And I’ll protect you back. I promise.”

End Fic
Completed 1/26/07
Edited 6/21/09
No real pairing for Ashline, only implied, though if you have read the other SM-verse fanfic I have written, you’ll know!
Red: *Clings to Lance*
Lance: *Grins*

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