Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 52_Flavors ❯ Theme #10: One True Thing ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: One true thing
Author: Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Ash/Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #10, One True Thing

Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Warnings: Shonen-ai
“The one true thing,” Red told Lance, “Is that I love you.”
Lance grinned. “The one true thing,” He replied, “Is that I love you back.”
“Thank goodness!” Red took a deep breath. “The one true thing is that I lied to Professor Oak to get my starter pokemon.”
“You did?” That was certainly new news.
“I told him I didn't have any others so he'd give me a Charmander, but in reality, I already had Poliwag.”
“Now tell me something!”
“The one true thing,” Lance said slowly, “Is that I'm a bastard child.”
Red stared. “No way.”
“Yes way. My father was the eldest son of the Dragon Clan in Blackthorn City, but he knocked up a call girl in Vermillion and you can guess the rest.”
“Yikes.” Red said sympathetically.
“Your turn again.”
“The one true thing is that I hate pineapples.”
“Pineapples? The one true thing is that I feel the same way about watermelon.”
Now it was Red's turn to gape at Lance. “The one true thing is, it took me four tries to beat Misty.”
Lance chuckled. “The one true thing is, I was lost for three days straight in Koga's Gym maze.”
“Yikes! I ran into Aya and Janine practicing once - that was dangerous!”
“The one true thing,” Red murmured, as he cuddled into Lance's arms, “Is that I'll never leave you. I promise.”
“I'll hold you to that promise then.” Lane said sternly. “The one true thing is that no matter what you do, I can't stop loving you.”
“I know.” Red kissed him tenderly, listening to his steady heartbeat for a moment. “I'm glad I have you.”
“And I you.” Lance responded, and they kissed again.
End Fic
Completed 11/21/06
Fluff… ^^ and apparently I'm getting carpal tunnel. *Sob*