Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ One-Half a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Wings of Battle, Heart of Honor ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author’s Note: The NWC and the situations they found themselves in were the work of Rumiko Takahashi and were distributed by Kitty and Viz. I use them without permission, but with humble respect for those before me, and I write this with no intent to profit from the efforts of others. There is sex, there is violence, and some foul language. If any of these offend or you are a minor, be gone with ye, tis not for you.
P.S.: by now you know I do this for Janice.

Despair looked up at her father as he ran his fingers through the hair of the lesser demoness currently sucking his shaft. The white haired succubus had a report to deliver, but the rules of the house were clear, never interrupt a hummer.

Sighing, she watched as the broken Amazon tended to the elder demon and wished she had more time to play with the transformed Enema, but her father had insisted on showing the prideful woman her place almost as soon as the initial interrogation was complete. In the most violent and debasing display that Despair had ever seen Enema was slowly torn down over a month, and finally rebuilt into the near mindless slave that now served at her father’s feet.

Finally she heard the familiar grunt of release and waited until Enema had finished cleaning off the demon’s cock, then spoke softly.

“Guildmaster Baraguld, I have a report from your daughter, Alexis Nightbane.”

The Elder demon simply nodded in acknowledgement, and Despair continued, “Alexis sends word that the area known as Nerima has a surprisingly large concentration of mortals with high energy levels. She says that it is slow going, even with the inelegance gleamed from China.” She indicated the transformed Amazon and asked, “Are you sure that she has told us all she knows?”

The Guildmaster softly chuckled,”You may be correct, daughter. While she seems to hold no love for your wayward sister she may still hold some twisted loyalty to her so called ancient history. But no matter, Alexis is, as they say, street smart. I have no doubt that she will find Amnara Nightbane and return her to me.”

Despair asked cautiously, “But what of your toy’s warning about the skills of this Ranma person?”

“Bah,” Baraguld dismissed the matter, “mortal nonsense. No untrained fledgling could ever hope to defeat a true demon. Now leave me, and I shall continue to mine my toy for information.” With that he yanked Enema up into his lap, roughly spinning her and driving her on to his still swollen member.

Her rhythmic shrieking as she was violated from behind was a sharp counterpoint to the clicking of Despair’s high heels as she left her father’s chambers.

One Half a Wing and a Prayer
By Seth

Chapter 28
Wings of Battle, Heart of Honor

The pink haired missile flew towards Ranma in a flash, but the leather wearing redhead was able to spin on one heel out of the way. Diving off the roof of Furinkan High, Ranma opened her wings and caught the night air, gaining altitude over her unexpected opponent.

Alexis noted Ranma’s maneuver and spun to fly upside down, tracking Ranma with one outstretched arm. A flash of red light shot out into the night, and Ranma had to dive again to avoid a fireball that missed her by a less then comfortable margin.

The two demons circled in the night, each gauging the other and formulating their next move. It was Alexis who acted first by releasing two more fireballs at Ranma and swooping in when the redhead dodged. A flame coated hand reached out to grab one leather boot, and for a moment Ranma’s movement was arrested by the sudden added weight.

Ranma glanced down, and noted that Alexis’ eyes were not the red that the part time girl had come to see as a battle state, and she hoped that this was a sign that the slightly smaller demon girl would not be going for the kill in this impromptu match.

Resolving to test herself, Ranma drew her wings in and became deadweight in the other succubus’ arm. Alexis almost had the appendage ripped out of her shoulder as they suddenly began dropping to the earth below. She quickly released Ranma and spread her wings wide, watching as the redhead spiraled towards the ground.

At the last second, Ranma whipped her own wings open and pulled up with dizzying speed, aiming right for Alexis.

The two girls collided in mid air, Ranma catching Alexis under the chin with a flying haymaker that knocked the pink haired girl from the sky. Following her down, Ranma landed lightly in the school yard and watched as the succubus slowly pulled herself up, tenderly checking her jaw.

“Like I said,” Ranma told her, “I’m not going anywhere. And I just don’t think you have the skill to take me by force.”

Alexis grunted and stood, “Just caught me off guard there. I’m not out of it yet, Big Sis.”

“What are you talking about,” Ranma moaned, “Why do you keep calling me that?”

“It’s what you are,” Alexis answered, her stance neutral as she looked for a way around Ranma’s defensive stance. “Five hundred years ago, you ran away from Daddy and got yourself killed. The magic in those weird ass springs waited until you were reborn and unlocked your true form. I guess that it didn’t unlock your memories though.”

“They aren’t my memories,” Ranma stated, “but I have dreams. That was a different life, not the one I have now.”

Alexis smiled slightly and answered, “That’s where you belong, at Daddy’s side with your sisters. You aren’t some weak little mortal like the rest of these cattle; you’re a goddess on earth. Why not come back?”

“All I saw in those dreams,” Ranma quietly growled, “was pain and death. If you really think I’d ever go back to that, or that you could ever beat me into going back, you are oh so wrong.”

With that, Ranma spun into action. Pumping demonic energy into her limbs, she allowed herself to slip into her Amazon training and increased her speed ten fold, blurring out of sight and appearing right in front of a startled Alexis. With a grunt of effort she planted a fist solidly in the other demoness’ stomach, and the pink haired girl was lifted off the ground with a loud eruption of air from her lungs.

Tumbling back, Alexis attempted to put up a defense, but saw Ranma’s form blur into high speed again. The only indication of where the redhead was the line of glowing red emanating from her eyes. The smaller succubus realized that her one time sister was dead serious and began throwing fireballs to cover herself as she fell back to gain ground on the rapidly advancing young woman.

Each fireball was met in mid air by a similar one as Ranma dropped out of high speed and channeled power into her attacks. As hellfire collided the detonations canceled each other out, Ranma the two demons spun and twirled in the night seeking an opening in the other’s defense at range.

Ranma’s combat oriented thinking saw that her opponent was more used to this ranged style of combat. Her aim was effective even during the more gymnastic maneuvers the pink haired girl was executing. Ranma categorized this as a close match for Kodachi Kuno’s fighting style, and realized that her own demonic attacks were making no headway against the slightly more powerful bursts from her adversary.

She attempted again to close the distance, but found that Alexis was no longer willing to let her. Taking to the air, the two girls spiraled around each other again, bursts of demonic energy clashing as they continued upwards.

Ranma thought, She’s better then me with ranged attacks, and a lot stronger with them too. I can’t get close enough so that I’m in my element, so I have to figure out a way around her suppressing fire.

She barely managed to block the next round of bolts, however, and took a direct hit to the stomach. Falling to the ground, she landed hard knocking the breath out of her as Alexis swooped down and landed on top of her one leg on either side. The pink haired girl squatted down, planting her bottom on Ranma’s stomach and keeping her in place as she snorted.

“Damn, Sis. Where did all that energy go you had a few minutes ago? Those blasts were like you were running on empty.”

Ranma had to admit that she was feeling tired, then again the last time she had thrown this many hellfire blasts was in China during her brief stay in military custody. She took a moment to figure how much power she had left, and it didn’t look good. Unless she could get recharged soon she would…

This is exactly what the old freak was talking about, she realized. I’ve become dependent on the demon energy when there’s more right at my fingertips.

Focusing inward again, she reached for the soft blue glow that had tickled her senses earlier that night. The feeling was fleeting, but Ranma knuckled down and brushed against the surface of the glow.

Alexis was enjoying her position on top of the reborn demon. Rarely was she the dominant one in a fight, and usually a practice ended with Dizzy whipping her into submission. She was about to fire off another verbal jab at Ranma when the hairs on the back of her neck almost jumped off her body. Looking down she saw Ranma’s eyes open and she gulped loudly.

They were blazing white and illuminated the area around them almost as clear as day.

“Let’s kick this up a notch, shall we,” Ranma said and heaved the stunned demon girl off her. Flipping upright, Ranma channeled her ki across her body allowing it to seep into every pore and revitalizing her.

She watched as Alexis stood, visibly shaken by the display of Ranma’s power, and attempted a fire coated right cross at Ranma. The redhead knocked the punch away, sliding inside Alexis’ defense and catching her left arm in a hold, leaving her open for the follow up.

Focusing her ki into her hand, Ranma brought it back and fired an open palm strike at Alexis’ exposed stomach, shouting out, “SOUL BUSTER!”

The Shaolin style palm strike discharged a burst of white light and Alexis found herself flying through the air not under her own power. She had gone screaming twenty feet or so when her flight was ended by a large concrete wall at the edge of the teacher’s parking lot. Slumping to the ground she found her entire body numb and could only listen and watch as Ranma strode over to her, the redhead’s heels clicking against the pavement.

Ranma considered her downed foe, and even now after the devastating counter attack she found that the younger demon had no real hate in her eyes, only confusion. Pausing, she looked down at the immobilized teen, who seemed to sigh and wait for something, a wince on her face as if she were expecting another blow.

Ranma asked, “Are you all right?”

Alexis found her voice again and asked, “Um, yeah, just a little numb.” There was silence for a moment and the younger demon looked up at her leather wearing opponent and saw a smile of relief. “Aren’t you…you know…going to finish me off, or something?”

Ranma blinked, “Why would I do that? I just said you weren’t going to force me to go anywhere, I never said anything about killing you. I’ve had about enough of that already, and if I can avoid it I’d never like to do it again.”

Alexis blinked and gazed at the standing succubus, lit from behind and bathed in moonlight. There was an aura of power about her that she had never felt from one of her kind before, and she did not know whether to be frightened or entranced.

She asked Ranma softly, “What are you?”

Ranma knelt down next to her sister from another life and pulled off a leather glove, holding up the exposed hand to her downed foe.

“Take a look for yourself.”

Hesitantly, Alexis raised her own arm, and took the offered hand in a light grip. Opening her senses as she would to feed, she was flooded by sensations that showed the redhead was indeed a sex demon, but at the same time there was a soft light that felt like the sustenance that she had drawn on for so long.

She felt the hunger inside, and used what little strength she had left to push herself upright, latching onto a surprised redhead’s lips. Alexis surrendered herself to the feeling as the two way tingle of succubi coming into contact, and she could feel Ranma shudder at the sensation as well.

The redhead was surprised by the sensation of the kiss, and almost broke contact due to the feelings of guilt she felt about it. She stopped however when she felt the wave of sensations increase, and in addition to the very pleasurable feelings received from the pink haired girl; she also felt a tug deep within her. It took her a moment to realize that she had felt the sensation before.

During the many times she had feed off of Nabiki, Ranma had been exposed to the sensation via the psychic feedback that the girls felt during their lovemaking. It was the hyper intense feeling of a succubus feeding on life energy, and it took all of Ranma’s will not to orgasm right then and there from the seemingly simple kiss. After a time, she felt Alexis pull away, the taste of her tongue still in her mouth.

“What are you,” the girl asked, “how do you have this power?”

Ranma responded, “You say that I’m your sister reborn, but that’s not really true. She died in a cursed spring five hundred years ago, and a few months ago I fell into that spring, releasing the magic. My curse changed me from a human, but I never stopped being one.”

“That’s not possible,” Alexis insisted, “The Amazon we captured said that you were trying to fulfill some hooky prophesy about a demon reborn. Dad thought it meant that Amnara had returned.”

Ranma grabbed the slightly smaller girl by the shoulders, a wild look on her face, “How do you know that name?”

“It’s my big sister’s name. She left Dad before I was born, but Dizzy was always telling me about her. She was the best fighter of the Guild who went soft for a human and turned her back on us. She never seemed mad about it though and seemed happy when the wannabe told us about you.”

Ranma rocked back off her heels and landed with a thump on the ground, “Wannabe? Amazon? Was her name Enema?”

Alexis nodded slowly and Ranma swore softly under her breath, “Where is that old lunatic now?”

“Dad has her.”

Ranma raised her hands up, slowly rubbing her temples, “After all we went through…I thought I killed her.”

“You nearly did,” Alexis said. For a moment she wondered why she was so calm around this strange person who clamed to be demon and human. She remembered the taste of the redhead and couldn’t help but accept that there was something very different about her.

She continued by saying, “Look, I really think it would be best if you came with me. After all, Dad may be able to figure out what had happened to you, and then you can go back to being your true self.”

Sighing, Ranma stood up again,” Sorry Cupcake, but I’m Ranma, not Amnara, and I want nothing to do with your father. Mine was no prize, and used me as a little pawn in his games. I think they may be cut from the same cloth, and yours will toss you aside in a heartbeat if it means he gets his way. I can only tell you to get out while you can.”

With that the redhead opened her wings and jumped into the night. Even with demonic enhanced sight Alexis quickly lost track of her in the sky and sighed heavily. She leaned against the cracked wall, levering herself upright and found that even with the small bit of energy she had surprisingly gotten from that kiss she was still weak, and severely injured.

“What the hell was all that about?”

“The changing of the times,” answered a voice from above her. Alexis slowly turned, still leaning against the wall and looked up to see a small form perched on top of the school barrier. It hopped down into the light and Alexis was once more shocked that night.

“Master Happosai!”

“Hello, little one,” the old man said and took in her beaten appearance, “I see my new apprentice worked you over, and not in the nice way.”

Collecting herself, Alexis spoke softly, “The Guild would want me to kill you, you know.”

Happosai chuckled, “Are you going to do it?”

The pink haired demon slumped once more against the wall, “No, not after everything you did for me before you left. If it wasn’t for you I may never have survived. But what do you mean by your apprentice?”

“Ranma, of course,” the old man smiled. “Anyone that could shoulder your power and still hold on to what makes a human has the potential to exceed even the Guildmaster. By the way, do you intend on telling that fool I’m still alive?”

Alexis shrugged, “I may not have a choice. I have to tell Dizzy that I blew my mission to retrieve our sister, but I could leave it out, if you tell me what the hell is up with her.”

Pulling out his pipe, Happosai seemed to consider this for a moment. After lighting it and taking a few long pulls on the slender stem he looked at his one time student and nodded.

“What you saw was an amalgam of your sister and a young human cursed with the luck of being fathered by a total idiot. Ranma did indeed fall into a cursed spring which created the physical transformation into the form you saw tonight, but ancient magic, even older then the Guild itself is at work. Ranma is surprisingly willful, and was able to overcome the innate power of your race. Her soul is intact, as you no doubt tasted just moments ago.”

Alexis repressed a shiver caused by the memory and looked wide eyed into the sky where the other demon girl had vanished.

“A demon with a soul,” she whispered, “how is that possible?”

Happosai smiled, “Determination, courage, and love. Had it not been for her own stubborn nature and the guidance of…well…a maternal figure, Ranma no doubt would have given in and lost that spark long ago. Now she has love around her, and powerful supporters who stand beside her. In a way Ranma has rediscovered what your sister found out so long ago.”

Alexis asked, “What did Amnara find? Was it what caused her to leave?”

“She found love in the arms of a mortal,” Happosai said, “and that was not what led to her turning her back on your father. He found out and murdered her love. His dislike of all ‘lesser beings’ led to Amnara Nightbane finding a new path.”

Alexis shook her head, “I don’t understand.”

“That’s the sad part. You and your sister have never really felt love, but I think that if you spend enough time with Ranma and his wives, you could find what he found. That is if you really want to know.” With that the old master hopped away into the night.

Alexis sighed one last time, “I don’t think Dad would let me.” After a pause she added, “Did he say ‘he?’”

Elsewhere, Ranma alighted on the roof of the Tendo Dojo, her heels clicking on the slate tiles. Her expression was troubled, and as she looked across the yard to Nabiki’s window she ran over the recent past in her mind.

“Amnara had a sister,” she muttered to herself. The memories of dreams and the one encounter with the being inside her own mind that claimed the name Amnara worked their way across her mind, but no matter how hard Ranma thought, she felt as if she were still missing a piece of important information.

Taking a deep breath of night air to clear her mind, Ranma lightly jumped up and glided over to Nabiki’s window, silently letting herself in. She found Nabiki awake and lightly stroking Shampoo’s still sleeping form, as if the Amazon were in her cat-girl body. The Tendo girl did nothing to hide her look of concern, but said nothing as Ranma stripped out of her leather, placing it back into the closet and turning to the bed.

Finally she spoke, “Rough night, lover girl?”

Ranma nodded and slid onto the bed, her hand joining Nabiki’s in running through Shampoo’s long blue hair.

“I guess you picked up that I was in a fight.” Nabiki nodded, but let Ranma continue, “The fight wasn’t a problem. The person I was fighting was. She claimed to be my sister.”

“Another Genma screw up?”

Ranma lowered her head, “No. She was a demon, a full one. She claimed to be Amnara’s younger sister.”

Nabiki blinked, “As in the redhead I…you…we fought in your mind?” At Ranma’s nod she summed up both their feelings, “Damn.”

“The worst part,” Ranma said, laying her head down on a pillow, “is that I think, or feel rather, that she was telling the truth. There was some kind of connection, itching at the corner of my mind.” She took a deep breath and looked at her fiancé, “I think I want to take you up on that offer you gave, about looking inside my mind.”

Nabiki nodded, “All right. After you get out of work tomorrow, I’ll take a dive into that brain of yours and see what’s going on. For now, get some rest.”

Ranma nodded, and after a quick kiss to Nabiki, and a light one to Shampoo’s shoulder, Ranma closed her eyes and tried to put the night’s encounter out of her mind and drift to sleep.

The next day, Ranma reported to work after class. This was going to be her first solo shift, and the redhead was bouncing with nervous energy as she changed for work in the store’s back room. After punching in she strode out to the floor and gave Yuki a high five as her coworker handed her the store keys.

“Four hours on your own,” she chirped as Ranma looked down at the small pieces of metal. “Just don’t burn the place down before the boss lady comes in at eight.”

Ranma smirked, “Oh sure, give me the hard job, why don’t you.”

Yuki grinned and took in her young friend’s appearance. Since the sexy redhead had started working at the store Yuki had been trying to get the girl to lighten up more and come out of the shell she was in. Ranma had told her that she had grown up on the road with an abusive father, and the poor girl screamed ‘tomboy’, but the sales girl had seen how comfortable Ranma was in a super sexy leather outfit the first time she had met her.

After slowly chipping away at her, Ranma was now dressed to kill. Professional with a hint of teasing, and were it not for the fact that Yuki considered herself 90% straight she would have tried steeling her coworker away from Nabiki Tendo.

“All right, girlfriend,” she smiled at Ranma. “See you when I see you.”

Ranma sighed as Yuki left. She was now in hell. A moderately priced, very sexy hell, which she was slowly getting used to, but hell none the less.

She slowly made her rounds of the small shop, making sure everything was in order and clean. As customers trickled in she tended to them, careful to smile and be polite as Nabiki had taught her. She presented herself as the cute, friendly sales person there to help as needed.

After a while, Ranma found her rhythm, and was walking the floor again during a lull when the door chimed, signaling another customer.

“Welcome to Renee’s, how can I…”

Ranma stopped dead in her tracks as a pink haired girl stood slack jawed in the doorway.

“Oh crap,” the two girls said at the same time.

Ranma watched Alexis’ indecision flash across her face, and fought her first instinct to go into a combat stance. Keeping a wary eye on the full demon, Ranma raised her open hands and spoke calmly.

“I’d like to keep my job, so why don’t we call truce. I don’t think you came looking for a fight, and Nabiki will kill me if I get fired.”

Alexis blinked at the redhead and thought for a moment. Finally she nodded slowly and Ranma let out a sigh of relief. The two girls stood across from each other, held in place by concern that the other was going to make a move that would break the truce.

Finally, Ranma said in a sheepish voice, “How can I help you.”

The pink haired demon blinked again, and nodded to herself. If she’s willing to call this neutral ground, so am I. Besides, I really don’t want to get slapped around again if I can help it.

Out loud she said, “Actually, you’re the reason I’m here. I hate to say it, but you looked totally hot last night, and I thought I could expand my wardrobe a little. I’ll admit I was trying to be a little different with my look from the rest of our kind, go for the punk look and all that. But, damn you were fine in that leather.”

“Um, thanks, I think,” Ranma said, unsure as to what to make of the other girl. “So what kind of look were you thinking about?”

Alexis looked around the small shop and migrated to the back where leather and other, more durable garments were displayed. Running her hand along one halter top, feeling the material, she let out a sigh.

“I’d like to try a look like yours, but I don’t really want to stray from the image I’ve built for myself. You know, the candy punk look.” She gestured down at herself and Ranma took in the denim shorts, red jacket, and tee with three pixilated ghosts on it.

Ranma’s mind shifted into gear, looking at her sister from another life. Finally she moved forward and picked a few simple pieces out.

Handing them over, she said, “I think these will be your size. The fitting room is over there, try them on.” The pink haired girl blinked, and took the offered leather. Walking in to the small stall, she looked into the full mirror on the wall and held up the first of the items.

“For someone who’s supposed to be half human, she has good taste,” she muttered to herself and started to change. A few minutes later she called out, “Damn, Ranma. You are good at this.”

Ranma smiled and replied, “I pick it up mostly from my coworker. She has a real knack for finding the perfect match for anyone, and I’ve been trying to learn from her.”

“Want to see,” Alexis asked.

Ranma hesitated, but shrugged and answered, “Sure, why not.”

Alexis stepped out of the fitting room ad Ranma was torn between smiling at her choice and sweating due to the sudden increase in heat as the result. Alexis now wore a tight pair of leather shorts and had discarded her tee for a red leather bra. In place of her baseball cap she sported a black chocker with a single steel stud in the middle. A pair of fingerless black gloves finished the look.

“Just needs one thing to get your look back,” Ranma said after finding her tongue. She gave the demoness her jacket back, and Alexis shrugged it on. Turning in place she looked back into the mirror once more and found her image to be a perfect cross between cute, sexy, and dangerous.

“Hot damn,” she whispered and turned back to the redhead, “I’ll take it.”

Ranma turned away, both to go ring up the sale and to pull her eyes away from her potential sister, but before she could take a step Alexis’ arm snaked around hers and pulled her into the small changing room. The two girls stood pressed together, and Ranma started fighting between conflicting sensations.

“You still owe me,” Alexis whispered into her ear, “for all the energy it took to heal myself after you beat the crap out of me.” She pulled Ranma into a hug, and the redhead’s ponytail stood on end as the demon girl’s smaller breasts pressed into her own. “I can smell your heat, and I can feel your desire. You like what you see, don’t you?”

“I can’t,” Ranma choked out.

Looking Ranma in her blue eyes, Alexis asked, “Why?”

“There are two people I love, and I don’t want to betray them any more then I have. Throw in what I’ve done to people because of these powers, and I can’t risk it. I don’t want to lose who I am.”

Alexis frowned for a moment, but answered, “You’re more then human, and more then a demon. If you have people that love you, good for you. But no matter how much you deny it, your body sings for the touch of a lover all the time. How often do you feed, or just fuck for the fun of it?”

Ranma looked away, “I feed as little as I can. I won’t hurt people, no matter what.”

Alexis looked shocked, “How can you survive? If I don’t get laid at least every night, I’d go nuts.” She took a deep breath and added, “I’m not trying to force you to do anything, and I know you could get out of here any time you wanted. I’m just trying to understand you, and maybe convince you I’m telling the truth.”

Ranma allowed her arms to work around the slightly shorter girl and closed her eyes, “Believe me, there’s something there, and I think it’s the connection between you and Amnara, but I’m really not her. And even if I was, I still don’t think that I’d want to go back with you. She left for good reasons, and the Amazons took her in.”

“And according to Enema, they killed her,” Alexis said.

“True,” Ranma shrugged, “but they also realized their mistake. And seeing as I am the result of the curse, and they’ve treated me well, I’ve got no complaints. All I’m asking you is that you treat me like Ranma, not someone who’s been dead for five hundred years.”

Alexis sighed and leaned into Ranma once more, “Damn it, you sure make it hard. I’m supposed to get the powerful fighter and demon that was my sister, and I find someone who can just make me melt inside. I hope your lover has it this good.”

“Better,” Ranma said with a smile. “But why are you coming on to someone who’s supposed to be your own sister?”

“Such things don’t matter to our kind,” Alexis said. She then pressed hard into Ranma, pushing the redhead against the wall and planted a searing kiss on her lips. Ranma was shocked, and for a moment tried to pull free, but curiosity made itself known. She had felt the indescribable sensation of Alexis’ kiss before when the pink haired girl had taken some of her energy. Now was the chance to find out what it was that Alexis was trying to get across to her.

With a silent apology to Shampoo and Nabiki, Ranma opened herself to the kiss and began returning it. The two girls slowly probed each other’s mouths, hands running up and down each others back. Both of them felt the spark of heat between them increase, and it grew quickly, hardening nipples and moistening their entrances with its intensity. She shuddered as Alexis’ hands ran up her back and along her sides, sliding around to lightly cup her breasts

The two demons moaned softly and continued to lose themselves to the sensations. For Ranma it was the first time she had truly felt the link between two demons, and it was far more intense then the fleeting contact they had made the other night. She mentally scolded herself, realizing that this feeling could quickly become addictive.

For Alexis, she was flooded with not only the sensation of contact, but feeding as well. She drew a small trickle of energy from the redhead, and savored its sweet flavor. Beyond that, however, was another feeling. It was obviously coming from Ranma, and it was something she had never truly felt before.

She could only call it love.

Perhaps it was not the passion of a lover, or even the sisterly love that she had wondered if she was even capable of. Instead, it was a love of life itself. She could almost see Ranma’s feelings, her love for two mortals, her sadness from the sensation of being alone, and even her joy when she was accepted for who she was by the ones she cared for.

Alexis gasped at the feelings that flooded her, and mentally chastised herself for longing for their siren song. If she was not careful, she would find herself addicted to them.


Ranma and Alexis nearly jumped out of their skin at the sound and the immediately separated, clinging to opposite walls of the changing room and gasping for air. Turning to face the now open door to the small stall, they saw a woman in a business suit lightly tapping her foot, a look of amused patience on her face.

Ranma quickly recognized the woman, late twenties, red shoulder length hair, and a bosom that rivaled her own. The demoness gulped in realization that this was her employer.

“I didn’t hear you come in, Ms. Renee,” Ranma said lamely.

The older redhead smirked, “With all that panting and moaning, no wonder. I realize that our merchandise is supposed to get people feeling frisky, but a staff member should at least hold it in till their break.”

“I am so fired.”

“Not just yet, Kiddo,” the store owner said, “I see that the girl you were swapping spit with has some of our items on her person. Can I assume that she was going to pay in cash instead of hot sweaty sex?”

“That was an option,” Alexis asked, hope in her eyes.

Ms. Renee blinked at the pink haired girl and sighed, “Just ring her up already, will you.” She watched the two girls scramble out to the main floor and added under her breath, “As if that one didn’t already have enough on her plate.”

Quickly ringing up Alexis’ purchase, Ranma struggled to regain her lost composure. It was rather difficult when the succubus she had just been rather personal with was leaning against the counter, her cleavage exposed with her new leather top. Finally finishing the transaction, Ranma handed her the bag and spoke softly.

“Look, I’m not sure what’s going on. And to be brutally honest, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to get involved. But I’m gonna tell you two things, and they are really important.” Alexis nodded her understanding and Ranma continued, “First, I’m not looking for any fights, so I’ve got no trouble with you or yours unless you make it.”

“I’m getting that impression,” the pink demon girl said with a shrug.

Ranma smirked, but then turned deadly serious, “Secondly, and more important. If Enema is really still alive, and your father or whatever has her, be careful. She’s sneaky, low, and more powerful then she seems. She was willing to bring down an entire people for her petty revenge, so watch your back; it may wind up with a knife in it.”

Alexis blinked at the warning, “That almost sounds like you care.”

“Make no mistake,” Ranma replied, “I’m pretty sure I want nothing to do with another abusive old man.” She paused, and then continued, “But if you really wind up being my sister or something…well, you’d be the only family I’ve got really…” The redhead trailed off, a sad look on her face.

Alexis could almost feel her heart break at the look on the other girls face and tried to cheer her up, “Look, I’m calling my sister, Dizzy, tonight and give her the lowdown on what happened. Maybe she can talk Dad into backing off. Then you and I could pal around, get into trouble, get laid. You know, fun stuff.”

Ranma scratched the back of her head, “Um, I don’t know. I guess that would be nice, but maybe leave out the…um…getting laid part. Nabiki and Shampoo wouldn’t be too happy about that, I think. And I’m still pretty uncomfortable with all this.”

“You’re a prude succubus?” Alexis’ disbelief was evident, “nothing’s better then a little cock to pick us up when we’re down.”

Ranma almost turned green and gulped, “I guess Enema didn’t tell you I like girls.”

“I figured that from the smooch in the back,” Alexis smirked at the redhead’s discomfort, “You should try it though. Nothing like man meat between the legs.”

Ranma was starting to fidget wildly now, and before Alexis could say anything else she blurted out, “Oh look, there’s the boss. Gotta go talk to her for a sec. Thanks for shopping with us, bye now!” She then ducked out from behind the counter and sprinted to the back of the store where the other redhead could be seen working amongst the racks.

The pink haired demoness blinked and wondered aloud, “What was that about?”

Meanwhile, Ranma had raced into the back room and stood panting by the door to the main store. It took her a few moments to calm herself after Alexis’ blunt statements, and she had only just started recovering from the short circuiting kiss she had shared with the pink haired girl.

“Are you all right, Ranma?”

The redhead jumped up at the noise, screaming in surprise and clinging to the ceiling. After a moment, she looked down to see her boss had poked her head into the back room and was looking wide eyed at the young woman glued to the light fixture in the back room.

Renee asked lightly, “Does that mean you’re not all right?”

Ranma dropped back down to the floor and bowed apologetically to the older redhead, “I’m sorry, ma’am. It’s just been a rough day, and there’s a lot going on and…” She trailed off, finding herself unable to explain about her sister from another life and the odd sensation her succubus side experienced. Especially since she didn’t want her employer to find out she was a sex demon in disguise.

“It’s all right, Ranma,” Renee said, leaning against the door frame. “Why don’t you head home early? You seem to be pretty messed up right now.”

“Thank you ma’am,” Ranma said, bowing again and punching out.

She was about to walk out of the back when Renee stopped her again, “Two things before you go. First, you should probably talk to Nabiki about this girl you were kissing in here today. Keeping a tryst like that a secret from your partner can hurt you in the long run.”

“Believe me, I understand,” Ranma sighed. “I need to talk to her about it anyway.” But for more then just the kiss, she mentally added.

The store owner nodded, “Secondly, as much as I love the free advertising, you really should button up before you go home.”

Ranma blinked in confusion, then followed the older redhead’s eyes down and saw that her blouse was completely undone. She realized with a deep blush that Alexis had undone her top and was feeling her up in the fitting room, and she had never redone her blouse afterwards.

Turning around quickly, Ranma redid her shirt and slowly sulked out of the store, hoping that Nabiki’s exploration into her mind that night would clear up many of the confusing sensations and memories that were rampaging through her mind at the moment.

Renee could only chuckle as the girl left her store, “Kids today…” Then she remembered the rather intense scene she had walked in and sauntered over to the phone.

Dialing quickly, she spoke into the receiver, “Hi handsome. I’m closing the shop early, so I’ll be home in a few. No reason, but get ready for a ravaging…”

To be continued.