Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm going to start on an upbeat note; I love you all! I apologize if some of you were a bit confused as to what is going on. I didn't mean for it to be that way. Things will begin to clear up as well as the reveal of our new mystery man. Unfortunately, exactly what transpired in the past isn't exposed in this chapter as I originally thought. But for those of you are a bit flummoxed, I tried to stick close to the essence of the original back-story. Check out the OVA's (though I personally don't care for them). It entails Kenshin's life during the revolution: how he became Battousai, met Tomoe and the circumstances leading him to become a rurouni. I don't like Tomoe and I don't like Kenshin as an eighteen year old. Not to say I don't like stories involving Battousai. I prefer the idea of Battousai coming to the surface with his intense desire to protect rather than destroy. Anyway, that might clear up the guilt our favorite redhead feels every time he thinks of Kaoru.
I left the original note only because it still pertained to the story at hand. I am going to comment on what the second note was. For those who have read, I was eradicated from I've thought about reposting under another name, but I figured what's the point. Ironically enough this story was up for two years and had both lemons intact. It was the lemon for “Twist of Fate' that finally got noticed. Either way, I'm also going to be putting the later lemon back in for those of you who are interested.
On that note, below does in fact contain a lemon. While I don't think it's indicative that it stays within the confines of the story, I do feel it helps in understanding the developing relationship between Kenshin and Kaoru. I have written it and as I mentioned before, I have left it in intact. If it's gets removed, then so be it. But here it is. The next installment. Enjoy!
Kenshin rested his forehead against the glass. He dreaded walking into the house. He had spent the afternoon in his room, embarrassed at having been caught with Kamiya's daughter. As the afternoon had worn on, he had ventured out and mowed the grass, something he had meant to do the day before. Whatever he had done, he had not gone to the main house. He didn't want to risk running into the man and had stayed away. Of course, it meant he had not seen Kaoru all afternoon either. Their time in the tub seemed to have helped a bit, though he still felt unworthy of her affection. She had not come to see him all day and that plagued him.
Swearing softly he banged his forehead against the sliding door. He had showered and dressed. Now he stood outside, trying to figure out what he was doing. He did not want to go inside and face Kamiya. Why his presence was required astounded him. Kenshin only hoped he wasn't about to walk into a trap of some kind. Not that he didn't care for Kaoru, he did. Immensely. But he didn't need to get waylaid into something that would ultimately be impossible.
“You'll get a headache if you stand out there all day.”
He looked up sharply to see Elena watching him through the glass. He stepped back and she opened the door. “Oro?”
“Your head. It'll hurt if you keep banging it like that.”
“I imagine it will.”
The short woman stepped out of the way and he stepped into the house. “They're waiting for you in the front room. Tell them dinner will be ready shortly.” She disappeared into the kitchen.
Kenshin sighed, watching her go. He slowly moved towards the front of the house, his feet not wanting to go further. However, he found himself standing just outside the door and he hesitated, leaning against the wall. He debated on what he should do when he heard a peal of laughter inside. Instantly he identified Kaoru's giggles. He sighed wistfully and then he picked up the words being said.
“………well I'm glad to hear he's working out. No back talk, then?” The voice belonged to a male, one that sounded strangely familiar.
“Not to me. I haven't been here that often, though.” That was Kamiya. “You'll have to ask Kaoru. Her friends and she have spent quite a bit of time with him since she returned home.”
“How is he? Not shirking his duties? Speaking out of turn?”
“No.” She sounded surprise at the question. “He's extremely well mannered.”
“Really? The moron actually completes his chores?”
“They get done.” He heard Kaoru admit. “Sanosuke is sometimes successful at getting him to abandon his chore of the moment.”
The stranger snorted. “As I expected. I apologize profusely for his laziness. It seems he is no better than when I first took him under my wing. Forsaking work, not at all prompt, and now he's taken up skulking in doorways. Really Kamiya, I expected more of my stupid apprentice.”
Suddenly it clicked. “Hiko?” He asked, finally coming around the corner. He couldn't believe it but there the man sat in front of him. It had been four years since he had last laid eyes on the man who had raised him. He had spoken to him on the phone every few months, nothing more than to let the man know he was still alive. He had deduced Hiko and Kamiya knew each other, the logistics still slightly muddled.
The dark eyes swung around to take him in. He sat back, the small porcelain cup in his hands as a small smirk spread on his lips. “It's good to see you have decided to grace us with your presence finally.” He stated wryly.
Kenshin colored, the man still able to make him feel seven years old. “I'm surprised to see you here, that I am.”
“Are you?”
His blush deepened. “Actually, no.”
Kaoru rose and came to stand beside him. “You two know each other?”
“Damn Kenshin. It seems as though you know everyone.” She said, laughing lightly.
Kamiya had risen at the redhead's entry. “Who else do you know?”
Kaoru shrugged and reached for his hand. Her fingers entwined with his and he looked down startled. “He apparently has some bad blood with Enishi.” She said tightly.
Her father blinked. “Your ex boyfriend?”
“Who is he?” Hiko frowned.
“Yukishiro.” Kenshin said softly.
The man said nothing, merely continued to sip his liquor. He had rarely expressed his emotions openly. “I must admit I am surprised to discover he found his way here.” He glanced at Kamiya. “Was he aware of your own past?”
Kaoru's father frowned. “I'm not sure, but even if he did, there was nothing much he could do about it.”
“Not even use your own daughter to bring about your own ruination?”
“I can see no evident reason for it. Where would he get the means to bring me down? As far as he knows I am nothing more than what I say I am.”
“Have you fallen so far out of the loop?” Hiko snorted, filling his cup again. “Yukishiro's father was a powerful drug lord who tumbled from his pedestal just over a decade ago.”
Kamiya's gaze strayed to him. “I imagine he's also inferring to the reason for the bad blood.”
Kenshin nodded mutely. Obviously Kamiya did know of his past actions as Battousai. “The man's organization did crumble, particularly when two of his closest allies were taken out.” He told them harshly.
Kamiya sat down and looked back at Hiko. He picked up a second porcelain cup. Hiko stared at him. “What?” The man held up the empty cup. “This is from my private stock.”
“And you have nine other jugs with you. This is my house and I am demanding you share with me. Other wise you can take your ass and sleep outside or with your `dense student' in the guest house.”
With a sigh, Hiko reluctantly poured the clear liquor into the small cup. “So, Yukishiro has no reason to quarrel with you even if you are a loathsome and despicable man.”
Kaoru moved from his side and sat down. “You think he knew what he was doing when he befriended me in that bar?” She asked a bit hesitantly. Kenshin came to her side and sat next to her on the small sofa.
“It could be possible, but I doubt it.” Hiko stated tossing back his sake. “The boy probably knows very little of your father's dealings. Koshijirou and Nubiko did not interact with each other; they were years apart. The boy might know of your identity and even that is giving him more than enough credit.”
Kamiya was shaking his head. “My secrets have long since been buried. If Enishi knew of my connections, they did nothing more than prevent him from searching for Kaoru here.”
“Do you really think that?” Kaoru asked. She watched the two older men's discussion with interest. Kenshin glanced at her a bit astonished at how easily she took it all in stride. But then she had known of her father's past and was probably aware of Hiko's own history. If Kenshin had been told, the situation at hand would have turned out much differently.
Kamiya looked at his daughter and ran a hand through his graying hair. “It would make sense as to why he has not yet come for you.”
“Do you really think he will?” She asked quietly, her voice betraying her fear.
Hiko leaned forward. “If he has stated he will, then I would count on it. If your ex is anything like his father then he says nothing that he doesn't mean.” The dark gaze flickered in Kenshin's direction. “Wouldn't you agree?”
Kenshin cringed under the penetrating gaze. It was the first time since he had first walked into the room the older man had paid him any heed. He had thought neither of Enishi nor his intentions towards Kaoru. He had been wrapped up in his own guilt. Thinking back, he recalled meeting Tomoe and Enishi's father. He had lived with the man for well over a year before things had gone awry. He squeezed the hand of the woman he had come to love. He looked at her with a sad smile. “If the tiger is anything like that of his father then yes. He will come for you and not very much will stand in his way.”
Her bottom lip trembled and he turned to embrace her. He smoothed her dark hair as he held her. “Do not worry. I will not let him harm you, that I will not.”
He looked over where her father was sitting next to Hiko. The taller man, the man who had taught him everything smirked openly, his sake cup once more in his hands. The other shook his head. A slight smile played on his lips. “I had hoped this would happen and now that it has, I'm not sure how I feel about it anymore.”
Kenshin felt himself blush and he pulled away from his daughter. Kaoru seemed to realize at the same time, her cheeks pink. She placed hands to her face and offered a weak smile. “I'm sure dinner's ready.” She murmured before fleeing the room.
Silently he cursed, having been abandoned to the parental figures in the room. However Kamiya merely waved his hand. “I'm sure you've already gotten the lectures from her friends.”
“The `hurt her and you die' or possibly the `break her heart and I'll break your face' routine. Sanosuke is probably more protective than I am and usually is strait to the point.” He turned to Hiko. “Shall we check on dinner? I don't know about you but I look forward to having a home-cooked meal. I imagine it will be a nice change from your usual liquid diet.”
The two men strutted out of the room leaving Kenshin to follow in their wake. What had that been about? Kaoru's father had not been distressed to see her with him. The talk of Enishi was making his head spin, stirring memories he did not want to dwell upon. It was time to come completely clean with Kaoru. She needed to know the entire story, from beginning to end. And he needed to know what instilled her fear of Enishi. For the first time, he wondered what secrets she was hiding from him.
At least one question had finally been answered. He had Hiko to thank for his current situation. “He probably orchestrated the entire thing.” He muttered.
“I can still hear you.” The man called out.
Kenshin cringed and blushed. Feeling like a silly young boy, he hurried after the two men, praying for the night to end quickly.
Kaoru didn't say much over the course of dinner. She listened to her father and Hiko bicker as they caught up. Between the two, it was hard to get a word in edgewise. It had been nearly three years since she had last seen the tall imposing man. It was right before she had begun dating Enishi. He hadn't changed. He still looked younger than her father, his long dark hair falling past his shoulders. One of her few high school friends had come home with her and met the man. She had nearly swooned at the sight of him. Kaoru didn't quite see the attraction. But then, she had heard his sharp words and insults most of her life. He had always been nice to her, rarely turning his barbed tongue on her. He saved the abuse for her father. This evening, however, Kenshin received his fair share of criticism as well. Constantly, comments of how lazy Kenshin was, or how moronic he was littered the air. It was grating on her nerves.
The sun had set, shadows gathering on the window as Elena finally served dessert. Kaoru offered her a weak smile, wanting dinner to be over with soon. She was growing weary of the bickering. It wore on her even more than Sano and Megumi. Kenshin caught her eye and he smiled sheepishly at her.
“So, Kenshin, tell me of your relationship with Kamiya-dono.” Hiko ordered, swirling his brandy around the snifter.
She felt a blush touch her cheeks. It was the one topic that had not been touched upon and she had hoped to leave the table unscathed. She had a feeling she might not be safe from Hiko's cynicism for once. Other than her father's comment before the meal, no one had said anything. There was still a trace of embarrassment at having been caught with the redhead in the bathroom. “There's not much to say.” She retorted, deftly slipping the spoonful of crème brulee into her mouth.
“I believe Hiko was asking Kenshin, Kaoru.” Her father reprimanded.
Kaoru stared at her father with wide eyes, her cheeks flaming. She turned her blue gaze to the man across from her. His hands were in his lap, his dessert untouched. His fiery bangs hid his eyes from view. “There's not much to say.” He reiterated her words.
Hiko snorted. He sat back lazily, his snifter in his fingers. He met Kamiya's gaze across the table. “Obviously something's going on considering my idiotic ward is allowing her to put words into his mouth.” Kenshin jerked and she realized the man had kicked the redhead from under the table. “I want to hear what you have to say about the whole thing. What do you think of Kaoru?”
Her temper rising, she glared at her plate, her jaw clenched to hold back her nasty remark. She had never seen Hiko behave this way. Usually he was aloof, observing everything and everyone around him before opening his mouth, usually to direct a derogatory remark towards her father. Now he was almost goading Kenshin into an argument. She was tired of watching him abuse her beloved.
Because she was busy glaring at her plate she didn't see Kenshin slowly raise his face. His violet eyes were soft and a small smile touched his features. “She is an amazing young woman, that she is.”
“Is that all?”
“Nothing else to say about her?”
Kaoru had heard enough of the man's deriding tone and stood, her fury finally unleashing. “What more do you expect him to say? My father's sitting right there.” She pointed to her father, her blazing azure eyes never leaving the calm face of Hiko. “He is trying to be respectful, not sure how he feels about our affair. I'm sick and tired of listening to you insult the man. Kenshin is a good and decent human being who deserves respect and compassion.” She told him, her chest heaving.
Abruptly she froze and slowly turned to look at the other two men sitting at the table. Kenshin watched her with wide eyes, as did her father. Suddenly feeling a flush of embarrassment, she ran from the room.
Kenshin watched her leave, her words echoing in his ears. He had not been surprised by the verbal onslaught from Hiko, used to it even now. He had learned the best way to annoy Hiko was to not rise to the provocation. It made him try even harder. In turn Kenshin had come to realize it was his affection showing through the only way the man knew how to express it. To hear Kaoru succumb to the goading was a different story.
All three watched her flee the room, silence curtaining them. After a moment Hiko glanced across the table where Kamiya sat quietly. Then the dark eyes moved to Kenshin and he felt himself squirm underneath the trenchant gaze. “I must say I'm intrigued. Can it be you may have actually done something right for once in your life? Never have I seen Kaoru so spirited about someone. What on earth have you done to her?”
“What do you think?” Kenshin retorted sharply. He didn't like seeing the woman he cared for run from the room.
The man snorted. “I have my theories, but I don't think it proper for me to elucidate here at the table.”
He colored at the inference and cast a quick anxious look at the man at the head of the table.
“What will you do now, I wonder.” Hiko inquired aloud.
Kenshin sighed. “What would you have me do?”
“What do you think you should do?”
The question came from her father and Kenshin turned to glance at the man. His eyes were quizzical, an eyebrow raised in speculation. “She is of a rare breed.” He continued. “The question is will you seize what she offers or turn away?”
It was a loaded inquiry, one Kenshin knew he couldn't just answer or ignore. Staring into the eyes of the man who had once roamed the streets as the Black Geisha, Kenshin didn't know the answer he was supposed to give. Fleetingly he wondered what had prompted the man to leave the underworld for a normal life. “Did you….?”
“Have doubts?” He finished. “Every man does. It is what reaffirms he is still human.”
Kenshin sighed once more. “How do you live with the guilt? The knowledge you will never be good enough?”
“You never will be good enough.” The man stated flatly. Kamiya's words made his heart sink. “You will spend the rest of your days trying to meet the expectations she deserves.” Kenshin sighed again in defeat. He had finally convinced himself he might be able to have a few stolen moments with Kaoru and now her father was telling her it was never to be. “But you take what a woman offers, give what you can in return, and pray that it will one day be enough to suffice.”
He raised his violet eyes to the man. Was that support of his liaison with the raven-haired woman? “Do you approve?” He asked, his voice just above a whisper.
A hint of a smile played across his lips. “Do you want the truth?”
“As a man or as a father?”
“The one the matters the most.”
“As a man? I admire you for being able to walk away from your life as an assassin. It isn't an easy thing to do. Whatever prompted you to vow never to harm another again and walk away still intact, it has taught you to value life and not take anything for granted.” His words warmed him and Kenshin let go of the breath he had been holding. “As a father?” Realizing the man wasn't finished, he waited, fearful of the words he dreaded hearing. “You will never be good enough for Kaoru. No man ever will be.” He sighed and sat back, his gaze never leaving Kenshin's face. “But surprisingly, I find you more worthy than most.”
“I have been where you stand. Save Hiko, even in his fallacy—“
“I am probably the only man who understands your predicament. That being said, I think you know what needs to be done.”
Kenshin rose, nodding his head. “Thank you.” He murmured before leaving the room.
Hiko turned to glance at his longtime friend. “Do you think he might finally find peace?”
Kamiya shrugged and sat back thoughtfully. “I don't know. If Kaoru hadn't been entangled with Enishi, I think so. But the fact that her ex boyfriend appears to have inherited his father's business plus carries the grudge of the death of his sister, it's hard to say. I'm sure Aoshi will notify me with more details in the morning. At this point, it's not him I'm worried about so much.”
“You speak now of your daughter.”
He sighed and rubbed his temples. “I think Enishi called here this afternoon and spoke with her but she won't admit to it. I don't know much about her relationship with the man. According to her friends she lived in denial about what he was long before she would recognize it. All I know is that when he was finished, she was broken.”
“You're hoping she'll come clean with the fool?”
“Right now I think the fool is the only person she'd tell. Together they'll have to face their past. Maybe then they can conquer it.”
She heard her bedroom door click closed softly. She looked at her face in the mirror, the water from the facet dripping into the sink. She reached for a towel and sighed, wiping the water from her flushed cheeks. She hadn't meant to react so volatility. But she cared for Kenshin and it burned her to hear Hiko disparage him so easily. The man supposedly brought him up. How could he speak that way? Opening the door to the bathroom she looked up to see the redhead standing in her room.
Kaoru crossed her arms underneath her breasts as she watched Kenshin. He stood at the bay window of her room, staring out into the night. “What are you looking at?” She asked.
“The sky.”
He didn't elaborate and had yet to turn to face her. She watched him, the lights from the pool illuminating the planes of his face. She wiped absently at her now dry face and approached him slowly. Tentatively she touched his arm. “Why have you come here?”
Now he did turn to her, his eyes unfathomable in the dim light. “I wanted to check on you.”
“For what?”
“You left so abruptly. I wanted to know you were all right.”
“I'm fine.” She rubbed her arms. He turned away. “Why do you let him talk to you that way?”
“Ah, you're referring to Hiko.”
The man shrugged and looked at her. “He has always been that way.”
“Still, why do you let him insult you?”
“He isn't sincere. Not really.”
“I know. The man is arrogant and a snob but you don't need to put up with his abuse. Is that why you think so little of yourself?”
His face darkened and he looked out the window again. “No. His abuse stems from the fact that I do feel remorse.”
Kaoru blinked in surprise. That answer she had not expected. “That doesn't make sense.”
He turned to her and caressed her cheek. “He has never agreed with the choices I have made in my life.” Silence descended around them. He opened his mouth to say something and closed it again. “I guess I'll be going then.”
“Wait!” Kenshin paused and looked at her. “I don't want you to leave.”
“I hardly think it would be appropriate if I stay.”
“Screw propriety.” She placed a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her. “I don't care about what's right or wrong. All I know is how I feel. It's the only thing I trust tight now. I know that I feel safe when I'm with you. How can it be wrong when it feels so right?”
Gently he touched her cheek. “You should trust how you feel. It's the only truth you know that is certain.”
She swallowed. “How do you feel?”
“What I feel, what I know is that in this moment I want you, pure and simple. I don't know what Enishi wants with either of us. I don't know what will happen in the morning.” He smiled slightly. “For the first time in a long time that doesn't bother me.”
“The not knowing?”
He pulled her to him. She folded easily into his embrace savoring the warmth he offered. “Kaoru-dono, you have given me reason to live again.”
She turned her face into his neck and breathed in his scent deeply. “As have you.”
Kenshin pulled away and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “I should go.”
“No.” She shook her head and wrapped her arms about his waist. “You're in for tonight. You can't go anywhere.” She told him petulantly.
“I've had my night of bliss. I dare not ask for more.” He whispered, his breath stirring her hair.
“You aren't the one asking. I'm demanding you stay with me.” She told him, tightening her embrace. “I'm offering myself to you.” She murmured. “Will you accept what I have to give?”
He growled softly and nuzzled her neck. Kaoru giggled, feeling satisfaction in knowing she had won the argument so easily. Kenshin began to trail his lips over the flesh of her neck. He moved up to the sensitive spot behind her jaw, pressing a light kiss there. “I'm going to make you want to scream.” He whispered into her ear.
The thought made her shiver and she pulled back slightly. She raised an eyebrow. “I'll want to scream?”
“You'll want to, but you shouldn't.” A sly grin touched his lips and he placed a finger to her lips. “You aren't to utter a single sound.”
“Why not?” She whispered.
“I personally do not want your father to come and knock down that door when you cry out my name.” She felt him smile against her cheek. “Therefore you can not make a sound.” His lips were roving just over the skin of her face making goose bumps raise on her flesh.
“I promise.” She agreed hoarsely.
He pulled back from her once more and the curve to his lips deepened. “I'm going to do my best to make you break that promise.”
She blinked in surprise, the grin making her blood boil and her breathing grow ragged. He hadn't even touched her and she thought she might burst already. His eyes held that much power over her. It made her freeze momentarily; she recalled the last time she had given herself up. But she trusted him. Kenshin would not tear down her walls to abuse her psyche.
He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly, his hands on her shoulders. Then he slowly moved behind her, his mouth hovering over her flesh, his breath stimulating her. His fingers moved to the ribbon in her hair and he gently pulled it free. Kaoru made her breath even, steadying her nerves. Her dark hair tumbled down her back and he collected the tresses and placed them over her shoulder.
Kenshin's hands skimmed over her back and began to untie the laces there.
“Relax.” He commanded softly.
“I'm scared.” She whispered, trying to quell her shivering limbs.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder. “You have no need to fear me.” He murmured against her skin.
“It's not you I'm afraid of.”
His fingers paused in untying her dress. “What do you fear?”
She lowered her head slightly. “Loneliness.”
Kenshin rested his forehead against the back of her neck. His breath made her flesh tingle. “I promise I will never leave you alone. No matter what happens, know that.
Somehow his words did ease her anxiety. She tilted her head back so it rested on his. “I trust you.” Her voice was light and breathy.
He resumed his task in undoing the laces of her dress. The man took his time, his fingertips barely grazing the skin he slowly uncovered. Her breath echoed in the quiet room and she swallowed, trying to calm herself. Her bosom was released as the lacings came undone and she momentarily felt a flush of annoyance when she realized he pulled them completely free. But then his hands were caressing her bare back and she forgot her irritation. Kenshin's fingers slipped underneath the straps on her shoulders and pushed them off and down her arms. Her breath caught as the cool air brushed the tips of nipples. She swallowed once more, her chest heaving.
Behind her, she felt the redhead kneel down, sliding the dress over her hips. It floated to the floor in a shimmer of violet cotton.
Unsure of what was expected of her, Kaoru kept her hands at her sides. His fingers found hers and entwined themselves. She gasped as she felt his nose touch her lower back and a muted cry passed her lips. She recalled her promise to stay quiet. Immediately she bit her lip, trying to keep the sound back. She would not let him win the strange challenge he had issued. Strangely enough, holding back seemed to intensify the sensation of his mouth on her skin, the nerves racing up her back. She shook, her desire igniting within her.
Slowly he rose, his tongue and lips winding their way up her spine. He reached her shoulder and nibbled delicately on her collar, his body grazing her as he moved to her front. Then he kissed her, his mouth possessing her, his tongue claiming her mouth. She threw her arms around his neck, the rough material of his shirt magnifying the tenderness of her nipples, the tips needing to be touched by him. She groaned softly into his mouth, leaning into him. His hands skirted down her sides and stopped on her hips. He moved her backwards and she felt the bed touch the back of her calves. Tenderly he lowered her to the bed. Laying her out. Her knees still hung off the bed and she moved her fingers to waistband of his pants. She tugged the shirt free and slid her hand underneath to touch him.
He raised his head slightly. “I'm for you Kaoru-dono. Last night you gave me what I needed. Tonight I'm going to give you what you want.” He whispered. “I want you to lay back and not make a sound and just feel.”
“But I want to feel you.” She whispered, licking her lips.
He smiled wickedly down at her, his eyes looking almost blue in the light. “You will.” He told her huskily and swiftly took her mouth once more. Kaoru moaned in disappointment and in response the man tweaked the nub of her left breast. “What did I tell you?” He growled as his hand kneaded her breast. She bit her lip again and arched up into his touch.
Kenshin's mouth left hers and nibbled kisses down her neck. He stopped when he reached the swell of her breast and Kaoru swallowed down her whimper. He licked a path between the valley of her breasts, his hand resting on her stomach. Her hands were on his back, one reaching for the tie that held his red locks back. She pulled it free when his lips finally closed over an engorged tip, her back curving into his mouth with her want to cry out.
She felt his teeth nip on the sensitive nub and she clutched at his back, gripping the shirt there. Suddenly struck with an inspiration, her mind barely coherent at the intensity she was experiencing by his tongue, she tugged the material up. She heard him growl softly against her as she yanked the shirt to his head. Kaoru struggled not to cry out with disappointment when his mouth left her skin. Then he was on her, the feel of his flesh on hers almost more than she could handle. She began to writhe, assaulted by his mouth. His hand reached down between her legs and then his lips made their way down her torso once more, his fingers lightly stroking her folds. Her teeth clamped down on her lip, her hips moving underneath his ministrations.
She felt him smile against the flesh of her belly as one finger slid inside her. Kaoru gasped aloud, arching her back, her hands flailing to find something to grab a hold of. Her breathing was wild and erratic, her heart pounding. The need to yell out was overwhelming and she thought she might break when Kenshin's tongue joined his fingers. A soundless cry and her fingers found his head, gripping strands of the fiery locks as she felt herself nearly reach the edge. Agonizingly slow, his fingers slid in and out, rubbing her emotions raw with need. He suckled her core, her breath rapid and wheezy. Then his mouth left her and she thought she might cry she was so close.
Kenshin stretched over her, devoid of his clothes. Without hesitation, she wrapped her legs around his waist, the taste of blood on her tongue, having finally pierced her lower lip with her teeth. He was kissing her again, her already swollen lips tender. He teased her for only a moment before driving into her. Not wanting to cry out, the lack of voicing her passion intensifying her sensations. The feel of him deeply embedded within her almost pushing her over the edge. He moved, his speed increasing.
“Show me.” He whispered into her ear, his voice laden with effort, heavy with desire.
Her eyes flew open. What did he want? “What?” She asked breathlessly.
“Show me.” He insisted and Kenshin pulled away. She looked at him, their eyes meeting, just as they both found their release. They froze, locked together in the most intimate embrace. Something passed between them in the split second when their eyes met and Kaoru came into an understanding. Her mouth opened with her silent cry, his violet eyes wide.
She knew then, without a doubt, that she loved him.
With a huge shudder, she let go of the breath she had been holding and Kenshin fell on top of her before rolling off. She laid there, the man's arm sprawled across her. Her heart eventually began to slow, her breathing coming under control. She couldn't honestly recall the last time she had such an intense orgasm in her life. Several more minutes passed when Kenshin lifted himself up onto his elbow.
He swallowed thickly and reached over to brush hair from her face. “Are you alright?”
Mutely she stared at him. “You're asking me?” She murmured, her voice sounding strange after not vocalizing her emotions.
Tenderly his fingers caressed her cheek. “I want you to be happy. I will do whatever I can within my ability to achieve that. I want you to know that, Kaoru-dono. I will be here to protect you, that I will. Always.”
Kaoru sniffed and felt a tear fall free from her lid. The amethyst eyes blinked and the finger moved to wipe the tear away. “Why do you cry?”
She threw her arms about his neck, hugging him close. “Because, I………you make me so happy. I never thought that six weeks ago this would happen to me. I admit I thought you were a girl when I first went down to the pool.”
“I get that a lot.” He retorted dryly.
“But you weren't. I'm so glad.” She wanted to elaborate, but found she couldn't quite admit her feelings out loud. Her earlier fear touched the back of her mind. She looked at him and ran her finger down his cheekbone. “I'm delighted that you have come into my life.”
The man chuckled and ran his fingers through her dark hair. “You don't have to be so formal about it.”
Kaoru shrugged. “Do you sometimes feel as though we might have known each other? In another life maybe?”
He lay back and allowed her to rest her head in the crook of his shoulder. “Anything is possible, koishi. Anything is possible.”
There you have it. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Much love! And remember to let me know what you think.