Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Battle for the Black Rose Crown ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma’s world was dreamed up by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I’m just going to borrow them for a while to tell another story. This isn’t for money, just for fun. This story also contains adult themes, like sex and violence so be warned. Then again, if you like sex and violence, come on down.
P.S.: still and always for Janice.

“A substitute,” asked Kodachi, looking oddly at the four girls in front of her. Akane Tendo had been injured during training, without the Kuno girl’s help, surprisingly, and a sleepy looking redhead had stepped up to take her place. The redhead was flanked by two other girls, one with short hair and a hard stare that claimed to be her manager, and a tall, long haired girl, that said she was the trainer.

Kodachi gave the tall girl another look. There was something about her, something Kodachi could almost remember. She dismissed it as unimportant and concentrated on the task at hand.

She extended her hand, “I wish you the best of luck then.”

Ranma was about to shake it when Nabiki’s hand shot out and grabbed Kodachi’s wrist, turning her hand palm up to reveal a set of tacks held between the fingers.

The girls frowned at Kodachi, and she laughed, “My, my, how did those get there?” She spun away and laughed her way down the hall, heading for her dressing room.

The Tendo’s eyes were on her as she rounded the corner, and Ranma yawned loudly. They hustled the worn out girl into the Furinkan dressing room and went about getting ready for the match. As Ranma stripped, Akane found a bouquet of black roses waiting for her on the bench.”

She was about to pick them up when a nude Ranma grabbed her hand and yawned out, “Poison.”

Akane’s hand jerked back and she asked, “Are you sure?”

“She, or rather he, got a face full of the stuff on the night Kodachi attacked you,” Nabiki told her. The two of them sat away from the suspicious flowers as Kasumi helped Ranma into the tight leotard.

They were about to fasten the neck clasp when Genma-panda burst through the door caring a sign that said, ‘Think about you manhood, Boy! I forbid this battle!’ Thinking quickly, Nabiki slapped the poisoned bouquet which fell into Genma’s hands. With a small pop, a cloud of dark gas drifted up into Genma’s face, and the panda fell forwards onto the ground with a large thud as he began to snore loudly.

Ranma and the Tendo girls had all ducked away at the pop and now stood up to examine the sleeping Genma. Kasumi checked him and nodded that he was alright.

“Well,” Ranma said, doing up the clasp, “It may have put him down. But the psycho managed to wake me up.”

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 13
Battle for the Black Rose Crown

In the gymnasium a large crowd had gathered to see the competition between the Black Rose, and the mysterious redhead that had been showing up around the neighborhood lately. An upperclassman from Furinkan sat ringside, and a rumor that drifted through the crowd said that he was Kodachi Kuno’s elder brother. Several of the girls from St. Backus’ School for Girls fell for the dashing young man in kendo attire.

Hearing this, one of the Furinkan boys stated, “Ignorance really is bliss.”

The collected crowds settled down as the announcer entered the ring and addressed the audience, “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is one fall to a finish. The first contestant to yield, land off the mat, or fail to answer a ten count will be defeated. Unarmed attacks are strictly forbidden. Beyond that, this match is no holds barred.”

A loud cheer went up from the crowd and she continued, “From Furinkan High School, in the red leotard, here is…” She looked over at the redhead entering the ring and asked in a quieter voice, “What is your name anyway?”

“Ranma Saotome,” Ranma answered flippantly.

“What’s wrong with you,” growled Akane from where she stood at ringside with her sisters, “Do you want everyone to know?”

Ranma smirked, “Not a problem. No one will believe for a second cute little me has any connection with the male Ranma.”

She leaned back against the ring post as the announcer yelled out her name, and sure enough a flash of murmurs rose from the Furinkan contingent in the audience. Kuno could even be seen furiously writing in a notepad, a look of mad concentration on his face.

“Seems Ranma was right,” Nabiki said, “even if the two halves look somewhat alike, no one could believe that this was Ranma unless they saw the change.” She saw Kuno write Ranma’s name again and again and continued, “Even then some people are too stupid to catch on.”

Suddenly the lights lowered and the wedding march began to play over the gym’s PA system. A spotlight moved up and focused on a form descending from the rafters. Soon, Kodachi could be made out sitting on a simple swing bar being lowered by cables, but that wasn’t what drew attention. She landed on the mat and stood, showing off her black wedding dress as the announcer gave her name.

She grabbed the mic from the startled girl and stated to the audience, “This match is not about school pride today, but the freedom of my beloved prince, who has the unfortunate fate of sharing his name with this lowborn dog.”

Nabiki suddenly called out from the side, “So if this isn’t about a school competition, what are you putting on the line?”

“Why should I wager anything? Is it not enough that I lower myself to compete with you?”

“I’ve got two simple things I want,” Ranma said softly, “For you to forget about the male Ranma, and that you stop pretending to be the Black Rose.”

Kodachi looked at the smirking girl in shock, and a snarl appeared on her face, “I pretend nothing, I am the Black Rose. A peasant like you has no idea the meaning of the title.”

“On the contrary,” Ranma calmly said, “I was trained by the true Black Rose to take the title from you. Form what I’ve seen; you’re the one who doesn’t understand.”

“Insolent dog,” yelled Kodachi, and pulled at the sides of her dress. It ripped away, having been designed to do so, and underneath was an emerald leotard with a black rose stenciled onto it starting with the stem between her legs and ending with the blossom over her left breast.

“Pose and growl all you want,” Nabiki said, “but if you don’t put something on the line, there is no reason for this fight, and you forfeit for failing to ante up.”

Kodachi growled at the four girls and then smiled and spoke, “I will do as you say, but only if this disgusting piece of filth had the unlikely fortune of making me submit.”

Kasumi whispered into Ranma’s ear, and Ranma nodded to the Kuno girl. The referee called the two contestants to the middle of the ring and asked them to shake hands. Ranma, wary of Kodachi’s last attempt, offered her hand in a way that Kodachi had to expose her palm first, but the attack came from a different direction.

With her off hand, Kodachi slapped a manacle onto Ranma’s wrist, locking a heavy chain onto the redhead’s arm. Ranma jumped back and pulled the chain up to reveal P-Chan dangling from a manacle at the other end.

“Oh,” Ranma groaned, “You just love to louse me up, don’t you pig boy?” Ryoga squealed and thrashed as Ranma held him up in mid air, and Ranma saw that once more the piglet had a large bruise on his head. “Hay Akane, I think the Green Petunia has been beating up your pet.”

Akane saw the piglet chained to Ranma and roared, “WHAT DID YOU DO TO P-CHAN YOU BITCH!” Nabiki and Kasumi restrained their little sister as she tried to enter the ring with mallet drawn.

Kodachi chuckled into the back of her hand, “I just meant for you to be slowed down by the little thing, but this is so much better. You won’t be able to attack me without putting your friend’s precious pet into jeopardy.” She let out a long harsh laugh that caused a shiver in the entire gymnasium.

Ranma gave a pleading look at the ref and asked, “Just ring the damn bell and start this, please.” She grabbed a club in each hand, holding the chain between them and prepared as Kodachi took up a rope and waited. The bell rang and Ranma launched her first attack, sending both pins flying at Kodachi, who simply knocked them away with her rope, emitting a loud crack with each deflection.

Ranma had already charged in and was preparing to attack with a ribbon, when Ryoga jumped out of her hands and spun around, tangling her legs. Kodachi brought her rope down on Ranma’s head, and Ranma discovered the hard way that there was a steel rod hidden inside.

Ranma rolled away and pulled the pig up to her face, “What the hell are you doing?”

Ryoga had a little piggy smirk on his face, and Ranma sighed until she heard a voice insider her head, “He figures that if you’re out of the way, his secret will be safe. Get rid of him before there’s trouble.”

“Easy for you to say,” She responded to Nabiki, “The jerk isn’t chained to you.”

Ranma saw another attack coming out of the corner of her eye, and a club whizzed by her as Kodachi thrust to try and take Ranma’s head off. Ranma was about to counter when spikes shot out of the club, nearly impaling her skull. As the club pulled away, Kodachi thumbed a switch on the handle, and the spikes snapped back inside the weapon.

“So that’s the way you play,” Ranma said.

Kodachi twirled the rod around and declared, “I do this so my darling Ranma and I may be together for all eternity!”

Jumping high into the air Ranma growled at the gymnast, “Like I would want to be with a nut like you!” At the apogee she whipped the pig weighted chain below her and used Ryoga as a weapon, impacting Kodachi in the stomach. Kodachi rolled away, grabbing a hoop from the edge of the ring and yelling, “I wasn’t talking about you, harlot. I was talking about the heroic man of my dreams.” Using the inside of the hoop, she twirled it around her wrist and let it fly at Ranma, aiming for her head.

Reacting quickly, the redhead jumped over the hoop as it continued on and sliced off the top of the ring post behind her. She was about to charge in when she spotted a ribbon strike following close behind the hoop. Executing a mid air splits, Ranma avoided the ribbons and landed to one side, but behind her the ribbon snagged the hoop’s edge and began to pull it back to Kodachi like a boomerang.

Turning at the sound of the hoop whistling through the air, Ranma saw that it was once more on course for her neck. Bending backwards, Ranma dodged the hoop with her incredible flexibility, but that almost wasn’t enough as she felt the hoop pass a hairs width away from her large breasts as they arched into the air. She continued the arch and turned it into a back flip as Kodachi spun the leashed hoop around her and sent it flying low.

Still in the middle of her flip, Ranma saw the hoop returning and pushed off the canvas with her arms, putting all her upper body strength into the shove. As she went up, she saw Ryoga clinging to the mat, using a surprising amount of piggy strength to arrest Ranma’s momentum. The hoop passed between the two of them, and clashed against the chain tying them together. Ranma landed hard next to the snickering pig and lashed out one hand to grab him around the neck.

“Pull a stunt like that again and I may need to let lose some hellfire,” she snarled, letting her eyes flash red for a moment. Ryoga stiffened at the memory of the demonic attack, realizing that he may have pushed the limit of Ranma’s patience.

Ranma stood, drawing the chained pig into a guard position and glaring at her opponent who was retrieving a new pair of clubs with a smug look on her face. As she watched the gymnast for the next attack, the chain passed into her field of view for a moment, and she saw a nick in one of the chain lengths a few hand widths up from Ryoga. When the obviously augmented hoop had spent its lethal attack on the chain, it had left a cut halfway through one of the links. Ranma gave an evil smile and grasped the chain further up near the frightened looking piglet.

“I guess it’s time to stop sandbagging,” Ranma called to Kodachi and flexed her arms, letting demonic energy flow into her arms. The gymnast watched in amusement as her opponent tried to pull apart the chain, but her smile vanished as a loud snap was heard and the chain broke near its pork based weight on the end. For a moment she thought she saw an unnatural red glow from the redheaded girl’s eyes, but it vanished as she looked up and gave a dark grin.

Ranma held the pig up and quietly spoke, “That was strike two, asshole. Try not to push me again.” She tossed the pig over shoulder, letting the now terrified pig land in Akane’s arms. With a flip, Ranma caught the chain and began to spin it in one hand as Kodachi ran in to attack.

Kodachi yelled out, “Blow of a Thousand Clubs!” Her attack came fast, and Ranma used the spinning chain as a shield to deflect the blows. Club after club flashed out, and for a moment, Ranma thought it was a variation on the Amazon Amaguriken technique. She countered with her own, using it to speed up the revolution of the chain until it appeared as a translucent disk and a high whistling sound could be heard over the clacks of deflected clubs.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and Kodachi was knocked back away from Ranma as the redhead leaned heavy against the ropes behind her. Twenty or more clubs fell to the floor as Kodachi lost her focus and grip on her maneuver. Both girls were shaking their heads, trying to clear them as the bang echoed around the gymnasium.

“What the hell was that,” Akane asked, reeling from the sound and pressure she felt in her stomach.

Nabiki had covered her ears looking on and answered loud enough to be heard, “I think Ranma’s chain just broke the speed of sound.”

Kasumi watched in amazement and asked, “How is that possible?”

“That punching technique he used against Ryoga,” Akane realized, “she must have used it to block that club juggling trick Kodachi was using.”

Back in the ring, Ranma and Kodachi were once again on their feet. Kodachi picked up a ribbon and whipped it out to one side. Ranma ignored it, as it appeared to be a distraction, but Kodachi tugged the ribbon inward, and it went taut. Seeing something swing towards her out of her peripheral vision, Ranma tucked into a ball and rolled low as the ring bell flew over her head, held by the end of the ribbon. Ranma continued to roll as the ribbon whipped out again and pulled a chair into the ring to attack the dodging demon girl. Reaching a corner of the ring, Ranma uncoiled and sprung to the top of the ring post.

“Two can play at this game,” she yelled and let fly with her chain. The lose end wrapped around the announcer’s table at ringside, and with a heave she flipped it up over her head and sent it hurtling toward Kodachi. The crazed girl lashed out franticly with her ribbon and pulled a surprised looking Tatewaki Kuno out of his seat to intercept the rouge furniture.

With a loud battle cry, Kuno brought out his wooden sword and sliced the table in half. His fall was not arrested however and he continued on with open arms towards Ranma.

“Leap into my arms, pigtailed girl,” he called out, “and I shall rescue you from my sister’s tender abuse.” Ranma whipped her chain around and caught Kuno in the side of the head, sending him crashing into the bleachers outside the ring where he collapsed.

The Tendo sisters watched in awe as the fight picked up yet again, snapping ribbon meeting lashing chain as the two combatants danced around each other. Suddenly a reawakened, and human, Genma came barreling out of the back and started towards the ring, a kettle of boiling water in his hands.

“Fist my son attacks me with cowardly intent,” he yelled out, “Then he prances around in clothes not suitable for a martial artist. Why does my son see fit to humiliate me so?”

“Probably because you’re a rat bastard,” Nabiki told him over her shoulder.

Kasumi frowned at her, “Such language is not appropriate for so public a place, sister. Even if you are correct.” Genma growled at the girls and moved to enter the ring, but was blocked by the Tendos. Before he could move them, Kodachi’s ribbon snatched the boiling kettle out of his hands.

“You are a cunning foe, but you wont be able to block this,” she told Ranma then flicked the kettle out towards the redhead, sending her ribbon after it and yelling, “RAZOR RIBBON!” Directly over Ranma’s head the kettle was split in two and steaming hot water fell onto the panicking girl.

Steam rose up and obscured that corner of the ring, and Ranma was glad it did as she felt her body shift. Unfortunately for him, he was still wearing a leotard sized for his girl side.

He managed to let out a squeak of pain as certain portions of his anatomy were squeezed tightly by the spandex outfit. The steam was beginning to clear rapidly, and Ranma tried to find a way out, but he was in the open and exposed, in more then one way as he felt the bottom of the outfit ride up between his hindquarters.

He was about to make a mad dash for anywhere else, preferably somewhere in Africa, when a spray of ice cold water hit him. Once more the outfit fit and she breathed a sigh of relief, until she started to lift off the mat.

She looked over to see Nabiki and Kasumi working the spray from a fire hose in her direction while Akane was jumping up and down on her father’s head. The spray was quickly carrying her over the ring rope and out to disqualification, but Ranma refused to give up so easily. Moving with frenzied determination, she began to swim against the current that was pushing her to defeat. After a moment, the water cut off, and Ranma fell feet first to land just inside the ring. Hiding another sigh of relief, she stood and impishly tossed her wet pigtail off her shoulder, striking a pose of utmost confidence.

“I suppose that’s the best you can do,” She asked with a smirk.

“You bitch,” screamed Kodachi, losing some of her refinement. She took a moment to calm and continued, “Why don’t you give up? Why are you so determined to steal my name and my Ranma?”

Ranma’s smirk dropped to a snarl and she answered, “Neither the name or Ranma belong to you. The Black Rose wasn’t a stuck up fruit loop like you, and she never gave her title up. As for Ranma, He’s his own person, not someone’s property. And he would rather die then be used anymore!” That last declaration was made with such conviction that it reverberated in the bones of the people that knew the real Ranma, but Kodachi ignored it, hearing only what she felt was a slight against her.

“No more talk,” Kodachi yelled, “Now you simply die.” She flipped a club into her hands and leaped to the attack, charging madly at Ranma. Halfway to her target Kodachi thumbed a hidden switch on the club and a three inch spike popped out the top forming a nasty stiletto as she aimed for the redhead’s neck.

Ranma flipped forward onto her hands and grabbed the lethal club with her feet, using her leverage and Kodachi’s momentum the pitch the girl forward and up. She was originally going to toss the girl over the ropes and disqualify her, but remembered that only a submission would win her freedom, and the Black Rose title.

Continuing the throw, she altered the trajectory so that the gymnast girl would land on her face inside the ring. Letting go, Ranma continued her flip to land where Kodachi had started and picked up the ribbon she had discarded. Using her chain in her right hand, she whipped out and snagged Kodachi’s legs, binding them tight. The ribbon in her left hand pulled back and snapped out, landing a sharp crack on the bound girl’s athletic backside. Four more rapid snaps landed near the first, and Ranma was sure she had the girl’s attention.

Kodachi rolled over and threw her stiletto at Ranma, who simply bobbed out of the way and laced out with the ribbon again, slapping Kodachi across her breasts. Yelping, Kodachi rolled back over to cover herself, but this left her bottom once more exposed to Ranma’s attack. With deft strokes, Ranma struck again across the gymnasts behind, causing the girl to yelp in surprise at the sting.

This continued for some time. Kodachi would roll to avoid or respond to an attack, and Ranma would strike at her unprotected side. What the audience didn’t see was that each hit was precisely placed not to cause damage, but to torment the trapped gymnast.

Kodachi rolled once more on to her back, her arms moving to try and block the incoming strike, but it was too late, and the ribbon snapped just shy of her enlarged nipples. The pressure from the strike sent an aching shiver down her spine as she felt them compress slightly and the sting from the ribbon washed through her. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning out as she rolled again to her front and felt the ribbon smack against her sore ass cheeks.

This girl is more then I thought, Kodachi realized, perhaps the Queen did train her!

Kodachi tried to fight down her growing arousal as another attack struck her behind and tried to lever herself up so she could free her legs. As she reached down and tried to find the end of the chain around her legs, she left her backside open and sticking into the air.

Ranma, fighting her own embarrassment and arousal saw an opening for the final attack Kasumi had taught her. Flicking her wrist up and down in a rapid motion and using a twist she was shown during the night, she let her ribbon once more snake out at Kodachi.

The bound girl felt the initial contact, a surprisingly slow flick along the backside, and then the flicks increased in speed as they traveled down along the curvature of her ass. Then the flicks drifted inward and she realized her mistake.

Her bottom in the air, she had exposed her spandex covered privates to the suddenly aggressive redhead. Quick snaps, each one light and deliberate, could be felt along the outline of her nether lips sending one jolt after another into her core. Suddenly the speed increased again, and it felt as if two strikes occurred at once, probing her moistening mound. Again she bit her lip, this time to keep from screaming in pleasure as she was delightfully driven closer to the edge of madness.

Then she heard a soft voice behind her, low enough that only she could hear, “Something else isn’t it? The Black Rose Queen taught me this just last night, and I couldn’t hold out for very long against it.” The tempo shifted again, and the snaps seemed to blur together and it felt like a thousand fingers were massaging her swollen sex.

“The audience just thinks my ribbon is caught on the chain, keeping you from getting away, but you can feel differently, can’t you,” Ranma continued. “I can give you what you want; I can finish it here and now, giving you the release that you need so badly. All you have to do is give up. Give up on Ranma, and admit that you are not the Black Rose, and I’ll send you to the bliss that is clawing at your soul.”

Inside her head, Ranma was blushing like crazy and thinking, oh god, I can’t believe I let Kasumi and Nabiki talk me into talking like that. If this doesn’t work, I’m going to die right here. I may die even if this does work…

Meanwhile, Kodachi was struggling to resist the sensations washing through her. She tried with all her might to pull away, but with her legs bound and strength fading in her arms, she knew that time was running out. With a desperate push, she managed to roll once more onto her back and look her attacker in the face.

The water had made Ranma’s leotard stick to her body even more, emphasizing every curve. The redhead’s nipples stood out against the fabric, enlarged by arousal and the cold water. At the juncture of her legs the water had made the fabric tight against the girl’s mound, and Kodachi could make out every line that defined the attacking girl’s sex. Ranma’s long legs were dripping with water, and as she reeled back for another whipping ribbon strike, Kodachi was entranced by the almost sensual movement of her hips.

Finally she looked up, only to see cold, almost glowing, blue eyes, and a smirk of absolute confidence.

The eyes had a look she had only seen once before, almost two years ago when she attended her first competition as the newest member of her schools team. It was on the face of the Furinkan captain. It was obvious that the other girls on her team looked up to her with great respect, but according to one of Kodachi’s seniors on the team, there was more then that. The Furinkan captain was called the Black Rose Queen, and was feared and respected by other teams in the division for her unbeatable agility, flexibility, and grace.

She was considered to be the pinnacle of the sport.

After that match, Kodachi had snuck into the Furinkan locker room to see if she could learn more about this person, and that was when she had seen the Black Rose, apparently exhilarated be the match, push one of her teammates down on the bench and straddle the girls face, moaning out. Instead of doing something about this taboo, the other members of the team simply knelt around her, supporting their captain as she rode out orgasm after orgasm atop her teammate.

After it was all over, she watched as the girl bowed to the Black Rose and said, “Thank you, Mistress.”

“You are welcome, my wonderful servant.”

Kodachi had been aroused by the entire sight, and after the girls had left, she exited her hiding spot and kneeled where the event had occurred, and slid her hand between her legs. Sliding her fingers across the thin spandex of her uniform she rapidly brought herself to climax, and when the pleasure washed over her she made a silent vow. She vowed to become as powerful, as skilled, and as confidant, as the girl, no, the woman she had just seen there.

The memory flashed through Kodachi’s mind at the look on Ranma’s face, and she realized that she was indeed facing a true disciple of the Black Rose Queen. She herself had taken the name in her quest to chase the ideal that she saw that day, but now she knew it would never be enough.

A sudden snap across her aching breasts drew her back to reality, and she let her arms fall to her sides. The redhead had her, and had proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was dominant in the ring. Only one path remained to her.

“I Yield!!!” Ranma slacked her chain, letting the girls legs loose as the referee announced the winner.

Kodachi’s leg spread as soon as she was free and the gymnast whispered, “Please, finish it…”

“And your promise,” Ranma asked. The gymnast refused to answer, her hips slowly bucking in need, but her face adamant. Ranma flicked her ribbon again and it struck between Kodachi’s legs, sending another jolt through her, but still not enough to achieve release. Kodachi was sure the redhead was telling the truth now; she was trained by the real Black Rose Queen.

Kodachi gave a tortured look and finally shouted, “I renounce the name Black Rose!”

Ranma waited, and when Kodachi didn’t continue she drawled out “And…”

That look was burned into Kodachi’s mind, and with a whimper she added, “I give up my claim on the man, Ranma Saotome!” With a snap Ranma flicked Kodachi again, this time near the front of her outlined slit, and with an expert strike, slapped the clitoris. All the built up lust and pleasure that Kodachi had been experiencing up to this point came out in a burst as her vision went white and her body shivered.

The last thing she saw as her head rolled to one side and she began to pass out was Ranma’s trainer, the tall Tendo girl. The smirk on her face was one that flooded her mind. Then she knew.

“Kasumi Tendo…”

Ranma rolled out of the ring as the Kuno girl went out like a light, and avoiding the congratulations of the Furinkan students, she moved quickly to the locker rooms. Once inside, she ran into a shower stall, closed her eyes, and let cold water spray over her in an attempt to cool her now raging libido.

The water began to seep through her already wet leotard as she leaned against the wall panting. The cold made her shiver, but it only added to the shivers of desire coursing through her body as she fought down the lust and embarrassment from what she had done.

Suddenly there was warmth along her front and she opened her eyes to see a naked Nabiki leaning into her and reaching to turn off the water. Ranma tried to pull away from the girl’s embrace, but Nabiki held fast and hugged her tight.

“I felt the fire in you,” Nabiki spoke into Ranma’s mind.

The redhead shivered and whispered, “It took everything I had after she quit. I used everything I had to resist taking her right there. I wanted to grab her and…and…”

“I guess it was too much for you,” Nabiki said.

Ranma shook her head, “That’s, not it. I wanted to…use, and drain her. To stop playing dominant and actually make her mine. I think the demon inside wants to control. To make others into slaves. And it goes against everything I fought for.”

“Do you think you can control it?”

Ranma leaned into Nabiki and whispered, “I don’t know.” She began to lick Nabiki’s neck, her hands reaching around to grasp the taller girl’s bottom. She turned them and pushed Nabiki up against the wall, kissing the girl deeply as she moved her hands to cup her partner’s heavy breasts. Nabiki was more then willing to continue, as the match had aroused her as well.

She quickly reached up and undid the black rose clasp on Ranma’s neck and began to peel the redhead out of the soggy spandex. She pulled the garment down past Ranma’s perky chest, exposing her already hard nipples and immediately ducked her head down to draw the swollen nub into her mouth.

Ranma gasped as she felt teeth drag across her overly sensitive skin and took handfuls of Nabiki’s hair into her hands, encouraging further exploration. She felt Nabiki tug on the leotard as it was pulled past Ranma’s full hips, and shifted her stance to allow the garment to slide down further.

Nabiki had almost gotten the spandex off Ranma’s dripping body, and gave the breast in her mouth a long suck, eliciting a low moan from the demon girl as the fabric finally pulled away from her crotch. Nabiki kneeled down and finished the task at hand, allowing Ranma to use her head as support when taking the leotard off. The Tendo girl then leaned forward and inhaled the heavy musk of Ranma’s arousal. Guiding the redhead’s stance so her legs were spread, Nabiki slowly extended her tongue to lick the surface of Ranma’s folds.

“Please,” a gasping Ranma begged, “Don’t tease me. I don’t think I can take much.” Heedless of the warning, an impish Nabiki kept giving quick teasing tongue strokes to the outer lips of Ranma’s dripping hot sex. Suddenly a shiver ran through Ranma’s body, and Nabiki heard the quick rush of wind that typically accompanied Ranma’s wings when they were released.

Nabiki looked up to see Ranma’s eyes, turn solid blue, and the redhead reached down and caressed her cheek. Nabiki was dawn into those eyes, and realized that she may have pushed too far. She felt her body tingle as the deep blue penetrated her, relaxing her and making her feel warm inside. The demon girl’s caress moved upwards, taking a firm hold on the top of Nabiki’s head, and pulled her gently face first into her red trimmed sex.

Nabiki began to furiously lick at the hot slit, probing its insides and seeking every drop of suddenly irresistible fluid. Her tongue wasn’t enough to get the nectar, and soon she added her fingers. First one entered Ranma, then two, but it still wasn’t enough. The redhead began to groan and moan loudly as Nabiki used her tongue and three pumping fingers to bring her to release.

When Ranma came, it crashed into her like an onrushing truck of pleasure, and it was all she could do to brace herself against the wall as a flood of juice poured out of her and into Nabiki’s eager mouth. Ranma let out a long scream of pleasure, uncaring of who may have heard, and tightened her grip on the wall and Nabiki’s head. The wave lasted for several long moments and carried with it a series of small aftershocks that rocked Ranma’s body.

After it ended, and Ranma was left gasping for breath, Nabiki was released and rocked back to sit on the floor in front of a panting Ranma. Slowly she began to slide her drenched fingers into her own tunnel, cooing at the sensation as Ranma’s essence mixed with her own. Her head rolled back as she brought on a first, small, orgasm, and began to work faster at her slit.

Ranma looked down and saw that Nabiki had started masturbating, and the look in the Tendo girl’s eyes was the same kind of need she herself had just experienced. Sitting next to her lover, Ranma took Nabiki’s breast into her mouth and began to suck greedily at it, while her hands began to roam the girl’s body.

A deft squeeze of soft flesh and a massaging pressure on the side of the breast and Nabiki began to moan loudly. When the redhead pinched one nipple and lightly bit the other, the moaning girl let off a grunt and shivered in Ranma’s arms at the achievement of another orgasm, but Ranma knew this wasn’t enough, for Nabiki or for her own hunger.

Her free hand started along Nabiki’s long, well toned, legs and traveled upwards, gliding between until they came to Nabiki’s own hand, thrusting into her sex. Gently she pulled the drenched fingers out and took them into her mouth, sucking them loudly as she tasted Nabiki’s fluids. Releasing the hand, she let her own fingers replace the panting girl’s and began a steady rhythm against Nabiki’s bucking hips.

Nabiki responded in kind, her now free hand reaching to take hold of Ranma’s breast as her other drifted to pet the small patch of dripping red fur on top of Ranma’s mound. The two girls leaned into each other, kissing deeply as Ranma’s wings spread to balance the demon girl.

Ranma had three fingers inside Nabiki and used her thumb to rub along the outside of her slit, and with each stroke brush against the girl’s clitoris. The sensations built inside Nabiki, and with each thrust, the walls around Ranma’s fingers contracted slightly. Soon the demon knew that Nabiki was ready and breathed a simple command into the aroused girl’s ear.


Nabiki felt a scream pass her lips that seemed to be torn from her soul as the physical impact of her orgasm ripped through her. Her legs shot straight out, and her hands clinched on Ranma’s breast and sex, causing the redhead to wince in pain and pleasure. Then the dam broke, and Nabiki spilled what seemed like an eternity of her essence on the tile floor of the locker room showers. Thrashing in Ranma’s arms, her body felt afire, and as the fire washed over her, a cool, soothing numbness passed in its wake.

When she finally regained her senses, Nabiki looked up to see Ranma’s eyes had returned to their normal, but still giving off a post-coitus glow, blue. With a heavy arm she reached up and found Ranma’s cheek, stroking it once before letting her hand settle on the demon girl’s bare shoulder.

“Don’t get you too worked up. I get that now,” she joked.

Ranma snorted lightly, holding back a laugh, and leaned in to give the exhausted girl a hug, wrapping her wings around both of them. Slowly she took Nabiki in her arms and lifted the girl up easily.

Nabiki snuggled into the smaller girl and asked, “How come you have so much energy?”

“Sorry,” said Ranma, “I had a little snack on you. I couldn’t help it; you were putting out so much energy it kinda just soaked in.” She used one foot to flip her discarded leotard onto one shoulder where it gave a wet slap, “No pun intended.”

Cradling Nabiki in her arms and using her wings to warm the spent girl, Ranma turned to exit the showers. As the opening to the locker room area came into view, Ranma almost stumbled. Quickly balancing herself, she stood frozen, a panicked look crossing her face.

“What is it,” Nabiki asked as she saw Ranma stiffen.

“I am so dead,” the redhead mumbled, and moved her wings, sweeping them wide and allowing Nabiki to see in front of them.

Lying on the ground was Akane, passed out and with blood dripping from her noise.

Ranma and Nabiki gulped loudly as they both said, “Oh, crap.”

To be continued.

Endnote: Well, that’s done. Like I said, I had a little trouble with the whole domination thing, I’m pretty vanilla myself, but I got it done and it’s not bad. Thirteen chapters in a little over two months, I need to get out more. Now comes the hard part, I have NO idea what to do with the Golden Pair. Some ideas are percolating, so the next chapter should be out at the same pace, but I’m going to play it by ear. As always, thanks to the fans (special shoutout to Dumbledork for posting on every chapter and updating me on FukuFics). Until next time: Divine Excrement, Flying Nocturnal Rodent Male Human!