Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Don't laugh at me ❯ Don't laugh at me ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer I don't own anything The song is by mark wills don't laugh at me.

Don't laugh at me

By Kayla Tsukino

Song sung by mark wills

I'm a little boy with glasses.,

The one they call a geek.

A little girl that never smiles,

Cause I've got braces on my teeth.

And I know how it feels to cry myself to sleep.

The sky grew dark as clouds formed over the city of st Augustine. Thunder boomed off in the distance to indicate the coming of an electric storm. A girl is sitting at a bus stop in a thin T-Shirt and pair of shorts as rain comes poring down instantly soaking the child. She is not really a child but one may think she looks the part sitting in a wheelchair shivering from the cold her feet bare her sandals had gone missing a long time ago. Lightning lit up the sky and rain came down harder and harder. It just added to the pain filled of the brown-eyed girl.

I'm that kid on every playground,

That's always chosen last.

A single teenage mother,

Trying to overcome my past.

You don't have to be my friend,

Is it to much to ask?

Across the world a boy was having similar problems. He was locked out of his house and socked to the skin rain now just letting up. His dark blue eyes showed sadness and a longling for something he knew he could never have. His few friends would joke with him and tell him that he would find that special someone one day. But he just shrugged it off saying no one would look past a person's differences. And that his differences made him stand out and be rejected .

Don't laugh at me

Don't call me names

Don't get your pleasure from my pain.

In god's eyes we're all the same

Someday we all have perfect wings.

Don't laugh at me

Kayla, the girl in question finally , after waiting nearly an hour , received her ride. Her clothes were stuck to her like glue and if some jerk wanted to she looked like a perfect target for all kinds of things. Her brown hair looked liked it hadn't been washed in weeks and was all matted and tangled up. She absently ran a hand through once on the bus before going to shivering and sneezing. She wanted someone just for her but knew she couldn't have it. Pain was evident in her eyes . She had lost the only stable person in her life that meant anything to her and now she was in a house where the slighetest argument would bring up some painful fights and those were ones Kayla just couuldn't take.

I'm that cripple on the corner

You pass me on the street.

I wouldn't be out here begging

If I had enough to eat.

And don't think I don't notice

But our eyes never meet.

The boy gave up trying to get into the apartment there was no reason to really he just would have a miserable evening if he did and right now that I wasn't what he wanted. He went to a house where his friends lived and sat down in a nearby couch. Picking up the mail he read one particular one and didn't seam to interested in it. "Hey Rowen you should really check this out it may do you some good." One of his friends said reading the letter over his shoulder.

"you know this is junk sage ." Rowen the boy in question protested to his friend.

"Its going to get you away from everything and you could certainly use it. Plus you may find a girlfriend." Sage insisted.

"your not going to stop until I do are you?" Rowen asked.

"nope none of us will." Sage smiled as 3 more males entered the room.

"we are just looking out for you buddy. " One of the others said eating a sub samwitch.

"Honestly Kento eat your food before talking." Rowen laughed at his Asher haired friend before adding, "ok ok I will go if you want me to do so bad.

That week Rowen spent studying up on the city he was going to be visiting and the state too. He waved a final goodbye to his friends as he boarded the airplane. ::Can I really find love in the Americas or is someone pulling my leg.:: was Rowen's last thought.

Lost my wife and little boy,

Someone crossed that yellow line.

The day we laid them in the ground,

Is the day I lost my mind.

Now I am down to holding,

This little cardboard sign.

Kayla sat in class her mind going in circles. Her mind had gone back to her mother's death for some reason and the anger she felt when she found about it.


Kayla walks into a room that looks like it should be a hospital room with its plane colors and its single hospital type bed and an oxygen tank next to it. A woman lay on her back on the bed in what appeared to be an over sized T-shirt. Kayla places her hand on one of the rails of the bed and all is quiet except for the sound of the oxygen tank supplying air to the woman in the bed. Kayla lets her hand rome over to the woman's hand and pulls her hand back at the feel of the heat coming off of her. Kayla started to cry at that point even though she knew her mother was still alive, but was it was as if she wasn't.. She left the room for the last time to find her mother alive.

*******next day*******

Kayla got off the bus and her father was sitting in the car. She wondered why he was there than he said what she didn't want to hear. "Your mother died today."

Kayla dropped her bag on her foot and than just stood there in the driveway the bus long gone by now. "I ..when did It happened?" she asked.

"This morning I am sorry but we are all going out to dinner." Her father said and Kayla ran into the house and into her mother's now empty room and put her hand on the bed only to find it was empty and had been stripped. Kayla tried to cry but couldn't but she refused to talk to anyone and she ran into her roo and locked herself in.

***********end of flashback**********

"Kayla are you ok?" Mrs. Fonda, her English teacher asked tapping the girl lightly on the shoulder.

"yeah I will be just fine I think." Kayla responded her voice way two quiet for her normally.

"Did you get the news? A new student is coming from Japan to precipate in the show program and you have been elected to be the student he will be shadowing." Mrs. Fonda says to a stunned Kayla who didn't know what to think and was basically out of it.

Don't laugh at me

Don't call me names

Don't get your pleasure from my pain

In gods eyes we're all the same

Someday we will all have perfect wings

Don't laugh at me.

Rowen walked off the plane and awaited his ride to st Augustine Florida. He looked really board and half asleep from the long plane ride. The next day he would have to get up early to attend some program that is often done once a year and figured he get to the city and rent a hotel there so the commute wouldn't be so long and maybe he wouldn't have to get up any earlier than 6: 30 at the earliest or rather latest. He slept most of the hour long drive from the airport to the city. He then started to look for places that were close to the school he would be working at. His mind still wondered why his friends wee acting like that and why they seamed so egger to get him out of the house like that. They claimed it was for his health, but now Rowen wasn't so sure about that. With a sigh he found a hotel near the bridge about 15 minutes to the school. He also didn't know tht the student he would be introduced to the next day was also very close to hi m as well.

"im fat,

I'm thin,

I'm short,

I'm tall,

I'm deaf,

I'm blind,

Hey aren't we all?

The next day at school Kayla quietly mad her way down to her first class after ordering lunch for herself. She didn't notice that her shadow was right behind her looking for his assignment. Shortly after the bell rang however, Mrs Fonda introduced Rowen to her first block English class and indicated Kayla to him. When Rowen saw her his mind drifted from his job and wondered how that girl managed life. "Hello Kayla My name is Rowen and I am your shadow for awhile, but only in school." Rowen said introducing himself and placing a hand out for a handshake in witch mrs Fonda had to Kayla was there. Kayla gladly accepted it and shook his hand before sitting back in her chair and taking out her book ready to read it.

Time passed slowly and Rowen and Kayla became really good friends or so it seemed. Rowen often visited Kayla at her home and she would go and visit him on occasion to despite the objections of her father. Rowen sure was a nice guy and new how to treat her. Soon it came time for him to return to Japan and Kayla nearly lost it right then and there. "No I cant lose you Rowen you have to keep in touch. " Kayla said sobbing in his chest on his light night in st Augustine.

"Its ok Kayla you won't have to leave that is if you agree to be my wife.

"are you saying what I think you are?" Kayla asked her eyes still full of tears.

"yes will you be my wife Kayla?" Rowen asked placing a fancy ring in her hand.

"yes of chores I could never turn you down Rowen I love you way to much to ever let you go like that again. I mean I know its only been a couple of weeks or so but I truly love you and can't live without you. Kayla admitted as she let him put the ring on her finger.

Rowen than kissed her before he had to leave. A few months later, Kayla and Rowen exchanged wedding vows alone in front of only Rowen's four friends and a couple people from Kayla's family a quiet reminder of their pasts.

Don't laugh at me

Don't call me names

Don't get your pleasure from my pain

In god's eyes we're all the same

Someday we will all have perfect wings

Don't laugh at me.

A/N: my second songfic I acutely posted on the internet please R/R reviews are always needed and never turned down by this wonderful author.