Ragnarok Fan Fiction ❯ Ragnarok Online - Libertas ab Alucinor ❯ Chapter 2 – The Path of a Mage ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own ragnarok online or gravity.
This is chapter 2 of my fanfic. Please read and rate so that I can improve my story
Ragnarok Online - Libertas ab Alucinor (freedom from dreams)
Chapter 2 - The Path of a Mage
The city of Geffen... It is said that this city is the most ancient among the cities of Midgard. Seated at the center of the city is the mysterious Geffen tower. It is said that many mysteries lie within the tower. Many doors to rooms well used by the ancients. They say that the topmost of the tower holds the key to the stars. On King Tristan's reign that power was discovered. It is on his same reign that that power was used… against him and many other warriors who fought bravely at Glast Heim.
The pecopeco has finally stepped on the edge of the sand, distinguishing the barren terrain to a more luscious one.
“We finally made it Orden” she said, patting the head of her pecopeco.
A purple ribbon was neatly tied on the back of her long golden hair that lay shielded from the scorching sun under a sakkat. She wore a dusty green kimono laced in purple. Beside her lay a sturdy bronze staff. She rode on with her peco towards the green, refreshing environment that was before her. She headed to a nearby pool to rest her pet who was definitely exhausted from carrying her and the wagon on the back.
She came down and unstrapped her peco and led it to the pool for a drink. She looked at the clear water kneeling, she removed her hat and scooped some for her own and to freshen her dried face. She looked again to the water, staring at the ruffle she caused. When her image began a bit clearer, she noticed a necklace lying on her neck. She took it out and viewed its image on the water. The silver cross dangled below her neck. She smiled at a thought.
She then stood up and went to the back of her wagon, leaving her peco. Inside, she had some goods left. Some items she got after killing monsters on the way. She noticed a talon that she acquired from a condor she fought. Picking it she thought `hope this sells a lot'
She attended her peco, who was now wiggling to dry itself from its recent bath and patted its head. `good boy Orden' she whispered in which the peco squawked in response. She smiled as she patted him.
She was riding on the desert on the wagon, with her peco.
“hmmm……what should I call you?” she asked the pecopeco.
“hmmm……do you like Nigel?”
The pecopeco squawked in disapproval.
“hmmm……” she scratched her head “ok…… how bout Izak?”
The pecopeco shook its head.
Still no
It still disagreed.
The peco made a sudden stop that lunged her forward, plummeting her to the ground, face first. She sat properly only to find her hair covered in sand and her neat kimono dusted.
“AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!” she remarked then looked angrily at the peco “LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!!”
She noticed a bit later that the peco closed its eyes… she stared at him for awhile until he opened it and gave a squawk of approval.
“wha~? You like Orden?”
The peco nodded then picked the bag of her kimono and placed her back on the wagon and sped along
“Orden huh…” she smiled.
She hugged her companion and he gave her a squawk. She then heard a shuffle from a couple of bushes behind her. Both of them looked at the direction of the noise and prepared. The girl immediately climbed her wagon to get her staff. They didn't wait long before 3 goblins came. One carried a hammer, the other a knife, and the last carried a flail. The girl jumped at the top of her carriage and swung her staff ready. She looked at her peco who was alerted by the upcoming battle.
The goblin with an axe charged towards the peco and the other two towards her. She held her staff behind her and leaped at the air. The flail goblin swung its weapon to her which she evaded easily and countered it with a hard flying kick on its face. The knife goblin tried to attack her from the side only to receive a whack from her staff. The axe goblin tried to swing its massive on the peco who prevented it by leaping on its face, pushing the goblin to the ground. It then held its grip at the goblin firmly and flung it to a tree. She blocked the flail and knife with her staff. Seeing an opportunity, she dashed towards the flail goblin who swung its weapon to meet her. She responded to the attack by using her staff to aid her leap to avoid the flail and to land a kick on the goblin, sending it smashing to a tree. The knife goblin which was in pursuit was caught by the end of the staff and was flung to the flail goblin. She spun her staff and slammed it to the ground… the battle was over…
After looting the goblins for goods, she left and continued her travel. It was not long before she saw the looming tower of Geffen.
Kafras now render an entrance fee to any traveler who decides to stay on a town. However, citizens of that know don't need to pay he fee if they can represent an ID. The corruption of his majesty indeed has traveled far. After paying a small fee, she finally was able to enter. She headed to the shop and sold her goods. She felt satisfied of what she earned during her travels. She then went to a tailor to shop for new clothes and then stayed at an inn. She left her pet to be taken care of by the innkeeper then headed to her room. She locked her room and placed the clothes she bought aside. She looked at her surroundings and thought deeply. `I never imagined I would have the luxury of having this life' she undressed her clothes and grabbed a robe and towel and headed to the bathroom to enjoy a well deserved bath.
She enjoyed the hot water that showered her body. The shower room has a full body mirror in front. She turned off the water and looked at herself at the mirror. Her naked body lay before her. She looked at herself from her feet to her neck where she found a familiar thing that hung on it. She touched the silver cross and closed her eyes.
“May God keep you from the evils of Midgard and may grant you strength and refuge”
“Tell me what's you're name!!”
“Signet! Signet Nemme!”
“And don't call me master! I'm just 19!!”
'19 huh' she thought. He was at the same age as her. She looked at herself again on the mirror. She observed her femininity. She then closed her eyes and tilted her head upwards.
`finally caught ye' ye thief!!'
`enjoying the ride? Hahahahaha'
`I could earn myself a profit if I sold you'
`what if a rape you here and leave you to die?'
`wha~? Let go you fuck!!'
She gave a heavy sigh and turned again the shower. She again tilted her head and caressed the cross `Signet' she whispered.
His face glowed in front of the blazing fire. He poked the embers then remembered something and searched his jacket's pocket, taking out a letter. He opened it and read it again.
Information is not cheap, so does the path of the forbidden. But if you are persistent, meet me at the town of endless harmony where the souls are disturbed and left to roam n a single graveyard.
He crumpled the letter and threw it on the fire. It has been three days since he received the letter from a messenger. He gazed at the blue moon and thoughts of her came by. He bowed his head and enjoyed the silence of the night.
The ray of the sun woke her and was greeted by the chirping of the birds. She stood from her bed and opened the curtains. It's time she thought, smiling.
“So you want to become a mage, yes?” the instructor looked at her sternly.
She was at the Magician's guild applying to be a mage.
“Ok… the test is different from the previous exams and can only be taken once. Are you ready to take the test?”
“Yes I am” she replied smiling.
“Well then” he said, smiled back and breaking the tension. “Wait here as I summon your test master.”
It wasn't long before a lady appeared at the lobby. She wore reading glasses, a wizard's robe, and a wizard hat that lie on top of her head. She had a lace tied on the tip of her long black hair and held a staff on her left. The instructor ordered the girl to come.
“This is Lady Yule, your examiner.”
She bowed before her examiner. The examiner tweaked her glasses a bit to see the girl clearly.
“It's ok child, you don't have to bow to me.” She said.
The novice obeyed and looked at her.
“What is your name child?” the examiner asked.
“I'm Azis Lyle, Madame” she replied in a soft calm voice.
“Well then miss Lyle, let me lead you to your exam.”
They left the lobby and went outside the magician's guild and headed to the tower.
“There is only one exam in which you will be greatly evaluated.” She explained as they entered the tower. “If you quit or die, your exam will be a failure and you won't be able to take the test again.” She stopped and looked at her. “Understood?”
Azis nodded and they went deeper in the tower. They climbed the stairs that headed upwards until they came to a room of 9 doors.
“Pick one” Lady Yule said.
All doors look exactly the same. Azis chose the left door on the right side of the room. They walked near it and the examiner explained her objective.
“Walk inside the door and find the Tear of Life. If you are able to find it, the exit will be shown to you. You have three hours to pass the test. Just tell me when you are ready.”
Azis checked her equipment before she gave her the go signal. Lady Yule opened her palm and out came an hour glass. She turned it upside down making the sand pour and placed it on the ground.
Azis opened the door and saw only darkness. She reluctantly entered it. The door slammed behind her and her environment suddenly changed.
Would Azis become a mage or would she fail?
Comments regarding this chapter are greatly valued.