Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Youkai in Furinkan?! ❯ Arrival ^_^ ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

[Okay minna. I'm sorry, but I just couldn't pass this one up. This was just a cool idea I got once while listening to some Ranma songs after watching Inu-Yasha. Heh, heh. An Inu-Yasha/Ranma crossover story!! Now of course, I can hear the people in the background… "Not much of a crossover. Both are done by Rumiko Takahashi!" But you know what… I…don't…care…! ^_^x I thought it was such a great idea and I wanted to see what would happen if I did the story. After all Inu-Yasha and Ranma would get along great! They got a lot in common <snickers evilly> from similar rivals (Ryoga/Kouga), to girl problems ^.~, to the same stubborn attitude. It was just too much fun of an idea not to do. I just had to write this story!! Oh, so you all know, instead of doing the usual last name first like it's supposed to be I did the first name first thing. I'm so used to seeing Ranma in English that I'm used to writing Akane Tendo and Ranma Saotome, not other way around. So, I did it with Kagome too. Kagome Higurashi. The problem is that I keep switching languages (i.e. I use "Nani?!" one time and "What?!" the next). Just wanted to let you all know ahead of time so you weren't confused. So I hope you guys enjoy as much as I did writing it! ^_^ Ja-ne! PS: All right let me go over this real quickly. I have received many notices on how Furinkan isn't the name of the city (that the Tendos are in Tokyo in a prefecture called Nerima) only the name of the school. Now, I'll try my best to fix it for those who have complained, but it kind of defeats much of the funniness at the beginning. Oh, well, tough. You hounded me about it so much, now you're going to get what you want :P Hope you're satisfied.]

A Youkai in Furinkan?!An Inu-Yasha/Ranma ½ Crossover

Part I: Arrival ^_^

Kagome grinned as she felt the cool breeze ["aaahhh…kimochii…" ^_^]. Here she was! Kami, it had been a good four years since she had last been in Nerima! She held her wide-brimmed straw hat as a strong gust of wind blew in. She held her sunflower-printed skirt down with her hand. Her luggage was on the floor beside her, her purse over her. She hadn't forgotten anything. Good. Kagome took in a deep breath and then turned to look into the station. She sighed. What a relief to take a vacation! Going back and forth through time was such a hassle and was giving her severe stress. Not to mention her rocky romantic relationship with Inu-Yasha. She needed to get away for a while and coming to visit Akane was just what she needed.

Kagome's old friend Akane Tendo said she would meet her at the train station. Now all she had to do was keep a look out for her.

"Well, what does your friend look like, Akane? It's pointless to look for someone in this crowd if you don't know what she looks like!" Ranma muttered to the girl beside him. Akane only rolled her eyes.

"I already told you, Ranma! She said she was going to be wearing the straw hat I bought for her last time she came for a visit! Now hurry up and find her. I haven't seen her since before I met you! I'm dying to see Kagome again!"

"How long have you known this girl anyway, Akane?"

Akane smiled as she thought back. "She was my first pen pal when I was in grade school. Our teachers kept the pen palling at that age to nearby Japanese, so it would be easier for us to make friends with them. Kagome and I became fast friends and never lost touch. After a year of writing to each other, her mom eventually brought her here for a visit. Since then every other year we would visit each other and we never stopped writing. She lives in this old temple shrine. It's beautiful! But after we got into junior high it was harder to come and visit. We've been so busy. I haven't seen her in four years. But we never stopped writing to each other."

"Does that mean she knows about me then?" Ranma asked as he shoved someone out of his way.

Akane grinned mischievously at him. "Oh yeah. She knows everything about you, Ranma."

His eyebrow ticked. "What?! You even told her about that?! Isn't anything sacred? Why did you do that for!?"

Akane shrugged it off. "She's my best friend, Ranma. Why shouldn't I tell her about you and your little… 'curse'? She has her own boy problems and after telling her about you, she felt she could tell someone about her own. No one but me knows about her situation." Akane sighed. When Kagome had written to her telling about her time travel, the Shikon Jewel, and the hanyou Inu-Yasha, it had almost been too much to swallow. But Kagome wasn't crazy and she wasn't lying either. If people didn't know Ranma, no one would have probably believed that he turned into a girl when splashed with cold water! So, what if her friend Kagome was falling in love with a boy that was half dog demon and half human? She was falling in love with a boy that turned into a girl! Was there one that was worse?

"Hey, Akane. I see a chick with a straw hat with a sunflower on it. Is that her?"

Akane looked up and saw the hat. "Yes! Ranma that's her! Let's go!"

"You didn't tell me was so cute, Akane!"

Akane jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow [or were we actually expecting a mallet ^_^ hee hee…]. "Ow!! What'd you do that for?!" Ranma yelled at her.

"You know perfectly well why. Hmph! I'd put it out of my mind if I were you. Her boyfriend would chew you up and spit you out like a dog toy! [Inside joke! Inside joke!] So don't get any ideas!"

"I wasn't getting any ideas! I was just complimenting her and you! You don't have to get so violent! You already told me she had a boyfriend! Damn, Akane, what do you think I am anyway?!" Ranma bellowed at her.

"A pervert."


Akane ignored him and rushed over to her old friend. "Kagome!"

Kagome looked up and saw Akane rushing toward her. She gave a laugh of greeting and hugged her friend. "Akane! Kami, it's been a long time! I missed you so much! I wasn't too hard to spot, was I?"

Akane shook her head. "No, we found you fine. You weren't waiting long, were you?"

Kagome smiled. "Iie. I got here a little while ago. I was enjoying the breeze. Nerima is so nice this time of year. I'm just so glad I'm getting a vacation! I definitely needed one."

Akane turned around to see Ranma still trying to get through the crowd. She turned back to Kagome and whispered, "What did you tell you-know-who?"

Kagome blinked. "Inu-Yasha? I told him I had a test."

Akane straightened and lifted an eyebrow in disbelief. "For two weeks?"

Kagome shrugged her shoulders. "He always passes by to pick me up every three days. So, it doesn't matter how long I tell I'm going to be gone. He's still going to come on the third day."

"Then what's going to happen three days from now?"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "If I know my dog-boy, he'll come to pick me up, find out I skipped out on him for a whole two weeks and track me down with that nose of his. I say he'll be here by the fifth day if we're lucky. If he's really mad, he'll be here by the night of the third day."

Akane giggled. "So, I guess I'm actually going to get to meet him! That's great!"

Kagome sighed. "You won't be thinking that when he starts picking a fight with everyone and everything just to vent out his anger."

Akane shook her head. "You haven't been here in a while. All that happens nowadays is fights. It never ends. It all started when Ranma showed up."

"What about me? And just cause your small Akane, doesn't mean you can sneak away on me! Wait up, next time."

The two girls looked up to see Ranma headed right toward them, walking on people's heads. Curses were flying up at him, but he ignored them. He dropped down before them and lifted his hand. "Hello, Kagome. I'm Ranma, Akane's fiancée."

Kagome smiled at him. "I don't know why you complain, Akane. At least he's cute. Konnichiwa, Ranma. I know who you are, Akane's sent me pictures. It's great to finally meet you in person."

Ranma whistled. "Whoa, Akane. You could use a few lessons in cuteness from her-"

Akane jammed him in the ribs again, cutting him off. Kagome laughed. "Oh, kami, major déjà vu! And I don't know what you're talking about Ranma. Akane no kawaii!! I'm not cute at all compared to her. Akane, I still love your haircut. It so suits you!"

Akane giggled. "Come on, Kagome. We're going to head home now. Afterwards I'll introduce you to all the wackos in town. If we don't run into them first that is."