Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Past and Future ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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"What Lies Behind Us,

And What Lies Before UsAre Tiny Matters Compared To

What Lies Within Us."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The Present

Akane turned restlessly in her bed, the sheets twisting around her. I just don't understand him. . . one second he cares about me, always saving me. . maybe even, maybe even loves me. . .but then he's insulting me again!! I wouldn't mind it so much, I would probably even enjoy our little fights if I just knew how he really felt. I wish, I just wish I knew how this all turned out, how my future will turn out.

The Future

Akane shifted in bed to watch her husband's sleeping form, she reached down to brush a lock of dark hair out of his eyes. I love you so much. . . she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and smiled when he sighed her name. You know how happy I am right now. . I just wish I had known how you felt about me a little sooner, maybe I would have gone about things a little differently. . .

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----------From now on all future members of the cast, except new characters, will have an "O" before their name----------

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OAkane woke with a start as she found herself rolling off the side of the bed to land with a loud bang on the floor. She reached behind herself to rub her aching backside, and slowly sat up. She looked around the room, shock evident on her face.

"Huh? What am I doing in my old room? And where's-"


"Akane!" Ranma charged through the now open door to look down at OAkane with a worried yet anxious expression on his face. "What happened? And what was that noise? Was Happosai in here again," his face took on an evil grin as he cracked his knuckles, "or was it widdle P-chan?" She still sat, staring at him with wide brown eyes.

"Yo, Akane, you okay?" Ranma frowned when she didn't respond and waved a hand in front of her face. OAkane blinked out of her trance and her eyes softened as she watched him nervously tug on his pigtail. He looks so young. . . "Well?"

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm all right, I'm just not used to sleeping in such a small bed."

"What are you talkin' about, Akane, you've always slept in this bed."

"I did?" OAkane gasped quietly when she realized her mistake, "Um, yes, of course I did. . I mean do, I mean. . Ranma, could you just leave me alone for a while, please?"

"Yeah, ummm, sure, Akane. . " Ranma scratched the back of his head thoughtfully as he walked into the hallway, closing the door behind him. That was weird. . she didn't even throw me out like she always does. . .

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Mmmm. . this is nice. . . Akane thought to herself as she once again dreamt of performing Romeo and Juliet without the tape. His lips were surprisingly soft as they glided across her own gently but with absolute certainty. Her arms automatically came up to wrap around his neck while her fingers curled through his hair. It's so soft, like cat fur. He in turn reached down to pull her snugly against him, molding his body and lips firmly to hers. Their breathing grew heavy as the kiss continued to intensify. He parted her lips to, again without hesitation, touch his tongue to-Akane started. Oh! He's never done That before. . in fact. . this dream has never lasted this long before. . . Her conscience also began to register that his arms were still tight around her, that his breath, hot and sweet, still engulfed her senses, she could feel the tenseness in his muscles and the rise and fall of his chest. Akane opened here eyes to see a pair of shut eyelids. She shut hers again in fear. I knew it. . I'm awake. . this isn't a dream, but who is kissing me?

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OAkane walked over to her old desk, picked up the mirror and gasped. She found herself looking at the face of a sixteen-year-old. What happened?!? I . . I remember making a wish . . her hand came up to cover her mouth in shock, did it come true? Did I . . . did I go back in time? Is this my second chance? She looked around her 'old' room. It had been a while since it had looked like this; the dried flowers on the wall, the pair of barbells sitting in the corner, and the framed photo from Ranma sitting on her desk. Now it's my little girl's room . . oh I miss her and Ryoga so much already . .

"Breakfast, everyone!" Kasumi's cooking! Mine has improved but hers is the best. And with her living with Tofu now, I haven't had one of her full meals in a while. OAkane ran down the stairs, still in her pajamas, toward the already full table and landed with a soft thump in her customary place next to Ranma.

"Good morning, everyone!"

"My, aren't you cheerful this morning," Akane beamed back at Kasumi.

"Indeed, daughter, it's nice to see you so happy for a change," Soun cast a look at OAkane then Ranma and flashed a devious grin towards Genma.

"Hmmm, interesting, Akane's happy; wonder what happened?"

"Nothing happened, Nabiki. I don't need a reason to be happy, do I?"

"Well . . ."

"Ranma, sweetheart, can you pass the rice?" All movements halted. Ranma sat with his chopsticks hanging from his mouth while everyone turned to face OAkane. She looked startled at the many shocked faces staring at her. "What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

The whole room face-faulted.

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On to Chapter Two