Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Hot Nights, Cold Fights ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: Ranma’s world was dreamed up by Rumiko Takahashi, produced by Kitty in Japan, and was licensed in the U.S. by Viz Communications, I’m just going to borrow them for a while to tell another story. This isn’t for money, just for fun. This story also contains adult themes, like sex and violence so be warned. Then again, if you like sex and violence, come on down.
P.S.: still and always for Janice.

Doctor Ryo Matsuda rubbed his temples as his young patient, Akane Tendo, sat scowling on the couch. In less then a week, the angry girl had not only punched him twice, but had also accused him of several perceived perversions. The girl’s father was like a brother to him, but even that was not worth this girl.

“Look Akane,” he started, “the whole idea of you coming here was so you could be honest with someone, and so you could learn why you react the way you do. As long as you continue to hide behind your anger, you will never understand the world around you.”

Akane glared and countered, “I’m not hiding anything. I know you, Ranma, and even my sister are nothing but perverts. That’s enough to warrant a beating in my book.” She crossed her arms and sent a challenging look at the psychiatrist.

“Why do you think that, Ms. Tendo,” he answered.

“Ha,” she laughed, “As if you don’t know. All you people think about is sex. Ranma tries to have sex with anything that moves, then he corrupts my sister, turning her into some kind of freak, and now I’m forced to see you, and all you tell me is that it’s normal. There is nothing normal about sex and anyone who thinks about it should be dragged out into the street and shot.”

Doctor Matsuda sighed, then struck on an idea, “If sex is so wrong, then why aren’t you mad at your father?”

“Watch your mouth,” the angry girl snarled, “My father is not a pervert.”

“But he has had sex;” Ryo said, and suddenly realized something, “Do you know how babies are born, where you came from.”

“Of course,” Akane said, “I came from my mother, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Oh boy,” the doctor mumbled.

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 16
Hot Nights, Cold Fights

It was only a few hours until the match against the Golden Pair, and Nabiki had just asked Ranma to do something that pretty much floored the redheaded demon girl.

“Let me get this right,” she began, confusion in her voice, “You want me to have sex with your sister. Did you really just say that?”

Nabiki sighed and tried again, “We are going into a big fight that neither of us is fully ready for, and I think it’s a good idea for you to go in with the tanks full as it were, so I don’t have to carry you home again. You can’t feed off me because I’ll need my energy in the match, so that leaves one option, Kasumi.”

The eldest Tendo daughter was sitting on Nabiki’s bed, watching Ranma’s discomfort jump up a notch as she realized this was for real, and decided to comfort the poor girl.

“I understand it may seem a little odd,” she tried, “but Nabiki is right. I understand the ramifications of what we are asking, but it won’t do anyone any good if you run out of power in the middle of a fight.”

Ranma pushed aside naughty thoughts and tried a different approach herself, “I won’t use my powers. My hellfire uses too much anyway, and I’ve almost dropped every time I use it.”

“That’s because you end up using it at the last second, when you are already close to dropping from exhaustion anyway,” Nabiki told her. “I’m giving you a free nookie card with my drop dead gorgeous sister, and you are debating the fine points of power conservation with me. What kind of sex demon are you anyway?”

Kasumi giggled at Nabiki’s bluntness, and Ranma could only stand there blushing. In the back of her mind, she knew that Nabiki had a point, that the match would go a lot easier if her energy reserves were as large as possible, but it just didn’t take away from the fact that Nabiki was standing there, accepting, and wanting Ranma to feed off her sister.

Ranma was seriously considering running for her life.

Nabiki lightly placed a hand on Ranma’s shoulder and softly said, “Every time you use them, your powers drain you. What happens if you push too far one time? Kasumi and I have talked about this, and we both are worried about you.”

“You are like a part of the family already,” Kasumi added, “I’m not asking you to marry me, just to see me as a friend who will help you no matter what.” Ranma still seemed unsure, but took a deep breath and extended her senses to see if it really could work. What surprised her was that both girls were in a state of high arousal, and Ranma hadn’t done anything yet. Kasumi wasn’t forcing herself to do this out of friendship, she wanted to do this. And Nabiki was oozing anticipation at the very thought of watching the demon and her sister go at it.

Ranma took a big gulp and looked at Nabiki, “Are you really sure about this?”

“Fuck my sister,” commanded Nabiki, and moved away, sitting in her desk chair and waiting with a gleam in her eye. Sighing, Ranma turned her attention to Kasumi, and found that the one time gymnastic dominatrix was slowly pulling off her housedress to reveal herself.

As the plain dress came off, pale skin was shown, and a simple bra and pair of panties soon followed it onto the floor. Ranma gulped as Kasumi lay back on the bed, nude and unashamed. She was every inch a woman, and Ranma wondered why she hid behind the mask of a housewife.

Her legs were long and met at a small brown delta of pubic hair that ended at a flat stomach. Her breasts were large and heavy, and topped with coral pink nipples that seemed to reach upwards in anticipation of what was to come. But it was the smile on Kasumi’s face that finally made Ranma realize that everything was going to be all right. It was the same warm smile, with a hint of mischief that Ranma had often seen during training under the gymnastic mistress.

Ranma sat on the bed next to the waiting girl, and leaned in, gently kissing her on the lips, and using her demon abilities to judge Kasumi’s arousal. She judge that it wouldn’t take much to prepare her for feeding, and it seemed the idea of being watched only made it easier. As the kiss lingered, Kasumi reached up and slowly undid the ties holding Ranma’s shirt closed. Soon Ranma’s own breasts hung freely, and Kasumi moved her hands to cup them, feeling their weight.

At Ranma’s questioning look, Kasumi purred into her ear, “I plan on making this as pleasant an experience as possible.” With that, she lightly pinched both of Ranma’s rose colored nipples, and the demon sharply drew in air as the pleasant electricity played across her chest. She shrugged off her top and leaned down again, this time letting her own hands travel the smooth skin of Kasumi’s mammarys as she nuzzled up and lightly nibbled the elder Tendo’s neck, eliciting a deep moan.

Nabiki sat back in her chair as the erotic sight unfolded in front of her, and she hoped she would be able to resist it as it intensified. As if in response, she looked down to see that her hand had already drifted between her legs and was rubbing her mound through her denim shorts. Not wanting to do things halfway, she quickly pulled them off, letting them join Ranma’s shirt and Kasumi’s dress as she returned to watching her sister and fiancé making love on her bed.

Meanwhile, Ranma had slid one hand down to Kasumi’s open legs, and was massaging her nether lips in preparation. She angled herself over the taller girl to get a better vantage on the moist opening, when she was stopped by the sudden sensation of Kasumi’s lips locking onto her nipple. The strong sucking accompanied by light nibbles and long licks sent electricity up and down Ranma’s spine as she arched her back, offering more of her breast to the uninhibited home maker.

After a moment, Ranma recovered and sent a lone digit inside of the aroused girl. Ranma felt the heat pulsing inside Kasumi’s core, and knew that she was a bottled up volcano ready to burst. She reluctantly pulled away from Kasumi’s eager mouth and turned to check on her fiancé, to make sure it was ok to continue, and found that Nabiki was quietly fingering herself watching the activities on the bed.

Satisfied, Ranma shifted position again, sitting at the foot of the bed and easing her head between Kasumi’s legs. Kasumi’s aroma drew her in, opening up the barriers she placed within herself and driving her to make contact with the older girl’s mound. With long, slow licks, Ranma drew in the first taste, and the demon within growled for more. Soon her tongue was lightly darting in and out of Kasumi, gliding up to swat at her clitoris before darting back inside her tunnel.

The pace and intensity drove Kasumi to the brink, but Ranma held her there, not looking for release, but for the energy she could draw from it. For ten agonizing minutes, Kasumi was held on the knife’s edge of orgasm, unable to reach the other side. She felt Ranma’s invading tongue swirl and twist inside her, brushing her walls lightly one moment, and pulsing inside her the next.

Ranma felt Kasumi’s tension and savored the taste of sexual energy coming out from between her legs. It was sweet, with a touch of darkness that reflected her own desire, and the longer Ranma held her on edge, the more intense it got. Beside her Nabiki had achieved climax once already, and it only added to the heavy lust in the air as Ranma began the coup-de-grace.

She had been considering this technique for a few days now, and felt it was time to test it. She slid her mouth up Kasumi’s slit, latching on to her clitoris and opening the path for energy to flow between them as she drove a finger back into Kasumi’s vacant canal, and then began a toned down variation on the Amaguriken technique that was so effective in combat.

Kasumi almost died right there in total bliss.

Her back arched, her eyes rolled back, and a silent scream that registered only in the ultrasonic range shook the window as her world split in two. A jet of hot, liquid lust shot out of her as she convulsed on the bed, her vaginal walls closing around Ranma’s finger in a death grip. Quickly the redhead’s mouth drained as much of the flood of juice and energy as she could without drowning in both. After only a few seconds, Ranma had to stop feeding or risk damaging Kasumi, but it was the most energy she had ever had in her life, and the taller girl was still writhing beneath her.

Ranma held Kasumi down until the final spasm marched across her body and she lay still. For a moment, Ranma panicked thinking she had drained too much of Kasumi’s life energy. But soon the sound of her breathing filled her ears with relief, and with a second check she found that the girl was only sleeping.

Ranma stood, and stretched, enjoying the feeling of power coursing through her, and turned to face Nabiki. The middle Tendo sister had her panties around one ankle, which was resting on her desk as she had masturbated to the erotic sight, and now she was sitting, eyes locked on Ranma in wonder.

“You’re glowing,” she whispered, “not just the eyes this time. It’s like you’re plugged in or something.”

Ranma looked down and saw a pale light emanating from her arms and replied, “In a way, I am. I’ve never really let go like that before and fed that much. I feel like I could do anything right now.” Ranma reached inside herself to judge the amount of power, and was amazed at how much could be drained from someone. She looked up at Nabiki again and saw that her lover was a little worn from her self stimulation. Getting an idea, Ranma moved in front of her and leaned down.

For a moment, Nabiki was worried that Ranma had gone full demon and was going to feed on her too, but she felt no hunger from the oncoming girl, and opened her mouth to accept a deep kiss from the redhead. She tasted her sister on Ranma’s tongue, and a strange tingle as an almost electric charge passed between them. She almost came again at the sensation as her mind sang.

As Ranma broke off the kiss, Nabiki saw that only the demon girl’s eyes were glowing now, and asked, “What happened?”

Ranma smiled and helped Nabiki stand, then had her face her bedroom mirror. In it Nabiki saw that her own eyes were emanating a light brown light just as Ranma’s emitted a light blue aura.

“I gave you some of the energy,” Ranma explained, “There was so much, and since you shared me with your sister, I decided to share your sister with you. I’m glad it worked. How do you feel?”

“Like I can see the world and more,” Nabiki’s mind spoke to her fiancé as she began floating off the floor, hovering a few centimeters off the ground by simple will alone.

“Wow,” Ranma simply said at this accomplishment, and gave the floating girl a hug. The two of them shared a normal kiss, then tucked Kasumi into bed as the young woman continued to sleep a blissful sleep. Getting dressed again, the teens slipped out of the room and cleaned themselves quickly, then grabbed a duffle containing the skating costumes that Kasumi had made for them and headed out for the rink to face their opponents.

During the run there, Nabiki found that she could easily keep up with Ranma, a feat that she thought was normally impossible. As she examined this, she saw that not only was she keeping up, but their steps and breaths were in perfect synch. As they approached the rink, she mentally examined the energy that Ranma had given her, and found that it was still tied to the demon girl, allowing a kind of link between them.

As she realized this, Ranma spoke up, “I guess it’s a side effect, I really didn’t know what would happen. I just wanted to give you a boost going into this.”

“You answered my question,” Nabiki said, surprised, “I suppose it works both ways then.”

“If it does, then the Goofy Pair are in for a rough time,” Ranma smiled and led them into the locker rooms for the event.

Word had gotten around about the match, and every fight fan in Nerima had shown up to line the rink in anticipation of another great show. Several of the spectators were Furinkan students who had witnessed the battle between Ranma and Kodachi only a week ago, and they were spending the entire week telling friends about the amazing abilities of a specific nimble, and well built, redhead. Add that to Nabiki’s reputation as a cold, calculating beauty that ran Furinkan High’s underground, and many began to wonder what a duo would be capable of.

One spectator knew that they would be dangerous.

Ryoga had given himself a full five days to get here, and he had spent it all planning. He knew his freedom to be Akane’s pet pig was on the line, and for once he was putting aside any animosity he had left towards Ranma, and was getting ready to jump in to defend himself. He wanted to stay out of it and watch Ranma fail, but he was beginning to see that revenge was going to get him nowhere. In his battles with Ranma since returning to Japan, Ryoga had been defeated every time, whether by Ranma’s power, or the frozen glare of his girlfriend.

He was also beginning to think Ranma was losing patience with him, and would eventually carry out her threat to roast him in demonic fire.

He sat back, and waited for his moment.

The lights in the rink lowered and a single spotlight speared into the dark to land on the Golden Pair as they made their entrance. Mikado held Azusa aloft on one shoulder as they glided mid-rink to an overture of classical music. It was routine for them, they had done it before and won every time, and their confidence showed in their wardrobe. Mikado wore a white and blue tuxedo glistening with tiny, sewn in crystals, and Azusa wore a matching white leotard with transparent blue sleeves and skirt. They skated to center ice and acknowledged the cheers of their fans in attendance, also behaving as if adulation was routine to them.

As their music died down a second spotlight shone down on the far side of the rink, where Ranma and Nabiki waited. It had taken a considerable amount of persuasion from Nabiki and Kasumi, but Ranma had finally agreed, or rather caved in, that showmanship was half the fight in a competition like this.

Ranma wore her red leotard from the gymnastics match with a pair of black skates and her own long black leather gloves. The black metal Rose clasp glinted in the spotlight above her exposed cleavage. Her wings were proudly displayed, outwardly to match Nabiki’s outfit, but also because they seemed to be able to help her balance on the ice.

And the wings did match Nabiki, who had a blue leotard that matched Ranma’s, a white line tracing up opposed of Ranma’s black seam, and ending with a silver rose clasp over the circular cutout atop her breasts. Attached at her shoulders where a pair of white feather wings that countered Ranma’s black leathery wings.

The effect was and angel and a demon glided out onto the ice, each circling the other in perfect synchronization as they were introduced to a light rock beat. They came to a rest across from the Golden Pair, back to back with hands clasped and wings spread with matched looks of absolute confidence on their faces.

Among the spectators, Akane had made her way to the match and saw her sister and her transgendered fiancé shining in the spotlight. She had to admit that they looked pretty out on the ice, contrasts in light and dark, even though they were both abnormal to her.

At least that is what she had been telling herself for the last three hours since her therapist dropped a massive bomb on her. To be bluntly told about the actual workings of childbirth was a bit of a shock to her system, but then she was told that it was something that she should have known at least years ago was quite another thing. Then the doctor had gone a step further when she objected to Ranma’s liaisons as a female and explained homosexuality and bisexuality. Akane almost belted him a good one again for lying, but he had brought out books on human development that were obviously meant for an age group below her, and she had felt humiliated by her lack of knowledge.

That isn’t to say she was going to accept what he said at face value, it just meant that she was going to have to reconsider a few things.

Hating Ranma for being a pervert was not on that list.

She watched as the competitors started a graceful exchange on the ice, Ranma tossing Nabiki into the air as the Golden Pair swept in to attack. Nabiki flipped in the air, landing a knee on Azusa’s head as Ranma slid past Mikado and landed a fierce punch to his midsection. Ranma continued on and caught Nabiki as the two seemed to move in unison around the rink to attack again.

Akane was amazed at how far they had progressed and decided to stick around to see how it turned out. She looked for an empty seat and plopped down, not really caring who she was next to as long as she could see the match.

“A…A…Akane…What are you doing here?” She turned and saw the bandana wearing boy that had attacked Ranma at the school only a few weeks ago.

“Ryoga? I just came to see if my sister could actually pull off some kind of scam or something,” she lied, “What about you?”

A scowl crossed the boy’s face as he answered, “I’m trying to figure out if I should help Ranma, or help kill him. I still haven’t decided.”

She looked over at the angry young man, saw the conflict etched into his brow, and asked, “Why do you hate Ranma so much? He thinks you were friends when you went to school together, what changed that, or was he lying about that too?”

“From his point of view we probably seemed like friends, after all he was looking for someone to push his skills, and I could do that. But his antics humiliated me in front of the entire school. That’s only part of it though,” explained the Lost Boy.

Akane took this in and understood how it felt. Since Ranma had arrived she had lost her status as the number one martial artist in the area. Ranma had taken her spot in the gymnastics fight, and then had beaten Kodachi with ease. Ranma had even humbled her on his first day here, walking all over her in their sparring match. Even Kuno had fallen faster to Ranma’s skill.

“I know what you mean,” she grumbled.

Suddenly there was a shout from the rink as Ranma declared, “Nabiki is my fiancé! You lay one disgusting lip on her and I’ll KILL you!” Akane was taken back by the force of this proclamation, and by the fact that Ranma had just told the entire crowd that she and Nabiki were in a lesbian relationship. Akane tried to shove herself back into her seat to become invisible and avoid the embarrassment as murmurs started among the audience.

She watched Ranma and Nabiki make another attack on the ice, this time sweeping in from both sides as Ranma lofted into the air for a jump kick at Mikado. At the last second, the skater grabbed Ranma’s leg out of the air and changed her direction so she would impact the ice. Nabiki dashed close in and caught the redhead, but it was a trap.

Azusa slid under both tumbling girls and grabbed Ranma’s ankles as Mikado lifted her into the air. Sanzenin began to spin on the ice, rotating Azusa on his shoulders and dragging Ranma and Nabiki into the air with momentum alone. As they continued to spin, a strained look appeared on the demon girls face as g-forces built. Akane was about to leap out of her seat to help her sister before Ranma let go, but Ryoga stopped her.

“Ranma won’t give up,” he stated with certainty, “He is willing to kill for her, and he is probably willing to die for her. I saw that first hand already.” Akane shot a disbelieving look at the boy, but he was focused on the battle. Ranma still held Nabiki in a death grip, and the look they shared as they spun was a mirror of confidence in each other.

Akane was rocked back as she realized that the two of them really did love each other.

Suddenly, the Kiddy Klepto lost her grip on Ranma’s ankle and the two winged girls took to the air on a crash course for the retaining wall. Ranma looked ahead and locked eyes with Akane and Ryoga for a moment, then with a mighty heave she flipped around in front of Nabiki and braced herself.

Ryoga grabbed Akane and pulled her to one side as Ranma impacted against the retaining wall in front of them causing a large break in the wall as they came to a rest, Ranma sitting in the crater made by her impact, and Nabiki held gently in her arms.

Nabiki quickly recovered and checked her lover to find that Ranma was out like a light. She began to softly cry as she tried desperately to find a pulse on the redhead’s neck.

“Oh my god,” Akane whispered in Ryoga’s arms, “He sacrificed himself.”

Ryoga nodded, “As a warrior would.” He released Akane, who quickly moved to lean over, placing a reassuring hand on her sister’s shoulder.

“I never really told her…everything,” Nabiki said quietly lowering her hand in failure from Ranma’s neck. Akane could only watch in pain.

Suddenly, both girls were rocked back as Ranma sat upright. Her eyes began swirling from blue to red and back.

“That,” she stated weakly, “hurt.” She turned to Nabiki and asked, “Are you alright?”

Nabiki looked at the redhead in disbelief, “You just broke a quarter meter cement wall with your back, and you ask if I’m ok?” She pulled the downed demon into a hug, “Don’t do that to me you jerk.” Nabiki then helped Ranma up on to unstable feet as Ryoga and Akane looked on, wondering at the demon girls recuperative abilities.

Quietly Ranma whispered to Nabiki, “That burned up a lot of my reserve, I don’t think I can take another hit like that.” Nabiki was about to suggest standing down, but she sensed Ranma’s determination to continue. Ranma stood straight, and Nabiki could almost see energy flow from her core to her limbs, healing damage.

They got ready to reenter the match, when suddenly Ryoga grabbed Ranma’s shoulder over the wall, “You’re too hurt. I’m taking your place.” Ranma took hold of his hand, pulling it off and squeezing hard. Ryoga yanked it away as he began to feel joints pop and stared at the glowering girl.

Ranma spoke in a dangerous voice, “I’m doing this for you, Pig Boy. Just shut up and stay out of it, or I’m forfeiting and you’ll be on your own.” Ryoga backed up and sat down.

Akane looked confused at the venom in Ranma’s eyes and asked, “What is this all about anyway? What are you doing for Ryoga?”

“Ask him yourself,” growled the redhead, and took Nabiki’s hand to skate away.

As they headed back to the recovering Golden Pair, Nabiki chimed in, “I can’t believe you’re still giving that bastard a chance to come clean on his own.”

“It’s his honor,” Ranma stated, “He needs to clean it, not me. Are you ready for round two?”

Nabiki smiled, “Let’s rock.”

Back at the edge of the ice, Ryoga was silently fuming. Once again Ranma had handled him like a kid, and then all but told Akane his secret. And even after that hit the redhead was still a match for him strength wise, and she knew it. Akane was trying to ask him what this was about, but he just couldn’t answer, and as he looked into her eyes, he saw the rejection that awaited him.

“Ryoga,” Akane said again, “come on. Tell me what she was talking about.”

He winced and replied, “I can’t.” With that he turned and ran from the arena, trying anything to get lost. He turned a corner and charged ahead, all but blind to those around him. As he left, a flash of blue passed him, jumping upwards for the arena’s roof, but he ignored it. His pain was too great.

Back inside, Ranma and Nabiki had kept their distance, gauging the effect of the so called ‘Good Bye Whirl’ on the Golden Pair. Azusa, who was a little odd to begin with, seemed unaffected, but Mikado was moving more deliberately, and with greater care. They set up to attack Ranma and Nabiki again, but the other pair was quicker.

Without sharing a vocal word, they sped away from each other and moved to attack from both sides. Azusa moved to position herself so she could be used as a weapon by her partner, but their timing was too slow for the speeding figures. Ranma jumped up high, gaining lift from her wings as she passed overhead, splitting her legs wide to distract the girl obsessed Sanzenin as Nabiki delivered a telekinetically enhanced uppercut to his exposed jaw.

Ranma finished her jump, landing with both knees on Azusa’s shoulders, bringing the smaller girl down. She reached out, grabbing Nabiki’s hand, and they spun on the ice, trading position quickly as Ranma caught the stunned male with a high shin kick to the head when Nabiki pulled her up, and Nabiki dropped a leg across the stomach of the female half of the Golden Pair as Ranma pulled her down.

They continued their rotation to come together in each others arms, coming to a rest in the center of the ice gazing into each others eyes, the last vestiges of faint glowing fading away. Sanzenin was out cold on the ice, his eyes glossed and a tooth skidding across the rink, and Shiratori was curled up into a ball trying not to throw up on the ice.

Akane was stunned by that savage, brutal, efficient, and blinding fast finale to the match as Ranma and Nabiki were declared the winners. The two girls ignored the cheering of the crowd, and merely skated off the ice, holding each other close. She was tempted to follow them, but knew that they would probably engage in some post match perversion, and decided instead to head out and try and find the confusing Ryoga.

When she reached the main entrance, she saw him walking in a circle around a fountain, for all the world looking like a lost puppy. Her heart went out to him, hesitantly, and she figured that whatever Ranma was holding over the boy’s head was unbearable. It was the only reason he would be so angry at the demon girl, but at the same time, he seemed reluctant to engage the pompous redhead in combat. Walking over, she stopped in front of him as he came around the fountain again. He looked up and saw her eyes, filled with what he thought was pity, and turned away.

“Wait,” she said as she grabbed his arm, “You seem like a nice boy, and I just want to help if I can. What did Ranma do to you to get you so worked up?”

Scowling, Ryoga refused to meet the girl’s eyes and growled out, “He destroys every chance for happiness I get.” At Akane’s questioning look he elaborated, “I was wandering through China, looking for the coward so we could finish our fight, and I stumbled across a beautiful Amazon girl. It was the first time I ever really noticed a girl, and I fell for her. Turns out that it was only Ranma, and he never knew how he played with my heart. I’ll admit that chasing him to another country over a junior high feud was a little over the top, but for stealing my first love, I can never forgive him.”

The Lost Boy sighed as Akane led him over to a bench where he sat with her and continued, “Now he’s got all that power, and your sister seems to love the jerk. I don’t know which I’m more scared of, a pissed off demon with fire spilling off her arms, or your sister and that cold look she has.”

Akane couldn’t help it, and giggled lightly, “I’d be more afraid of Nabiki. With Ranma you know he’ll fight. With her, you never can tell what she’ll do to ruin your day.” Ryoga looked at the shorter girl and wondered at her. Time and time again he had seen how determined she was to plow through life, not letting anything slow her down. It was one of the points about her that drew him in. They sat together, each lost in contemplation as the sun began to set.

Back inside the arena, Ranma and Nabiki had retreated to the locker room, and contrary to what Akane had thought, they were not mid coitus. Admittedly, Ranma was undressed and lying on a bench face down with Nabiki straddling her, and granted the redhead was moaning contentedly, but it was for the backrub Nabiki was giving her lover.

Nabiki was paying special attention to the muscle structure around Ranma’s wing roots. They had worked quite a bit holding in one place for most of the match, then getting slammed into that wall. She softly kneaded the tense knots out, allowing her hands to glide along Ranma’s ethereally soft skin. At one point, Nabiki had to push Ranma’s back in an odd manor, and a loud pop reverberated through the room as the redhead beneath her turned into jelly.

“I don’t know where you learned this,” the demon girl muttered happily, “but this is the second best thing I’ve ever felt.”

Nabiki smiled and moved her hands up to Ranma’s shoulders, “Kasumi taught me. She’s always borrowing books from Doc Tofu, and shiatsu massage is divine. After she did this for me once, I begged her to teach me. It cost me a week of dishes and laundry, but it was worth it.”

“Amen to that,” sighed Ranma, “I’ll have to learn this so I can do you.”

The redhead let Nabiki resume her work, feeling tension from the match drain from her body. She thought about everything that had happened between the two of them since she had arrived, waterlogged and knocked out being carried by her father.

Nabiki had taken a gamble with the transgendered demon, and helped get the troubled boy through some tough times. After Kuno, Ranma had wondered if she was taking advantage of Nabiki, but as events played out Nabiki was shown to be a willing participant in the antics around the boy/girl. After today’s fight, the redhead felt closer then ever to Nabiki.

Ranma’s wings folded away, disappearing into her back as the girl shifted under Nabiki, rolling over to face her. Nabiki let her hands settle on top of Ranma’s breasts, lightly rubbing the dark nipples, but Ranma softly took her wrists, making her stop.

“Back on the ice,” Ranma started, “you were saying something, and it got me thinking. We’ve done so much together, shared more then most people our age do. But I want you to know something.” Nabiki felt her mouth go dry as she looked into Ranma’s deep blue eyes, caught up in the sincerity of their expression.

Ranma continued, reaching up and cupping Nabiki’s face in her hands, “When I came here, I just wanted to get back to my wife. She and I love each other, and when I left it was crushing to me. But now I’m torn, because I feel the same about you.”

“Oh, Ranma,” Nabiki breathed.

The demon sat up, coming face to face with the middle Tendo sister, “I love you, Nabiki.” With that, the redheaded demon gave Nabiki a deep and heartfelt kiss.

After what seemed like a heavenly forever, the kiss ended, and Nabiki continued to hold her smaller lover, “I know you love Shampoo, I can feel it burned into you, and as your friend I didn’t want to take away from that, but I love you too. I have for a long time now. I just hope that Shampoo will accept me.”

“She’s a kind person and an honorable warrior,” said Ranma, “The three of us will work something out, and I can almost see you as an Amazon.” A slightly lecherous smile crossed Ranma’s face as she pictured Nabiki in one of the revealing Amazon outfits. She lay back down and ran her hands along Nabiki’s thighs, enjoying the sensation of the other girl perched on top of her as Nabiki resumed her massage. This time one hand worked on Ranma’s side muscles, and one gently played with the opposite breast. The effect was calming and stimulating at the same time.

Nabiki smiled down at her, watching Ranma’s eyes roll back as she continued. It was like a weight lifted off her shoulders now that they had told each other how they felt, and Nabiki was surprised at how good it was just to share this moment with someone. At first she was worried that Ranma was so hung up on Shampoo that there was no room for her, but the redhead continued to surprise her. Ranma was being honest when she said that she loved them both, and for the attention starved young Saotome it probably would take two girls to fill the void.

That made Nabiki pause for a heartbeat. If you added Ranma’s own insecurities and need for compassion to the succubus’ need for lust and sex, there was a real possibility of this spiraling out of control. Kasumi had also been affected by Ranma’s demon half, and watching the two have sex earlier in the day had been arousing, and disturbing, to the young Tendo. If more were drawn in by Ranma’s web of pleasure, could she handle it? Could she tolerate it? Did she even want to resist it?

Her introspection was short lived as she pushed the thoughts aside. Whatever the future held, it wouldn’t be enough for to stop Nabiki Tendo. After all, she was one of the smartest people in the area, and with her abilities she had gained a measure of fighting ability to hold her own during the ice skating battle. She knew that she was still probably behind Akane as a Martial Artist, but she wasn’t shooting to climb that ladder. She just wanted to be able to hold her own in Ranma’s world.

Under her, Ranma squirmed as she continued to flick the demon’s nipple without thinking. Ranma felt little jots of pleasure come at regular intervals, and the sensation was driving her a little nuts. She reached up and was about to grab her lover and pull her down for another lip lock when she saw Nabiki stiffen and sit upright, looking towards one of the walls of the locker room.

“Something’s coming,” Nabiki said quietly, “and it’s pissed.”

Ranma felt a tingle along her spine as her own intuition began to send her warnings. A loud crack could be heard from the wall as it bulged slightly, and Ranma pulled Nabiki down and rolled off the bench and away from the suddenly bulging wall. They rolled until Ranma was on top of Nabiki, who was concentrating on forming a crude barrier over them as the wall exploded inward. Chunks of masonry flew around them, a few bouncing off Nabiki’s rudimentary shield as Ranma absorbed the rest of the impacts.

When the noise died down, Ranma sat back up, pulling Nabiki with her as she continued to roll to her feet. The two teens looked into the rapidly clearing cloud of dust, and saw a long, blue haired girl wearing a silk blouse and holding a strange mace in one hand, and a broadsword in the other.

Instantly recognition dawned on Ranma’s face and a smile jumped into her eyes as she called out, “Shampoo!” Nabiki looked on at the Amazon, and felt a pang of jealousy as she saw that the gorgeous girl was truly a warrior that she could never hope to match. Nabiki hoped that Ranma wouldn’t forget her with someone more compatible around.

But there was still that tingle at the back of her mind that was screaming danger.

“I’m so glad to see you Airen,” Ranma said excitedly, jumping over the bench and making a bee line for the Amazon. She was about to give the Blue haired girl a glomp hug, when Shampoo thrust her mace forward.

Only Ranma’s lightning reflexes saved her as she caught the mace and held it only inches from her gut. The force of the blow could have killed her had she not channeled what little energy she had left into her hands, and she looked up in shock at her Amazon wife.

The look in the other girl’s eyes was pure ice.

Faster then Ranma could counter, Shampoo pulled the disoriented girl inward and hissed, “You I kill, False One.”

With that, Shampoo’s sword swung in, aiming for Ranma’s neck.

To be continued.

Endnote: (insert evil laughter here) Anyway, I really don’t like the Golden Putzes, so screw ‘em. I wanted to concentrate more on Akane and Ryoga anyway. That is not to say they will be getting together any time soon, both have WAY too much baggage. Until next time, I need to go out and get a million monkeys with typewriters.