Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Akane ❯ Challenging Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Ranma or any of the characters. Rumiko Takahashi does. I'm only using her awesome characters for fanfictional stories. So I repeat, Rumiko Takahashi is the Creator of Ranma ½

'...' indicates thoughts of the character

*...* will tell you when a flashback appears


Chapter 6

Tatewaki Kuno waited outside the school, awaiting his beloved Akane Tendo. Today he felt something was going to happen but he did not know wether it was going to be good or not. Thinking always on the positive side, Kuno stood proudly in front of all the other male body that awaiting the same goddess. Today was going to be special in one way or another. Somehow things will get cleared up upon his feelings for his two loves.

He looked around an noted that the school bell was going to ring and looked onward to see if the fair maiden was going to enlighten him with her gracious presence. He noticed a lone figure coming closer to the school grounds. The small feet and the graceful walk, the rhythmic and graceful movement of the hips from side to side and the fine bust size, perfect fit for the small slender body. His eyes traveled up the body further thinking that his maiden had finally got rid of the evil sorcerer that continuously clouded her mind with the forceful concern of the satisfactory his own well being. Denying her who she really should be with and now she has come to declare her love to him.

Kuno's eyes finally rested on the face of this supposed beauty. His face twisted with in-satisfaction and the thoughts that previously roamed his mind and stared upon Nabiki Tendo. She now stood in front of him as his face continued to argue upon how Nabiki could have been mistaken for her younger sister. Surely there was something wrong with him as he continued to eye the now enraged Nabiki. He wondered what was causing her anger to arise at that moment.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Kuno noticed that his eyes kept wandering about her body instead of her face. He jerked himself up, feeling the start of perspiration on his forehead.

"Nabiki Tendo," He bowed slightly. "It is not usual for you to arrive at school this late." She studied him for a moment without answering him or giving any indication that she was. When he was sure that she was not going to say anything more, he decided to ask about Akane. She continued to look at him but the anger was leaving her slowly.

"Akane and Ranma are going to be late so don't wait up for them." He frowned at this as she began to walk by him.

"Why does Akane insist on waiting for that treacherous Saotome? She could get to school on time if I went over there and picked her up in the morning." Nabiki shook her head and continued on into the school. Kuno followed and the rest of the males outside wondered why Kuno did not stay.

"She's not a kid to be picked up, Kuno. She's old enough to make her own decisions and if she decides to come late, then that's her choice." Kuno said nothing behind her and just followed her to their room. He knew that it was urgent to speak with her and the only time he would be able to do that is during lunch. ~~*~~

As Kuno sat through class, something started to bother him. He glanced over to Nabiki and noted immediately how she held her pen. Her hand encircled the writing tool and her thumb slowly rubbed the underside. Her soft lips were on the end, sucking gently. He noticed that she was deep in though and her other hand began to fumble with the button on her uniform. He watched her movements as she pulled the top open. He could just make out the top of her breast. He looked away abruptly. Why was he suddenly watching her? He didn't understand. She was nothing to him.

He shook his head. That was not true. Even though she played upon his weakness, she was very nice sometimes. Though she never realize that she let her guard down, no one can keep up an act forever. It was rare, yes, but he had seen it before. He turned to look at her again but she put her pen down and looked out the window. Her chin was resting in her hand and her other hand played with the pages in her book. He should be thinking about Akane and his pigtailed goddess but they were so far from his mind. He did not understand.

The bell rang and he found himself walking over to her. She didn't notice him until he was right beside her. Nabiki turned and looked up at his gentle gaze. She never noticed the way his eyes just held your gaze for a moment, withholding you from looking away, but she did. She took a deep breath and spoke.

"What is it Kuno-baby?" She didn't know why she felt weird all of a sudden.

"It would give me great pleasure if you were to join me for lunch, Nabiki." She paused. He wanted her to eat with him. What would everyone else think about that? She normally hung out with him to sell him things but she didn't have anything for him today. That's why he must want her to go with him.

"Sorry, Kuno. I don't have anything on Akane or your pigtailed girl. I haven't had the chance yet so wait til tomorrow." She looked at him as he shook his head. She frowned and as a puzzled look came upon her face. "No? Well then you want to talk about new business?" He shook his head again and she couldn't figure him out. What did he want?

"I do not wish to speak about them. I just wish for you to join me for lunch, that is all." She didn't know what to say. What would he want to talk to her about then? ~~*~~

Ranma and Akane walked back into the classroom as their other classmates walked out for lunch and their teacher, Miss Hinako, told them to have a nice lunch. Akane was not angry that they had to stand out in the hallway, but to her, it was kind of a new adventure since they knew that they loved each other. But they really couldn't say anything to each other because there were ears everywhere and she didn't want the whole school knowing about their new feelings just yet. She looked at her things on her desk and sighed. When the time came, how was she going to explain to Kuno that she loved Ranma? And bringing up 'others', when was Ranma going to tell the other fiancee's?

Ranma took a glance at Akane as he finished packing his books in his bag. He saw that she was in deep thought and noted a questioning expression linger on her face. He pushed his chair in and walked over to her.

"Akane?" She looked over too him and smiled. He was all hers and nothing could change that now. "Are you alright?" She shook her head and smiled.

"Yes. Let's get going." He nodded and she lead the way to the door until she stopped abruptly.

"Akane?" She peeked out the doorway and didn't see anyone in the halls. She turned around with a wicked grin on her face and slowly pushed Ranma against the wall. He didn't resist but noticed the look she was giving him and smiled. He pulled her against him and lowered his head to meet with her's.

This was all too new for him. He did love the feel of her in his arms but now, only a full day of being together, she was taking chances in school to make out. They agreed to keep it under wraps but he knew that they were going to be sneaking out together to be alone. He knew he couldn't pull another sleep-with-Akane, though he didn't mind. But Nabiki was trying to get them and knew something was up. She definitely kept her eyes opened.

Akane moaned as he pulled her tighter against him. Her hands found their place around his neck, pulling him closer against her. She wanted to deepen the kiss. He did and they stood in a passionate embrace until they heard a door shut. They jumped away from each other and looked around but saw nothing. It must have come from in the hall somewhere. They looked at each other and smiled.

"This isn't going to be easy." She laughed at him and turned away so they could go get lunch. ~~*~~

Nabiki knew she couldn't pass up a free offering of lunch from Kuno knowing that he was going to pay but it still troubled her as to why he wanted her there in the first place. Well it's not like she minded that he wanted her company...okay, it did bother her but she just could not understand.

She ate a little of her soup and looked up nonchalantly. He stared outside the window of the little restaurant that she selected. He looked calm and seemed to be enjoying himself. He did not hold an angry look, like whenever he spoke of Ranma. He didn't look like he was thinking about Akane or Ranma or anything but doing a little relaxing.

He turned to look at her and she immediately looked down and sipped another spoon.

"Nabiki. Are you satisfied with your selection of soup?" She looked up and met his gaze. It was a harmless question but she tried everything to see his hidden motives. She listened carefully to the pitch in his voice; perfectly calm and normal. His expression on his face; sincere and friendly. The direction of his eyes met firmly with her own.

"Yes, how 'bout your own?" He looked down then back at her.

"It's just a little warm, not as hot as I expected but that is all right." He took a sip of water.

"Alright? Why don't you tell them to make you another one? It should be-"

"I do not want to trouble the chef into making another. I am fine with what I have." She was shocked. Kuno always wanted the best but he was just accepting something like this. If her food was just a little warm she wouldn't have complained really and did what he chose to do but they were talking about him! Tatewaki Kuno! If he didn't like something, he would tell them.

"Why?" She found herself asking. Nabiki did not know what was going on with him but this wasn't the Kuno-baby she knew. This one was being sweet and caring, companionate and unselfish. He was looking at her when she spoke and was not dismissing her on her topic of choice. He paid attention as though she were talking about Akane or Ranma and she was getting aggravated with herself. Why?

Because she wouldn't admit it to herself that she was liking it.

Kuno just looked at her for moment as she stared at him confused. He smiled and completely caught her off guard.

"Are you done with your lunch?" She nodded and stopped her staring. He pulled out the money to pay for the meal and stood up. "We must get back to Furinkan High before classes resume." She nodded and stood also.

They walked quietly down the street. It seemed as though there wasn't any tension between them and he wasn't angry but she couldn't stop fidgeting. She didn't understand herself at all. She was the type to go ahead and ask questions, find answers, solve puzzles, anything. But she could not comprehend this feeling she held. Was it fear? Finding out how she felt? But why would she be afraid of that?

She skimmed over at his side profile. Tall, lean and muscular, handsome, smart(in subjects, not crushes) and very wealthy. She checked him out as he turned to look at her. She didn't realize until her eyes traveled all the way up his body, lingering on his hind, til she reached his face. Her eyes widened and she looked away, blushing immensely.

He smiled. He caught her stare and felt good for some reason. He knew to himself that he was good looking but he needed the right person to tell him so. He made her blush. There would be a first for many things but he was actually having fun. He didn't mind paying for her meal this time and he actually wanted to. It was very different than when she would withhold information from him and ask him to buy her dinner. It made him feel good, better. They stepped in the school gates and heard the bell go off for the end of lunch.

He saw Akane and Ranma were one of the last students to enter the school. His face automatically darkened.

Then he stopped his thoughts. What was he doing? First he was thinking about Akane in the morning and suddenly Nabiki shows up and he doesn't want to be around anyone else. Was he starting to... like her? This was the most time he ever spent with her without talking about her sister or his rival. They continued in silence back to the school and to their class. 'Maybe things will change tomorrow.' He thought. But why would he want to change? It may be a challenge to win her heart but he never refused a challenge in his life and he wasn't going to start now. Kuno smiled to himself as he left a bewildered Nabiki to follow. ~~*~~