Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Romp Through Time ❯ Third Wheel Meet-Up ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N Thanks for the reviews. Sorry it's taken me so long to get to these new chapters. And HUGE THANKS to Inuhanyounikkie and Shalini Lahiri nominating for seconding “A Romp Through Time” and for all of you who voted it Best Crossover Fic in InuYasha FanGuild's 4th Quarter '06 Awards. You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you! Now, for this chapter… please don't give me a hard time about the uses of the words `demon' and `youkai'. I know I'm using them improperly, but I'm doing it for a reason in this fic, which is making me mess with canon and Japanese terms more than I usually do in my other writing. Just forgive me and enjoy, okay? I've added some reviewer responses at the end. Thanks for the reviews, they make me feel so good! Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. They are all the property of Rumiko Takahashi who is to be thanked for letting them come out to romp around with us all.
Third Wheel Meet-Up
InuYasha put Kagome down after a few blocks when he thought they'd made their escape from the Shrine unnoticed. They walked quickly, looking forward to what lay ahead. After a few blocks, they saw the trees from the park's edge peek through between buildings.
“You know,” Kagome seemed to realize something, “most people leave the park at night. They worry that it's unsafe.”
“Unsafe?” InuYasha unconsciously put a hand on his hip, where Tetsusaiga would normally lie, lashed tightly. Then he remembered that there was no room for a katana in a pair of tight jeans. He growled a little, feeling uncomfortable. “I still have my claws,” he muttered to himself.
“I don't really expect any problems.” Kagome sensed his discomfort and put her arm through his. “I was just thinking - hoping really - that we had the park to ourselves tonight.”
“Oh.” InuYasha relaxed a little bit. They shared a private glance and then his face fell a little. “Well, Ranma's bringing Akane, I'm pretty sure.”
“That's good!” Kagome brightened even more. “I'd like to see them both again.”
“Hmph.” He snorted lightly under his breath. “Not too much socializing, though.” Pulling her closer, he slipped his Demon Moon deliberately down the outside of her thigh and traced it up her leg again slowly. She giggled. “That's right,” he snickered. “I've got plans for you later.” She glanced at him nervously as they came to the edge of the park and InuYasha almost asked what she was thinking but his attention was diverted and he stiffened, catching a familiar scent.
Kagome felt his attention shift away from her as he became more alert to their surroundings. “What is it?” she asked.
“That pig is here,” he growled. “Stupid Ranma brought the other guy.”
“What?” Kagome was confused. “What pig?”
“I'll explain later.” He nosed into the wind a bit. “But they're not together…” Kagome remained quiet, letting him work it out. “Kagome,” he said finally. “I don't think Ranma brought him. I think he's being tailed and probably doesn't know it. The pig's scent is faint. And Akane is definitely with Ranma.”
“So?” Kagome was still in the dark, literally and figuratively since the sun had set. She was a little disoriented, but knew that InuYasha knew exactly where they were. “Is the pig a problem?”
“I dunno.” He held her closer. “I can't figure him out yet. But he seems to have a thing for Akane.”
“Huh? A pig is in love with Akane?”
“Nevermind,” InuYasha shook his head a little bit. “We'll see them here in a minute. When we do, I want you to tell Akane that they're being followed and then follow me - uh…” He remembered something from the night before. “Don't say anything to Akane about it being a pig following them. I don't think she's supposed to know.”
“Know what?” Kagome screwed her face up in confusion. “That a pig's in love with her?”
“I guess…” InuYasha tried to remember what the secret was really all about and failed. “I dunno, just don't mention a pig and you'll be okay.”
“Okay,” Kagome said hesitantly. At that moment, they saw Ranma and Akane come over the rise of the hill before them, illuminated by a light over the path. Kagome squealed and ran forward - right into Ranma's arms. InuYasha might have said something jealous except that at the same moment, he took Akane's hug smack dab in the chest. Both guys stood, looking at each other with stunned expressions on their faces, their arms reflexively hugging the girls wrapped around them. Except they were the wrong girls, which didn't seem to bother the girls in the least.
“It's so good to see you!” Kagome and Akane said in unison as they backed away from the wrong guys and turned to hug each other, giggling. Kagome grabbed Akane's elbow and pulled her into a whisper. InuYasha shook himself, still trying to get over the fact the he'd just hugged Akane. He'd never been hugged so many times in his life as he had in the last week.
“Come on,” he said gruffly to Ranma, who was also coming out of mild shock, and turned his back on the other three to head down an adjacent path, towards a fountain dimly lit by another light at the bottom of a gentle hill.
“Nice jeans!” Akane smiled appreciatively from behind him as she and Kagome followed the guys, still giggling; InuYasha felt warmth spread onto his cheeks. As if Kagome, Sango and Mrs. Higurashi aren't enough!
“Where the hell are you going? I thought we were meeting over there?” Ranma said, catching up while looking back behind them, towards where they'd met the week before. He snuck a furtive glance at Kagome who'd apparently forgotten all about him and was chatting away with Akane.
“Keh!” InuYasha said as his blush fired up again, looking back towards his favourite spot in the whole world. Lowering his voice, he added, “You know you're being followed by that pig guy don't you?”
“Feh!” Ranma said bitterly. From his expression it was obvious that he did not know. “Stupid Ryoga!”
“Why is he tagging along?” InuYasha picked up his pace and Ranma matched him step for step.
“He thinks I'm gonna trick him, I guess, about the Springs...” Ranma looked back over his shoulder, his eyes lighting on the girls talking non-stop about four paces behind them. “But I don't want him to find out… nobody knows that Akane and I are… uh… What are they talking about?” He frowned at the girls, worried suddenly that Kagome might be telling secrets on him.
“Hm,” InuYasha glanced back himself and wondered if he should be worried about what Akane might say to Kagome. “What do you mean nobody knows about you and Akane? You mean it's a secret?”
“Yeah,” Ranma scanned the trees, wondering where Ryoga was. If they wanted to, Ranma was sure they could lose him in the dark; all they had to do was turn abruptly down the next path and Ryoga would be wandering in the dark for days, months maybe. But it did occur to him that if InuYasha couldn't be trusted for any reason, he might like Ryoga close by for backup. Something occurred to him then. “Hey.” He looked over at the white haired guy walking next to him. “How do you know Ryoga is following us?”
InuYasha looked at him hard, sizing him up again. As before, he'd noticed how strong the boy was for a human. Only a couple of years younger than himself, about Kagome's age… Ranma was probably as strong or stronger than he was in human form and much more graceful and quick. But it wasn't his physique InuYasha wondered about now. Can I trust him?
“How much do you know about history?” InuYasha asked carefully.
“What?” Ranma's eyebrows shot up, this being the last subject he expected to come out of the strange guy's mouth. “It's one of my worst subjects at school. So I guess not very much.”
“Ever heard of a youkai?” InuYasha deliberately used the traditional word for what most people in modern times simply referred to as a `demon.'
“Yeeeaaahhh…” Ranma shot him a suspicious glance, viewing his fangs, claws and those ears hiding under the hat in a new light.
“Right,” InuYasha knew Ranma had figured it out. “Our noses look like yours but they work a hell of a lot better.”
“Crap!” Ranma said angrily.
“Hey!” InuYasha felt his hackles rise at the tone in Ranma's voice. “What's wrong with youkai?”
“How would I know?” Ranma sounded frustrated now and, to the half demon's surprise, completely uninterested in InuYasha's heritage. “So are you telling me you didn't fall into the Cursed Springs?”
“You mean the ones that turned you into a girl?” InuYasha worked hard not to smile. “And him into a pig?” He lowered his voice and jerked a thumb over to his right and behind him, indicating where Ryoga was without turning around. “And that stupidly big bear at your house?”
“Yeah, those Cursed Springs! And that dumb panda is my dumb dad…” Ranma gritted his teeth, sensing InuYasha's amusement. “So you don't know how to go back in time and find the Japanese Cursed Springs?” Ranma tried to swallow his anger, knowing that InuYasha had never exactly told him that he knew where the springs were. Ranma had just hoped… hoped very badly…
“Uh-” InuYasha thought fast, he didn't want to piss Ranma off - at least not until he found out more about Naraku and how to find him. “I might…” He was a really bad liar and he knew it. But, he reminded himself, Myoga did say something last night about knowing where the springs were… so maybe we do know…

“You might…” Ranma repeated, his hands clenched in reflexive exasperation. How many times am I going to find a lead on getting my manhood back for good and then have it turn out to be some kind of cruel joke?
They arrived at the fountain under the light and InuYasha stopped, satisfied they were far enough from their original destination that the pig-guy wouldn't be able to find it later. Of course, he had no idea how lost Ryoga already was… and then the wind shifted and he picked up another scent, one that would be harder to lose…
Ryoga had barely been able to keep up with Ranma on the way to the park. Why does he want to meet that fanged guy alone so badly? And why did he take Akane with him? And why is he in such a hurry? It wasn't the running that made it tough. He was in great shape and was sure he could run faster than Ranma in a flat out race - not that he'd really ever managed it yet - but he kept having to stop and hide, waiting until Ranma was almost out of sight before bursting into a sprint to try to catch up before they got out of range. And he knew he couldn't lose them, which would leave him, Ryoga, wandering aimlessly, having no clue where he was. The minute they'd gotten to the park he knew they were only a few blocks from where he'd grown up, but he also knew that didn't make a whit of difference. He could get lost in the bathroom if he wasn't careful. He was relieved to see Ranma finally set Akane down and it occurred to him he'd been wondering why he'd been carrying her in the first place. And why were her arms around his neck?
Shortly thereafter he'd watched in total surprise when Ranma was engulfed by one of the cutest girls had ever seen, other than Akane, of course. As usual, he'd forgotten all about his own girlfriend, the pig girl, as his mind turned this strange turn of events over and over. When he'd first started chasing Ranma as he carried Akane in his arms to the park, Ryoga had begun to suspect that they were up to something and his heart began to constrict, wondering if Ranma had finally come to his senses and seen how cute Akane was, which of course would leave him, Ryoga, wailing in emotional pain on the sidewalk. But when he watched the other cute girl jump Ranma the minute they met, he'd had a moment of hope that Ranma had decided to fall in love with someone else and that he, Ryoga, would be dancing in the fountain with joy - Akane as good as his. He was insanely happy for a few seconds until he'd watched Akane fling her arms around the white haired guy. His heart sank again quickly; Akane was in love with a guy who had bigger fangs than him and he, Ryoga was about to start wailing in emotional pain when he'd seen the girls hug each other and so he just decided to be confused.
Hiding in the trees and following along behind them as they walked the pathway towards a fountain, Ryoga scratched his head as the girls giggled and the guys talked. They all seemed so chummy… Ranma and InuYasha hadn't even fought yet. Still feeling a little emotionally unbalanced, his recent bouts with both elation and despair began to twist inside him and before he knew it, he was surprised to realize he was feeling jealous of InuYasha, who not only seemed to have garnered Akane's affections but Ranma's too. The guys were talking like old friends instead of wailing on each other in a fight. Ranma fights everyone he meets… he doesn't even have any guy friends! he thought. Except for me… Suddenly he was mad and just wanted to pound something.
As quietly as he could, Ryoga snuck into the bushes just beyond the cement pathway where he could watch the four of them as they stood now next to the fountain. His eyes fixed on the other girl, her long black hair flowing down her back. She and Akane sat next to each other on a bench and became a vision of loveliness. Ryoga started to feel himself get sappy and dizzy, just imagining them surrounded by sparkles and big pink fuzzy balls of light…
“So beautiful…” he whispered to himself and sank down on his knees to peer through a hole in the bushes. He got on all fours to see more clearly through the small space between the branches. Suddenly, he felt a presence at his side and started, jerking back onto his haunches and staring straight into a fuzzy brown tail of fur poking out of the back of way-too-tight jeans.
“You'd better not be looking at Kagome,” the wolf said quietly. He stood looking at the four standing by the fountain, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Get down!” Standing enough to put a hand on the guy's shoulder Ryoga pulled him down into a squat behind the bushes where they would both remain hidden and hissed in his ear. “What are you doing here?”
“Came to make sure Kagome was safe,” Kouga said simply.
Ryoga would have been annoyed that the guy had surprised him half to death except that he had forgotten all about him. She had a name…
“Kagome,” he whispered into the night.
“Hey…” Kouga sounded annoyed. “I said that you better not be looking at Kagome.”
“What's Kagome to you?” Ryoga started to feel protective. Who is this guy to have a thing for my Kagome all of a sudden?
“She's my woman,” Kouga said matter-of-factly at the precise moment that the girls stood up and InuYasha put his arm possessively around Kagome's shoulder while she snuggled into him, clearly happy to be in his embrace.
“Really?” Ryoga blinked at the scene before them. That's strange. Looks a lot like she's his right now.
“Huh,” Kouga snorted. “I'm just letting him take care of her for a while, until…” There was a long pause while Ryoga stared at Kouga and Kouga stared at InuYasha's arm around Kagome.
“Until…?” Ryoga said expectantly.
“Until he screws up,” Kouga huffed and shifted his feet under him, his foot tapping in irritation and his strange tail flicking in time with the irritated foot. Ryoga felt a sudden familiar pang; jealousy was something he understood very well.
“Uh,” he asked tentatively. “How long have you been waiting for him to screw up?”
Kouga snorted again. “Too long.”
“Yeah,” Ryoga said, weakly, looking at Akane and remembering his feelings earlier when Ranma had been carrying her. “I know the feeling.”
As if sensing the new direction of Ryoga's thoughts, Kouga cocked his head and shifted his eyes, a wolfish grin breaking across his face. “But it's nice to see Akane again.” He turned slightly so Ryoga could see his leer. “She's pretty cute.”
“Akane!” Ryoga snapped to attention, forgetting momentarily about Kagome. “Hey…” he looked suspiciously at the guy next to him. “You said that last night too. Don't go getting any ideas about my Akane.”
Your Akane?” Kouga's eyebrows raised. “Thought you said that Ranma guy got first dibs?”
“Well, he does…” Ryoga felt that icky knot in his stomach that came around every time the reality of his romantic situation came back to haunt him. “But only because his dad made some stupid deal with Akane's dad about an arranged marriage and inheritance and stuff. But Ranma will find a way to get out of it, I know he will.” Just then, he glanced up to see Ranma, his arms crossed over his chest, move his hips sideways, deliberately bumping Akane's rear and causing her to break into laughter. Ryoga's jaw dropped.
“Yep.” Kouga had seen it too, “He's definitely trying to get away from her.” They watched as Akane poked him in the ribs and he laughed, tickling her back. “Look how fast he's running.”
“No… it can't be…” Ryoga's eyes stayed wide open while Akane curled into Ranma as he kept tickling her, pulling her into him. She giggled and jiggled, pushing her rear into her tormenter trying to get him to stop… sort of. Ranma just kept tickling her. “It's not like that,” Ryoga whispered as they watched it be exactly like that. “Ranma doesn't tickle her,” he whimpered as Ranma tickled her even more unmercifully.
“Obviously.” Kouga's dry voice held a slight but sincere note of sympathy. “You're right. It's clear she hates it when he does that.” Ranma caught Akane's fist as she swung it at him, and spun her around until she was pinned against his side, his arm around her waist. Then he turned back to talk to InuYasha as Akane giggled uncontrollably in his grip.
“Oh no,” Ryoga's heart fell and tears began streaming from his eyes. “He has figured it out...”
“Figured what out?” Kouga asked, scratching his ear.
“That she's cute,” Ryoga started to wail.
“Buddy.” Kouga cocked an eyebrow. “He'd have to be an idiot not to notice that she's cute.”
“But he is an idiot! And always calls her uncute!” Ryoga wailed more loudly.
“Well, stupid,” Kouga stated the obvious. “He's lying.”
“Noooooo!” Ryoga slumped over in shock, sagging against Kouga, who shoved him away.
“Hey, I know how you feel, alright?” the wolf said uncomfortably. “You don't need to slobber all over me.” Kouga stood up then, stepping away and back out of the light so Ryoga could only see his dark shadow.
“You don't know how I feel!” Ryoga was distraught. “How could you know how I feel?”
“Kagome.” Kouga was irritated again, having to repeat himself on such an unpleasant subject. “Remember? She dumped me a week ago for mutt-face over there.”
“She dumped you?” Ryoga stopped crying.
“Pretty much,” Kouga had his back to Ryoga, who was still roiling with emotion. “But now I'm thinking I'll get back in line. One of these guys is bound to screw up soon.”
“What?” Ryoga couldn't believe his ears, the wolf insinuating he might go after Akane too. “After what I just… I'll-” Ryoga would have pounced on Kouga for his insolence, even suggesting that he could muscle in line behind Ranma where Ryoga was already firmly established… except that he really didn't want to get caught spying.
“Well,” Kouga said thoughtfully, staring at their friends, “I figure my odds are better with two girls than one.” He put his hands on his hips. “And I am feeling a bit desperate lately… ever since Kagome started emitting that scent… I mean, once in a while I can handle, but all the time? It's tough, I tell you.” He cleared his throat and swivelled his knee out a bit as though just noticing his too-tight pants. “So I need to play the odds, that's all.” Kouga turned to look down at Ryoga and said very matter-of-factly, “You know, I won't hold it against you if you do too. May the best guy win.” He turned back to look towards the fountain and crossed his arms over his chest again. “'Course it will be me.” He snickered.
Ryoga could hardly breathe and he felt dizzy. He wanted to do something - anything - but his eyes were so full of tears he couldn't even see where Kouga had gone. He wanted to get mad, but then that vision of Kagome came back to him. Would I really have a chance…?
A fuzzy tail tip fwipped right under his nose and Ryoga realized that Kouga hadn't even bothered to move away, out of tackling range. In addition to all the other uncontrollable emotions running around inside him, Ryoga felt supremely insulted by the dark-haired stranger's nonchalant treatment of him in his highly excitable state. As he furiously blinked the tears from his eyes, beginning to see the tail swishing over those too-tight jeans more clearly, Ryoga felt that same wash of emotion he'd felt the night before and he had the strangest desire to throw himself on the wolf and pummel him. He repressed this urge in the interests of remaining hidden,
“Would you get down already?” Ryoga said, wiping the last of his tears away and resolving to pummel this guy as soon as Ranma and Akane left. “And what's your name, anyway?” Might as well know the name of my rival.
“Huh?” Kouga seemed to take notice that he was fairly exposed again and knelt back down, wiggling uncomfortably and pulling at the crotch of his pants, accidentally popping another button at his waist. “How do you guys wear these things?”
“Uh…” Ryoga stammered, coming back to the fact that he was in a park with the guy with a tail stuffed into his too-tight pants who'd just declared himself a rival for Akane and allowed him, Ryoga, to think about competing for Kagome when InuYasha screwed up. He was beyond confused at this point, but realized he had an opportunity. Plotting vaguely, he congratulated himself on his imminent negotiating skill and said, “Tell me your name and I'll tell you what I know about those pants.”
“Fine,” the wolf said, putting one knee casually on the ground and propping an elbow up with the other one while he pulled at the fabric stretched tightly over his thigh, trying to loosen it more. “Name's Kouga. Now cough it up. Is there some special fastening I can loosen or something?”
“I don't really know. I wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of jeans,” Ryoga said dryly, enjoying the upper hand for a moment. “And no. There's no way to loosen them, unless you want to get rid of that tail thing.” He leaned over to look at the brown fluff emerging over Kouga's butt. “What is that? You got something strapped on under your pants?”
“No,” Kouga growled slightly and Ryoga felt the same instinctive excitement he'd felt the night before when he'd heard that growl, in the presence of a feral danger that he didn't understand. “It's my tail.”
“For real?” Ryoga blinked, absorbing this fact that had been swishing in front of him for fifteen minutes already.
“Yeah,” Kouga said sourly. “For real.” He turned back to look out towards the fountain. “What are they talking about?”
“I'm not sure. I can't hear this far away.” Ryoga adjusted himself to look back through the hole in the bushes.
“I can,” Kouga said, glancing down at Ryoga. “If you'd shut up for a minute I'd be able to figure it out.”
Ryoga looked up again and seemed to notice for the first time the odd taper on the other guy's ears. His eyes widened as he recognized the look of the legendary youkai from fairy tale books he'd read as a child. The ones with ears… and tails…
“You…” he moved away, excited again and forgetting all about the four in the clearing. “Demon!”
“What?” Kouga made a frustrated noise, giving up on listening in on the conversation he couldn't really hear very well anyway. InuYasha was definitely onto him and was making them all whisper. “What the heck's a `demon'? I'm not human if that's what you mean.”
“Demon. From ancient legend.” Ryoga had seen all kinds of strange beings in his travels, but most of them simply had the poor fortune of falling into another, even more horrid, cursed spring than he himself. Of course, that would make sense... “Or you just fell into the Cursed Spring of the Drowned Demon,” he reasoned out loud. “Is that why Ranma wanted to meet you guys?” He looked back out where InuYasha stood under the lamp light and his eyes fixed on the long silver hair flowing down his back. Rounding on Kouga he said, with glee in his voice, finally putting all the pieces together, “You know how to go back in time to the Japanese Cursed Springs, don't you?”
“What?” Kouga screwed up his face, realizing he really shouldn't let the secret out about the well. Kagome would get really mad at him if he did. “I don't know what you're talking about.” He turned back to look through the bushes.
“Liar.” Ryoga said flatly.
Something tangible shifted in the air and Ryoga's hair stood on end again.
“Did you just call me a liar?” Kouga turned slowly, rising from his knees to face Ryoga in a predator's crouch. “Pigs shouldn't go around calling wolves names.” His voice dropped into a dangerous register. “They don't live very long that way.”
“Wolf… The Cursed Spring of the Drowned Wolf Demon?” Ryoga gulped like a pig and hoped the other didn't hear it, but when the wolf didn't attack, he grew more brave. “You have to tell me where the time portal is… Please? I need to get my manhood back.” He looked pathetic.
Kouga glanced down between his legs and looked confused. “What's wrong with your manhood?”
“Not that!” Ryoga blushed. “That's Ranma's problem. I mean I have to stop turning into a pig and I can only do that if I fall into the Spring of the Drowned Man or the Reversal Spring.”
“What the heck are you talking about?” Kouga was really confused now.
The same reason you are a demon right now,” Ryoga explained. “You had the good fortune to fall into a Spring that gave you power, instead of giving you….” He searched his mind and only found one advantage to being a pig sometimes, “the excuse to sleep with Akane every night!”
“Akane again,” Kouga laughed ironically and then his eyes grew wide, absorbing his meaning. “You sleep with her every night?”
“Yes, I do.” Ryoga said proudly, Whenever I'm not lost. He also conveniently omitted the parts about how he could do little more to her than snuffle at her neck. “And I've had enough of your leering at her.” Remembering suddenly the other reason he'd followed Ranma to the park tonight, he narrowed his eyes. “Hey, that's right, I gave you a challenge last night, didn't I?”
“You were serious about that?” Kouga's face relaxed into a blank expression, obviously surprised. “You don't look a guy with a death wish.”
“My challenging you doesn't mean a fight to the death, stupid,” Ryoga noticed again the dangerous energy coming off Kouga.
“What other reason is there to fight?” Kouga's face still looked blank, clearly confused by what Ryoga was telling him.
“For fun and to see who's better,” Ryoga said simply, as though speaking to a child. “You're not afraid you'd loose a simple little fight without having to kill me, would you?”
“I'm not afraid of killing you or not killing you,” Kouga had a tease in his voice, enjoying the idea of a little wrestling romp like the one he'd had with InuYasha that morning. The dusty roll around the Shrine grounds had helped him work off some anxiety and another romp would feel good about now. “If it'd make you happier to not get killed, I'm okay with it.” His eyebrows furrowed a bit, as he remembered that maybe it would be necessary to kill the pig after all. “Unless you really did call me a liar.”
“Fine, you're not a liar,” Ryoga lied, sure Kouga knew where the time portal was, and determined to get it out of him. “But you did sneak into Miss Akane's yard uninvited last night and I can't just sit by and let that happen!”
“I thought you wanted to shut up so they didn't notice?” Kouga glanced over where all four of their friends stood by the fountain, looking in their direction. “They're onto us now.” He laughed, watching Ryoga swing to yet another extreme emotional state right before his eyes.
“That's not the point anymore!” Ryoga had worked himself up, remembering finally that he needed to protect Miss Akane from this lecherous wolf who'd leered at her the night before. He seemed completely oblivious to Kouga's really big smile.
Kouga yelped up a laugh as Ryoga jumped on him.
Ranma finally stopped tickling Akane, making the excuse to himself belatedly that if Ryoga really was watching, he wouldn't think it too strange… he was only tickling her, not kissing her. Of course, he didn't usually tickle her… and she didn't usually let him touch her at all… and they didn't both usually laugh like young lovers… oh shit… Well, serves him right for always getting in my way. I can always deny it later.
He released his arm from Akane's waist and let her finish explaining what a Karaoke Box was, and how Nabiki seemed to be running most of Nakamura's affairs. InuYasha and Kagome looked at each other, puzzled about what their nemesis in human form could be up to running, a commercial enterprise and showing no interest in killing, maiming or disembowelling anyone as far as they could tell.
“So we've told you what we know about Nakamura,” Ranma said. “Maybe we'll help you find him, and maybe we won't.”
“Oh?” InuYasha had been waiting for this, knowing Ranma wanted the location of the Cursed Springs in the Sengoku Jidai. His nerves were a bit on edge from being this close to Kagome so long… in the dark… not far from his ultimate destination in the park… and she smelled so nice…. In his current mood he really wasn't feeling too patient with the situation and was annoyed at Ranma's tone. “We told you Naraku was dangerous, don't you want to help us get him to keep Akane's sister safe?”
“Now that I know he's bad news, I can take care of that myself if I have to,” Ranma said, beginning to negotiate. “And it is Nabiki…”
“Ranma!” Akane had a threatening tone and swung him around to face her frown, knowing he was wondering if they should even bother trying to save her devious sister from whatever her more-devious-if-that-were-possible boyfriend might have planned.
Turning back to InuYasha, Ranma continued the negotiation. “Maybe I'll let you help… if you help us find the Cursed Springs.”
“What Cursed Springs?” Kagome asked.
“The ones that gave InuYasha that great hair and cute little ears!” Akane said brightly.
“Except I found out that he didn't fall into the Springs…” Ranma groused, his frustration of earlier returning.
“He didn't?” Akane looked confused.
“I'll explain later…” Kagome touched her sleeve.
“So,” Ranma swivelled his position slightly to face InuYasha directly, his body taking on a challenging posture which InuYasha responded to instinctively, shifting his weight very slightly to the balls of his feet. “You said you might know where the time portal is to the Sengoku Jidai and the Springs are.” His arms tensed, his ki building and concentrating; this was when he found out if InuYasha could be trusted. Both girls sensed what was happening and shared a tense look. “Are you going to help us or not?”
Kagome started to speak and InuYasha squeezed her hand, silencing her. “I don't know where they are, but I might know someone who does. You take us to Naraku and I'll ask around about the Springs.”
“So you do know where the time portal is! Why don't we find the Springs first?” Ranma's impatience started bubbling over. “This Jaku dude knows what you look like, right? As soon as he figures you're after him, he might kill you or something and then how am I going to find the Springs?”
“Naraku kill me?” InuYasha burst out in laughter. “He couldn't kill me when he was half youkai, he can't even scratch me as a human.”
“Youkai?” Akane's eyes widened, finally starting to understand.
“It'll take me a couple of days to find out about your Springs,” InuYasha said, sounding more reasonable than he felt. “That's enough time for you to take us to Naraku.” Kagome just looked at him, impressed that he seemed to have learned some diplomacy from Miroku after all this time.
“How are we-?” Kagome started to ask.
“Myoga.” InuYasha said simply and Kagome understood.
“Who's Myoga?” Akane asked.
“A demon flea,” Kagome said.
“Oh…” Akane cinched closer to Ranma, apparently finally aware of how strange their friends really were.
“So what are we supposed to do while we're waiting for this - flea? - to find the Springs?” Ranma's irritation had only become exacerbated, learning that his masculine fate rested on the tiny shoulders of a magical insect.
“We don't want to tip off Naraku that we know he's here,” Kagome offered. “Maybe we could find some kind of disguises before we go to his Karaoke Box.”
“We don't need a disguise!” InuYasha keh'd dismissively. “We'll just jump him when we get there.”
“I don't think that's such a good idea, InuYasha,” Kagome said gently, putting her free hand over his. “In this century, you can get into big trouble for that.”
“Besides,” Akane interjected, “we really don't know that he's done anything wrong yet, do we?”
InuYasha growled, but didn't say anything.
“I'll ask mom if she can help us make disguises,” Kagome said, trying to divert the conversation and then she giggled. “Would you let me cut your hair, InuYasha?” InuYasha's growl just deepened and Kagome stopped laughing, knowing she'd reached the limit of his good humor on the subject.
“I think I know how we might get you disguises,” Ranma said as his stomach growled at the mere thought of ramen. “Shampoo's great grandmother will have some magic she can use on you. We'll go to the Cat Café tomorrow and ask.”
“The Cat Café?” Akane's voice lowered into its own little growl. Kagome stared at her, recognizing the sound of a jealous woman.
“Yeah!” Ranma was enthusiastic suddenly, the thought of food momentarily helping him overlook the fact that he wanted to gnash his teeth in frustration, having to wait even longer to find the Cursed Springs. But his stomach was something he could always find time for. “You like ramen?” He asked InuYasha who brightened also. “They make the best ramen, you'll love it!”
“Ramen…” InuYasha looked less angry at the thought of food.
Akane had been fuming through this entire conversation and had just opened her mouth to say something when they heard a shout from behind the bushes not too far away. Both girls jumped, surprised to find out they weren't alone. InuYasha turned calmly, having known they were being spied upon the whole time.
“Ryoga?” Ranma started, wondering what could have made the guy squeal like that.
“It's the wolf,” InuYasha said.
“Kouga?” Kagome tensed, unaware that the wolf had followed them here, to their park.
“A wolf?” Akane sounded alarmed.
“No blood. The pi- Uh… your friend's fine,” InuYasha looked bored. “Serves him right for sneaking out after you.”
Ryoga made another noise and they heard a surprised growl from Kouga. “Come on,” InuYasha said, walking towards the sound. “Let's see if Kouga manages not to kill him.” As they approached the bushes where the noises were coming from, greenery began to thrash more deeply into the trees and pretty soon the tussling sounds became even more faint as Ryoga and Kouga wrestled farther into the woods.
“Is Ryoga going to be okay?” Akane was worried.
“Ryoga can take care of himself,” Ranma tried to mask his worry. InuYasha torqued an ear towards the dimming sounds.
“I don't know about that,” the half-demon said almost arrogantly, Ranma thought. “You guys are strong, but Kouga's a youkai. It's not the same.” He continued to listen and then relaxed a bit, seemingly satisfied. “He's just messin' with him.” Next they heard a howl of pain - from Kouga.
“Oh?” Ranma sounded smug, making up for the little sting he felt a moment before when InuYasha dismissed Ryoga's martial arts' prowess - only slightly less capable than his own - as `strong.' “Who's messin' with who?”
“Kouga must be getting out of practice,” InuYasha shrugged dismissively, which lit a torch under Ranma's still hair-triggered temper.
“Come on.” Ranma's frustration at having to wait again bubbled up and suddenly he wanted to take it out on someone. InuYasha just happened to be handy, and a little too full of himself. “Say what you really mean by that comment!”
“Ranma…” Akane pulled on his shoulder a little bit.
“'Come on', yourself,” InuYasha became annoyed at the implication that either a demon or a half demon would find fighting humans a challenge, even quick and agile ones like Ranma. “You're not telling me that you think Ryoga - or you, even - could win against me or Kouga in a fight?”
“Of course we could!” Ranma spoke heatedly.
“InuYasha…” Kagome slipped her arm around his and tugged. “Those guys are gone now.” She tugged. “We have a date, remember?”
“Us too,” Akane said, yanking the red fabric just above Ranma's waist. “We didn't come here to fight did we?”
“Give me a break,” InuYasha put an edge in his voice and ignoring the girls. “You're a human. You wouldn't stand a chance against me, or that mangy wolf, in a real fight.”
“So what I'm human?” Ranma retorted. “I've never lost a fight!” Akane gave him a sour look. “What?” he said to her. “I always win in the end.”
“Fine,” InuYasha took Kagome's hand and headed back up the path, turning his back on Ranma. “We'll come to your house tomorrow so you can take us to ramen.” He spoke to the air in front of them. “If you still want a fight, I'll smash you up then.” Scooping Kagome in his arms, he was gone in two leaps, headed back towards their special spot, which happened to be Ranma and Akane's special spot, too.
“That guy can be really annoying,” Ranma said, wrapping his arm around Akane's waist and kissing her, which she thoroughly enjoyed. After a bit he pulled away and realized they were pretty exposed under the lights on the path. “Let's go somewhere else.”
“No,” Akane looked up with big eyes. “That's our place. I want to go back there. Come on,” Akane put both her arms around him and held him close, whispering in his ear. “It all worked out last week, didn't it? Let's go back-“
Suddenly the air was ripped with a panicked WHAAAAAAT?!? That sounded disturbingly like InuYasha.
“What was that?” Ranma said, instinctively tightening his grip on Akane.
“Oh,” Akane laid her head on his shoulder, withdrawing a bit into herself. “Kagome must have told him…”
“Told him what?” Ranma turned to look back towards their special spot. “Think they need help?”
“No,” Akane said meekly. “She just told him what I still have to tell you.”
“What?” Ranma looked down at the top of her head, wondering if he was going like her news. “Tell me what?”
“Uh… That she couldn't… and neither could I…” She cleared her throat. “That I couldn't get any more Morning-After Pills. Kuno didn't send in an order to Nabiki this week and I didn't want to tell her that I needed some…”
“Wha-?” Ranma echoed InuYasha's wail at a slightly lower volume. “You mean we came all the way to the park for nothing?” Great. He mentally threw up his hands. Today is just designed to piss me off!
“Oh, I don't know about `nothing'… “Akane's voice was like silk suddenly, becoming warm and low as she breathed against his neck. “I have a plan to make it up to you.”
“You do?” Ranma became suddenly very interested in her plan.
“Yes, I do,” Akane began to pull him towards their special spot, right next to InuYasha and Kagome's special spot in the trees.
Remembering last week's playful time, Ranma began to warm to the idea of more, but one thing worried him.
“Akane,” he said, blushing a little as they walked, “After a week without you and… last night, I don't know how much teasing I can take tonight.”
“Don't' worry,' She snuggled against him as they walked, “This is right up your alley.”
To be continued…
A/N: If you want to know what happens immediately after this chapter in that special spot in the Park, you'll have to read it in “A Romp in the Park [NC-17] - Chapter 18-20” on mediaminer.org or adultfanfiction.net. But I can tell you what happens. Thanks to Kuno inadvertently screwing up their plans, they can't go all the way, but they can do just about everything else If you'd rather just skip the sexy stuff, that's ok. Hang out here for Chapter 7 of “A Romp Through Time.” I'll make sure you don't miss any plot points, `cuz… well there really aren't any plot points in “Park” to miss; plot really isn't the point in the Park.
Some reviewer responses to Ch. 5 (I decided this was easier than in the A/N):
Deathfire-san: “Jak-off”. Yeah. Heh. It was just too good to pass up!
The Rabid Badger: Thank you for the very very very very effusive compliment. Nope. Not over for a while, I hope. Just going to be taking a little break in the “Park” for a bit, but we'll be back in “Time” soon enough.
Feni & Deathfire-san: Dunno if p-chan will be outed, but you can bet if he is, (1) he'll deserve it even more than he does now and (2) it will be huge fun!
Ranuel: Hm. “Joan of Arc” vs. “Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure”… uh, I think the first is a bit of a stretch, but he second is right on! I can just see Ted saying “squashidly”. *snerk*
O-7: Oh, yes! Sango is a very practical girl, especially when it comes to weaponry! She may have to learn some new skill in the future though. And yeah (going back a few chapters), dogs in trees are just not right.
To be continued…..