Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Crimson Reflections... ( Chapter 117 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"I don't like it."

"What's not to like, Boss?"

"I mean the whole set-up," Frank replied as he headed his motorcycle down the streets leading from the suburban area to the Furinkan Financial district, "First Miss Tendo gets turned a Master Vamp, then her sister turns into a Slayer, and now Dimitri's sniffing around looking to cause trouble, and on top of it all her Nibs comes out of the woodwork and has a direct face-to-face powwow with the new Vamp on the block. What's to like about all this? Too much damned coincidence, and you know what that always means."

"Weirdness magnet," Shelly summarized, "But how do you account for it when the designated Nexus of the region was out on a honeymoon with his significant others?"

"Only other way I can figure is if it ain't him but Nerima itself that's to blame for it," Frank replied, "Maybe taking the Nexus away from this point let the cork out of the bottle, and maybe the genie came out to play during his absence. Whatever the cause, it's started the ball rolling, and that makes me wonder if maybe there might be something else going on that we don't know about…something big, something messy."

"If Dimitri is involved, then you can bet it's gonna be messy, Boss," the sentient auto-computer relay system replied, "With him it always is."

"Yeah, but there's something different about this mess that doesn't strike me as being centered entirely around him," Frank scowled, "Subtle isn't his style, he likes loud and brash, and he's a real bugger about hands-on carnage. I can't put my finger on it yet, but I'm sure there's something bigger than one of his usual schemes at work here…"

"Maybe you should hunt him down and ask him yourself, Boss."

"Maybe I'll do just that," Frank nodded, "After we find Lenore…and any updates on that?"

"Matter of fact I was about to tell you…I've got a bio-lock, about one kilometer in a north-by-southeast direction, mark 1-0-6-7…"

"Got it," Frank said as he turned a corner then headed off in the nearest approximation of that direction, "Is she mobile or standing still?"

"Fixed reading, Boss," Shelly replied, "In fact, you'll be right on top of her in another five seconds."

"Five seconds, huh?" Frank adjusted the visor on his helmet, getting a grid read-out in light-amplified green shade, "So where are they? I don't see them…"

"To your left right…now," Shelly informed him.

"Huh?" Frank hit the brakes and turned his machine around so that he came to an abrupt stop facing an alley, and there in the glare of his headlamp was a trio of familiar forms all huddled together near to some trash cans as if seeking concealment together.

For a moment there was silence, but then Frank got a reading on all three bodies and said, "What the…all three of you…together?"

One of the figures rose to her feet and faced the light with a hand covering her eyes, "Boss, is that you?"

"Lenore?" Frank responded, "Is that Chloe and Kiima with you? What the hell are you doing out here?"

"Keeping a low profile," the pale figure of a young girl replied as she, too, rose to her feet alongside Chloe the Werewoman, "Good evening, Doctor Steinberg, "How are you?"

"Never mind that, Kid," Frank waved the point aside, looking straight at Lenore before asking, "Tell me about Dimitri."

"It's…kind of bad, Boss-man," Lenore called out, "We had a run-in with Dimitri's goons, but Kiima got us out of there, and since then we've sort-of been in hiding waiting for you to come get us."

"You knew I was on the way?" Frank asked as he dismounted from his bike, having killed the engine and the headlight.

"Knew you'd send somebody when I failed to report in," Lenore replied, "Dimitri's got some kind of big score planned…don't know the details, but it's big, bigger than you would have expected. He had Morgan, Raptor and Anakaris with him and they were talking about something in the works. Unfortunately we got exposed before we could learn anything more specific."

"Okay," Frank said as he came to tower over the three unusual girls, "So that confirms my own instincts, and knowing Dimitri it won't stay a secret for much longer. So the Dark Pack is on the move, huh? Wonder if they brought the whole crew, and how many soldiers they can deploy in the field. Might have to call in reinforcements if this get really hairy."

"Hairy?" Chloe perked up, "Maybe Cousin John could help out."

"Talbain's on the way, Kid," Frank turned to his motorcycle and said, "See if Felicia can make it, we might need her to coordinate."

"Sure that's a good idea, Boss?" Shelly called back, "Remember what happened the last time when she ran into Tendo Nabiki?"

Frank said a few choice words then grumbled, "Damned Nekoken. Okay, so who else is available that we can get on short notice?"

"Will we do?"

Frank turned to see an unusual pair of familiar faces and forms standing a short distance away, and as Lenora and her Pack turned questioning looks that way they heard the big man say, "You guys? When did you get back in to Japan?"

"We're sort-of running escort duty at the moment," one of the figures replied, "But we were running a bit late after picking up our guest at the airport."

"Yeah, and you wouldn't believe the kind of day we've had, Doc," the other female figure added, "It's been one thing right after the other…"

"Let me guess," Frank rumbled, "Somebody tried to bump off your charge," he glanced beyond their shoulders then added, "Who's the VIP in the Limo?"

"That would be our charge," the first of the two speakers answered, "And in the interest of privacy we would prefer to keep her identity…"

"That will not be necessary," a third voice joined in, then out from the side of the black limousine a figure detached themselves, rising gracefully to her feet and turning around to greet Frank with a knowing expression.

If Frank could have paled right then he would have, "Ling-Ko?"

"The very same," the figure stepped between the two sisters and smiled as she looked up at the towering Frank, "And what a pleasure it is to meet with you again, Doctor. It has been quite a few decades."

"Uh…Boss?" Lenore timidly spoke up, "Did you just say…Ling-Ko?"

"The Dragon Lady?" Chloe murmured beside her.

"The Blood Mother of Tribe Tsiel?" Kiima asked in a matter-of-fact, almost ethereal tone of voice.

"The very same," Ling-Ko replied, giving the trio a cursory inspection, "My kinfolk, Mei-Ling and Tsien-Ko, have accompanied me from the airport to a secret rondevouz designation where I planned to attend a meeting with my counterparts from various local tribes…a private matter involving a dispute between our clan members that has caused tensions to increase among the various Tribes…"

"I heard something about that," Frank nodded, "So, what kind of trouble are we talking about here?"

"The kind where blood feuds that last for generations get started," Ling-Ko replied, "My intention was to avert a possible war from breaking out between my tribe and that of Kriel, but…my delay in arrival has lead me to suspect that our meeting is not quite as secret as it was supposed to be anymore. In fact, I fear that we may be headed towards a crisis, as if someone wants to stir up troubles and cause the Blood Kin Feuds to begin anew after a peace that has lasted for twenty generations."

"Uh oh," Lenore turned to Frank, "Boss…I got a bad feeling about this…"

"You're not alone there," Frank replied, giving Ling-Ko a sobering look, "Ling…I don't know how to put this, but…we may have a situation…"

"Indeed?" Ling-Ko asked just as soberly, "Of what type and nature?"

"Dimitri," Frank answered.

"Him again?" one of the two sisters flanking Ling-Ko blurted out, only to pause and glance in Ling's direction.

"Apparently so, Cousin Tsien," Ling replied, turning back to Frank and adding, "If Dimitri is involved then the others must be warned. It is obvious that he intends to eliminate us, which no doubt will put the tribes involved at each others throat, his aim for this being obvious to anyone, even a breather."

"That's how I figure it," Frank growled, "Damn, if only somebody had given me a heads up on this I could have had security ready to back you guys up. Now I gotta pull agents in from field assignments just to look after your sorry asses…"

"Sorry if we must trouble you, but it was supposed to be a secret meeting," Ling-Ko replied, "And that meant keeping knowledge of it restricted to a very few on a need-to-know basis. You do know what a secret is, don't you?"

"I used to think I knew," Frank sighed, "Okay, forget recriminations, it's water over the damn now. I just hope we're not too late to do something about this before the shit really hits the…"

All at once the sound of screeching tires caused everyone to turn their heads at once in time to catch a speeding Subaru (without its top) being driven by two ladies with a huddled figure in the back seat, and breaking all community speed limits as though the very devil was behind them.

Following this came another set of vehicles in hot pursuit of the damaged Subaru, a black mini-van and several guys on motorcycles with two other cars trailing after them, and all of them sporting men wearing dark sun glasses and brandishing high powered weapons.

They waited until the last of these vehicles had raced past then Frank said aloud, "Shelly?"

"I got an ID on those two," his motorcycle reported back, "They're your old friends, Officers Natsumi and Miyuki of Tokyo's finest."

"That explains why they looked familiar," Frank growled, "And the other guys?"

"Goya," Ling-Ko hissed the word with evident distaste.

"We ran into a bunch of them heading in from the airport," the one named Tsien-Ko reported, "They were doing their level best to knock us off…and get this, they had humans working alongside them."

"Indeed," the third Chinese figure spoke up once again, "It would seem that Dimitri has some sort of devils pack involving a band of professional Vampire Hunters working with him for some common purpose. My guess would be that those are another branch of the same outfit."

"Brilliant deduction, Sis," Tsien-Ko snorted, "Would have taken a real genius to figure that one out."

Ling-Ko turned to the third member of her party and said, "Mei-Ling, contact our people and inform them of our recent troubles. It is time to go on the warpath all right, only the one we shall be hunting is Dimitri and anyone who sides with him."

"As you wish it, Cousin," Mei-Ling replied with a somber expression.

"Uh, Boss," Lenore spoke up, "If those two girls are friends of yours, then shouldn't we be doing something about that?"

"Good point," Frank got back on his motorcycle, "Tell you what, let me take care of it. My guess is they stumbled into something that's completely over their pretty little heads, and if it involves Dimitri's people, then my guess is that third guy was another VIP they're looking to exterminate. Ling, I trust you'll be safe with the Sisters. Keep out of sight until you hear from me, or until we know more of what Dimitri's up to. My guess is eliminating you ranks pretty much near to the top of his agenda."

"I do not like cowering in the shadows like a coward," the Blood Mother replied, "But what you advise is only wisdom. I will look after your people, you do what you must, Doctor."

"Be in touch when I know more about what's what," Frank said, then without further adieu he started off after the chase scene, trusting in Shelly's tracking sensors to give him the edge, to say nothing of the rest of her inventory, which he intended to deploy once he caught up with those renegade Goya…

The light rapping on her door disturbed Kasumi from her private reflections and without pausing to think of the matter she automatically said, "Yes?"

"Oneechan?" Nabiki asked, "Is it all right if I come in to talk with you, Sis?"

"Nabiki?" Kasumi turned away from her reflection in the mirror and seemed distraught as she contemplated the door, then sigh a sign of resignation she said, "Yes. Please enter."

"Uh…thanks," Nabiki let herself into the room, then paused to see Kasumi sitting down before the vanity table that she and their Aunt Nodoka shared, then with an uneasy stance the middle Tendo sister said, "I…wanted to see if you were really all right. I mean…"

"Yes?" Kasumi asked politely, studying Nabiki's face as though to memorize ever detail of her beautiful features.

"Um…Oneechan?" Nabiki found herself at an awkward moment where she honestly did not know where to begin her interrogation, "How do you…uh…feel? About all this, I mean. Ah…you're not really…I mean…you don't look all that different. You can't really be a…?"

Kasumi gave Nabiki a sad look then slowly opened her mouth and revealed her front incisors.

"…oh…" was all Nabiki could think to say as she studied the wicked looking fangs that her sister was presently sporting.

Kasumi closed her mouth once again then sighed, "I've tried laying back and coming to terms with this, but I cannot deny that there have been some…substantial changes rendered upon me, and now I find that I must confront a whole new me that I have never before anticipated. It does not seem like me on the surface…and yet it is. A new me, I mean…and-strange as it seems-I am not entirely unhappy about it."

"You're not?" Nabiki could not hide the astonishment in her voice.

"Imoutochan," Kasumi said softly, "Do I seem to you like a monster?"

"Er…well, no, not exactly…" Nabiki admitted.

"I do not feel like a monster either," Kasumi replied, "And yet I feel…stronger, better than I was. I do not tire as easily from doing chores around the house, and my senses have grown so keen that I can find the barest traces of dirt in every little corner. I can hear and see better than before, I can detect odors that were formerly unknown to me, and I can sense that you have recently been to sea…the smell of brine is strong about you…and there are other changes…far less apparent."

"Ah…yeah, about that," Nabiki winced, trying to think of a clever way of phrasing the matter, "We had a run-in with Madam Lao…remember her?"

"The lady pirate from the hospital?" Kasumi asked, "But I thought Doctor Steinberg told her to leave you alone."

"So she broke her word," Nabiki shrugged, "Nothing unusual for her. But look…this isn't about me or the others, Kasumi, it's about you and these…changes you're going through. You don't really mean to say that you…ah…like what's happened?"

"No," Kasumi replied, "But…I don't dislike them either. I know it must seem strange to you, but the more I think upon the matter, the more that I realize that I am still basically the same person that I was before. The only difference is that…I drink blood…when I need to."

Nabiki blinked at that then said, "Excuse me? You don't find that…well…a little weird, Sis?"

"As a matter of fact I do," Kasumi replied, "I never liked the taste of blood before, nor do I like the fact that some poor animal has to die in order to provide it to me. Did you know that a cow's life consists of little more than chewing grass all day? I don't think I would very much like being a cow, and I'm not too partial to raw meat for that very reason."

"Er…well…" Nabiki stammered.

"It is odd…it never occurred to me before how we treat animals much the way we treat people," Kasumi said sadly, "Sometimes we warehouse them and treat them as if their lives do not really matter…but Nabiki…all life matters, everyone counts. The poor, the weak, the elderly, the sick and the dying…all of them are human beings, and we're all connected to one another. I can feel that now the way I never could before, and it all has meaning."

"Er…you think so?" Nabiki asked, surprised to hear her sister speak with such soft conviction.

"I know so," Kasumi said sadly, "Life and death are in balance, for some to live others perish, but there is no reason to hasten the process. Life is beautiful, everyone is beautiful…and Nabiki, you are beautiful as well. Have I never told you this before? It's strange, because I've always found you beautiful, and I…am proud of you…of being my sister."

"Ah…" Nabiki found herself feeling awkward as she rolled that one over in her mind, noticing the intensity of her sister's regard for her and feeling oddly drawn towards her in spite of her mental objections to feeling such strong attraction towards a sister.

"You look very well, Nabiki," Kasumi smiled, "Married life suits you rather well, and I can tell that you and Ranma-kun have been making love to one another. His scent is strong on you, and you radiate something wonderful that comes from him…I can see it in your aura."

"In my…what?" Nabiki asked.

"There is something changed about you," Kasumi studied Nabiki very carefully before saying, "I sense life…strong life…your fluids are moving around your insides…I can sense the heat between your thighs…your abdomen is pulsing with warm life…sister, are you pregnant?"

Nabiki was flattened by the question, "How did you know?"

"I…I just do," Kasumi could not help staring at her sister's belly, "Somehow you've managed to get with child. It's his seed quickening inside of you…there is a child on the way…I'm going to be an auntie."

"Whoah…" Nabiki exhaled, "That's…a pretty good guess…"

"Not for me it isn't," Kasumi replied, "Ranma-kun loves you very much, and I know how much you want to give him a child, but your curse has blocked you until now. Have you somehow managed to overcome it…to find a cure? No…I can see that your curse is still with you, only…blocked in some way, as though a spell has trapped Kaneda-kun…"

"Madam Lao did something…er…well…she says it's only temporary," Nabiki explained, "It should last a few months, right up until I have the kid, then it's…probably going to go away, and I'll be back to spending part of my days as Kaneda."

"A pity, but necessary, I can see that," Kasumi said sadly, "I will miss Kaneda…your male half. He has always…defined masculinity for me. I have enjoyed studying his strong…pectorals on you, Sister…not that I don't like you the way you are right now. Either way you are still Nabiki, still my sister, still the person whom I…love more than any other."

Nabiki swallowed at this, finding the mesmerizing gaze of the older girl even more compelling than before, and though she tried to look away she found that she could not, as though those brown eyes held her rooted to the spot, and as Kasumi studied her back she could see her sister licking her lips…and showing off her fangs ever-so-slightly.

But then Kasumi turned away, and Nabiki sagged from the sudden release of their magnetism, "I am sorry to speak with you that way, Nabiki. I know that it makes you feel…awkward. It is just that…I have always been fond of you, and since you returned to us from your ten year training mission…that fondness has grown to where…I almost regret that you are my sister."

"Um…excuse me?" Nabiki asked a bit weakly.

"Not that I would deny Ranma-kun your company since I know how you make each other feel very…alive when together…but…there are times when I have felt a bit…jealous of your feelings for him," Kasumi admitted, "I would that you could feel the same way towards me that I feel towards you…but then again, it is not a perfect world, and if it were…then I would wish that we two could have been strangers when we met, and that you could have looked to me to provide you companionship and affection. I would wish that I might meet someone else like you…but I know that this is ridiculous. There is no one else like you, Imoutochan…and that has been my entire problem. You are one of a kind…and I truly do love you."

Kasumi turned back to gaze at Nabiki as she said this, and from the intensity in her eyes there was no mistaking her sincerity, not the depth of her emotions as she stared longingly at her younger sister, feeling the weight of propriety that separated them dissolve like morning mist, leaving Nabiki exposed to the raw intensity of her older sister's passions. It was like being hit with a tidal surge, the warmth and desire flooding over them both, and for a moment Nabiki felt as though she understood-finally and completely-just what had motivated Kasumi's constant flirtations and frequent penchant to splash her with cold water. It was an overpowering sensation and for an instant it left Nabiki feeling completely breathless.

With effort the younger girl managed to wrench herself away from the emotional longing that was being radiated by her older sister and get a grip over her own emotions. It took several deep breaths to regain her self-control, but then when she looked up again Nabiki said with resolve, "Love you too, Sis…but…you know it can't be that way. I belong to Ranma-kun, and to Shampoo…and to Ukyo and even Perfume-chan…"

"But not to me," Kasumi said with sadness in her tone and expression, "I would be one party more than I think even your heart could accommodate, Sister…"

"Ah…" Nabiki winced a bit, "…I didn't…mean it quite like that…"

"I know what you meant," Kasumi replied, "I can sense your emotions. I know how much you care for me, how much I mean to you, and it's not the same thing or to the same degree as what I am feeling. You see? I know…it's a part of my gift, my ability to perceive things that are hidden from other people…"

"Your…gift?" Nabiki arched an eyebrow, "Is that what you're calling it now?"

"Perhaps that is how I prefer to see it, Nabiki-chan," Kasumi replied, "If I called it a curse, then how would I describe myself when I look into a mirror? I have a reflection, so I am not truly undead. I can breathe the same air as you, so I am not fully a Vampire. But I do have other gifts that go well beyond even the things that you can do with your martial arts training?"

"Such as?" Nabiki asked.

"Such as this," Kasumi said from directly behind her, causing Nabiki to jump as she had not even seen Kasumi move before her sister had somehow managed to maneuver around behind her.

"Ah-how…?" Nabiki gasped.

"The same way you move," Kasumi replied, "From one motion to the next. The difference is that I seem to be able to do it in a different way…as though I step out of synch with normal time and go ethereal for a few seconds. I was watching you just now as I walked around you, seeing you stare at the place where I had been standing earlier, and you were just like a statue. I could have…done things…if I were so inclined…but I chose not to. I am not a mindless beast who is helplessly subject to her instincts, I have a soul…and I am still your oneechan. I could never bring myself to hurt you."

"Never?" Nabiki asked, then gasped as Kasumi was suddenly standing directly in front of her, gazing down from mere centimeters that represented their relative height difference, and the warmth of her body was palpable to the younger girl, as was the softness of Kasumi's breath as her mouth hovered ever-so-near to Nabiki's own lips.

"Never," Kasumi gently assured her, even as she rubbed her nose against Nabiki's brow and brushed her lips across the parted area of her forehead, "I love you more than you can ever know, and I would die to protect you, Sister. You mean as much to me as all the rest of our family combined, and I know that you would respect me more if I demonstrated more control…and so I will refrain from giving in to my baser instincts."

"O-Oneechan…?" Nabiki gasped, only to find Kasumi had somehow moved away and was now poised beside the window.

"I love the night, but I love the morning better," Kasumi reflected as she gazed out at the gathering twilight, "I can tell that there will be a full moon tonight, and that means that things are stirring all around us…things of the night, creatures of the evening, like little insects and birds that are stirring from inactivity, and the worms of the earth that mill about our garden. The cool breath of evening is alive to me…and I know that I feel a longing to go and join it. But I remain as I am, little sister…a creature of the day who is at home in the warmth of the sunlight."

Nabiki stared at her sister's profile, then at the gathering night sky beyond, and for reasons that escaped her she felt a slight shudder move down her spine, though not so much from dread as from a certain inexplicable longing.

"Natsume is back," Kasumi suddenly announced, "And Tatewaki is with her." She turned to regard Nabiki, "You had better go to her and explain things, Nabiki. She may not understand me for what I am now, and she will need your wisdom and guidance to protect her."

"To protect her?" Nabiki repeated, "Why? Is something wrong with Natsume?"

"That I cannot say," Kasumi sighed, "She has changed in the past two hours even more than I have. She is now a Slayer…and that means that she and I stand on opposite sides of a divide that may be difficult to breach."

"A Slayer…Natsume?" Nabiki repeated.

"You will know when you see her," Kasumi replied sadly, "Please tell her that I mean no one any harm and that I still love her for what she is…in spite of certain changes."

"Ah…okay," Nabiki said, turning around and leaving the room, as well as vacating the strange atmosphere that was filled with Kasumi's presence. Automatically she put a hand to her neck and felt along both sides to insure that she had not been bitten, then slowly she descended the stairs, thinking aloud to herself, "This is not going to be easy…"

Meanwhile, Tatewaki and Natsume were just then coming up the walkway from the gates to the front door, the former saying, "My love…are you certain that you don't want to share this revelation with your family?"

"Tachi-kun," Natsume said softly, "I would not wish to burden my family with this news, and besides this I have not fully accepted the good doctor at his word. I find this story about slayers and vampires and watchers to be all rather far-fetched, and besides, I cannot accept that my destiny would lead me to such a narrow pathway as this. I have my own designs for destiny, and they do not include being a champion to fight against the forces of evil."

"But you must admit it is a noble calling," Tatewaki pointed out, "However…if my own preferences were to be given weight here, I would much prefer a different sort of role for you, one that I would hope that you would find more agreeable to your nature…that is, if I am not being too presumptuous here…"

"Oh?" Natsume asked with an arched eyebrow, "And…what role would you have me assume, my dear lord Kuno?"

Tatewaki looked at his lady companion frankly, "That of a wife and a mother…though I would not be loathe to your continuing to teach and study the martial arts."

Natsume had to pause to flutter herself, attempting to conceal the hand gesture though her cheeks were blushing profusely.

"May I construe from that remark that I would have some choice upon the matter?" Natsume asked as though phrasing it as a casual question.

"My love, your lightest word is as a commandment from the heavens to me," Tatewaki assured her, "I would no more dream of imposing my will upon you than I would change the course of the very stars in the heavens."

Natsume regarded the handsome man beside her and considered him carefully before saying, "Tatewaki-kun…you do flatter me deeply…"

"Not in the least," Tatewaki said as he took Natsume by the hand then fell to one knee and gazed up at her with an adoring expression, "In fact, I would profess to you that I have been seeking the right moment, but my courage has failed me until now…but at last…I would profess my adoration for you by offering this very slight token of my affections."

Natsume gazed at the object resting upon Tatewaki's outstretched hand, her whole world dissolving into a mere space occupied by the two of them with a heavenly light shining down from above, and only the man kneeling before her having any meaning. For a moment her courage failed her and she could do nothing but stare, seeing the hope and dread written large in the young man's expression, but then she forced her own hand to move, and with trembling fingers she reached for the box being offered…

"There you two are!" Keiko Arigami called out as she opened the front door and said, "We've been talking about…er…you? Oopsie…did I err?"

Tatewaki and Natsume were startled out of their private space and turned mutually chastened expressions in the kickbozer's direction. Keiko read their body postures and saw the object that Tatewaki was gripping and started to back away with a profusely apologetic, "Er…sorry…go on with what you were doing, big guy, pretend I never even noticed…"

The sound of a ribbon slicing air caught them all by surprise, and then the box was knocked from Tatewaki's hand to go flying for a distance before landing at the feet of a startled Keiko.

"How dare you!" the familiar voice of Kurumi shouted out from where she stood at the front gates, accompanied by Mousse, who seemed somewhat taken aback by his girlfriend's actions, "How dare you try and take advantage of my sister you…you hentai!"

"Um…pray excuse me?" Tatewaki asked.

"Kurumi-chan?" Natsume asked in surprise and confusion.

"I thought you might try to do something like that if I let you!" Kurumi stormed angrily up to Tatewaki, "But if you think I'm going to let you get away with this…"

All at once Keiko moved to interpose herself between Tatewaki and the angry Kurumi.

"Whoah, settle down there, sport! Take ten, count some prayer beads and other stuff like that," the Kickboxer urged, "Tachi-kun wasn't intending Natsume any mischief, were you big guy?"

"Why…no," Tatewaki insisted as he rose back to his feet, "I would never do anything untoward with Natsume. I respect her far too much for that…"

"Hah!" Kurumi snapped, then glared at Keiko, "Get out of my way, it's long since time I had it out with that…pervert!"

"Not until you calm down and act a little older than your age, squirt." Keiko calmly insisted, "It's not our business what Natsume-chan does with her boyfriend…"

"The hell it isn't!" Kurumi snapped, and threw a punch that came with such speed that even Keiko was taxed in trying to avoid it, barely maneuvering out of the way of the follow-up blow that was quickly followed in turn by a spinning roundhouse.

"Kurumi-chan!" Mousse suddenly barked out, "Stop this at once!"

All at once Kurumi's hand froze in mid-thrust, only inches away from connecting with Keiko's solar plexus. The girl hovered there for a moment before slowly growling out, "Why the hell not?"

"Because this is not the way to act in front of your sister," Mousse replied, "You know it's wrong, and do you want Natsume to hate you for it?"

"Hate…me…?" Kurumi slowly turned to see the cross expression of her older sister.

"Kurumi," Natsume said sternly, "How dare you interrupt Tachi-kun and me then take a swing at Keiko-san. I thought that I had taught you better manners than this."

Kurumi looked away from Natsume only to flare past Keiko at Tatewaki, "Then why does he have to go and provoke me by coming on to you like you were some kind of…cheap whore or something?"

"Coming onto me?" Natsume arched and eyebrow, "Kurumi-chan, are you serious? Tatewaki-kun would never do anything inappropriate with me…in fact, I think it was a very sweet gesture his offering me a present…"

"Yes," Mousse said as he held up said "present" then commented, "A very generous one if I weight this box right."

"It is not for anyone's hand but Natsume's to open…" Tatewaki began insisting.

"That's right," Natsume said as she extended her hand towards Mousse, who passed it along to her hand as the adopted Tendo sister continued, "It's my right to examine my own presents, and if you wish to stay on my good graces, little sister, you would be well advised to…"

Whatever else she next intended to say died away on an invisible carpet of their memories, for as she opened the box she saw revealed within it a ring of such rare and exquisite quality that her breath was stolen away, especially since the gleam of the sun's last dying embers played across a stone of such majesty that it surely could have graced the hand of a princess, even if it were but a mere eight millimeters in diameter and cut to a polished shine that gave it an astonishing blue casting.

Natsume stared at the thing in silent wonder, and even Kurumi was left speechless in trying to calculate the worth of such an object, Keiko whistling an appreciative tune before backing away to give the happy couple their privacy together. It was left to Mousse (who was no stranger to Amazon baubles of similar quality) to remark as he produced a magnifying lens and held it up before his glasses, "Interesting craftsmanship, at least twenty-four carrots, a very rare form of diamond if I'm not too mistaken…"

Tatewaki ignored the Chinese man's commentary as he implored Natsume with his eyes, waiting until her gaze traveled from the ring towards him as he remained knelt down before her, and then with impassioned earnestness he said, "Tendo Natsume…would you do me the greatest honor that any woman has ever bestowed upon a man by accepting from me this humble gift, and with it my entreaty for your hand to claim in holy matrimony?"

The recently quickened Vampire slayer was silent for a full minute, and then she burst out in tears of joy as a smile no less bright than the sun adorned her lovely features, and Kurumi looked from her to the humbled Kuno heir before glancing away with her own disquieted expression. She felt the hand of Mousse upon her shoulder, urging her to do nothing further to ruin their moment, and the entreaty in his own dark eyes was such that she could not begrudge her sister this moment of supreme happiness…even though her own qualms about having Tatewaki for a potential brother in law was making Kurumi nauseous…

Unaware of this, back inside the household, Ranma met Nabiki as the latter descended the stairs and with an anxious scrutiny of his wife's features he asked, "Well? Is Oneechan all right, Nabchan?"

"All right?" Nabiki arched her eyebrow as she paused at the lower step to turn a glance back over her shoulder, "That was the weirdest experience I've ever had around Kasumi. It's like she's accepted the changes that have come over her, and it's making me feel more than a little uneasy…"

"Accepting it?" Ranma arched an eyebrow, "You mean she's coming to accept being a Vampire?"

"More than that I'm afraid," Nabiki replied, "It's like…she's changed into somebody altogether different than the Kasumi we know. There's something about her…an aura, a presence…I can't really define it, but when I was with her I…I felt drawn to her, and I don't just mean sexually either."

That earned a funny look from her husband, and Nabiki quickly wilted before saying, "I…didn't mean it like that…I mean…I'm not into incest, Ranchan, you know me better than that."

"Yeah," he shrugged, "So…did you finally have that talk with her about her…infatuation with you…I mean, with Kaneda?"

"That was the oddest part of it all…I never got the chance to," Nabiki replied, "More like she talked and I listened…she confessed that she loves me, and then she said she was proud of me, and that she knows about our baby."

"No way…you told her about that?" Ranma was surprised.

"I didn't tell her, she knew," Nabiki insisted, looking Ranma straight in the eyes, "It's like she could read my mind, like she could see right through me or something…and she's got powers now…I don't understand any of it! She like the Kasumi we know…only she's different, more together and yet less. I mean...hell, I don't even know what I mean! Kami-sama! It's so confusing…"

Ranma leaned forward and studied his wife, glancing to one side of her and then the other, then straightening out again before saying, "Well, at least she didn't bit you. Uh…she didn't bite you, did she?"

"Hey, where do you think I'd hide a thing like that?" Nabiki asked, only to blink her eyes as her mind readily thought of a dozen possibilities, and she reflexively put her hands to her body and felt herself through her silk clothes before sighing, "Okay…that would have been a bit too much, you know? I mean…I know that she could have done it to me if she wanted to-and believe me, she wanted to-but I don't feel like I've been drained or anything, so it means she still in control of herself…more or less."

"Hmmm," Ranma frowned, "Maybe I oughta have a few words with Oneechan. She always been able to talk to me about stuff, maybe she'll accept some advice from her little brother…"

"I don't think that would be too wise, Ranchan," Nabiki said softly, "She's no longer the adopted big sister that you know…"

"I don't care," Ranma said, "She's my oneechan, no matter what anybody else says about it. We grew up together, she took care of me when I was little, and I ain't never gonna be afraid to be around her, Nabiki. She's done stuff for me that even Mom doesn't know about, like that time when we had a storm a few years back and…uh…well…" he colored slightly.

"What?" Nabiki eyed her husband suspiciously, "Are you telling me that you've been holding out on me, Ranma-kun? What did you and Kasumi do, huh?"

"Uh…nothing," Ranma felt himself immediately on the defensive and fought the urge to back away, "Just…well…kinda huddled together. I mean…Kasumi came into my room and gave Akane and me some sisterly advice, and…um…she hugged us. I mean…not that I was scared or nothing, but…it was good to be hugged back then, only it didn't mean nothing bad…er…sexual, okay?"

"Uh-huh," Nabiki said dubiously before a slow, sly smile crossed her sardonic features, "Obviously I've been underestimating you, Ranma-kun. Using a ploy like that to get in cozy with my sister…"

"Hey, I said never…!" Ranma sputtered.

"Relax, Doofus," Nabiki chuckled as she playfully threw a punch at his chin that turned into a soft caress long before it actually made contact, "I'm with you on this anyway…Kasumi needs our support since she's going through these changes, and if we're ever to get her back to the way we know her it's going to take all we've got to look after her…"

"Talking about Kasumi?" Keiko asked as she strolled up to join them, "Not that I blame you, but that isn't the only big news to share around here."

"What?" Nabiki turned to regard the kickboxer with a worried expression, "Something else going on around here that we ought to know about?"

"Just this," Keiko turned and smiled at Ranma, "Tell me, Saotome-kun…you and Tachi Kuno are best buddies, right?"

"Well yeah," Ranma replied, "What makes you ask?"

"Just tell me this," the pigtailed redhead smiled, "How do you feel about having him for an in-law?"

Ranma blinked his eyes while Nabiki merely remarked, "You're kidding."

"Nope," Keiko said confidently, "Tachi popped the question and Natsume said yes. In fact, I'm surprised you didn't hear all the shouting outside. Kurumi looked ready to bust a gut, but Mousse talked her into backing off and giving those two her default blessings."

"Tachi's gonna marry Natsume?" Ranma grinned, "All right!"

"Better her than me," Nabiki smiled, "And about time from where I'm standing. I'd better go find my sister and give her my heartfelt congratulations for snagging a rich husband."

"Oh yeah, and that's the other thing," Keiko held up her fingers and made a circle, "Try not to fall over with too much envy when you see the size of the ice he gave her. Must've cost him his entire month's allowance, but Natsume's acting like he just gave her one of the crown jewels from the Emperor's private collection."

"Oh man," Ranma groaned, "Why'd he have to show me up like that?" He glanced meaningfully at Nabiki's own ring finger, even knowing as he did that his wife preferred to carry her ring in a place of concealment rather than risk damaging it while fighting.

"Ranma-kun," Nabiki gave him a sly look, "Didn't you ever hear that size isn't everything? Still, I wonder how Natsumi's going to make use of that hand if it's weighted down as much as you're implying, Kei-chan."

"Come and see for yourself," Keiko waved to the front porch, "They're still outside, and my guess is they haven't yet come up for air yet. I tell you, it's positively cliché how romantic those two get when they're doing a love scene. It could give an insulin shock to a romance novel writer."

"Heh, the way those two talk lovey-dovey stuff it's a wonder anybody else can understand 'em," Ranma snorted, only to sigh as he glanced once again at Nabiki, "Not like I'm any good at that hearts and flowers stuff myself…"

Nabiki patted him on the arm and said, "Not to worry, Saotome, you say everything that needs to be said just by your actions. C'mon, let's give Oneechan some space while we go congratulate Natsume and Tatewaki."

"Heh, more like offer our condolences," Ranma smirked as he followed his wife and the kickboxer on the way to exchanging sentiments, unaware of the confrontation they would shortly be headed towards when Natsume learned more about the condition of her oldest sister, Kasumi…


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