Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Bird from the Flames ❯ Final Battles ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bird From the Flames

Disclaimer: I don't own the Ronin Warriors and I don't know or care who does.

Last Chapter: Shadow is kidnapped and taken to the Dynasty by Smoke and Sunset.
Smoke realizes Shadow know longer loves him but he helps her
escape as a last act of love. The Ronins go to the Dynasty in search
of their lost companion. They make it to Helios's chamber where they
are confronted by Lady Sunset. The out of no where who shows up?
The one and only Shadow. Now the battle of the century is about to
take place between two siblings. Who will win? You'll find out today
in 'Bird From the Flames.'

Chapter 8: Final Battles

I continued to glare at my younger sibling. It's hard for me to imagine that we used to
play together in happiness. Now I have the job to kill her. I could have let Ryo and the others do
it but it just wouldn't feel right. I made her this way now I have to change what I've created. Sunset
grinned at me. " What's wrong sister? Can't finish what you set out to do? Perhaps I should thank
you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be this way," she said. Those words made me cringe. " No. I
didn't make you this way. You did it yourself. I gave you the opportunity to be something else. You
chose the wrong path," I retorted.

Her boastful demeanor faded as her frown returned to her features. " Fine. Let the battle
begin!," she said. She charged at me just like I expected. 'She's fighting in blind rage,' I thought. I
jumped over the girl landing behind her. " Stop running Shadow. Can't you face your own sister!", she
taunted. My anger began to flair. It's one thing to be remorseful but never call me a coward. I took my
scythe and cut her outfit but not her. She laughed. " Now that's more like it!," she said.

She began to shoot arrows at me. I doged them easily as she continued to fire them at me. Sweat
was beginning to form on my brow making my vision a bit blurry. The tension in the room was mounting as
everyone waited to see the winner of the duel. The attacks ceased for another moment as we stood looking
at each other. " Y' know, it'd be easier if you just came back to Helios," she said. Glaring, we charged back
at each other. As our weapons locked I replied. " I'd rather die first," I retorted. She chuckled. " Keep this
up and you will be dead. Don't let your pride get in your way," she said.

It was now my turn to chuckle. " And don't let a handsome face kill you," I said. Her smile faded as
she gave me a deathly look. " What are you trying to say?," she said. I managed to get my weapon out of the
lock and cut a deep gash into right leg. She fell to the ground due to the pain. Her hand soon became bloody as
the deep crimson blood poured out. " I'm saying that a man's promises of love and power will kill you. They say,
'I'll give you the world.' How can they give you what they don't have?," I inquired. She stood up wincing at the
pain that shot up her leg. " Stop it!!," she screamed at me. I smirked. " Stop what? I'm not doing anything but
telling you the truth. Whether you can handle it or not is a different story," I said.

She began lifting her bow. " Are you happy now Shadow? Have you found the utopia I was looking for?
Have you found a true loved one?," she asked. " Yes," I said. " THEN YOU SHALL DIE FOR IT!!," she shouted.
A power began to gather at the tip of her arrows point. " ARROWS ARMAGEDON!!," she said. I smirked easily
avoiding her strongest attack. She stood shocked at the outcome of her rage. " My turn. Death's Hook," I said. I
threw the scythe in a spiral motion. A green light surrounded the weapon as it flew around the girl cutting anything
on her that it came in contact with.

Blood began to pour from the gashes, cuts, and slashes. The only thing to be heard besides my weapons
assults were Sunset's blood curdling screams. When my weapon returned to my hand Sunset fell to the ground in a
pool of her own blood. The injury actually looked worse than it really was. The confused girl would live through it. I
would make sure of it. Walking over to my sister, I picked her up allowing her blood to cover me. She looked so
innocent now. I carried her over to the side and layed her down so that she wouldn't be hurt in the upcoming battle.
Using my hand I wiped my scythe clean. I then began to lick my fingers free of the blood. Any blood would suffice
for me. The beast in me craved it, fiended for it.

I glanced at the throne at my former Lord. " That could've been avoided," I called to him. " No it could
not have my dear. She needed to learn and she has. Now it's time for you to learn," he retorted. He stood and
decended the steps again. " I guess it's time," he said. I looked back at Ryo and the others who were still standing
in shock or disgust from the previous battle. Helios smiled lifting his hands in the air. " Now it is time for the true
judgement to begin. I hope your are ready for it," he said.


Ryo and the others moved up beside Shadow while I hung back. I looked over at Sunset'a bloody body.
'Her own sister. She fought her own sister,' I thought. My body began to shake. I've never seen a fight that bloody,
that gruesome. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I continued to be deeply ingrossed in my personal thoughts. I turned
to see the friendly face of Mia. " I know you don't understand. Most people don't. Shadow did what she had to do to
save her family. In the end you do what you must to save the people you love," the older girl said.

I glanced back over at the battle that has just begun. The boys were in thier armors fighting along side
Ryo and Shadow valintly. As they fought on, Helios was also holding his own. I finally began to understand what Mia
was saying. " I realize that now," I said. She smiled handing me the Jewel of Life. " Fight for the people you love
Julie. Fight for your prince with the tiger eyes," she said. Smiling at the woman, I took the jewel and ran to the battle.

" Look who decided to join the celebration," Helios said. I glared at the man but he chuckled at my idle
threat. " Well, the odds as they stand is that I'm out numbered but that won't save you," he said. " Shut the hell up
and start fighting!!!," Kento said. He smirked at the warrior of Hardrock. A white light began to gather at his hands.
'Oh no, it's Tao magic,' I thought. " Kento, look out!," I called. He managed to dodge the magic in the nic of time.
" We won't beat him like this. Form the Inferno!," Sage said.

The warriors began to glow giving thier respective powers to Ryo. Ryo was ingulfed in flames as the
armor formed. When he emerged he was armed clad in the Inferno armor. " You won't win Helios," he said. Helios
laughed. " You actually think you can defeat me with that armor. I'm not as weak as Talpa. I will not fall so fast," he
said. Ryo growled. Blackblaze came out of no where and gave Ryo the Ferver Soul swords. " It wasn't this armor
that killed Talpa," Ryo said. Helios quirked an eyebrow. " Then what did?," he asked. Ryo smirked. " Right, like
I'd tell you," he said.

Helios's cool demeanor was beginning to fade as a scowl crossed his beautiful features. I stood next to my
Knight in Inferno armor. He looked at me smiling. " You'll help me Jules?," he asked. " Forever," I said. I began to
concentrate on my powers. I felt the blazing heat course through my body consuming me. Making me the Phoenix
like I was destined to be. I saw worry cross Helios's cool features. " YOU WON'T DEFEAT ME!!," he shouted. He
began to call on his powers again only this time I felt stronger power radiating from him. I anticipated a move like

" Shadow, cast a shield over the others," I called to her. She raised her hands casting a green shield over
the other Ronins and Mia. As soon as this move was done Helios casted his attack. I quickly shielded Ryo and
myself to lessen the force of impact. When his attack passed I was a bit drained but I felt the Jewel of Life replenishing
my power. I glanced over at Ryo to see he was looking back at me. His eyes sparkled with love as did mine. He put
his hands on top of mine and we turned back to Helios. Fear was plastered on the man's face. " Rage of Fire," we
said in unison.

An orange light began to form around our joined hands. We expected a strong blast of fire power but
instead a graceful firebird formed. Ryo and I looked at the creature in awe but still concentrated our powers. Helios's
eyes widened. " No! Celestial!," he screamed. We looked at each other wondering who he referred to. The bird landed
on the ground in front of him. The creature began to morph into a woman. She was a yellow color all over with orange
flame designs covering her body. Her firey red hair flowed around her as she stared down at the cowering man.

The nymph of fire touched Helios on top of his head. " I am Phoenix, the love in hearts, the good of the
world. You are the evil the world has to offer. For that, you must die," she said. Helios tried to move from her but
she held his hair. He slowly began to burn. In a matter of minutes he was engulfed in fire and reduced to ashes. The
nymph turned to us. Smiling she turned back into a bird and flew towards me. When it looked like she was about to
crash into me she faded back into my being.

The power I felt faded away as Ryo and I unclasped hands. Ryo changed back into his subarmor as did
the other Ronins. I began to feel weak but Ryo supported me before I could fall. " WHOO-HOO! That's a way to
kick Dynasty ass!," Kento said. We laughed at our exhuberant friend. We noticed Shadow had Sunset's form in her
arms. " Will she live through that love?," Cye asked. " Yeah, she always does," she said looking down at her sister.
" Helios...," the sleeping girl moaned. I felt a twinge of guilt at the name. " She loved him," I said to know one. " I
know. I always did. Come on let's go before this place collaspes," Shadow said.

The others went ahead as I lingered behind once again engrossed in my thoughts. I looked around the
chamber that reaked the smell of death. 'So much for that,' I thought. I felt arms wrap around my waist. The touch
sent shivers through me. " Ryo..," I said. " Don't feel bad. We did what we had to, to save the world and our love," he
said. " But does that make it right?," I countered. " No," he said. I sighed as we stayed like that for a moment. " Let's
go. The other's are waiting," he said. I sighed again following Ryo out of the Dynasty.

to be continued.....

End chapter 8. Next chapter is the epilouge. I appreciate everyone who's been keeping up and reviewing. ( Which has
not been too many by the way.) And look for other stories written by me. Anyway, I'll have the Epilouge out soon so
keep checking for it. Like always, Review and no flames 'kay! ~LS~