Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmares and Sickness ❯ Beginngings ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Yeah right. Like I own them.

Thx for the reviews.

Sorry about the grammer and spelling mistakes.


"No problem. Daijoubu desu ka."

"Hai. I'm fine now."

Nightmares and Sickness

Chapter Three


"You keep saying that and I know for a fact that's not true. Please tell me what's going on. I don't like seeing you hurt." Touma practically begged Seiji.

Seiji took a deep sigh. Then answered, "I dunno. I just... feel tired and kind of weak. I guess I must have caught something."

Touma looked at Seiji's eye that was showing. 'It seems like he's telling the truth. He certainly seems sick but why is it one minute he's fine; the next he's unconscious? Oh, well, I guess we'll find out eventually. I really wish that I knew what it was though.'

"Hey. I'll be right back."



A little while later Touma returned with some soup and a glass of water. He also had grabbed some medicine.

"Here. You should eat something." Touma brought up a chair and sat on it. He put the water and medicine on the stand next to him. Then he attempted to feed Seiji the food.

"I can feed myself, my arms aren't broken."

"Right. Gomen, Seiji."

"It's alright. Thanks anyway." Seiji just starred at his food after one bite.

"Does it taste bad?" Touma asked looking hurt.

"No, no. It's just that I'm not hungry."

"Seiji, you have to eat. You barely had anything for breakfast and you haven't had anything since then."

"Fine. I'll eat as much as I can."

Seiji ate about half of the soup when he handed the bowl back to Touma. Touma frowned but didn't say anything, Seiji had told him that he would eat as much as he could and he trusted him.

Without a word the archer set the bowl on the stand and handed Seiji the water and medicine.

The blonde took the medicine and drank a little bit of water. Then handed it back to Touma.

Touma noticed that Seiji's eyes were drooping. Well the one he could see. "Just go to sleep Seiji."

The blonde's eyes fluttered a little bit and then he fell asleep.

"Good night, Seiji."

Touma starred at the swordsman for a while after he had fallen asleep. His gaze went from his eye to his lips. He moved his hand to his lips and brushed his fingers against them.

'I really shouldn't. He's asleep and it'd be bad to take advantage of him.'

The more he looked at Seiji the more he couldn't stop himself. He brought his head down and gently pressed his lips to Seiji's.

Seiji moaned. Touma quickly looked up and let out a sigh. 'Good he's still asleep.' He chuckled softly. 'Imagine trying to explain that one.'

He put the soup and the water away; then he went to his bed.


"No! No! Stop! STOP!"

Touma nearly fell out of bed when he heard the shouts from accross the room. Then he realized what it was and jumped out of his bed and went over to Seiji.

He was tossing and kicking everywhere.

"Seiji! Wake up!" He couldn't even get close.

Seiji screamed really loudly.

"Seiji! Come on. You have to wake up!"

Three people came rushing into the room.

"What's going on?!" Ryo questioned.

"Help me calm him down. He's having a nightmare!" Touma shouted above Seiji's screams.

Everyone went over and held Seiji down.

"Come on Seiji! Wake up!" Shuu shouted shaking him.

The troubled blonde just kept thrashing around trying to escape everyone's grasp.


Then Seiji just stopped and went limp, breathing really hard. He tried to sit up but Shin just pushed him back down.

"Seiji don't get up. You're exhausted." He noticed that Seiji was sweating heavily and holding his stomache.

"Bathroom. I need to get to the bathroom."

"Oh." He then helped Seiji to the bathroom and held back Seiji's hair as he threw up.

"There you go. It's alright." Shin said while rubbing his back conforting him.

Touma came in with some water. After the blonde finished Touma handed it to Seiji.

Seiji had collasped against the wall when he was done and gladly excepted the water to get rid of the nasty taste in his mouth. He finished about half the water then handed it back. He fell back against the wall, still breathing heavily.

"Are you alright now, Seiji?" Shin asked worried.

Seiji didn't answer though. Instead he just closed his eyes.

"Shin help me get him to his bed." They put Seiji's arms around their shoulders and brought him back to his bed.

"Why don't you guys go back to sleep? I'll watch over him." Touma said when he noticed a couple of them yawning.

"Are you sure?" Shuu queried.


With that they all left. Touma returned to his spot on the chair beside Seiji's bed.

"Seiji," He said softly. "are you still awake?"

A weak nod was all he got from him ut it was enough. "Will you tell me about your nightmare?"

This time Seiji shook his head.

"It might help."

"Touma. I just don't want to talk about it."

"Alright. Why don't you get some rest then?"

Touma thought Seiji had fallen asleep so he leaned forward and kissed Seiji. Then went to his own bed and fell asleep.

Seiji had to try really hard not to open his eyes in surprise after Touma had kissed him. 'He likes me? He's never really shown any sign. Maybe he was just.... being nice?' Seiji thought about it for awhile then decided that he should get some rest. 'If I dont have ANOTHER nightmare.' Then he tried to get back to sleep.

He finally fell asleep around 5AM.


"We need to find out what's wrong with him. He may say that he's alright but who seriously answers the truth on that question anyway?" The archer shouted angrily. He was mad because he couldn't do anything to help Seiji.

"Calm down Touma. We all know how you feel and want to help him out aswell." Ryo said trying to calm Touma down. "First, we need to find out what's going on."


He was walking down the streed with Ryo and Touma. (Shin and Shuu were at work.) They were going to the store.

On the way there Seiji felt something hit his neck. 'What was that?' He brought his hand behind his neck and brushed his hand along it. When he did that whatever hit his neck fell off before he could find out what it was. 'It was probably just a bug.' He shrugged it off and forgot about it.

Then Seiji woke up.

'What was that?' He thought as he sat up. He felt a little better and could actually move around now. 'Maybe whatever hit me did this to me? At least I feel fine now and didn't wake up from a nightmare again.'

He got dressed then went downstairs to join the others.

"Does anyone have any idea on what could have caused his illness?" Shin inquired.

Touma was about to answer when he saw Seiji coming down the stairs. "Seiji, what are you doin out of bed? You should be resting."

"I feel fine now. Don't worry so much." Touma gave him a doubtful look. "Really. I'm fine Touma."

'Well he isn't swaying anymore and doesn't look as pale.' "Come and eat with us then."

Seiji sat down and got his food. They all ate their food feeling a little better in knowing that Seiji wasn't feeling as bad as last night.


Well, I guess that's the end of the third chapt. Hope you all enjoyed it. ^_^
Ja ne