Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Akane ❯ Kuno's Surprised Visit ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Ranma or any of the characters. Rumiko Takahashi does. I'm only using her awesome characters for fanfictional stories. So I repeat, Rumiko Takahashi is the Creator of Ranma ½

'...' indicates thoughts of the character

*...* will tell you when a flashback appears


Chapter 10

Nabiki began to shake as she jumped back and attempted to slam the door in his face, but a foot caught the door. She couldn't say anything now. What was she going to do? Yell at him to leave? She did not think she had a voice not as she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Her mind could not think logically as she desperately tried to close the door.

"Nabiki?" His voice was soft and yet scared. "Please. I need to speak with you."

She pushed against the door harder but that got her nowhere. The foot did not budge from its spot between the door and its frame. Nabiki heard his voice again. It was pleading this time as she tried to think of what she could do.

She couldn't do this. She did not want to deal with this now. Nabiki's shoulders fell in defeat as she stopped her frantic pushing.

Kuno noticed the door ease away and looked over at the upset brunette. He did not want to do this to her but there was no other way.

"Kuno." Her voice was soft yet tired. She had given in. He walked in a little, continuing to look at the short girl as she dared not make eye contact.

"Listen," He began but before he could gather any words that would make sense, she cut him off.

"Kuno." Her voice was stronger than before as if she was mustering up all her strength and will to speak without giving away the fright and uneasiness in her voice.

Surprisingly so, she looked up into his eyes and stood tall before him. He could see it clearly as he knew she was trying so hard not to fall apart in front of him. But why would she have to do that? What was it that had her so upset and afraid to speak with him? He did not want her to feel that way with him. Kuno wanted to tell her that he thought so much of her. How she helped him and stood by his side whenever he needed someone. There was no other person in the school or in his life that he ever spoke to about himself, yet this girl right before him, this beautiful woman in front of him, some how managed to make her way into his heart. Not what he thought was a crush or infatuation. No. She managed to make him think about her in the utmost ways that he would normally never think about any other girl. Would you think that he would be in this predicament now if it dealt with another girl? Would he be thinking like this or somehow know that his heart would feel like it was going to burst into pieces if he heard or saw the slightest signs of rejection? He was taking it bad now but what if she did not want to be his friend anymore? What if she refused to speak to him ever again. He shook his head and saw the glistening eyes holding his own pleading gaze.

"Kuno, I promise. G..give me until tomorrow and we could talk about whatever you want. I know I have to speak with you and I know you want an explanation. Just save whatever you have to tell me for tomorrow." She then tried to look anywhere but at him. She did not think that he was going to leave it there. Nabiki knew of Kuno's persistence and it would not surprise her if he forced her to tell him what she was feeling.

It didn't matter though. If he could not wait, then she would just lie to him. It wasn't like she was a perfect angel anyway. What more of a problem could it cause if she lied?

After not hearing a response, she dared a glance at his face. She expected to see the Kuno, who would stand there and give poetry like there was no tomorrow. She remembered how many times he would recite countless poems to many girls; Beautiful girls that any man would be after.

She thought about that for a moment. Beautiful girls. She did not think of herself as beautiful nor would she think that anyone else would think so as well. On second thought, he would probably just ask her what was wrong. Why was she thinking that Kuno changed? Why would he feel any different about her? Just because her feelings got mixed up did not mean that people were changing around her.

When she looked into his eyes, they held something she never saw before. His face shifted between different expressions as she could also see the confusion and other mixed emotions in his brown eyes . Nabiki never knew his eyes to be so... animated with emotion. He didn't know what he was feeling at the moment and that puzzled her.

"All right Kuno? I'll see you tomorrow." She couldn't stand facing him any longer. Her feelings weren't exactly agreeing on which one she wanted to express at the moment either. But the major ones that she could identify were fear and nervousness.

Maybe it was nervousness of what she might say to him at this second. Maybe she would tell him that she cared for him. Who could doubt that she did care for him? She knew him long enough to where he already took a spot in her heart. But he was somehow making it bigger and now he was taking over her thoughts.

"Is that what you wish, Nabiki?"

She stared blankly at the man in front of her. She didn't know him. He was not Kuno that she's known for years. This was not the poetic and stubborn Tatewaki that bought half naked pictures of Ranma and pictures of her sister. He wasn't bugging her to tell him what was wrong, but what did she expect anyway? She could not figure out her feelings, she was too afraid of what she might find out.

Her gaze shifted slowly to the floor as she let her thoughts wander. She did not know how to read her heart. Why did it seem so easy for other people to find love, to know how they feel? Why couldn't she just say something? Why was she falling apart like this?

Something grasped gently at her shoulder. The warmth the hand gave off on her skin felt so inviting. She felt like she just wanted to wrap herself up in that warmth and forget all the stressful things in her life. She wanted to lose herself and be carefree.

Another strong hand went gently beneath her chin and pulled her face up until she was staring into Kuno's tender stare. His lips curled into a soft smile as he gazed down at Nabiki.

"I'm sorry, dear Nabiki. If you wish to speak tomorrow, then that is what we will do. I do not want to pressure you and I am truly sorry for anything that I have done to you, to hurt you." He paused. Kuno's mind was in a haze as this moment lingered on. He did not know what he was doing but at that moment, he just acted on what he felt was right to do and say.

His large hand continued to gently hold Nabiki's face toward him. His thumb lightly caressed her cheek as the delicate skin very faintly took on a light shade of red. Her head leaned into his touch as her eyes lowered and continued to look at Kuno from beneath her thick lashes.

Her mind gave up on trying to figure out what she wanted. She just let her heart feel and do whatever it desired. Her eyes closed, feeling the warmth and tenderness in his gentle touch and knew that she just wanted more of it.

"Goodnight Nabiki." Before she knew it, the warmth and soft caresses were gone. It made her feel empty and long for that simple, yet exquisite feeling that made her heart flutter at that moment. Her eyes opened to find his retreating form.

"...Kuno..." Her whisper was soft, almost as if she didn't realize that she had spoken out. ~~*~~