Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Ronins For Dummies ❯ Kento of Hardrock for Dummies ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kento of Hardrock for Dummies

Step one: eat twice your weight in food every two hours
This takes quite a bit of training. Especially if you don't want to weigh 400 lbs, afterwards. Up you metabolism. Dink lots of water, and exercise regularly. If all else fails become bulimic (don't try this at home).

Step two: obtain an armor
Read "Armoring Up for Dummies" for tips on this.

Step three: become an idiot
You're big, your strong, who says you have to be intelligent also? Be proud! Be dumb! Don't understand the obvious. Ignore the signs of a trap.

Step four: enjoy fights
You eat enough to feed a third world country, and all that extra energy needs to go someplace. Learn to fight. Martial arts keeps you in shape, and helps you beat up bad guys. You can find places to help you learn almost anywhere.

Step five: be the least liked character
Now that you've mastered the above now is your greatest challenge: become more less liked than Mia and Yullie. This might seem overwhelming at first, but just do little things that are stupid, and people will learn not to like you.

Aaaaiiieee! I did it. I can't believe I did it! Kenny-chan I'm SORRY!!!!!!! I will never blatantly bash you like that again. I promise. I don't own Ronin
Warriors. I wish I did. Then I'd have Kento as my personal slave. Review!!!!