Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Past and Future ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Past and Future: Chapter Eight
Past and Future: Chapter Eight

Sis won? The binoculars dropped from Nabiki's limp fingers, falling from the tree to crash heavily on the ground. She always watched these fights from afar. There was usually an explosion that occurred and she never wanted to be in range of something that could singe her in less than a second. So, after catching up with one of her associates, she had him boost her into the tree, averting his eyes of course, so she could catch all the action safely.

"Damn." She looked down at the remnants of the binoculars. Those cost me $150. A shout from the lot caught her attention again.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Akane?" Nabiki looked on as Ranma proceeded to allow OAkane to fall to the ground. Nabiki began climbing down the tree, slow but steady. Knowing that the fight was over, she walked purposely towards the lot. Leaning casually on the railing of the bordering fence, she calmly assessed the situation. Lets see. Shampoo's unconscious. Akane won. Ranma's mad. Akane won. Shampoo's starting to wake up. Ranma's mad. Akane won. Ranma's mad. Akane looks guilty. Shampoo's awake. Akane looks extremely guilty. Nabiki narrowed her eyes slightly as OAkane continued to stutter explanations that really made no sense while Ranma looked down at her, his gaze stony. He then crouched down to grip OAkane by the shoulders, who winced in response.

"Look, whoever you are, if you've done anything-" A sob cut through his threat and all three looked over to the right where Shampoo had rose from.

Hmm, quick recovery.

The amazon directed her gaze toward OAkane and another sob rose from her throat. She looked like she was about to say something, but then shook her head and ran out of the lot and down the street. OAkane turned towards the fleeting form, an intense look of sadness on her face.

"I have to go after her." OAkane rose to her feet, shrugging Ranma off of her. Without another word, she too was running out of the lot.

"Hey, Ak--, hey, YOU, Wait!" Ranma hopped to his feet, about to pursue her when Nabiki made her move. She calmly stepped in his path, noting the incredibly frustrated expression on his face.

"Slow down, Saotome. Why don't you tell me what's going on." He bit his lip in response, shifting from side to side.

"I don't got time for this, Nabiki!"

"Ranma, what's going on with my sister?" Ranma sighed, his body deflating, the energy rushing out of him.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?"

"Just what I said. She started acting weird this morning, she beat Shampoo, and now's she running after her again. It's not right." Nabiki gave him an exasperated look.

"Of course it's not right. And that's why you have to tell me what's going on so I can try to fix it."

"Why would you want to fix it?"

"Believe it or not, Saotome, but Akane is my sister and I do care about her."

"But you're always selling all those pictures of her."

"Girl's gotta make a living somehow." When Ranma rolled his eyes, Nabiki began to get a bit angry. "What do you think pays for all the damage your little friends cause? Your father?" She had the satisfaction of seeing the guilty look grow and stay on his face. "Good. I'm glad we understand each other. Now, tell me what happened to Akane."

* * *

The gravestone stood silently on the stop of the small incline. Akane looked fondly down at the weathered stone, the cherry blossoms drifting down slowly from their perch on the tree above. The three sisters silently began their own ventures into the world of prayer; Akane on her knees, head at a tilt, her eyes shut; OKasumi just a little to the right, standing demurely with her hands clasped in front of her, eyes shut as well; ONabiki just to the left, standing tall, her eyes searching out some far away place in the sky, seeming to see everything and nothing all at once.

Hi Mommy. . . I can't believe I still call you that. . .

Mother, Father still misses you dearly as always. .

I'm sorry I've been so busy. .

I wish you were here to help me. .

Sometimes I just get so tired. .

The children try to help out. .

We're working things out. . we are. .

I thought I knew what was going on. .

But with the business and all. .

They ended up making such a mess. .

I love him. . sure. . but is that enough to make it last?

There was a wish. . is this all real?

But they looked so darling while doing it. . I wish you could see them. .

Is this all I'm supposed to have? Everything I've worked for?

I'm just so confused. . this isn't what I wanted. .

I worry about Nabiki. .

I have power, money, love. . what more could I want?

How can I be happy with this future?

She's not happy. .

How could this have happened? How did I lose him. .how could I?

I want to stop pretending. .

I wish you were here. .

I wish I had known you longer. . you could help me. . I just know it. .

You always knew what to do. .

You always made me feel better. .

You gave me my first yen. . I'll never forget how shiny it was. .

I love.

. you. .

Mommy. .

A digital version of Beethoven's Fifth suddenly pierced the air and cut off their various private thoughts.

"What on earth?" Akane's head came up to swivel around. ONabiki grinned sheepishly, her eyes cast downward to the small black beeper in her hand.

"Oh, sorry ladies, but business calls. Ta ta!" She then took off down the hill only taking time to halt briefly at the bottom and cast a wave behind her. She then hit the street and hailed a cab. One arrived in less than a minute and then she was gone.

"Does she always leave so suddenly?"

"Oh Akane, you know Nabiki never wants anyone to see when she's upset. It makes her embarrassed."


"I worry about her, she's not happy, our sister." OKasumi stood silently for a moment, her head cocked slightly to the side, a slight frown set upon her face. Then without warning, the serene smile was back as she turned to look down at Akane once more. "Are you ready to go? I have to be at home to start dinner." Akane's lips parted in response then closed again as she glanced towards the spot ONabiki had just left.

"That's alright, Kasumi. I'm going to stay here for a while."

"If you're sure. . "

"Yup, I'll be fine. . . I just have a few things I need to think about." She picked of a stray cherry blossom off the ground, twirling it between her fingertips. She kept turning the small, fragile flower in her hand long after OKasumi had left until the wind suddenly picked up and tore it from her hand, flinging it far into the distance.

* * *

"Ranko! Give it back! The next okynomiaki was s'possed ta be mine!"

"Nyhh nyhh! Too slow, dummy!" The little girl quickly gobbled up the treat and proceeded blow another raspberry at her older brother.

"Daaaaadddddd!!!!!! Ranko took my-"

"Here ya go honey," OUkyo flipped another paddy toward the Ryo before another word could be said.

"Thanks, Ukyo. One less fight between them the better."

"Kind of reminds me of when we were kids . . always chasing eachother around and getting into little fights."

"Yeah, those were the good old days."

"But we had to grow up some time. . ." OUkyo grinned faintly, one hand unconsciously resting on the bulge in her stomach as she watched the two children run around the room again, Ranko this time having stole the other half of Ryo's Okynomiaki.

"Grow up?" His eyes roved over to small spatulas that had recently imbedded themselves in the wall. "Nah, that'll never happen. . . "

The two broke into light laughter, neither noticing the face in the window, looking pale and shaken. The face disappeared, the owner of it now running down the street, tears falling in her wake.

"Daddy. . why was mommy in the window?"

"What did you say-"

"Mmph!" OUkyo clasped her hands around her stomach and grimaced slightly.

"Ukyo! Are you all right?" ORanma was instantly at her side, an arm around her shoulders. She straightened and shrugged him off with a smile.

"Yeah, don't worry . . I'm fine. Just had a kick that was a little strong I think."

"You sure? Akane had the same-"

"Akane also wasn't caring Ryoga -built-like-a-rock- Hibiki's baby."

"Heh heh, yeah, ya gotta a point there. Pork Butt also did have more brawn than brains."

"Ranma. . " The tone of her voice raised in a slightly threatening manner.

"Not that it will effect the baby of course. . . " He stretched in a manner too casual to actually be natural. "Oh look at the time. . Akane's waiting, catch ya later Ukyo!" He ran towards the door calling back over his shoulder.

"Oh Ranma, Ranma. . . when are you gonna learn that saying that sounds pretty dumb when you don't have a watch. . " The strain of her smile was evident as the small twinges on her insides continued.

* * *

"Shampoo! Shampoo! Wait up! Please, I want to talk to you!" Damn, now which way did she go? OAkane caught a flash of purple out of the corner of her eye. "Gotcha." She ran and leapt to the roof of the small building. It was an old apartment house, the flat top holding a withering garden and a few chairs that were falling apart. Looking ahead, OAkane found the roof empty. "That's funny. . I was sure she was. . "

"What Kitchen-destroyer want?" OAkane whipped around to view Shampoo sitting against the ledge.

"I want to talk."

"Shampoo no want to talk with pervert girl." She jutted her head to the side, tilting her chin up in the air.

"Don't start, Shampoo. I beat you once, I can do it again."

The strong jaw began to tremble. "Not supposed to happen this way. . . I'm, Shampoo is strong warrior. . not supposed to lose to-to-to-" It was then that the head came down and the tears started to fall.

"Shampoo. . . " OAkane ran forward to crouch beside the Amazon, placing strong arms around her shuddering form. "I'm sorry, Shampoo. Really. . . I didn't make you cr-" She was immediately shoved away.

"I am not crying." The tears continued go down her face in a steady stream. "You don't understand. You don't understand anything at all."

"Shampoo. . you can speak with-"

"Oh course Shampoo . . Of course I can speak properly. I'm not supid, Violent Girl." OAkane narrowed her eyes. "I mean, Akane."

"Then why? Why act like an ignorant bimbo all the time? Why would you degrade yourself like that."

"Think of Ranma, Akane, when you first met him. He likes to think he's all-powerful, all-intelliegence. Likes to think that he's smarter than female. Not to say I always knew the language. Mousse always. . was always better at that than I was. But I did pick it up. . . but I wanted to have Ranma. Thought I was giving him what wanted, beautiful, gullible woman that could cook for him. What every man wants, yes? Then once back in Amazon village I would be on top."

"But that would never work. Even if you got him there, he wouldn't act out the part of the submissive husband. Ranma's just not like that, he would try to escape." Shampoo shook her head slowly.

"No, Akane. Once you in Amazon village, unless you have permission, you do not get out."

"But why are you in so much trouble then? So you couldn't win Ranma, big deal? Can't you have someone else beat you and be your husband?"

"No. Must have Ranma."

"Do you. . . do you love him that much?" OAkane almost fainted when the Amazon began to snicker.

"Love Ranma? Me? Of course not."


"Ranma rude and inconsiderate boy."

But then why would you. . you know, go after him so much."

"Because Ranma is strong fighter. Blood is good for the tribe. . . and he beat Shampoo. It is law that I must marry him."

"Even if you don't love him?"

"The tribe is more important than emotions like love. But that doesn't matter anymore, Akane . . because you have beaten Shampoo. . Ranma is now yours. And now Shampoo, I must go back to tribe and be punished."


"Yes. I lost husband. Great dishonor. Shampoo will surely be publicly humiliated. It is the way the laws work."

"But you don't have to go back, do you?" She placed a hand onto Shampoo's shoulder.

"Japan not for me. At least, not now. I must go back and accept my fate as true Amazon warrior." She covered the hand on her shoulder with a strong grip. Squeezing briefly, she then let go and stood up straight, her back towards OAkane.

"Shampoo glad Ranma have Pervert girl. Ranma love Pervert girl and Pervert girl love Ranma. Is right. Maybe when Shampoo get back. . " her head tilted slightly to the side until OAkane could see the faint grin, "we can be friends."

"I would like nothing better."

Shampoo turned back and nodded once. "Good. Then. . good-bye. . . Akane."

* * * * "We all take different

paths in life, but no matter where we go,

we take a little of each other everywhere."

-Tim McGraw

* * * *