Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Scarlet Fever ❯ Arrival! A New Tenant at the Hinata-sou! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Scarlet Fever
By Jaxxon

Episode One - Arrival! A New Tenant at the Hinata-sou!

The early September night covered the city of Tokyo with a light mist. The lights of the city illuminated the haze to create a constant twilight. While many of its citizens turned toward the warmth of their families and homes, one household stood as a blaze in the darkness.

"Ranma, tonight you die!"

Akane Tendo, age 19 and first year ronin, howled in frustration. The crumpled papers of her once perfect homework littered her desktop. Her bloodshot eyes glared out her window. Her intended victim waited below.

Ranma Saotome, age 19, laughed as he leapt from the feeble attacks of his blind assailant. Mousse, age 20, continued his barrage of chains. Mousse had heard of the special meal Shampoo had given Ranma and intended to punish the destroyer of his happiness.


Both martial artists froze in their attacks. With fear and trepidation, they turned to the enraged young woman. Mousse gulped as he dropped his weapon and dashed toward the koi pond. Before he reached his refuge, a large barbell struck his waist and pinned him to the ground. His cries for mercy fell on deaf ears as his attacker stared at the cowering martial artist.

"Now, Akane," Ranma stammered. "We didn't mean to disturb you. Did we, Mousse?"

"No," Mousse wheezed as the breathing became more difficult. "We are truly sorry."

"RANMA NO BAKA!!!" Akane screamed as she delivered an uppercut to Ranma's unprotected chin.

As her fiancé traveled into the night sky, her murderous glare turned upon the older boy. Mousse's cries of pain sounded throughout neighborhood.

The next morning revealed the extent of her torture. Ranma groaned as he hobbled back to the Tendo dojo. Luckily, he only suffered from minor sprains and bruises, but he had landed ten miles across town. Walking past the tangled remains of Mousse, Ranma hoped Akane's temper had abated.

"Good morning, Ranma," Kasumi, age 22, greeted. "Why don't you eat your breakfast while I get the first aid kit?"

"Okay, Kasumi," Ranma replied as he sat at the table, "but you might want to see about Mousse?"

"I bandaged him last night," Kasumi said as she pulled a tin box out of the pantry. "She only left him with a few dislocated joints."

Ranma shook his head. The last time he fought Ryoga, Akane had nearly broken both of their arms for disturbing her study.

"Has Akane left yet?"

"Yes," Kasumi answered. "She headed out with Nabiki."

Ranma relaxed with the news of his fiancée's departure. Nabiki, age 20, was attending Keio University. The sophomore had taken the highest ranked school that accepted her test scores, unlike her younger sister. Akane aimed to attend Tokyo University and would not accept anything less.

"I better head off," Ranma said after applied a balm to his sores. "I'm already running late."

Kasumi shook her head. Every morning, Ranma would disappear for most the day and return shortly after Akane. She suspected he had found some underground fighting ring due to the number of bruises he that covered his arms. She had spoken with his mother about his condition, but Nodoka Saotome merely laughed. She thought Ranma was testing his manhood in combat, but Kasumi still worried over her future brother-in-law.


Akane furiously copied the assignments on the board. The next mock entrance exam was in two weeks, and she planned to make at least a B rating. Looking over at her neighbor, she was eased by her calm mood.

Motoko Aoyama, age 18, quickly copied down the rest of the assignment. After being beaten by two high school students, she was determined to raise it to an A rating. She refused remain a ronin for as long as her idiot landlord.

"Just to remind you about the upcoming mock exam," the teacher said as he turned away from the blackboard. "There will only be two more practice exams before your actual test in February. I urge you all to try your hardest."

Akane sighed as she gathered her books. With all the usual commotion at the Tendo dojo, she feared that she would never achieve anything other than an E rating like the last exam.

"Tendo, care to join me for a cinnabon?" Motoko asked.

"Sure, Motoko," Akane smiled back. "Maybe you can help me with my English."

Motoko grabbed her bag and walked out of the classroom with Akane in tow. As they walked down the street, Motoko would randomly give a word in English while Akane tried to translate. Often, Motoko corrected her mistakes, but they were growing fewer as they walked up to a cinnabon cart. Motoko and Akane walked to the train station while eating their sweets.

"I just hope I can figure out a way to study," Akane sighed as she looked at her train schedule.

"I've told you about the dormitory where I live," Motoko replied as she before she took another bite out of her cinnabon. "I'm sure the landlord would accept a new tenant."

"I doubt my father would approve," Akane said as she stared down at the sweet in her lap. "'You must carry out the Tendo legacy.' If I don't pass my entrance exam, he'll probably try to marry me off."

"Would your father truly do that?" Motoko asked.

"He did once before," Akane grumbled beneath her breath.

Motoko stared in shock as Akane causally finished her cinnabon. Composing herself, Motoko finished her sweet as the train to Hinata came into the station.

"If change your mind," Motoko said as she waited for the door to open, "just came to the Hinata-sou."

Motoko disappeared in the crowded the train car, leaving Akane alone on the platform. Akane headed toward the platform heading to Nerima. The Sasaki Seminar was not the closest exam preparatory school, but she had heard rumors about it while still in Furinkan High. A few years ago, the top score on the mock exam had come from that school.

An even stranger rumor had been circulating for the past year. A three-year ronin with no hope of passing the entrance exam had entered that school. He passed in the middle of the acceptance margin though he fell asleep during the test. Akane doubted the last part, but if it was even partially true, Sasaki Seminar was worth the commute from Nerima.

With twenty minutes to wait, she sat down at a bench and pulled out her history book. The teacher had pointed out the events that commonly appeared on the entrance exam, and this was one of the few times she would not have any distraction. The time passed slowly, but she could not concentrate on her studying. Her thoughts kept turning toward Ranma and the chaos that surrounded him. She had considered Motoko's offer almost everyday since Shampoo had tried slipping her an extra spicy bowl of ramen. Luckily for her, Genma Saotome had stolen it and ate the entire bowel before she realized. He had been in bed for a week.

"Now arriving, the 4:20 to Nerima," the announcement rang.

Akane packed away her book and walked to the platform. The train was relatively empty compared to how crowded it would be in an hour. The morning commute was more difficult as she fought for space among the salarymen.

The commute passed quietly until she arrived at Nerima. Walking down the street, she continually thought of leaving, even if it was only to live closer to Todai.

When she arrived at her home, the smells of Kasumi's cooking filled the air. Sneaking up to her room, Akane was hoping to avoid a lecture about last night. If her idiot fiancé would stop bringing his fights underneath her window, she could study in peace.

"Akane, dear," a gentle voice said from behind her door. "Can I have a word with you?"

Akane sighed as she opened her door. While Nodoka Saotome had been very supportive when Akane announced her decision to apply for Todai, she often hinted about another wedding.

"Are you happy here?" Nodoka asked.

Akane was taken back by the question. She had come to accept Nodoka as a mother, but she always thought of her as another one trying to marry her off.

"Oh, I'm very happy," Akane lied.

"I know my son has been disturbing your studies," Nodoka continued. "Perhaps it would be best if you moved to a more peaceful environment. Maybe, a less manly one?"

"But Aunty..." Akane started before she was cut off by Nodoka's raised hand.

"I received a letter about a female dormitory for students," Nodoka said as she handed Akane the papers. "The owner of the property is a Todai student, and there are two more students in the area."

"The Hinata-sou," Akane laughed as she read the name on the letters. "I've heard of it. One of my classmates lives there."

Nodoka smiled at the girl. The previous owner, Hinata Urashima, had sent her the letter. An all female dormitory should give Akane the best place to study, and with three Todai students, she would be able to pass the test with ease.

"I'll think about it," Akane said after reading the letter. "I would still much rather stay here."

Suddenly, loud shouts could be heard outside. Looking out her window, Akane saw Ranma and Mousse fighting again.

"How about I start packing?" Akane sighed.

Nodoka nodded as she closed Akane's door.


Ranma sat cross-legged on Akane's bed as he watched her pack. While he understood why she wanted to leave, he still could not accept it. This was her home. If anybody should leave, it should be him and his family, but Akane said trouble would still come to the dojo even if he left.

"You can stop looking so gloomy," Akane snapped. "It's only six months, and I'm only a few hours away."

"Who said I was going to miss a tomboy like you?" Ranma shouted back. He leapt off her bed and stormed out of her room.

Akane shook her head as she laid another dress in her suitcase. The letter said the room would be fully furnished, and Akane did not think she could afford to hire a moving truck. Two suitcases held all she planned to take with her.

Akane stared at the two suitcases lying on her floor. She was missing something. She had already backed away all the clothes she would need, and her books were in another sack by the door. Looking over at her desk, she noticed the missing item. Opening the drawer, she stared at a picture of her and Ranma taken just before the wedding. Nabiki had hidden a few cameras around the house in order to confirm who had damaged what. She had said that what happened was inevitable, but Akane wondered how inevitable the damage had been since Nabiki had mailed nearly every person they had met an invitation.

Akane smiled down at the picture. Ranma had been so nervous when he saw her dress. A part of her almost wished the wedding had not been interrupted, but then she would probably already have a baby to tend. Maybe if he was a father, Ranma would finally stop fighting with everyone he met.

"Akane, I'll help carry your things to the dormitory," Ranma said as he came back in. Akane quickly hid the picture behind her back. Ranma had been too occupied with lifting her bags to notice her frantic motion.

"That's okay," Akane said as she began to push him out of her room. "I can handle this by myself."

"I want to help," Ranma whispered. Akane stopped her shoving. Ranma could be sensitive at times, and Akane had come to treasure these moments.

"Fine then," Akane said as let go of Ranma. "Just take those two downstairs, and I'll be down in a minute."

Ranma gave a weak smile as he lifted the two suitcases and walked out the door. Akane smiled at the door after he left. She quickly placed the picture in her bag and followed after Ranma.

Downstairs, Soun Tendo was crying his eyes out. "My little girls are all grown-up," he cried. "Soon, you will all be blushing brides."

"Daddy," Akane blushed. "I'm coming back."

"I think you should just let your father be," Nodoka suggested.

Akane nodded as she gave her father a hug. Kasumi gave her a bento box and a hug as well.

Nabiki smirked and tossed Akane a small roll of money. Shocked, Akane nearly missed catching the roll.

"You might need some things," Nabiki replied. "I'll just charge you at 8% interest once you come home."

Akane smiled back at her older sisters. Both had been protective of her ever since their mother had passed away, but now she was leaving them behind.

Genma Saotome merely grunted as he took a bite out of his bamboo shoot. Being a panda did damper his ability to communicate his feelings. Akane's departure did upset his goal to unite the families, but now he might be able to sleep undisturbed at night.

"Now do not hesitate to let us know if you need anything," Nodoka said. "Ranma, I want you to make sure Akane is settled before coming back."

"Yes, mom," Ranma replied as he lifted her suitcases.

Akane gave her final goodbyes and led Ranma out the door. The two silently walked toward the train station, each being unable to voice the thoughts of their heart. After three years of living under the same roof, the two had grown accustomed together. Neither would admit that they loved the other, but the familiarity was something they each treasured.

"I could stay too," Ranma said as they entered the train station. "I only have to avoid hot water, and they wouldn't know I was guy."

"And have your harem find us," Akane snapped back. "And don't give me that look. You know they would find you eventually."

A sad smile formed on Akane's lips. "Maybe you could finally make up your mind when I'm gone."

"Come on, Akane," Ranma replied. "You know I never asked for this."

"But you sure seem to enjoy it," Akane snapped. "What guy would love to have every girl he ever met mooning over him?"


"Just shut up," Akane said as she balled her fist. She wanted her last memory of Ranma not to be shadowed by losing her temper.

"Fine," Ranma sighed.

Waiting on the station platform seemed like an eternity. Neither chose to spoke. Ranma stared off into the sky while Akane was focused on a textbook. When the train arrived, the two made their way into the throng. The space was tight, and Akane thankful no one had tried to grope her like during her morning commutes. When they finally arrived at the Hinata station, a man with broke wrist walked off the train behind her fiancé.

The streets of Hinata were sparsely populated. Only housewives shopping for their evening meals occupied the streets, save the few salarymen ate at the cart vendors that littered the sidewalks. Ranma looked longingly at a ramen cart, but Akane urged him onward. His stomach roared in protest, but Ranma followed with only slight grumbling.

The streets eventually led to some stairs that rose atop the hills surrounding the town. Climbing the steps, Ranma's sullen mood deepened in his heart. In only a few moments, Akane would no longer be within his reach. He had felt her absence before, and the memories of the best three years had played on his mind ever since she told him about her leaving. Denial had been his only defense against pain that was consuming his heart. The denial that Akane could ever find someone to replace him had been his only comfort.

Slowly the front of the Hinata-sou rose above the horizon. Akane realized now why Motoko always referred to the dormitory as an inn. She half expected to be greeted by her friend in a yukata while the owner offered her a cup of tea.

Strangely, the lobby was empty. Looking at her watch, Akane noted she had arrived at the time she had told Motoko. Akane placed her bag on the floor and approached the lobby desk.

"Hello," she called. "Is anyone here?"

"I'll be with you in a moment," a voice replied from somewhere nearby.

Akane glanced over at Ranma who returned her puzzled look. A young woman in dusty clothes walked into the room while wiping her hands with a rag.

"Welcome to the Hinata Girls Dormitory," Naru, age 20, greeted. "My name is Naru Narusegawa. You must be the new tenant Motoko told us about."

"Yes, sempai," Akane replied. "I'm Akane Tendo."

"I'm sorry, but your room's not ready," Naru sighed. "The last occupant had damaged the some of the furniture and mats. The landlord had been putting off replacing them since the room hasn't been used for a few weeks."

"Oh, are you the manager then?" Akane asked.

"Sometimes," Naru laughed. "The owner and manager is my boyfriend, Keitaro Urashima."

"A man is the manager?" Akane asked. "He doesn't live here, does he?"

"He's in Room 204," Naru replied. "You don't have to worry much about him. He's only a little perverted."

"You sure you want to stay now?" Ranma whispered to Akane.

"I'm sure this Naru can keep him in line," Akane whispered back. "Besides, if he was really bad, Motoko would not have invited me to stay."

Naru looked at the couple and smiled. The boy did not look like he could be her brother, so she assumed he was helping his girlfriend move. Maybe this one would not try to steal Keitaro away from her like the rest of the tenants.

"You'll be in Room 205," Naru said as she led the two up the stairs. "The last occupant may have left some...uh...things around the corners."

"Are all the rooms being used?" Akane asked.

"Some are being used for storage and guest rooms for visitors," Naru replied. "The building used to be an inn, but the last renovation was mostly meant to fix problems to the structure and foundation. Most of the rooms were not equipped for a long-term tenant."

Akane glanced over at the door to Room 202. The name Sarah McDougal hanged on the frame, but the paper door was in tatters. The cuts seemed to be made by a katana but some of the holes looked more like large rocks.

Naru slid open the door of Room 205. Akane walked into the room and examined her new residence. A few of the mats were missing from the floor, and it was missing a bed or futon. An old table was in the middle of the larger section while a bookshelf and two cabinets lined the wall. A large window at the back of the room looked out onto another building. Opening the closet, an empty bottle of sake rolled out.

"That would be Kitsune's," Naru nervously laughed.

Ranma picked up the bottle and looked at the label. It had been a brand his father enjoyed, mostly for its higher proof.

"The other should be back from the store any minute now," Naru said after she quickly checked the cabinets' drawers. "Why not I give you a tour?"

"That would be nice," Akane replied.

Ranma shook his head and followed after the two chattering girls. Glancing around, he noted the some of the walls had been patched numerous times. From his own experience since arriving at the Tendos', most of the damages were made from a human body smashing into the walls. He fell behind the girls as he examined an indention under the staircase.

"That must have hurt," Ranma commented as he estimated it was about an inch deep.

Catching up to the girls, the two were shown the main attraction of the old Hinata Inn

"And this is the outdoor hot springs," Naru said as she led them through the changing room.

"It's lovely," Akane said as stars formed in her eyes. Ranma was a little nervous being this close to a large body of water. Hot or not, this much water could only cause him problems.

"Naru," a male voice called. "We're back. Has Akane arrived yet?"

"That would be the others," Naru told Akane before walking back into the changing room.

Akane turned to look the hot springs and smiled. She had come to a place far from the troubles brought by fiancées, martial artists, and demons. She could finally study without being disturbed.

"It's so beautiful," Akane sighed. "I'm going to love it here."

Ranma looked downheartedly at his fiancé. He was losing her, but he was not really sure if he had ever had her. Perhaps this was for the best.

"I better start heading back," Ranma said.

"So soon," Akane replied. She had hoped to spend sometime with her fiancé alone from her meddling parents and his admirers.

"I know you rather not have to explain too much about me," he told her. "I'll just save you trouble."

"Ranma," Akane said as she grabbed his arm. "Do you want to break it off?"

Ranma stared deep into her eyes. She had sometimes threatened to call off the engagement during the past three years, but only once had the thought crossed his mind. He thought he had lost her then, but she had come back.

"I won't dishonor your family like that," Ranma replied. It was the only thing he could admit, even to himself.

"Akane?" Motoko called. "Are you still in there?"

"You had better go on," Ranma told her.

Akane leaned forward and gave Ranma a kiss on the check. Ranma stared at the blushing girl as he felt his own cheeks grow warm.

"Akane?" Motoko said as she entered the hot springs with Naru in tow. Motoko stared briefly at the blushing young man beside her friend. "And you are?"

"Ranma Saotome," he quickly replied. He noticed her battle aura began to build. "I was helping Akane with her things."

Motoko continued to eye Ranma before she turned to Akane. "Why don't you meet everyone else?"

"Sure," Akane said as she gave Ranma a last look.

Kaolla Su, age 16, suddenly rose out of the water. Wearing an orange wetsuit and oxygen tank, she quickly looked around the hot springs but ignored the gawking onlookers. Suddenly, a flying turtle shot out of the water and flew up to a window on the second floor.

"Curse you, Tama," Su said as she leapt out of the water and ran into the building.

"And that would be Su," Naru sighed. "She's a bit spirited."

Akane and Ranma followed the two girls back to the lobby. Waiting there was a young man and another girl with mats and a futon.

"Keitaro, where are the boards?" Naru asked. "I thought you said you were going to replace the rotten ones in the fence?"

"They're being delivered tomorrow," Keitaro Urashima, age 23 replied. "You must be Akane. Please to meet you."

"Thank you," Akane smiled back. "Ranma, would you like me to walk with you to the station?"

"No, you need to unpack," Ranma said. "It was nice meeting all of you."

Ranma walked out of the lobby toward the stair leading down to the street. Akane stared in his direction until he disappeared below the hill's crest.

"So, was that your boyfriend?" Naru asked.

"Not exactly," Akane said, "but we are kinda close."

"I see," Naru replied with a smile. "How about we fix your room now?"

"All right," Akane said as Keitaro and Naru grabbed the futon and mats. "Oh, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Akane Tendo."

"Well, you've already met Motoko and Naru," Keitaro replied. "I'm Keitaro Urashima. I'm the landlord of the Hinata-sou. So if you need anything, just ask me."

"And I'm Shinobu Maehara," Shinobu, age 15, added. "Are you studying for the Todai entrance exam too?"

"Yes," Akane replied. "It was too difficult studying at home, so my aunt suggested I move here until the exam."

As Keitaro and Naru carried the furnishings up the stairs, Akane talked to the others about life at the Hinata-sou. The sound of random destruction could be heard from the third floor.

"Su sure is feisty," Akane commented. "Is she always like this?"

"Most of the time," Shinobu sighed. "I hope she doesn't hurt Tama."

"She never does," Keitaro reassured the young girl. "Akane, will you need anything else?"

"No, I'm fine," Akane said as she began to unpack her suitcases.

"Dinner will be at eight," Shinobu said as she left with the others.

Akane sat alone in her room as she slowly unpacked her luggage. Once the others were gone, she pulled the photo out of her bag. Smiling down at it, she placed it on the cabinet. She then began filling the cabinet drawers with her clothes while her textbooks soon occupied the bookcase.

Looking at the room, a small smile grew on her face. The walls still lacked any decoration, and it did not have the same feel of her room at home.

"It's not much," Akane said with a content smile, "but it'll do."

Looking at the picture on her cabinet, her smile grew larger. "Wish me luck, Ranma."


Ranma sneezed as he returned to the street. Scratching his nose, he looked around for a restaurant or food vendor. A little down the road, he saw a sign for a teahouse. Grumbling about the hills, he walked up the short flight to the Café Hinata.

The teahouse was empty save for two women in aprons drinking at the counter. Sipping their tea, Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno, age 22, and Mutsumi Otohime, age 23, glanced up at the customer.

"Welcome to the Café Hinata," Kitsune greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Do you serve tempura or ramen?" Ranma asked.

"We have some pork ramen," Kitsune answered. "I'll be back with your order in a moment."

Ranma nodded as Mutsumi placed a cup of tea in front of him.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind," Mutsumi said with a knowing smile. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"Not really," Ranma sullenly replied as he sipped his tea.

"I bet that it's girl problems," Mutsumi smiled. "Am I right?"

"Yeah," Ranma sighed. He looked up at the woman. Though he was bit disconcerted by her smile, her presence was comforting.

"Here's your pork ramen," Kitsune said as she placed the bowl beside the cup.

"Thank you," Ranma said as he broke apart his chopsticks. Without his usual vigor, he slowly ate the noodles. Kitsune and Mutsumi walked over to the side to leave Ranma to his food. Watching him, both felt pity for the downhearted young man.

"He sure has it bad," Kitsune commented to Mutsumi. "Almost worst than Keitaro."

"Maybe you should give him some of your new shipment," Mutsumi whispered back. "It should lift his spirits."

"Yeah, right out of his body," Kitsune replied. "That stuff is at least 195 proof."

"But he needs it," Mutsumi pleaded. "I bet it won't phase him at all."

Kitsune looked at the depressed young man at the counter. If it had been Keitaro, she would have liquored him up without hesitation, but this was a customer.

"All right," Kitsune said as she reached beneath the counter and pulled out a bottle of a fluorescent pink liquid. "But if he keels over, you have to help bury the body."

Approaching Ranma, Kitsune placed the bottle and a glass in front of him. Ranma stared up questioningly at the woman then at the bottle. Even his father would be hesitant to drink this stuff.

"On the house," Kitsune said as she poured him a glass. "I had this imported and hear it's strong enough to drown anything."

Ranma sighed as he picked up the glass. The women would obviously not leave him alone unless he drunk the liquor. Taking a sip, he began to feel woozy, and after a second, his face fell into the ramen bowl.

"Oh my," Mutsumi said as she pulled the comatose boy out of the bowl. "I didn't think he would be such a featherweight."

"You think we should take him up to the Hinata-sou?" Kitsune said as she laid him out on the floor.

"No, he should probably just sleep it off here," Mutsumi said as she grabbed his feet and dragged him into the back room. "When he wakes up, he'll be able to make it home."

Kitsune shrugged and took away the bowl and cups. She was still curious about the young man, but his unconsciousness would hinder gathering any information. She spotted his wallet on the ground and picked it up. Looking inside, all it contained besides a few bills was a train pass and a school identity card for Furinkan High.

"Jee, this was barely enough to cover his tab," Kitsune said as she pocketed the money. "Ranma Saotome."

"Who?" Mutsumi asked once she returned from placing Ranma on a futon.

"That's his name," Kitsune said as she tossed her the wallet. "I wonder what he's doing all the way out here with so little money?"

"Keitaro said they were getting a new resident from Nerima," Mutsumi replied after reading the id. "Perhaps he has something to do with her."

"We can ask about her tonight at dinner," Kitsune replied. "He should be awake by then."

"I hope so," Mutsumi said. After wiping the counter, she walked into the back room to check on her patient

Ranma tossed in sleep. His alcohol-induced dreams troubled his mind while his soul dealt with the possibility of losing Akane. He had beaten all rivals before, but now he felt he was losing to her dream. A dream he did not fully understand. Why did she want to enter Tokyo University? What did it have to offer?

When he awoke, the lights in the teahouse were turned off. Looking around, he was alone in a back storeroom with his wallet laying open next to him. Noticing the absence of his cash, he picked it up and walked into the main room. The lights were off in here as well, but a note lay on the counter.

"Ranma," he read. "Sorry, but we had to leave while we took care of an errand. The last train to Nerima leaves by 10 o'clock, so if you're reading this letter you should hurry. Mutsumi Otohime."

Looking at a clock on the wall, he grunted as he ran out the door. It was already 9:40. Running to the train station, he hoped he would miss the train. Once at the platform, he saw he had arrived in time as the train came into the station. Pushing through the crowd leaving the train, he took a seat in a nearly empty car. The ride back Nerima was uneventful as he watched the scenery change from the rural Hinata City to crowded Tokyo metropolis.

Leaving the train, he walked slowly back to the Tendo residence. He thought about the strange dreams without noticing a leaky fire hydrant had sprayed him. As the female Ranma walked in to the house, she met her mother waiting by the door.

"It is good you have made it home at last," Nodoka greeted. "Did Akane like the Hinata-sou?"

"She seemed happy enough," Ranma replied. The bright lights of the house were beginning to make her eyes hurt. "I'm going to bed now."

"Very well, son," Nodoka said as she smelt the alcohol her breath. "A letter came for you."

Ranma almost snatched the letter from her mother's hand, but the disorientation caused her to sway into the wall. Nodoka sighed and helped her son up to the futon in their room.

"Perhaps you should read it in the morning," Nodoka suggested.

"No, I want to see it now," Ranma replied. She tore off the top of the envelope and pulled out the letter. A big smile appeared on her face as she read it over. Lying back, she let the letter fall to the ground.

Next to the unconscious girl, a piece of paper read: "Ranma Saotome, Seki Seminar. Grade A. Chances of being accepted 88%."