Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Daywalker ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 1 version 1.0 status: On Hold

Genma arrived at his home to find the front door open. Quickly he searched the house for his wife. As he looked, fear ran through him. What if someone took her? Or worse. What if someone killed her. She was everything to him and the thought of being separated from her was too painful.

"genma..." a weakened voice called out from the bedroom. Genma made his way there as fast as his legs would take him. He opened the door and his nose was assaulted by the smell of freshly spilled blood. On the bed, his wife laid.

"Nodoka... I'm here..." He pulled his wife into his arms. He immediately spotted the puncture marks on her neck. It appeared to Genma that someone used a needle of some kind, probably to kill her slowly while they had their way with her. "Hang on dear. I'll call for help."

Carefully setting down the seemingly fragile body of his wife down, he ran and called the emergency help line. After giving them the address, he drooped the receiver and ran back to his wife. She was still breathing, however, it appeared quiet labored.

"we have to save our child..." Nodoka's voice was little more then a whisper.

"Yes dear. We will. Just save your strength."

The ambulance arrived with in minutes and the paramedics got Nodoka and her husband is as quickly as they could. The drive to the hospital was short, but not short enough for Genma's taste. He realized he could have carried her there faster, but it was too late to try that. When the ambulance finally stopped and the rushed his wife away, he released the breath he'd been holding.

The paramedics rushed the mother away while the police began to question Genma. Some of the questions almost sounded like accusations, yet he kept his cool. He knew that it was only natural for police to automatically suspect the husband.

As he was telling them what he saw, one of the doctors ran towards them.

"Sir, are you the husband of that woman?"


"We need you to sign his paper work to allow us to do a c-section."

"A c-section? What's wrong?"

"Well, your wife has a massive amount of blood lose and we're afraid she won't make it through the night. We need to get your child out before she dies."

"Are you sure? I mean really certain?"

"I'm afraid so. Sir, we can't waste a minute. Will you allow us?"

"Yes... I will." Genma grabbed the pen and quickly signed the paper work, then fell to his knees. 'I'm not usually a praying man, but please watch over my wife and please, save my child.'


The child survived and Genma's mind shattered when he learned that his wife did not make it. That night, the part of him that loved died with his wife. All he had left was the arts. Plus a promise to an old friend.

A week later, using the Umi-sen-ken, he stole away with his son into the night.

'Son, I have to protect you now all by myself. Of course I planned to take you on this trip a long time ago, but not like this...' His eyes began to tear up and he tried to shake the emotions off. His son needed him to be strong. Stronger then he'd ever been in his life. 'I just hope I can be the kind of father you need me to be...'


Six years latter, Genma thought back to all the times he came close to the edge of despair. Times when he was starving. Times when he was thirsty. Times when he saw what he wanted. And some how, he found the strength to say no to his escape. He knew he could have used his son. More then a few of the people he'd seen had daughters that he could have used as leverage. He could have offered his son as a trade, but before he could, he remembered his wife, lying on the floor, dying. It was enough to make him question his actions and say why.

Currently, his son was playing with his friend, Ukyo while he sat and eat his food. Ukyo's father, Utemara offered to feed Genma and his son, but Genma refused to take any of the food. Instead, he asked if Utemara could feed Ranma when he could not. Utemara was too kind a person to refuse, so from that day forward, Ranma never had to go hungry while they were in Ukyo's home town.

However, later on, Genma heard something in the wind. It urged him to move on. To continue the training journey. He knew his son would need it one day, he just couldn't figure out why...


Years passed by for father and son. They traveled the world and Genma made sure that Ranma was as well educated as possible.

'I won't let my son go through life being as dumb as I was. He'll have the benefit of knowledge on his side.' Every day, Genma sat down and carefully plotted out where they would go next and what they would do. His son was surpassing him left and right in every field he could think of.

As he went through his morning planning, something caught his attention. Ranma seemed out of it. He was starring at something on the ground. Genma went over and look to see what was there.

"Hmm.. A dead bird." He noticed how the blood seemed to grab Ranma's attention. "Boy, snap out of it. We're ready to move on."

"Ok Pop. Lead the way." Ranma still had to tear himself away. 'What's wrong with me? Am I some kind of freak?"


They stood on the peak over looking the valley.

"Wonder where we are?"

"I don't know Pop, but there's someone down there. Let's go ask them."

"I'll never figure out how you do it. I can't see or hear anyone."

"I've told you Pop, it's smell... And something else I'm not sure about."

"Well, whatever it is, it's quiet a gift."

'Yeah a gift and a curse.' Ranma thought about how hungry it made him when ever his senses kicked into gear like that.

The two quickly made their way down the cliff side. As the reached the bottom, the spotted several small springs of water dotting the landscape.

"Welcome to Jusenkyo."


"Yes, this very famous training ground."

"Hear that Pop, a training ground. Let's try it out!"

"All right boy..." Genma followed his son through the air and landed on one of the poles. 'Jusenkyo... Something's familiar about that name...'

"Ready Pop?" Ranma launched at Genma and the two began to fight.

The guide tried to warn his guest, but neither seemed to notice him. The fighting continued for over three hours before Genma made a mistake. His foot missed and he fell in. Seconds later, a Giant Panda launched it's self out of the water and quickly attacked Ranma. Ranma was still trying to figure out where the Giant Panda came from when a giant paw smacked against him, sending him into one of the other pools. Ranma, however, did not fly out of the pool. Instead he felt his chest and noticed it was different. More bouncy and round.

"Now you young girl." The guides words finally pierced the pulsing of the blood Ranma was hearing inside his head.


Ranma sixteenth birthday was supposed to be a great day. He was would now be a man. However, fate worked against him. Ryoga attacked the two began to fight with a passion. Ryoga was not prepared for the consequences. Ranma began to tear into Ryoga's flesh and soon, Ryoga laid on the ground, still very alive, but a bloody mess. Ranma stood over him and a strange look overcame him.

"Ranma, what's wrong?" Ryoga asked as he tried to move. The pain from his injuries kept him in place though. "Ranma?"

Ranma's mouth opened to reveal his fangs. Ryoga quickly prayed, hoping that something would save him from the daemon that was Ranma. His prayer was answered by a flash drizzle that changed Ranma from male to female. This seemed to bring him out of his daze for the moment.

"Ranma..." Ranma-chan saw Ryoga.

"Ryoga, I'm sorry, but I was mad. Today's my birthday." She told him as she bandaged up his wounds.

"What's wrong with you? You looked like you were some kind of monster..."

"I don't know. Something just came over me when I saw your..." She shook her head as the thought of Ryoga's blood made her feel... hungry. "Come on, we've got to get you to a hospital."

"Yeah, just promise you won't try to eat me on the way."


Ranma stood at the top of the hospital and felt everyone in it. His senses had gone to the next level for some reason and he felt it was connected to what happened during his fight with Ryoga.

"Why'd I freak out like that? I mean, it's not like I haven't seen blood before. I've seen it dozens of times... but when I saw it today... Heck, just passing through a hospital full of people that have bled recently was almost more then I could take. I felt like reaching out and...," he stopped because he was afraid of the answer. He'd seen movies and read enough books to know what it all reminded him of. Vampires... "That can't be right... I mean, I've walked around in the day light hundreds of times before. Heck, I've even visited a few churches with crosses and nothing happened... So if that's not what I am... What the hell is wrong with me?"


"Pop, this ain't a good time for this!"

"Whatever Ranma. I'm sorry this has to be, but long before you were born, this promise was made. Tell you what, you meet them and if you don't like any of them after the first year, we can leave them and do whatever you want to do."

"Sounds good, but Pop, remember what I told you?"

"Yes, I still remember. As I said, it's not possible. Even if Vampires could walk around in the day, I'd still like to know when you were attacked by one. I mean, hell, with your training, you could take anything in a fight, living or dead."

"Yeah Pop, your right again. I just can't shake the feeling," Ranma said holding his head. "I've got to find something besides my girl side to fight this hunger I've been getting."

"Well, at least that curse of your's turned out to be good for something more then free food."

"You said it. Still that means I can't get rid of it until I get rid of that blood lust. And I can't stand being a girl."