Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Paw, Monkey Fist ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is not mine. Kim Possible is not mine. If they were, Ranma would've been cured at the end, and there would be more scenes of Rufus and Ron using Monkey Kung Fu.

Monkey Paw, Monkey Fist

By Upgrade

To further clarify the timeline, it is about two months after Ranma's fight with Saffron, and somewhere between episodes 42 (The Full Monkey) and 62 (Gorilla Fist). If you want specifics, I'd say right after episode 50 (Triple S).

Kim and those around her will be using English. Those left behind in Nerima will be using Japanese. I think this should be obvious, so I probably won't be stating it again in the story.

Chapter 2

Tokyo Airport

“Thanks for giving us a ride, Mrs. Kerrigan,” Kim thanked the pilot as they boarded the plane. It was a cargo jet, painted an ugly brownish orange, but was in excellent condition.

“Kim, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even have a plane. A trip to China's nothing compared to what that would've set me back. Besides, it's not that far off my flight plan,” the elderly woman in the brown leather pilot's jacket said.

“I just disarmed the bomb while driving the leaking gas tanker with my feet while hanging out the open door. Anyone could've done that,” Kim replied with false modesty.

Ranma and Ron sat in the cargo area, while Kim sat in the co-pilot's seat. “It's an eight hour flight, kids. Ya might want ta get some shut-eye. I'll wake ya a little before we get there.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Kerrigan,” the orange-haired girl leaned her seat back a bit, closing her eyes. Ranma's face popped up in her mind, and she smiled, daydreaming as she tried to enter slumber.

Shrugging, Ranma lay down on some tarp-covered wooden boxes and fell right to sleep, his eyes visibly already in REM sleep.

“How can he just go to sleep like that? I mean, we're trying to save the world, here! Doesn't that worry him?” Ron was astonished. About five minutes later, Ron was unconscious from boredom, his head tilted back and his mouth wide open.

Rufus was curled up in his lap, dreaming. “Cheese...”

Meanwhile, back in Nerima

“Aiyah!” Shampoo exclaimed upon returning to the Nekohanten. The dining area was still in complete disarray. “What happened, great-grandmother?”

“Some ruffians made a mess of things, but they won't be back,” Cologne told the purple-haired girl. Best not to tell her everything, lest she chase after Son-in-law. With the way that Western girl was eyeing him, if Shampoo had gone along, it would only have been a matter of time until there was a fight. Which would cost them precious time. They must get the paw back before it is used! Besides, I need her help here getting the restaurant running again.

“Come, now. We've got a lot of work to do,” the old hag urged

“Yes, Great Grandmother!” Shampoo nodded, immediately beginning to pick up the broken pieces of tables and chairs off the floor.

At the Tendo Home and Dojo

“I'm home!” Akane called out as she walked in the door. She set down her school bag so she could take off her shoes.

“Welcome back, Akane!” Kasumi greeted, coming over to the entrance to do so.

“Where's Ranma?” Akane asked, picking up her bag.

“Ranma? I haven't seen him since this morning,” Kasumi said.

“He disappeared at lunch and never came back. I figured he would've been home by now,” Akane remarked.

“I'm sure he'll be back soon. He probably just got challenged again or something,” Kasumi reasoned.

Or he's with one of the other girls! Akane thought. Then she shook her head, No, not with Ukyo. She was still in class after he left. But maybe Shampoo... Akane nearly ran to the phone and dialed up the Nekohanten.

“Hello, this is the Nekohanten. If you're calling to make an order, I'm afraid we are unable to make any deliveries at this time...” Cologne's voice came out of the handset's speaker.

“Elder Cologne, hi, this is Akane,” the youngest Tendo interrupted.

“Ah! Hello, Ms. Tendo. I assume you're calling about Son-in-law?” Cologne guessed.

“Yes, do you know where he is?” Akane queried.

“I asked him to retrieve something for me earlier. It might take him a few days to return,” Cologne told her.

“What?! What is he getting? Where is it, that it would take so long? What does he get out of it?” the girl questioned, suspicious.

“Airen was here? Why Great Grandmother no tell Shampoo?!” the younger Amazon's voice could be heard in the background.

Akane's suspicions faded somewhat. She didn't send Shampoo with him?

“I'm sorry, Ms. Tendo, but I cannot answer your questions right now. The restaurant was attacked earlier today and I can't risk Shampoo overhearing and chasing after Son-in-law. I need my granddaughter here to help get this place in working order!” Cologne explained, shouting the last bit at Shampoo.

“I...I understand. Thank you, Elder Cologne. I better let you get back to work. Good-bye,” Akane hung up. Was she telling the truth? Is Ranma just out on an errand? Why would he help Cologne? Did he get challenged again, and needs her help to learn a new techique? Maybe he wants some money? A thousand different questions flew through Akane's mind as she stood there by the phone.

She was brought out of it by something very cold touching the back of her neck, “Eeeeek!” Turning around, Akane saw her sister Nabiki removing the wrapping from one of her frozen juice bars. “Finally. I called your name five times, but you were too busy staring off into space. Can somebody else use the phone, now?” Nabiki spoke the last part mockingly.

“Hmph! Go ahead,” Akane walked away, irritated at Nabiki's words and actions, as well as at having her thoughts disturbed. She headed for her room, passing her father and Mr. Saotome playing their latest pastime, Backgammon. (1)

Feeling a need to relax, Akane grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the changing room. Inside, she set the clothes aside and removed her school uniform. Akane walked into the furo, and, after a quick rinse, she climbed into the hot water.

We've been getting along so well lately. Well, better than before, anyway. He's still an inconsiderate jerk! Sometimes... She sighed, I just wish I knew more about what he was doing. If only they would hurry up and fix the Nekohanten, maybe I could try and ask Cologne again
Akane's eyes widened as an idea popped in her head. She stood up immediately, “I've got it!”

The dark-haired girl moved as quick as she could, drying off, getting dressed, and running off toward Nerima's favorite Chinese cafe. ”I'll be back later,” Akane cried out as she dashed out the door.

“Oh my. Akane is sure in a hurry. She forgot her shoes,” Kasumi noticed.

Just then, said girl came back in, muttering, “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow...” as she put on her shoes and sprinted away.

A bit later, at the Nekohanten

Akane entered the restaurant, ignoring the closed sign on the door. In the dining hall, the usual tables and chairs were all gone. Most of the booths either had their tables busted or the seats torn. The floor tiles were a mess, some cracked, others shattered, and a few completely missing. One of the ceiling fans was broken free of the roof, while another was missing all of its propellers. “Wow.”

“Ms. Tendo. I'm a little surprised to see you here,” Cologne remarked from the kitchen door.

“I know you said you can't answer my questions yet. But I thought, maybe I could give you a hand around here. That way, I wouldn't have to wait so long,” Akane proclaimed.

Cologne cackled, “Well, then, if you would take those broken pieces outside to the dumpster?”

Akane nodded, smiling slightly. She rolled up her sleeves and got to work.

When she came back in, she heard a sudden cry of, “Shampoo!” Holding her arm out, hand in a fist, a boy in white robes slammed face first into her clenched knuckles.

The boy pulled himself away, pulling his coke-bottle glasses back over his eyes, “You're not my Shampoo!”

“Hi, Mousse,” Akane deadpanned.

“Oh! Akane Tendo. What are you doing here?” Mousse wondered.

“She's helping. Now get back to work!” Cologne appeared behind him and swatted him with her stick.

“Ow!” Mousse rubbed his head. “Dried-up old monkey,” he mumbled. Cologne swatted him again. “Ow!!”

“Did you get those new tiles like I told you?” the old woman asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I got them,” Mousse pulled out a few from the folds of his robes.

“Good! Now you can replace the broken ones,” Cologne declared, heading back for the kitchen, “Ms. Tendo, if you would come with me?”

Akane followed the Chinese senior citizen, while Mousse pulled out some flooring glue from his robes and fixed the new tiles in place.

An hour later

“Well, Ms. Tendo, we've gotten this place back to normal, with your help. Now, what exactly were your questions again? I was rather distracted when we spoke on the phone,” Cologne said.

“Oh, right!” Akane had almost forgotten why she was there in the first place. “You said you had Ranma getting something for you, and that it could take a few days. Where has he gone, and what for? And what are you offering him to do this?”

“Offering him? Nothing, really. I didn't even have to pay for the plane. He's gone to China, to recover a stone Monkey's Paw. I assume that he'll make a stop at Jusenkyo while he's in the country, so he might not be back for a while,” Cologne answered.

“Airen in China?!” Shampoo exclaimed, having been listening in, “Shampoo go, too!” She went running for the door, but Cologne tripped the girl with her staff.

“No, you won't. We just lost a great deal of money repairing this place. We'll need our waitress here to work if we are to get that money back,” the hag stated.

“But, Great Grandmother! Airen is...” the purple-haired Amazon began.

“This is not up for debate, child. You will stay here. Son-in-law will manage this task better on his own,” Cologne ordered.

Something about the way the diminutive woman said that had Akane worried. But it wasn't like she could fly off to China and find Ranma in such a huge country. He'll be back in a few days, she thought to herself. But some part of her, deep inside, wasn't convinced. (2)

Chapter 2 end

(1) Why Backgammon? I don't know. I didn't want to have them playing go or shogi, so I picked something else I could see them playing.

(2) I'm trying to keep Akane in character, but at the same time, I want to show that she is beginning to accept her feelings for Ranma. Enough to admit, if only to herself, that she does like and care about him, even if she would never call it love.

Author's Note:

Have I mentioned that I love reviews? Because I do.

Miguel Dubón pointed out to me that Wade doesn't call Kim KP. Thank you for telling me about my mistake. Please, if you catch a mistake like that, let me know, so I can try not to make it again.

Chono Inverse: I'm happy you're enjoying it. Currently, this story is not leaning toward a matchup between Kim and Ranma. That may change, depending on my Muse, but it is unlikely. I may do a different fanfic later on that is a Ranma/Kim pairing, though.

Far_Traveller, that's about what I had in mind. Thanks for reviewing.

Anon: Yeah, I could've wrote out Cologne's second explanation of the Monkey's Paw. It may have been better to do so; I knew that when I skipped it. Personally, I find it a little annoying when I have to read about a character telling about something over and over. Granted, twice isn't a big deal, even to me, but I chose not to write it out anyway.
I'll agree, summarizing things in a story isn't a good idea. Where I disagree is that a writer may do so if it is done sparingly.
I wouldn't say either of us is exactly right or wrong, it's merely a difference in opinion.

Dear readers, I know this chapter is shorter than the last one. I thought about at least putting in the next scene with Ranma and Team Possible, but I decided to save it for next chapter. This felt like a better place to stop. Future chapters will not center so much on Nerima (I think).