Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Revenge is Best Served with Cheesecake ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma and friends were created by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I do not own, rent, or lease them. This was written purely for the entertainment of all of the Ranma fans out there. This work may contain material of a sexual nature, only those 21 and older are legally allowed to read, so check the ID’s at the door.
P.S.: for Janice.

Genma and Soun were enjoying an old pastime, a game of Go. But the rules went out the window with the two masters of Indiscriminate Grappling. The game was no longer played only on the board, but also in the head, looking for openings in placement as well as mindset. Deception, distraction and tactical thinking were the keys to Anything Goes Go.

In other words, they were both cheating like crazy.

Genma was about to unleash the dreaded ‘Is That Elvis?’ maneuver, when his son, in female guise, streaked by buck naked. Genma was about to yell at the boy for his actions, until he saw that Soun’s head had rolled back in an all too familiar way. Even when they were young, Soun could not handle women running around nude. As he began moving pieces, he wondered how his friend had ever managed to stay aware long enough to have three daughters.

He had arranged the board to his liking, when his son came rushing through again, leaping over Genma’s head. He was distracted by this, and failed to get out of the way when those three Tendo girls came barreling through in hot pursuit of the bouncy redheaded girl.

A moment later, a sodden panda sat back down and began to reset the board. When Soun came too, it held up a sign saying, ‘Same Shit, Different Day.’

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 8
Revenge is Best Served with Cheesecake

“Come back here, Ranma,” called Nabiki as she chased after the neo-girl. Fortunately she was ahead of her sisters, so she could block any attempts by Akane to smash Ranma flat for running around au natural. She and Kasumi were chasing Ranma for a more practical end result, Nabiki just wished that her older sister had picked out a less frilly dress then the one they had shown Ranma.

Soon they had the redhead backed into a corner, and Kasumi approached even with Nabiki, to block Akane’s mallet. She held up a yellow sundress with ruffled trim, and Ranma backed away further, flattening herself against the wall.

“It’s just for the weekend, Ranma,” Kasumi soother the girl.

Ranma looked at the offending garment and stated, “You are not getting me into that, broken heater or not.”

Nabiki pointed at the cornered girl and began, “Face it, Ranma, you and your dad have been using more hot water in a week then we normally do in a month. Every time one of you takes a dive, it costs us, and sooner or later, that old heater was going to give out.”

“Why can’t I just wear my own clothes,” Ranma whined.

Kasumi’s expression darkened a little at that, “Your old clothes are being held together by hope and dirt. It is unhealthy for you to wear them until they are clean and mended. You will simply have to adapt.”

Nabiki suddenly had an inspiration, and moved to whisper into Ranma’s ear. At first, Ranma violently shook her head, but Nabiki kept whispering.

Finally Ranma said to Kasumi, “All right, gimme that thing.” She pulled it on over her head and adjusted it.

“How is it,” Kasumi asked.

Ranma looked down at the dress, “I look like a parfait, and the top is squeezing me.” The girls saw that she was right on both counts. Her hair added a strawberry to the top of the confection like dress, and her nipples were pronounced through the material of the top.

“Ahhrrgg,” yelled Akane, “not only is the pervert wearing my dress, but now he calls me flat?! I’ll kill him!” Ranma had to jump over the girls to avoid Akane’s charge, and the two began to run around the house once again.

“We should get Ranma a bra, it wouldn’t do for her to show herself like that in public,” Kasumi commented.

Nabiki smiled, “Leave it to me. You want to come with us when I take her shopping?”

Kasumi blushed and headed to the kitchen, “I’m sorry, I have too much work to do today.”

After Akane had worn herself out chasing Ranma, the redhead retreated to Nabiki’s room.

There she told her lover, “I still don’t know about this. I mean, sure I could use a few more clothes, but I don’t have the money to get them. The three outfits I have are all I can afford.”

Nabiki sat on her bed and said, “Don’t worry; I have a little racket to get us money hand over fist.”

“And that is?”

Nabiki gave her evil smile and replied, “Kuno.” Ranma shuddered, but before she could protest Nabiki continued, “I’ve been selling cheesecake photos of Akane to him all year. Nothing naked, just action shots of her fighting, or if I’m lucky, something a little hotter. He goes nuts over them and pays me a thousand yen a pop.”

“That’s terrible,” Ranma said, “She’s your own sister, and you egg him on like that.”

Nabiki gave a hard stare and said softly, “He would chase her anyway, and she doesn’t help by letting it go on as long as she has. I think Kuno gets a kick out of their fights; after all it’s the only thing he’s good at. And now an exotic beauty appears from Amazon China and kicks the holy crap out of him. You just picked up a stalker for life.”

“But that doesn’t mean we have to encourage him,” Ranma whined.

Nabiki sighed, “How about this, we take a few cheesecake shots of you and offer them to all those guys at school. Think of all the energy you could collect by walking down the hall, especially if they know you like other girls.”

“Why are you doing this,” Ranma asked.

Nabiki sighed and fell back to lay on the bed, “This house has been falling apart for years. Daddy hasn’t taught a class in five years, Akane goes through cinder blocks like rice balls, and then you and your dad show up and break the water heater. The only real income we have is my little network. I was trying to talk Akane into doing an amateur photo book, but she thinks the idea is sick, even though we could make a lot of money of it.”

Ranma flopped into Nabiki’s desk chair at the weight of the words. She hadn’t realized the difficulties the Tendo family faced. She looked down at the yellow dress and thought, Does this qualify as helping the weak, is this what I’m supposed to do with this curse.

“I don’t know if I can do something like that, Nabiki,” she said quietly.

Nabiki rolled on to one shoulder and looked at her lover, “One moment you’re an exhibitionist, the next you’re shy. I’m having a little trouble figuring you out.”

Ranma shrugged, “I’m still trying to figure me out. I’m compromising between a shy boy and a sexy girl, and the middle ground is a little vague.”

Nabiki sat up and laughed, “Sounds like a little wisdom sneaking out through the cracks, be careful. Now shall we go take care of our deal?”

“Only if you keep your end,” smirked Ranma. With that the two girls stood and headed out. Downstairs they announced they were going out, and saw Kasumi in the kitchen vigorously chopping vegetables with a focused look.

On the way to the shopping arcade, Ranma and Nabiki kept quiet, each lost in their own thoughts. They arrived at a small clothing store, and Ranma hesitated for a moment before Nabiki gave her a slight push to enter. Inside, women’s garments from the conservative to the casual were arranged on racks, and Ranma was dragged around by Nabiki in her first female shopping experience.

Nabiki teased, coerced, and generally made Ranma try on a dozen outfits ranging from a formal black mini-dress complete with high heel shoes, to a pair of tight low rise jeans and a midriff bearing tee shirt that proclaimed ‘Bad Girl’.

Ranma rejected each outfit simply saying, “How am I supposed to fight in this?”

Even as each outfit was put away, Nabiki felt no less determined, and Ranma just wanted to be rid of the horrible yellow sundress. After three stores though, both girls were a little frustrated. Nabiki was feeling frustrated because Ranma had unknowingly put on a fashion show for her, and she was almost salivating over a few of the outfits. Ranma felt like she was being pushed around without a discernable goal.

It was in the fourth shop that Ranma found two outfits that she didn’t balk at. The first was for special occasions. It was a blue silk dress cut long in a Chinese style with a slit running up each side, an open back, and silver edging for a finishing touch. The blue matched Ranma’s eyes, and the dress clung to her form, showing off every curve.

As Ranma looked at herself in the store mirror she quietly told Nabiki, “Shampoo had a dress like this in the village. And the open back means that I can use my wings if I have to.”

“Trust you to find something practical without realizing it makes you drop dead sexy,” Nabiki joked.

“Wanna bet,” Ranma said, and shifted her hips, stretching her right leg out slightly to one side, placing on her left hand on her hip, reaching upwards with the other and thrusting her chest out. The image burned itself into Nabiki’s mind as her jaw dropped open.

All Nabiki could say to that was, “Hubba hubba.”

The other outfit Ranma picked, and wore out of the store, was a simple black pleated miniskirt and red button up shirt that paralleled her clothing in male form.

“And I can fight in this,” Ranma said, demonstrating by doing a high kick. This also reminded Nabiki to pick out some underwear for the natural redhead. A pair of plain white panties and a simple bra were all Ranma would agree to at the moment, but Nabiki managed to talk her into a high cut pair of panties for the Chinese dress, saying that anything else ruined the lines.

Getting the bra on was a task in and of itself, as Ranma proved to be all thumbs with the garment. Exasperated, Nabiki finally helped the smaller girl get all the straps in the right place, and hooked the back for her. As she looked up and into the dressing room mirror, Nabiki saw Ranma’s already considerable cleavage had been enhanced to the nth degree by even this simple bra.

She reached around and ran her fingers lightly down the line of cleavage, causing Ranma to shudder in her arms. She then lightly moved her hands across the cloth incasing the large spheres of soft flesh, tracing their shape and brushing across the protuberances that indicated where Ranma’s nipples were.

“See,” she whispered into Ranma’s ear, “They take a little of the strain off, and make you look hot at the same time.”

Ranma would have replied, but her mouth was dry from watching and feeling Nabiki caress her breasts in the mirror. Soon Nabiki pulled away, and Ranma whimpered lightly at the loss of contact.

Nabiki laughed and tossed Ranma her new shirt, “Get dressed, you minx.” Ranma reluctantly did so, leaving the top two buttons of her shirt undone at Nabiki’s request. She looked into the mirror again, and saw a cute teenager showing considerable leg and cleavage.

Ranma sighed, “I guess I do look good, but you better come through on this deal.”

Nabiki chuckled and said, “Next stop, all you can eat ice cream.”

Nabiki paid for the outfits, using a good chunk of her pocket cash. It’s worth it to see Ranma’s ass move like that, she thought as the walked down the arcade. She was about to give it a good slap, when Ranma stiffened up and pushed her back.

Out of an alleyway, a boy came charging along. He yelled, “Where the hell am I now!” He almost ran off again when he turned to see Ranma and Nabiki staring at him. His bandana clad head whipped around, checking his surroundings, and then looked at them again. Slowly his face spread into a wide smile showing a pair of wicked fangs that slightly unnerved the two teens.

“I can’t believe I finally found you,” the boy said. He walked over to them and began rubbing the back of his head nervously and blushing, “You probably won’t remember, but I saw you in China a while back.”

Ranma shook her head, and watched as the boy’s face fell.

“I was trying to catch up to you after you were exiled, but you jumped into the ocean with your pet panda, and I couldn’t keep up,” he continued, “I wanted to find you and see if you were all right.”

Ranma looked puzzled, “I wasn’t exiled from anywhere, and I really don’t remember you.”

“It was when you still had your wings…”

Ranma slapped her hand over his mouth and Nabiki looked around to make sure no one had overheard. Together they dragged the boy back into the alley and pushed him to the wall.

Ranma growled, “Why not yell it out to the city? Now who the hell are you, and what do you want?”

Wide eyed, the boy stuttered out, “Ryoga Hibiki, I was looking for an old enemy when I saw you in China, and I’m still searching. I just wanted to know if the Amazons hurt you or ripped out your wings or anything.”

Nabiki glanced down the alley and then asked Ryoga, “Why do you think she has wings?”

He blurted out, “I thought she was an angel.”

Ranma and Nabiki both slumped against the opposite wall in shock. Ryoga looked at them oddly as they began to lightly laugh. After a moment, the girls caught their breath and stood back up.

Ranma leaned in and quietly told Ryoga, “Wrong direction, I’m no angel.”

He blushed and asked in a confused voice, “But I thought you…well…your shirt was open…and I thought…”

Nabiki chuckled as Ranma turned bright red, “A demon for less then a week and you were flashing the boys, huh?”

“Cut it out,” Ranma whined and turned to the boy, “I don’t know what you saw, but it was a mistake. I’m not an angel, and I don’t think I’m what you think I am. I’m not interested in guys.”


Ranma’s shoulders slumped, “I’m Lithuanian.”

Ryoga’s face brightened and he switched to Russian, “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”

Ranma stared blankly at the boy, and Nabiki interjected, “I think she meant lesbian.”

Going back to Japanese, Ryoga asked, “What’s that?”

“You’re not her type,” Nabiki said, and lightly kissed Ranma on the lips. Ryoga froze in place, his eyes going as big as saucers. Seeing the boy knocked out of commission, Nabiki began to pull Ranma out of the alley away from the strange young man. At the end of the alley, Ranma turned back.

She called, “You said you were after an enemy, who is it?”

Ryoga came out of shock and answered, “Ranma Saotome.”

Ranma stiffened and started, “I’m…”

Nabiki quickly covered Ranma’s mouth and continued, “If you go to Furinkan High School tomorrow, we may be able to arrange for him to be there.”

Ryoga’s face lit up again, “Thank you so much! Soon Ranma, I’ll have my revenge!” With that, the fanged boy charged off, running through a wooden fence at the other end of the alley.

Ranma freed herself from Nabiki’s grasp and asked, “Why did you stop me from telling him who I was?”

“You really want to go blurting out that you’re not only the dream girl that just dumped him, but also his enemy that he chased all the way to China? All that would do is get him even madder,” Nabiki shrugged and asked, “What did you do to this guy, anyway?”

Ranma stood and tilted her head to one side then the other, thinking hard. Nabiki felt a thousand thoughts running around inside the cute redhead’s mind, but none of them led to Ryoga. Finally Nabiki gave up and led Ranma to the nearby ice cream parlor.

They sat and halfway through her second sundae, Ranma exclaimed, “Now I remember. Ryoga went to the middle school I went to for a few weeks about a year ago. He was the school martial arts champ, and I challenged him all the time to test myself. He’s one of the few people I ever met that could keep up with me.”

Nabiki quirked an eyebrow and asked, “What about showing him your boobs?”

“That I have no idea about,” Ranma confessed, “It must have been shortly after I took the plunge, but I don’t remember ever seeing him there.”

Nabiki sighed, “Whatever the case, he seems to have it out for you, and over more then a few challenges. Meanwhile, he’s got a big crush on your girl side, not that I blame him.”

Ranma shivered and looked down into her ice cream, “Someone out to get me I can deal with, boys are another matter all together.”

“Careful or you’ll start to sound like Akane,” Nabiki teased. “Now then, on to the final store.”

Ranma looked at the small pile of bags they had collected and asked, “Haven’t we got enough stuff? It’s not like I need a full wardrobe here.”

“I know, but there are one or two more things I want to pick out for both of us. After all we did all this shopping and I haven’t gotten anything for myself yet,” Nabiki said as she gave Ranma a predatory smile.

After the ice cream was finished, and with a cute pout from Nabiki and Ranma caused the counter boy to swoon and tear up the bill, the two girls went back to shopping. Ranma figured that Nabiki wanted to stop at another clothing store, and became worried when Nabiki dragged her towards a store with lingerie displayed in the window. Thanks to the earlier crash course in putting on a bra, Ranma understood the basic function, but as she saw the skimpy, frilly, and provocative under things in the window, she started to lightly sweat.

Inside was even worse for Ranma, as there were racks and hangers and mannequins all covered in everything sexy. She was shocked to see Nabiki walk right into the middle of it all and call a friendly greeting to the sales girl.

“Don’t worry,” Nabiki’s voice rang in her head, “It’s perfectly normal for girls to come in here.” With that reassurance, and a self reminder that she was a sex demon, after all, Ranma began to look around. At first she dismissed the whole thing as some girly nonsense, but then she remembered how Ryoga had blushed when he saw her acting sexy, and came to a realization.

Appearance can give you power. She began to think of the delicate clothing as a form of psychological battle gear, and using her succubus and warrior instincts to evaluate the skimpy outfits. She discarded selections because of durability; others would have restricted her movements or wings. She soon lost sight of Nabiki as she continued through the racks.

Towards the back of the store, the materials began to change into something she felt would be better suited, and she found a few items that were cut for more flexibility. Then she saw it, and both as a demon and a warrior, she knew it would be perfect. Summoning the attendant, she retrieved the outfit, and proceeded to the dressing room to check its fit, and functionality.

Getting the outfit on was a small challenge, especially figuring out how the top worked, but soon she had it adjusted to fit snugly in all the right places.

“You in there, Ranma?”

Nabiki’s voice came through the door, and Ranma opened it a crack to see what she wanted. Nabiki wore a lacey black bra and panty combo that shined of fine silk. She did a small pirouette in front of Ranma’s wide eyes, and Ranma had to brace herself to keep from falling over.

“Yuki said you picked out something,” Nabiki said, “So lets see it.”

Ranma stood, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Nabiki stumbled back to lean against a chair as her breath was taken from her by Ranma’s choice. The black leather corset hugged her body close, causing her breasts to rise and fall with every breath, and the black leather thong barely covered her mound. Nabiki sat down and began to fan herself lightly. The clerk, who had come by to check on then, was also struck dumb by the sight.

Ranma watched Nabiki go into a full body blush, and also saw that the clerk was blushing and asked, “Does it look ok? I mean its fine for flexibility,” she demonstrated this by stretching a leg up to parallel her body, almost touching her head. She lowered her leg and continued, “And the leather should hold up, but I don’t know if I can judge how it looks right.”

“Yowza,” was all Nabiki could manage.

The clerk, Yuki by her nametag, thought for a moment and added, “If you want the full look, there are a few things to finish it.”

Nabiki shock her head in disbelief, “What could make that look better?” Yuki just smiled and disappeared back into the store. A moment later she bustled into the changing room with a small bundle for Ranma, and shut the girl back into the change room. It took Ranma a few more minutes to figure out the additions, and Nabiki took the time to change back to her normal clothes, setting her own purchases to one side.

Then Ranma came out, and she had to sit down again, using every fiber of her will not to jump the leather bound redhead right there. Ranma had added a pair of elbow length gloves and thigh high two inch heeled boots, as well as a small leather chocker around her neck. Ranma stood a little uncertainly on the heeled boots, but figured that she would stand eye level with Nabiki in them.

“Now that’s sexy,” Yuki chimed in as Nabiki stared at Ranma.

“Maybe too much,” Nabiki retorted, wiping a bit of drool from her mouth.

Ranma blushed lightly at the reactions, and turned to look into the mirror. She began to understand how effective her outfit was as she saw herself. If she were male at the moment, she knew she would be visibly aroused at the sight.

Nabiki felt the warmth of Ranma’s emotions rush in, and turned to Yuki, “She’ll take it.” Yuki went to the counter, and as soon as she was out of sight Nabiki asked, “What does it look like with your wings?”

Ranma looked to make sure no one else would see, and let her wings emerge from her back. As they spread out, Nabiki saw that the leather of the outfit matched the color of Ranma’s demonic wings perfectly. The resulting image was one out of nightmares and wet dreams as Nabiki thought, That is what a succubus looks like. If Ranma ever realizes the effect she could have on people, there would be no stopping her.

She sensed Yuki returning and quickly sent to Ranma, “Company coming.”

Ranma closed the dressing room door again and began to change back to street clothes, hiding her wings once more. Yuki handed Nabiki the invoice for both outfits, and caused the seated girl to wince lightly. Nabiki reached into her purse and retrieved a large stack of bills, handing them over reluctantly.

The girls then returned home with their purchases, worn out from the busy day. As they sat down to dinner, Nabiki saw the different reactions to Ranma’s more feminine look. Akane looked torn between illness and anger, leaning more towards anger after Ranma offhandedly commented that she was better built.

Genma was enraged that Ranma wore a skirt, but before he could attack, Nabiki simply said, “You break it, you buy it.” The panda man judged the cost of the clothes he was about to tear off his transgendered son, and resigned himself to sitting back down and bemoaning his ‘ungrateful offspring’.

Soun actually helped here, saying, “I have three daughters, my friend, and I tell you from experience; never come between a woman and her wardrobe. It can only end in misery.” Both adults nodded at this sage advice, while the girls at the table rolled their eyes.

Kasumi seemed much more relaxed then this morning. Nabiki simply asked how her day went as she set food on the table, and the elder Tendo girl answered, “I visited Doctor Tofu today and got a new book to study. He’s always helping me out; maybe I should make him some cookies or something.” Nabiki saw Kasumi’s normal smile turn into something more meaningful, but it quickly faded back. She knew that Kasumi was up to something, but for the moment let it go, knowing that inquiring about it in the wrong way could lead to problems in the household. After dinner, Ranma pulled her aside.

Quietly, the redhead said, “I want to show you something tonight, as kind of a thank you for today. Can you be ready around midnight?”

“Sure,” Nabiki answered, “but I’m not sure how you can top your little fashion show today.” Ranma simply smiled and gave her a quick kiss, then headed out to the dojo for a practice session with both their fathers, preparing for her confrontation with Ryoga.

Later that night, Nabiki sat in bed reading. She almost jumped at a tap at the window, and looked to see the outline of Ranma in the night. Pulling her robe around her she opened the window and saw Ranma crouched on the sill. She wore her new leather outfit, and her wings were open wide, crating the illusion of a predator in the shadows. Nabiki’s eyes traveled from the leather encased legs inward to Ranma’s tightly covered sex, up to her breasts held in place by the black corset. Their eyes finally met, and in the darkness of night, Nabiki saw the faint blue glow of the demon within.

She was about to fall to her knees at the erotic sight, but Ranma reached out and took her hand. The leather gloves only added to the sensation of being taken by the lustful beast, but Nabiki saw into Ranma’s mind, and knew that the redhead had something else in store for her.

Ranma asked, “Are you ready?” Nabiki found her throat dry so simply nodded in reply. Ranma pulled her in close, gathering Nabiki into her arms through the window, and then pushed off into a leap.

Nabiki felt the warmth of Ranma’s body on one side, and a rush of cool evening air on the other as they began to climb. She heard the low flaps of the demon girl’s wings as she sensed the ground fall away, and closed her eyes tight at the sensation. After a moment the sensation slowed, and all that could be felt was the stillness of the night.

“Open your eyes, Nabs,” Ranma said in a soft voice. She kept a tight grip on the other girl to give her some security, because she knew that what Nabiki would see may be a little upsetting at first.

Nabiki finally did open her eyes, and at first could only look into Ranma’s. She saw Ranma’s encouraging smile, and felt her lover’s support, and peeked around. At first, she could only reel at how high up they were, and then she saw something that took her breath away.

Stretched out below them were the lights of Nerima, from the sparse residential lights at this late hour, to the bright streetlights of the business areas, all the way to the antenna lights on top of the high school. Beyond those were other lights and she realized they were other districts, kilometers off in the distance. Her head traversed around, and her mouth opened in wonder as she realized that from up here, they could see almost all of Tokyo.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“I come up here sometimes, only at night so I’m not seen,” Ranma told her, then moved them in the air to face another direction. “When we were in China, we stayed mostly to the rural areas and I could fly around in daylight without attracting attention. At night, however, it all looked so empty, only the sky had lights. Now here above the city, I can see both.”

She reached out an arm and pointed skyward, Nabiki followed the direction, and saw another sight of wonder. Far above the glare of the streetlights, she saw the stars twinkling in the night, and below them the city mirrored the effect. In an infinite sea of darkness, it seemed all the light in the world was shot through pinpricks in the land and sky. Nabiki turned back to see Ranma smile.

“Welcome to my world,” the redhead said quietly.

Nabiki snuggled in closer, pressing their bodies together and whispered into Ranma’s ear, “Thank you for sharing it with me.” They shared a deep kiss, each pouring all the emotion of the moment into their action.

Slowly they drifted back down to earth, landing atop the clock tower of Furinkan. Nabiki stepped back out of the arms of her lover, and twirled on one leg, exhilarated at the experience. She stopped and looked out over her now small neighborhood. She felt a cool breeze on her front, and realized that during the flight her robe had come open, but she didn’t care. She could see all of Nerima, but no one save her lover could see her in the darkness of night.

Ranma watched as Nabiki let her robe drop to the roof of the school, exposing herself to the world and spreading her arms wide.

Nabiki looked over her shoulder and said, “It was like I was the Queen of all creation up there. I don’t know why you ever come down.”

Ranma continued to smile and walked up behind the nude girl, wrapping her arms around Nabiki and whispering in her ear, “Because I have people I care about down here, and they make me feel more alive then a bunch of lights.”

They spent time simply gazing into the night, and sharing each other’s warmth. After a while, Ranma spread her wings again, lifting them aloft. They flew from rooftop to shadow all the way back to the Tendo compound, landing on the roof there. Gently, Ranma lowered Nabiki back into her room, and then perched again on the sill.

“I hope you liked what I showed you tonight,” Ranma said.

Nabiki nodded and leaned in close, giving Ranma another deep kiss. They held the kiss for a great length until Nabiki finally leaned back for air. She drew a hand along Ranma’s cheek and looked into her blue eyes.

“You have a big fight tomorrow, but after, I’ll be sure to congratulate you properly,” she said. “Good night, Ranma.”

Smiling, Ranma leapt from the window, and Nabiki watched her shadowed form swoop along the outside of the house to land behind the dojo. Moments later she saw Ranma, her red shirt standing out against the lawn, come around the corner and reenter the house.

She returned to her abandoned bed, preparing to dream about the memorable night. She was about to climb in, when she looked down at her nude body and came to a realization.

“Oh, damn,” she told the dark, “I dropped my robe back at school.” She shook her head, knowing that she was so lost in the moment that she didn’t care. Resolving to retrieve her lost garment in the morning, she lay down and drifted off to a content sleep.

The next day Ranma stood in the school yard, once more in his male guise. He held a resolved pose, arms crossed and a determined look etched on his face. He had now held that pose for eight hours.

Nabiki walked out into the field and asked, “How long are you going to wait for him?”

Ranma almost lost his resolve and sighed, “I finally remembered something else. The last challenge between me and Ryoga was supposed to be right before I left for China. We agreed to have one last fight to settle our issues, and it would be in the empty lot behind his house.”


Ranma winced, “Ryoga got lost.” Nabiki looked at Ranma like he had three heads and gestured for him to continue. “He had trouble going from homeroom to the gym without winding up in Shinjuku. I waited in that lot for three days before my dad dragged me off for my whirlwind tour of damp curse holes.” Ranma hung his head and finished, “Ryoga always took our fights way too seriously, and he probably thinks I did it to insult him or something.”

Nabiki patted the boy’s shoulder and asked, “He can’t be that bad, can he?” Ranma let out a long breath and nodded. Nabiki gulped and saw that Ranma was not kidding around and asked again, “How long are you going to wait?”

“Until it’s over,” was his only reply.

Meanwhile Ryoga was trudging through snow. He had only just left the research outpost that had found him and given him a little hot chocolate to hold off the cold. He wasn’t sure how he found them, but it gave him a chance to practice his French and see penguins for the first time.

He stumbled over the top of a hill and shucked off his heavy coat, breaking out his machete as the jungle loomed around him. By his reckoning, he was halfway across Nerima and would be at the high school as soon as he passed through the desert and made a turn at Baker Street, and then it would be a straight shot over the Golden Gate Bridge.

He chuckled to him self and told the surrounding vegetation, “Two or three days and vengeance will finally be mine. Just you wait Ranma!”

To be continued.

Endnote: Sorry this took so long, but a lot of problems cropped up during this chapter. Not the least of which was Janice, my beloved, had a nasty sprain to her ankle. I spent a few days babying her. Fellas out there, if you ever find a girl that likes anime, digs Ranma, enjoys good porn, and still loves you, spoil her rotten because you will never find anyone else like her. Happy Seth. Next time, more action, big fighting and as always, my bad sense of humor. Until then, Ba Weep, Gra, Na Weep Nini Bong.