Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Much love to the support. Going back and rereading this story I recall how much I love these characters. The conversation between Aoshi and Kaoru is one of my favorite scenes. To this day, I don't know how I managed to capture that side of the stoic man who reveals very little, if anything. The comments on the wine are also interesting given my profession (knowing where I was when I initially wrote that chapter and where I am now). So much time has passed.
Anyway, this is easier to update, though I forget, that “fate”. Only because I'm still working on the other story and can still tweak it, particularly since I'm still working on it, though I do know how it ends. Grammar is not my forte. Forgive me. I do my best.
Here we are with next chapter. I hope everyone enjoys. Just stating once more that I don't own Kenshin or any of his friends. Nabuhiro Watsuki is the genius. Enjoy!
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“You're leaving?” Kaoru asked abruptly Friday night over dinner.
The week had transpired with nothing massive occurring. Movies had been seen and bars visited. Megumi and Sanosuke seemed to have come to an understanding since Monday, the afternoon she had thrown him into the pool. What it might have been eluded everyone. However, no major squabbles had broken out. The woman even seemed to have lost her interest in Kenshin. She no longer hung all over him when they went out, something Kaoru was extremely grateful for. However, the fox didn't hesitate to taunt her about her crush. Misao had joined in on the teasing and part of her couldn't wait for the two to leave. However, she enjoyed spending time with her friends, hardly ever thinking about the year she had spent without them.
Life had fallen into a routine. Kaoru awoke early and trained alone, recovering from any drinking binges from the night before. Not many of the occupants truly stirred in the early morning hours. Then she would make her way to the pool. Megumi, Sano, Misao would join her at some point. Aoshi would disappear to do whatever it was he did, usually leaving the premises for work. Kenshin would mow the grass or do some gardening. Sanosuke generally would be compelled to help. Being a gambling man, Kenshin tapped into the brunette's weakness. Aoshi would reemerge. Misao, Megumi, and she would gossip over friends from school. Once the sun had set, all would shower and they would go out.
This evening, the six had decided to go out for a treat and had found themselves out for dinner rather than drinking. Elena had smiled gratefully after them, pleased to have a night off. But after the wine had been uncorked and a toast delivered, a bombshell had been dropped. The idea that one of their party was going away left Kaoru speechless.
“Why are you going?” Sano asked after a moment.
Aoshi shrugged and sipped his glass of wine. “Duty calls.”
“But you can't go.” Kaoru argued. Since the night when she had spent time alone with him, the man had opened up to all of them. He smiled more often and spoke more than a few words at a time. She had felt comfortable around them and didn't want the dynamic of the group to change.
“It's not as though I'm abandoning you. I'll only be gone for the weekend.”
She glanced over at Kenshin. The redhead was watching him over the table closely. “I wish you a safe and successful trip.”
The dark blue gaze turned towards him. He raised his glass. “I hope to.”
“There's one more thing.” Misao chimed in softly. All eye turned to focus on her. “I'm going with him.”
That came as a surprise. Kaoru knew Aoshi worked for some faction of the government, working as a spy. She didn't know more than that and didn't care to. The man worked for Misao's family, the reason they had all met. The petite woman had claimed her grandfather wanted to keep her out of the family business, not wanting to risk her safety. Though she had trained in kendo and studied the arts of ninja fighting, she was not in line to become a part of the network, at least that was what she had told Kaoru.
The idea of Aoshi leaving had not come as a shock. But to hear Misao was going too did. “How long will you be gone?” Megumi asked.
“Just for the weekend probably.” Misao answered stirring her pasta around her bowl. “It'll be two less people for you to deal with. Haven't you been clamoring for us to remember it's your house?”
Kaoru blinked. “Yeah, but I didn't ask you to leave.”
“It's only for a few days Kaoru.” Aoshi reiterated. “We'll be back before you know it.”
Sunday afternoon another blow was delivered. “I'm leaving for a few days.” Megumi announced at lunch.
Kaoru and Sanosuke looked up from their food. “What?” She demanded. Misao and Aoshi had not been gone for forty-eight hours and already someone else was leaving.
“I need to head back to the city.” She explained.
“What for Kitsune?” Sano challenged
“There are some things I need to take care of.” She insisted.
“Like what?”
“You know what.” She shot back, her dark eyes ablaze.
Kaoru stared between the two of them aware she was missing something. Only Kenshin appeared nonplussed by the change of events. Even more startling was the reaction from the brunette. He accepted Megumi's answer and stared down at his plate. “I understand.”
“Well, I don't.” She stated, throwing her fork down onto her plate. Something was going on. “You show up two days early and now you randomly leave. What the hell is going on?”
“Nothing!” Megumi argued, her gaze sliding to Sano for help.
That was the last straw. “Since when have you two been cohorts?” She demanded, rising from her chair.
“Jou-chan.” Sano hissed. Kaoru glared at him. “Sit down.” He told her.
“Not until someone explains to me what's going on.”
“Nothing is going on.”
“I merely need to return to the city to get my finances in order.” Megumi told her. “I haven't received my acceptance letter yet, but there's not reason why I won't be headed to medical school. I need to make sure I can get assistance.”
Kaoru eyed the two of them speculatively. She knew Megumi didn't fully have the money for medical school. The explanation didn't deem anything suspicious. It was Sanosuke and the woman's apparent collaboration that raised her hackles. Slowly she sat down and looked at Kenshin. The redhead was sitting back, his violet eyes watching Megumi carefully. “When do you leave, Megumi-dono?” He asked.
“This afternoon. I need to be at the bank first thing in the morning.”
“I suppose this just came up?” Kaoru asked, hotly, her arms crossed across her chest.
Her blue gaze turned to Sano. “And I suppose you'll be leaving soon as well?”
He blinked. “Christ, Jou-chan. I'd think you'd be happy to have Kenshin all to yourself.”
The comment made her blush and she looked down at her lap. The thought hadn't fully occurred to her, mostly because he had avoided being alone with her. She had taken Aoshi's information to heart and had seen it for herself. The redhead kept himself away from her, for reasons she didn't understand. She hadn't talked it over with anyone, her own mind unclear of what to make of it. For some reason, she wanted to talk to her father, but he was halfway across the world, doing whatever he did.
“When will you be back?” She asked after a moment.
“Sooner than you think.” Megumi answered. “I imagine by Wednesday or Thursday. By then perhaps you'll have something new and exciting to tell me.”
The door creaked open and Kaoru opened her heavy lids. She had complained of a headache after lunch and retreated upstairs. Lunch had been quiet without her two girlfriends there to speak in veiled comments of her attraction to the cabana boy. She tried to shake the last traces of sleep and sat up slowly, wondering who would be entering her room. A small gasp escaped her lips when she recognized the redhead.
Kenshin stood in the doorway, his eyes dark and unreadable. He wore a dark grey tank top over his khaki cargo shorts. He looked tired and sweaty as though he had just finished his chores. Kaoru licked her lips, admiring the way his top clung to his wiry frame. She rose to her knees, the silk of her chemise falling to mid thigh. Her dark hair cascaded down her back and she smiled slowly at the man as his eyes traveled down her scantily clad body.
“I wondered when you'd come.” She murmured, her voice breathy in the tense air.
His eyes glinted a rich blue, a sly smile curving his full mouth. “I couldn't wait any longer.”
“Then why the hesitation?” She asked, moving to come off the bed. She lowered her shoulders, causing her bosom to be thrust ever so slightly forward. One strap slid down her arm, revealing the swell of her breast
He crossed to her and touched her cheek. “Forgive me.” He murmured, the smell of him filling her nostrils. He smelled of sweat and ginger, the earth and the smell she knew was him. His fingers curled around the back of her neck and he pulled her to him. Eagerly she opened her mouth beneath his, his tongue mingling with hers. He tasted delectable, everything she had dreamed of. Her fingers cluing to him, roving up and down his strong back. She moaned when his lips left hers, tracing wet kisses down her neck to her collarbone. He grabbed a fistful of hair and tugged her head back. Drunkenly, she complied, her leg rubbing up to his hip. One hand stole down to grip her thigh and she felt her longing build, needing him so intensely, she thought she might burst.
Thunder rumbled, shaking the walls of the house. Kaoru blinked stupidly as she bolted upright in her bed. The sheet wound around her jean-clad legs, her tee shirt twisted about her torso. She was aching, the area between her legs hot and neglected. With a sigh she threw herself back onto the bed. It was only a dream. It had seemed so real. She should have realized it. Her fantasies were really starting to get out of hand. Kenshin would never just come to her. If what Aoshi had told her was true, she would need to go to him. That wasn't likely. She had never been good at going after men. Enishi had come to her. She groaned, feeling unsatiated and frustrated.
Slowly she rose, the throbbing in her head dulled to a distant pounding. Everything came back to her gradually. Sanosuke had left after lunch, claiming he had errands to run before his class and was supposed to meet some of his students prior. She wondered what Megumi would think and decided not to inform the woman of the brunette's plans. Somehow a truce had been established between them, and she had no desire to break it.
Kaoru crossed to her closet and opened the door. She went to the chest of drawers and opened the bottom one. She needed to get this aggravation out of her system. She hadn't wielded her bokken for several days and wondered if that was the cause. Quickly she changed into the traditional garb, opting to wear it instead of the dance attire she usually wore. Something about it stirred a sense of nostalgia. Her father had bought them for her the first time she had managed to strike him. She smiled at the memory. Now she knew he had relented, allowing her the hit. He swore it wasn't so, but she knew better. Still, she missed him and couldn't wait until he returned in the next few days.
Carefully she left her room and crept down the stairs. Strangely the sun still glimmered on the floor, though she'd sworn thunder had awoken her from her nap. She reached the door everyone took for a closet and opened it quietly. She had always enjoyed the art of sneaking around. And while Elena was the only person in the house to hide from, she still enjoyed the stealth involved. Quietly she moved down the stairs. She glanced into the game room and blinked when she saw the bank of dark clouds in the large window. Lightning flashed distantly. She smiled to herself. A good workout followed by a rough storm should settle her overactive nerves.
Lightning flashed in the late afternoon sky. Aoshi had phoned and stated he and Misao were going to wait until the next day to return, mostly due to the weather. Megumi had left the day before and Sanosuke was out at his class. That left him and Kaoru. Alone. When Sano had suggested it, he had ignored the comment of being with her and no one else around. However, the absence of people left him unnerved. He had forgotten what it was like to be around others and now had not recalled how to be alone. Knowing he did have company and craving it on the stormy afternoon, he went in search of Kaoru.
She had gone inside complaining of a headache shortly after lunch. Feeling awkward since their near kiss two weeks ago and the overload of advice, he hadn't pressed the matter. As it was he was a bit apprehensive. It would be the first evening they would spend alone together since meeting three weeks prior. The chemistry between them was apparent, the tension obvious to everyone. He wondered if that was why everyone had left.
Ever since Aoshi had announced his plans to leave, he had been suspicious. Sanosuke had mentioned he did something for the government, never elaborating on the subject. Kenshin, not wanting to invite questions of his own past, elected not to inquire more. But the news that Misao would leave as well had been a surprise. However, it was Megumi's sudden departure that had made him skeptical. He didn't doubt there was the possibility of her needing to get her assets in order. It was her conspiracy with Sano that made him wonder. Kaoru had picked up on it as well. Then there was the absence of the brunette. Usually he stayed around until the last possible second, rarely bothering to change before his class. Today, he had set out shortly after the mid day meal, clouds beginning to gather on the horizon.
Upon returning to the main house, Elena had mentioned dinner would be ready soon. He offered to get Kaoru and slowly headed towards her room. He hadn't been up here since he had unloaded her car. He stood outside her bedroom door. He sighed and hesitated before knocking. He had come to check on her, nothing more. Dinner would be ready shortly and was there anything bothering her? That's the only reason why he had come up here. It had nothing to do with the fact he hadn't seen her all afternoon and missed her smile. He nodded to himself and rapped his knuckles against the wood. There was no answer and he knocked again. Tentatively he pushed the door open.
He had expected to see the woman sprawled on the bed. However, while the blankets were rumpled, no one lay across the sheets. He could see the light was off in the bathroom. He frowned. Where had the woman gone? Thunder sounded as he turned to head back downstairs. He had not spotted her anywhere in the house on his way up. He paused at the foot of the stairs and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he searched for her, a technique he hadn't employed since his days as an assassin. She was in the house, for that he was certain. Where still alluded him.
Opening his eyes he found Elena in the kitchen. “Do you know where I might find Kaoru-dono?”
The short woman barely glanced up from her mixing bowl. “If she isn't in her room, I'd imagine she'd be down in the studio.”
“The stairs are back down the hall, the door to the right.”
"I always thought that was a closet.”
“Most people do.” She murmured and Kenshin turned to see if that was where Kaoru had gone. “She fancies you.”
He paused and looked over his shoulder at the cook. “Oro?”
“Kaoru. Please treat her well. She gets so lonely. I would like for her to find someone to fill the void in her life.”
He swallowed and nodded. “I'll see what I can do.”
Why had the woman said that? There was nothing going on between them. That didn't mean he didn't want it to happen. But that wasn't a viable option. He would be leaving in two months. Even though he didn't feel the need to leave at the moment, by the time summer ended, he imagined he'd be ready for the next city. Rarely had he stayed in place for a period of time. Why should now be any different?
He chose not to answer his own question as he found the door Elena had spoken of. He opened it and blinked in surprise to see the stairwell that led further into the house. The light was on and he cautiously went below. It was only a flight and he reached a hallway of sorts. Two doorways stood to the sides. One was a game room, a billiard table, a card table, and a huge wall of games filling the space. Large couches and chairs, offering a place to read, faced a huge picture window. The far wall he could see contained an overflowing bookshelf. The second door was a bit further down the hall leading to the other side. The door was open and he peered inside, knowing Kaoru was within.
The sight before Kenshin's eyes surprised him. She was adorned in a traditional hakama and gi, her hair pulled high away from her face. In her hands, she held a bokken. He watched her mesmerized as she swung it down over her head. Then in a swift movement, with a grace he envied, she spun around, swinging the bokken wide. Once she had turned a complete circle, she brought it up in a rapid arc. Taking it in both hands, she swung it down again and up before spinning around once more. It was stunning to watch and he couldn't help but notice it seemed she aimed, not to kill, but to maim her invisible opponent. Of course, he'd have to be opposite her to find out for certain. Not wanting to put her in danger, even if he did use a sword with a reverse blade, it was not something he would risk.
Seeing she had paused he stepped into the bare room, allowing his presence to be known. Kaoru whirled, her practice weapon low. He had no doubt she could wield it efficiently and he held up his hands in surrender. Her shoulders relaxed and she offered him a smile. “You startled me.”
“I'm sorry.”
“What time is it?”
“A little before six. How long have you been down here?”
“Half an hour. I snuck down her to try and relieve some of my frustration.”
“Why are you feeling frustrated?” He asked without thinking.
A dark eyebrow was raised and she replaced the bokken on the wall. “I would think it would be quite obvious.” She stated, brushing her damp hair from her forehead.
He cocked his head to the side. Was she feeling the same things he was feeling? She approached him as thunder vibrated along the walls. The lights flickered and she paused looking up at the ceiling. “Is it raining?”
“It hadn't begun yet, but a storm was on the verge of breaking, that it was. We should go back up.”
She nodded her head in agreement just as the lights fully went out. He froze in the darkness. “Kaoru-dono? Are you alright?”
“The lights just went out.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Of course they did.”
“Are you getting any ideas?” She asked, her voice suddenly closer.
“Oro?” He glanced in the general direction of her voice, his heart suddenly pounding. He knew once he let his senses adjust, he'd easily find the way out. Already he could make out the doorway, a faint grey light filled with a flickering filling the space. He could sense her presence, her words giving rise to his beating heart. Was she insinuating something?
“Any ideas on where to go?” She finished. Fingers touched his arm and he jumped, surprised at the contact. “I won't bite.” She said softly.
“You just startled me, Kaoru-dono, that you did.” He took a shaky breath, trying to focus. Already her nearness was affecting him and he was reminded of their moment in the car when he had nearly kissed her. “The door is that way.”
“Then lead the way.” Her fingers trailed down his arm and found his hand. Then they were wrapping around his own fingers and she gave him a slight squeeze. Carefully he escorted her out of the studio and back into the hall. Once there he saw the light filtered from the other room. She paused and he looked back at her. “I want to show you something.” She said, the lightning flashing across her face. She tugged him inside and guided him towards a plush couch that sat directly opposite the window. She flopped down and Kenshin gingerly sat next to her. The window looked out over the side lawn and the garden in the distance. What was striking about the window was it gave a clear view of the sky. On a day such as today, with the light failing and the storm gaining momentum, they were left with an extensive view of the light show outside.
“My father cut this window into the hillside after my mother died. I love storms and he indulged me.”
“They are quite a sight.”
“The raw power they exude. It makes me feel such passion, such ferocity. I marvel how nature can feel such extremes.” She said, her eyes shinning in the flickering light.
He watched her, his own sentiments growing with her words. She was palpably moved by the raging winds outside and he was struck by her intense emotion. “You were close to your mother?”
“As close as we could be. She died when I was ten.”
“How, if you don't mind me asking.”
“Cancer. My father always thought it was ironic that natural causes took her life.” She stated, a tinge of bitterness in her voice.
“He would have thought something else would be her end?”
Her gaze wavered in his direction. “No.” She answered quickly. “Just that he had left one life to be with her and then she was taken away.” Kaoru was silent for a moment. “It was something we did. It would storm and I would run to find her. Then we'd sit and watch the tempest. Afterwards, when she had passed away, I used to sit out on the front stoop when it would rain. I got really sick one spring. Afterwards, my father had them come in and dig into the hill and renovated the room in the hopes I would sit down here. It would allow me to feel close to my mom and prevent me from catching pneumonia.”
Kaoru offered him a small smile and looked back down at her lap. Her words made him feel nostalgic for the past. Tomoe had never cared for storms, but he recalled the times she would seek him out, claiming to be afraid. It had been during the height of their courtship. In fact she had somehow seduced him to the music of thunder and rain. The memory was bittersweet. He had also uncovered her betrayal one stormy night. Wanting to share something, he opened his mouth and then closed it. He did not want to speak of Tomoe. It opened the door to other questions he did not want to answer. But he felt he owed the woman something. He had kept himself guarded from everyone and she had revealed a brief glimpse into her heart.
“I wish I had known my parents better.” She looked at him sharply. “They died when I was seven.”
“What happened?” She asked, her hand touching his arm lightly.
“They were killed in a car accident.”
“I'm sorry.” She was quiet for a moment. “Who raised you?”
He chuckled softly at the memory. “It was a man I had tried to steal from. For reasons unclear to me, and I believe even to him, he took me under his wing.”
“You were close?”
He sat back reflecting on the nature of his relationship with the man who had become his guardian. “I wouldn't say Hiko and I are close. In fact it might appear to an outside person that he totally abuses me.”
“You're saying he doesn't?”
He shook his head. “Hiko might not act it, but he does care for me. He would have left me in the streets if he didn't.”
The hand moved to his shoulder and Kenshin looked at her. Her eyes glimmered in the pale light. “Thank you.” She whispered.
He blinked. “For what?”
“For trusting me.”
He swallowed and placed a hand over hers. “I do trust you, Kaoru-dono. But there is much you still don't know about me.”
Kaoru sighed and looked out the window. The storm seemed to have abated a bit, the rain pattering against the window. “Do not assume you know everything about me either. The past may help to define who you are, but you are not just your past unless you make it that way. A person can leave it behind if he chooses.”
“Do you speak from experience?”
“Not me.” She smiled brightly and jumped to her feet. “We should go upstairs. I'm sure Elena has dinner waiting.”
He watched her, interested in her sudden leap of demeanor. “Sure.” He rose and paused when he caught the sly glint in her eyes.
“Care to make another detour?”
“Where?” He asked slowly.
She giggled and grabbed his hand. Before he could stop her she tugged him across the floor to the window. He hadn't noticed the slim door there until she had thrown it open.
“The best place to see a storm is within it.”
The wind blew through their hair, whipping the strands wildly about them. She pulled him out into the rain, her laughter infectious. Though thunder roiled in the distance, the rain was still relentless and he was soaked in a matter of seconds. Kaoru dropped his hand and stepped away from him. She ripped the band from her hair and lifted her face up to the sky. She appeared to be some wild nymph who had wandered into reality. He had never realized how long her hair truly was. It hung long down her back, nearly to her waist. Now it was plastered to her body and she spun around to face him. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes ablaze with her delight. Kenshin felt something tug at his heart as it awakened from its ten-year slumber. In this moment, he realized what he felt for her was no longer an innocent want. He desired her in a way he had wanted no one in a long time, so much so, he didn't know what he would do if he couldn't have her.
Kaoru seemed to notice the change in him for she swallowed, her smile fading from her face. She approached him slowly. “Kenshin?” She asked softly, her voice managing to carry through the wind.
He swallowed and stepped back, not wanting her to touch him until he got his feelings under control. “We should go in, that we should. You don't want to catch cold.”
“Nor do you.” She told him and turned to re enter the house. Once back inside, she turned to him, wrapping her arms about herself. “Change and then come back for dinner.”
“Are you sure?”
She nodded. “I would be honored.”
The power had returned shortly after they had returned inside. She had been able to dress with the lights on, no longer enchanted by the downpour outside. Kaoru nibbled on her fingernail. Her dark hair was still damp, hanging down her back. She hadn't bothered to tie it up, nor had she felt like drying it either. So it hung free, the ends curling about her face. She sat on the edge of a stool, waiting for Kenshin to return. She felt bad now for dragging him out into the rain. He didn't have the convenience of having a change of clothes in the main house. However, he had grabbed an umbrella before venturing out into the squall, promising to be back within twenty minutes.
She thought about what had transpired. He had revealed something to her, something about his past. She treasured the revelation. Then something else had happened. Feeling spontaneous, she had pulled him outside into the downpour. Dancing around, relishing the water on her face, she had felt alive and free. When she had looked at him, the glint his eyes startled her. Normally a rich shade of lavender, she could have sworn they had turned blue. He watched her with such intensity, she had shivered, her candor dropping away leaving her aching and empty. Absently she twirled a curl around her finger. How she wanted this man. She had been left yearning after Sano interrupted them weeks ago. She had in turn taken it out on Megumi, ripping the woman to shreds after she had fawned all over the redhead. Of course, Megumi had merely chortled and shrugged. Kaoru didn't know what she had been more upset about. The realization the show had been for Sanosuke, or the fact she had just given the woman a reason to razz her all summer.
Then there was the incident by the pool the previous Monday. She had nearly slipped and he had caught her, his arms warm on her skin. If Misao had waited ten seconds, Kaoru would know what his lips tasted like. Instead, her friend had ruined the moment.
Her blue eyes strayed towards the small fridge her father used to store wine. Feeling the desire to drink something thick and warming on her palette, she hopped from her position and crossed to the appliance. Her long house sweater pooled around her feet as she knelt down to peer within. She wanted to drink something that wouldn't make her father cringe when he discovered she had consumed it. Finally she picked up a bottle of cabernet, a vineyard she was fond of and a vintage that could easily be replaced. She glanced down at herself and smiled. She had always found it entertaining to drink wine while wearing faded pajama pants and a tank top.
While she searched for a corkscrew, Elena came in with the serving dish with lamb and the creamed spinach. “Here you go, my dear. I'm leaving now. If you want, you can leave the dishes for me in the morning or just put them in the dishwasher. I made a chocolate raspberry mousse for dessert. Your father will be home in two days and I presume everyone will actually be around for dinner then?”
Kaoru nodded, pulling the wine key from the drawer. “At least Sanosuke and I. Probably Kenshin. Misao and Aoshi most likely will have returned by then. Megumi said today she might not come back until the weekend.”
“Okay, then I'm off. Oh and tell Sanosuke to keep his paws off the watermelon. I have plans for it and it does not include filling it with rum or vodka or whatever he might decide to fill it with.”
She grinned and kissed the small woman on the cheek. “I'll tell him.”
The Italian woman sighed and patted her on the cheek. She looked at the bottle of wine in her hands. “This one's a keeper, love. Don't let him get away.” She said before turning to leave.
“Wait, Elena!”
Speechless, Kaoru watched the woman disappear down the hall. The front door sounded a moment later and she rolled her eyes. Now she focused on the task at hand, opening the bottle of wine. She inserted the worm and easily twisted the screw into the cork. Leveraging it against her stomach, she pulled. The cork wouldn't budge and she grimaced while she tried to free it. At last it pulled with a resounding pop.
“Are we celebrating?”
She whirled to find Kenshin standing in the doorway. He wore a loose fitting long sleeved shirt over jeans. She licked her lips, admiring the way his hair clung to his temples in damp tendrils. “We're celebrating being alive and well on this day.” She said after a moment.
She found two glasses and filled them. She handed him one and he took it, watching her, his eyes unreadable. They were darker than normal, watching her every move. She glanced shyly down at her wine before raising it. “Here's to you.”
“And to you.” They clinked glasses and she sipped the red liquid slowly.
He moved to the counter and sat down on a stool. “What are we feasting upon this evening?”
“Lamb and spinach.” She told him, spooning his portion onto a plate. She served herself and they ate in silence for a few moments. Outside, the rain tapped lightly against the glass, the darkness creating a warm and comfortable environment. Kaoru glanced at the man opposite her and comprehended she was at ease around him. “May I ask you a question?”
He paused in removing the fork from his mouth before nodding. “You may ask?”
Feeling a bit apprehensive, she glanced down at her plate of food and reached for her wine. She sipped trying to steady her nerves. “What kind of martial arts to you practice?”
An impish light touched his violet eyes and he focused his attention back to his meal. Impatiently she waited, receiving no answer. Finally she gave in and broke the silence. “Well?”
“Well, what?”
“I asked you a question.”
“Yes, you did.”
She waited and still no response came from him. “Aren't you going to answer it?”
He grinned playfully. “You merely wondered if you could ask and I said you could. I never said I would answer.”
Dumbfounded she stared at him and fought the urge to throw her wine at him. Pursing her lips she sighed and took a deep breath. “Kenshin? Will you answer a question for me?”
The smile deepened. “And what question would that be, Kaoru-dono?” He asked her innocently.
“What would you do if I smashed this plate over your head?” She asked, batting her eyes politely.
He blinked, the smile fading quickly. “I suppose I would fall to the ground and see stars, that is, if I wasn't unconscious.”
She picked the plate up. “Shall we find out?”
Kenshin reached for his wine and gulped it before bracing himself on the stool. “If you really want to.”
She raised the china in her hands and then placed it back on the table giggling. He looked so funny sitting there, his hands gripping the sides of his stool as though waiting for the fateful blow. He had clenched his eyes closed and she covered her mouth with her hands, trying to hold her amusement in. He opened one eye and then the other, a look of uncertainty evident within their depths. “I don't want to waste my food.” She told him good-naturedly.
He returned her laughter with a wary smile. “For that then perhaps I might answer your earlier question with one of my own.”
“And what is that?”
“Whoever said I practiced martial arts?” He asked nonchalantly, taking a bite of the creamed spinach.
Kaoru stared at him, wondering how he always managed to evade her questions. Even that first night, he had never directly answered her inquiries. Then she smiled, the answer clear to her. “You did.”
He stared at her. “How so?”
A tinge of color stained her cheeks and she fiddled with her fork. “Well, Misao mentioned it when she arrived. I've been watching you.” Her color deepened and she gulped down the rest of her wine so he might think it was the alcohol causing her to redden. “I can see the way you carry yourself that you have some skills in fighting. I would think probably some sword technique.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You move like Aoshi does. He's mastered the twin kodachi, one of the few I think in the country. Then there was that day I slipped by the pool. You moved so fast in order to catch me. You have the reflexes of a swordsman. So in a sense you told me you practice.” Kenshin nodded his head in appreciation at her reasoning. She refilled her glass and topped off his. “Plus he said you were practicing with a sword the other day.” She said in an offhand way. Her eyes glanced at him and she smiled.
He sat back a bit in thought. “So the truth comes out.”
“I have no idea what you're talking about and you still haven't answered the question.”
To give the man credit, a blush did creep up his neck. “I apologize, that I do. I practice a technique known to very few people. It is one of the strongest and most dangerous.”
“Then you should spar with Aoshi. He's always looking for someone to beat and claim he's the strongest.” She stated, the wine finally affecting her.
“I do not fight any more, that I do not.” He said softly.
“Why not?”
He hesitated and she was reminded of their time in the basement. After she had revealed the tale of her mother, she had seen him pause before mentioning his own parents. It occurred to her she might have delved into taboo territory. Not wanting to ruin the repore they had developed she leaned over and touched him on the hand. He looked up at her, surprise in his amethyst eyes. “Forgive me. You don't have to answer if you do not want to.”
Kenshin took a deep breath and released it slowly. “I… fought… many duels after I mastered the art. I don't care to shed any more blood and yet the craft of the sword has become inbred into my blood. I can not discard it and just walk away.”
Her thoughts turned to her father. He had once told her something similar and she respected that. Of course Kenshin's words merely ignited a flurry of questions, but she would let them lie, for now. She sat back and turned her attention to her meal. However she couldn't bring herself to eat anymore. She wondered of he had ever killed anyone. The mention of shedding blood implied he might have. Just what kind of life had he once led? To have wandered and worked random jobs here and there made her wonder what had happened for him to leave that life. Her father had met her mother. Had Kenshin met someone? She blinked and her eyes quickly glanced at his left hand. The ring finger was bare, but perhaps he didn't wear a ring for a reason. Maybe that was why he had kept his distance.
Her thoughts began to take flight, her brain buzzing from the wine. Thoughtfully she sipped the red liquid, her gaze still on his finger. He couldn't be married. He might not have made a move on her, but he hadn't been unaffected by their chemistry either. Kaoru thought perhaps he might be confused. Maybe he was in the middle of a divorce. He was old enough and she cringed to think of the age factor. It wasn't an issue with her, hadn't been an issue for anyone. She didn't want to think of him as being married and let the suspicion go. He really wasn't that old.
She cocked her head to the side and allowed her eyes to stray from his hand. If he was a swordsman, that would explain why he had been able to carry her trunk. Also why he didn't appear to be so muscular. He really was beautiful. She sighed, a content smile on her lips. And according to Sanosuke and Aoshi he wasn't immune to her either. If only he would be the one to make a move.
Kaoru's eyes traveled to his face and she blinked to find he watched her. She blinked and her face flamed as she put her glass abruptly down on the table. “And what goes on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked.
She nibbled on her bottom lips, her cheeks growing even more crimson. He thought she was pretty! “Nothing.” She answered softly.
“Okay. Well, if you're done, we should go ahead and clean up, that we should.” He rose and took her plate from her.
She looked up at him and saw his own face was flushed. She grinned, forgetting her earlier embarrassment already. She gulped the last of her wine and finished off the bottle. He watched her, an eyebrow raised. “We can't let it go to waste.” She giggled. She rose and stumbled slightly.
Kenshin took her plate from her hand before she could drop it. “Nor can I have you breaking things while in my supervision.”
Smiling furtively at him, she darted around him to the sink. “Yes father.” She squeaked. He returned the grin and she danced away from him. “Let's put on some music if we're going to be cleaning. One needs a bit of song while performing mundane work.”
Now the redhead raised an eyebrow at her. “Tipsy and still spouting big words. “
Kaoru frowned at him. “Do you have a problem with that?”
He shook his head and carried the plates to the sink. “No.”
She bit her lip and found the small radio Elena listened to. After searching she found a station she liked. Swaying her hips she came up to the man by the sink and took his hands. Before he could protest, she spun into his embrace. She wriggled up against him and then spun back out. She paused, looking at him to see what he would do. There was a brief hesitation and then he pulled her to him, his arm winding around her waist, the other clasping her hand.
“I'm not much of a dancer.” He apologized as they waltzed around the kitchen.
Excited that he was participating, she grinned and shook her head. “You dance wonderfully. Much better than Sano.”
The song ended, replaced by a commercial. She stepped away from him, her hands going to her cheeks. Kenshin reached for his glass of wine and he sipped from it watching her. “When have you danced with Sano?” He asked innocently.
She shrugged. “Prom.” She answered simply, turning away from him. She didn't want to discuss her relationship with Sanosuke. The last time that had happened she had been struck across the face.
“You two went to prom together?” He turned on the water in the sink.
She shrugged, feeling as though he was searching for some definite answer to some question he didn't want to ask. She could play this game too. She watched him for a moment and picked up her plate again from where he had put it. “Yes.”
“He couldn't get a date.”
“I don't know. He hasn't exactly had much trouble since then.” She paused, thinking back to their senior year of high school, her fuzzy mind already forgetting her decision to evade his inquiries. Sanosuke had always been handsome, for some reason she had never found herself attracted to him. Not for the first time, she was grateful. It would have ruined their friendship. Kenshin nodded, accepting her lack of a full response. He ran his finger underneath the water. Liking the temperature, he plugged the sink. She sipped her wine watching him. She approached him and put her glass down. “What do you want me to do?”
He looked up at her in astonishment. “You're actually going to do work?” He asked sardonically.
She grinned wryly at him. “I do have a notion to do chores every now and again.”
“Well, then why don't you dry, my lady. Meanwhile I'll actually wash. I think I'm still sober enough to make sure they're clean.”
“I'm not drunk.” She poked him in the arm. “I've had the tori-atama training me to drink anyone, save him, under the table.”
“Then once you dry the dishes, perhaps we'll put that to the test.”
“Fine.” Kaoru took the rag from him and smacked him lightly on the arm. “But I'll make you eat your words. Or rather drink them.”
He shook his head with a chuckle and took the plate from her. He rinsed it and handed it to her. She danced to the music in her place, drying the dishes he handed to her. It wasn't until he handed her the actual serving dish that it occurred to her Elena had mentioned the dishwasher. “Wait!”
He stopped and looked at her, his question in his violet eyes. “We don't have to wash them. Modern day appliances will do that for us.”
“I know.”
She leaned in towards him, her shoulder touching his. Kaoru rested her chin there and looked up at him. “What are you trying to do to me?” She asked.
His lip twitched and he pulled back far enough to brush a hair from her head. “I'm not really sure.”
She blinked and turned her face up to see him better. Swiftly she felt on the spot, her heart picking up its pace. Her eyes searched his face, looking for ……something. She leaned in to him and she felt Kenshin do the same. Their faces came closer together and her blue gaze finally drifted towards his mouth. Inches apart, her eyes looked up at him. She couldn't read what his eyes were saying. Before she could lose her nerve, she stood up on tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. She caught his upper lip between hers as she kissed him tenderly. She felt him return it, the feel of his mouth soft and gentle. Caught by surprise by the surge of emotion she broke contact, looking down. Kenshin rested his forehead against hers. “Wow.” She murmured, finding nothing else to say.
She felt him swallow. Stepping away from him, she looked up into his face. He appeared as shocked as she. He licked his lips and Kaoru touched her mouth, the taste of him still lingering. What happened now? She opened her mouth to ask just that when he looked sharply at the door. Then he grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him. Unsure of what was going on, she clutched his shirt, noting how he backed her up against the counter so nothing could get to her from behind. Confused, she started to ask him what was going on when he held up his hand. His eyes had darkened again and she realized he was listening for something. Attuning her own dampened senses, she finally heard footsteps quietly coming closer. They paused and then the door to the basement creaked open.
Whoever it was went downstairs, making lots of noise as he went below. “Jou-chan? Are you down here?” He cried and she felt the man she stood against release his breath.
“It is only Sanosuke, that it is.” Kenshin stated.
“Who were you expecting?” She asked not relinquishing her hold against him. She was enjoying the feel of his body too much. Before Sanosuke could come up and ruin the moment she leaned in and rested her cheek against the silky red strands that flowed down his back. She breathed in deeply, her eyes closed. He smelled of ginger and faintly of rain. He had not dried his hair either and she smiled to herself, savoring his smell.
She opened her eyes reluctantly and stepped back. “Sorry. I think the wine has started going to my head.” She told him, trying to smile lightly.
He stared at her blankly. “Is that all it is?” He asked, his voice dark.
Anxiously, Kaoru licked her lips. “You know it isn't.” She responded without thinking. Her chest heaved, her heart still racing.
He approached her. “Then what is it?”
The tone of the room had definitely deepened and she strived to find the lighthearted candor they had displayed before Sanosuke had come in. She stepped back from him, not sure if she could answer his question. She wasn't ready to lay her feelings out for him.
Her thoughts turning to her friend she left the kitchen. “Sano! We're……….in here.” She stumbled over her words when she caught him sneaking down the hall towards the foyer.
He threw his hands up in surprise and whirled around. “There you are. I thought maybe you would be downstairs, knowing how you like to watch storms. Then when you weren't I figured you might have gone out or something. I was just headed to my room. I thought I'd watch some television and then go to sleep. I had a rough night.”
She frowned at him. “Don't you want something to eat?”
“I'll just meander down later.”
“That's not necessary, Sano.” They turned to see Kenshin in the doorway. He had an umbrella in his hand. “I think I will be heading out now since you have returned, that I do.”
It dawned on her she was missing something, a fact that both men were well aware of leaving her in the dark. “We haven't had dessert yet, Kenshin.”
“And that's my cue to leave.” Sanosuke started to turn to go upstairs.
“Wait!” Both men paused and gazed at her. Feeling caught in the middle, she looked from one to the other, feeling like she was watching a tennis game. “Sano, Elena made lamb tonight. There's plenty left so feel free to indulge yourself.” She turned to the redhead. “You aren't going anywhere while it's raining like that outside. If need be, you will stay here tonight.” She told him sternly. “Besides, you haven't had dessert. So we're all going into the kitchen and we're going to finish the dishes and then have mousse.”
“When you put it that way………” The brunette began, pushing past her. He paused next to Kenshin. “Sorry.” He muttered.
“Always the timing.” The redhead muttered and shrugged. Now she was even more confused. The taller man disappeared into the kitchen, leaving her to stare at Kenshin. Before she could ask, he turned an entered as well, leaving her fuming in the hall. What was going on?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Let me know what you think. I hope that curbs some of your angst. I know it wasn't much for a kiss, but these things do take time. It does seem that I am fond on interrupting them. I promise it's coming. Hope to hear from you! Ja! ^_^