Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Soun Tendo's fourth daughter, Ryotori ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Hello. My name is Ryotori Tendo. You may call me Ryo. All my friends do. I'm sixteen years old now, but you might not always be able to tell. The more energy I have, the closer to my true age I look...

My father's name? He's Soun Tendo! He raised me to be a great fighter. He often tell's me one day it would be my job to carry on the school of anything goes. I like that idea!

My mom's name is Hinako. She's a school teacher at the local high school I go to. She's alot like me in appearance. In fact, I've been mistaken for her and she's been mistaken for me. There all silly since I'm much more cuter!

My father likes to try to train me, but my real teachers in the martial arts are the nice old man Happousai and the amazon lady Cologne. They tell me I've already grown much more powerful then this guy they knew. Someone called... Ranma Saotome. I'm not really sure if it's a he or a she since they call Ranma both. Maybe there were two...

When I'm not with Master Happousai or Cologne, I hang out with my step sister Kasumi. She has such a large family and I can't imagine how she can take care of all them and still have time to talk to me. But she does and she's teaches me about how to cook, clean, and fix things. While I don't really have any interest in these things, it would be nice to know.

Kasumi's husband is really nice too. He's Dr. Tofu Ono. He's taught me a lot about medicine and pressure points. I love to hear about it because I can use it in fights (or after one...). He's also a very good martial artist, but he's to busy to teach me any moves...

About ten years ago, another step sister, Nabiki came home. She was very nice and she brought her husband with her. A large ten foot tall man named Uchi. I remember being a little scared of him back then, but not anymore. Cause I'm brave!

Let's see here... Who haven't I talked about yet...

That's right. Genma and his family. They stop by once a day so that Genma and my dad can play shogi or go (or what ever they happen to be in the mode for). They bring their son over and I hear my dad and Genma talking about trying again with a marriage idea. Wonder who's getting married.

I liked it when Genma came over because they would always bring their son with them. I always trick Genma's son into sparring with me for hours at a time. It's fun even though I'm older then he is. Oh, their son's name is Kamae. He's not bad at fighting.

What's that? You want to know more about me? Are you coming on to me?

Well, as I said before, I'm sixteen years old. I have long brown hair. I tried to cut it, but when my energy goes up, my hair grows faster. So I finally gave up and let it grow.

I am a master of the Anything Goes Style of Martial arts (both land and air thank you very much). I've also mastered Kendo, Aikido, Judo, Jusitsu, and Ninjitsu. I've also learned Amazon fighting techniques from Cologne. She told me I would have made a great Amazon.

My height is just under six feet. At school, I can sense the boy's like looking at me. I wish they'd stop! It was cute at first, but I'm not interested in going out with them.

That's because my dream is to one day fight in the world martial arts tournament and to win! I heard about it once from a boy that stopped by. He was looking for that Ranma fellow. Instead I convinced him to tell me about himself. Long story short, he mentioned how he fought in a world martial arts tournament one time. It sounded so cool, so I started weight training just like that boy. I'm already at seven tons, but I know I can do better then that...

Well, I've got to go. Thanks for listening!