Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Cabana Boy ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

For those who have written wanting more, here it is. I'm sorry! I have no reason for why I haven't posted other than life totally distracting.
Onto the next chapter. We finally see the emergence of Battousai, but I didn't write them as separate identities, mostly because I believe they are the same man. Battousai is just tied to the darker nature of Kenshin. Anyway here it is. I hope you enjoy. And I don't own any of theses characters.
“What do you mean she's missing?” Sanosuke demanded.
The man had jumped out of the car, nearly forgetting to put the car in neutral and pulling the brake before leaping from the vehicle. Kenshin had slowly climbed out. He should have known something like this would have happened. He should not have left early, waiting to go to the restaurant with Kaoru. His instincts had proclaimed he stay with her, waiting for Kaoru. He should have made sure to stay by her side. This would not have happened if he had listened to himself.
When they reached the store, Megumi had been sitting on the curb, her face pale.
“What happened?” Sano demanded again.
She stared mutely at him, her brown eyes wide. Sanosuke grabbed her and gave her a light shake. The woman sucked in a deep breath and let loose a sob. “I don't know!” She wailed. “She went in and never came out.”
Kenshin watched the two calmly, trying to absorb what might have transpired. He could tell the brunette's hysteria was rising as he gave the other woman another shake. He stepped between them gripping Sano's wrist. Both sets of brown eyes swung in his direction. “Megumi-dono, what happened?” He reiterated, his voice level.
She took a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. “I don't know. Kaoru needed to drop off a prescription. I didn't feel like getting out of the car.” She opened her eyes. “She never came back to the car.”
Sanosuke stared at her and then turned on his heel. He disappeared inside the store. Kenshin sighed and focused his attention on the woman in front of him. Desperately he controlled his anger, his darker nature slowly boiling within. She tossed her dark hair over her shoulder; her eyes wet with unshed tears.
“When did you realize something was amiss?”
“She said it would take all of a minute. When ten had passed I thought perhaps she had changed her mind and decided to wait for the prescription.”
“What did you do?”
“I went inside. The pharmacist saw her, but didn't see where she went exactly. Kaoru wasn't going to wait.”
“And what?” She shrieked, her brief moment of composure vanishing. Sano came back outside, his face unreadable. Megumi turned when she noticed the other man returning. “What did you find out?” She demanded now.
“Nothing. Nobody saw anyone else. The sales clerk claims Jou-chan walked out of the store.”
“But I never saw her!”
“Perhaps we should return to the house.” Kenshin suggested, not ready to elucidate his own theory of what happened. He knew who was behind this.
“Do you think she went home?” Sano asked.
“And how did she get there? Transported herself?” Megumi spit, her terror mingling with her frustration.
“I don't know, Kit!” The man burst out. “Do you really want to entertain the idea that someone took her?”
Megumi pressed her lips together, her face ashen in the late afternoon. “Fine. Let's go back to the house.”
The ride was quiet, Kenshin sat in the back, watching the scenery go by. They all knew what had happened, but no one was ready to voice it out loud. He berated himself silently the entire trip. Upon returning to the house, they found Kamiya and Hiko outside. They were on the patio smoking cigars and drinking brandy.
Koshijirou looked up as the trio came out. His smile faded and was replaced by a frown. “What's going on? I thought you were going to dinner.”
“You haven't by chance seen Kaoru.” Megumi ventured.
The dark eyes blinked. “Why would she be here?”
Megumi and Sano looked guiltily at each other. Kenshin sat down at the patio table not saying anything. The man looked at the three of them. “Where is Kaoru?”
Sanosuke swallowed. “Apparently she's …Missing.”
“What?” The question was flat and emotionless. He tossed back his brandy in a single gulp. “What do you mean she's missing?”
Megumi sniffed and clasped Sano's hand. “She's gone. We went to the drugstore and she's disappeared.”
“What is that supposed to mean? Where is my daughter? Someone tell me what happened.” Kamiya ordered when no one responded.
“She went into the store and never came out.” Megumi murmured.
“The woman obviously came out.” Hiko snorted. “She didn't just vanish.”
They were quiet. “Do you think Enishi took her?” Sanosuke asked voicing aloud for the first time Kenshin's own suspicions.
“I don't know.” Her father began to pace and then he seemed to notice Kenshin sitting at the table. He paused, studying him. “What do you think?”
He had remained silent since they had left the scene of the crime, guilt converging over him along with his anger. He had failed to protect the man's daughter and he stood, ready to face the consequences. “It's all my fault.”
The man blinked. “Do you really think that?”
“Don't you?”
“You didn't take her.”
“Enishi took her because of me.”
“So you think he took her?”
“I do.”
“How what?”
“How did he take her?”
Kenshin blinked. “Why are you asking me? I was not there.”
Kamiya approached him slowly. “Because I am curious to know how you would have done it. Why did no one see anything? I have my own theories, which I will explicate in a moment. I am curious to hear what you might have done. Enishi knew you from your previous existence. He might have studied your ways. Did you ever do anything that was a signature of your deed? You worked so quickly and silently. Yet every death at your hands, everyone knew you had performed it.”
Kenshin stared at the man, his eyes cold and hard. “I never left anyone alive. If Enishi was duplicating my past actions, Kaoru-dono is already dead.”
Megumi gasped. “There is no way that Yukishiro would have replicated him in any manner.” Hiko interrupted, drawing the attention to him. “From what I know of the arrogant man, he would want you to know he has Kaoru. He would have been obvious about it.”
“And Kenshin wouldn't have been?” Sanosuke asked. “No one saw anything strange. We asked everyone there.”
“If I had been ordered to take a hostage and not kill I would have not taken her from the store. I wouldn't have let her out of the car. If it had been me, she simply would never have arrived at the restaurant. She would have disappeared without a trace and no one would know I had been the culprit, mostly because I didn't leave survivors.” Kenshin stated, thinking how he might have accomplished the feat ten years ago. His voice was hard and it bothered him to acknowledge how easily he had left behind his emotions with his lover's kidnapping. “But she wasn't by herself. Megumi-dono was with her.”
“Then what would you have done?”
Kenshin frowned slightly. “Do you really want to know?”
Megumi turned her dark eyes on him, the rims red from her tears. “What would you have done?” She asked anxiously.
He sighed. “If I had been ordered to take Kaoru alive, but no one else, you would be dead.”
Silence descended. “Since Kitsune was there, how does that change what occurred?” Sanosuke asked tightly.
The violet eyes shifted to the man. “He hasn't killed anyone yet.”
Silence descended again. “So then how did he accomplish it? What would you have done?” Kamiya asked him. “You want to take Kaoru, want everyone to know you took her and yet not create a scene. How would you go about it?”
“I'm not sure. I haven't thought like that in awhile.” He returned dryly.
“I would have walked her out the front door.” Hiko declared.
“Come again?” All turned to him and Kenshin thought on that. His master would have done it. Enishi would want him to know he had the woman, leaving him wondering what he might do to her. But it only depended on exactly what the man wanted. Kenshin didn't believe he would hurt Kaoru; at this point she was more valuable to him alive than dead. But the man bordered on being crazy and he didn't want to think about what the man might be capable of.
“Walked right out the front door. I would want Megumi to see me walk off with Kaoru. What could she have done?” The dark eyes turned towards the tall woman. “Whatever you were engrossed in kept you from seeing him.”
The woman blushed. “I didn't know I was to keep my eye on her. She was only going inside for a minute.” She snapped. “How was I supposed to know he would take her in broad daylight. I always thought he would come for her in the night. You all assert his arrogance. The man thinks he's better than everyone, one of many reasons I despised him. That would have been a blow to your pride, stealing her right from under your nose. I would have thought he would have come in the house and taken her while we all slept.”
Kenshin blinked. Her words did make sense. If he had not been with Kaoru the last two nights, would Enishi have attempted to do just that? He recalled the movement he had seen on the lawn the night before. Could it have been Enishi coming to take the woman and failing because she had him by her side?
“All this talk is getting us nowhere.” Kamiya suddenly exclaimed. “That man has my daughter.”
There was a knock on the glass door. Elena stood there a frown etched on her face. “Excuse me. There is a man at the door who wishes to see Himura-san.”
Kenshin blinked. He rose and followed the short woman to the front door, everyone curiously following behind him. In the foyer, a young man stood. In his hands he held an envelope. He appeared nervous and Kenshin narrowed his eyes, studying him. He was slim, but didn't appear ready to pounce. But he could be faking and Kenshin easily grew cautious.
The stranger licked his lips in apprehension. “Are you Himura Kenshin, otherwise called Battousai?” The man asked.
“I am.”
With trembling fingers he held out the envelope. “I was told to give this to you.”
Gingerly he took it. He examined it and could see no apparent threat. “Who gave it to you.”
“This guy. Told me to bring it to you at this address.”
Carefully he opened it and slid out the letter within. A picture fluttered to the floor. He sucked in his breath as he recognized Kaoru. She was sitting by a car window, glaring at the camera. She wore the clothes he had last seen her in, the pale blue button down shirt with the grey skirt. She was alive, at least when this picture was taken. He glanced now at the note in his hands.
*** I told you she was mine. But I am willing to make a trade. Your life for hers. Come to the north side pier tomorrow evening at sunset. There you will receive your atonement. ***
“He gave me a hundred bucks.”
Kenshin looked up at the man through the red fringe of his bangs. “What did he look like?” Sanosuke asked.
The man's eyes skirted to the brunette. “He was tall with blonde hair.”
“Sounds like Enishi to me.”
“Was there anyone with him?” Megumi asked.
“Not that I could see. There might have been someone curled up in the passenger seat.”
Kenshin absorbed this information. It seemed he might have drugged Kaoru. She was alive when this picture was taken at the very least. He had proof. Now he just needed to find her before Enishi could do anything more to her. But where would she be? IF the man were smart he wouldn't keep her in one of the safe houses his father had utilized all those years ago. They would be a place to start if nothing else.
“I think we should involve the police.” Megumi stated.
“I'm not sure that would be a good idea.” Kamiya said. He ran a hand through his graying hair.
“We need help.” The woman protested.
“Isn't that exactly what we shouldn't do?” Sanosuke asked. “IF we involve the police, Enishi might hurt Jou-chan anyway.”
“I have a contact on the force with many alliances. He would handle the matter discreetly.” Hiko stated.
The word was flat and hard. Kenshin glared at the man who had raised him. “You will not call that man.”
“He might have a lead as to where we could find Kaoru. You and I both know Enishi will not harbor her in any locations you are aware of.”
“I will not work with him.”
Kamiya sighed wearily. “Why not? Who is it?”
Hiko turned to him. “A man who can sniff out almost anything or anyone.”
“No.” Kenshin said for a second time.
Hiko turned his dark eyes on the man. “You can not tackle this on your own. You are emotionally involved and we know what happened last time you invested yourself so.”
He sucked in his breath, his fury flared. He wanted to tear the man to shreds for making such a statement. How dare he bring up his past deeds and throw them in his face. Unconsciously he moved his hand to the hilt that was not at his side. His eyes widened, as he perceived his action. Abruptly his anger at the tall man abated. If his blade had been at his side he might not have hesitated in initiating a conflict with him. That realization made him acknowledge the truth behind his words. A threat to Kaoru and he was ready to cast aside his promises.
“Call the wolf.” He said and turned to disappear down the hall.
The wheel of the lighter clicked as the flame sprang to life. The man in front of them touched it to the end of the cigarette, breathing in deeply. Megumi wrinkled her nose in distaste and the acrid smell of nicotine filled the air. The man's hooded eyes glanced at her. “You don't mind do you?” He finally asked.
“I doubt it would matter even if we did.” Sanosuke muttered next to her.
A hint of a smile touched his features and the stranger sat back exhaling the dark smoke through his nostrils. “I must say I was surprised to hear your voice on the other end of the phone, Hiko.” The tall man said nothing. The deep golden eyes shifted to the redhead. Kenshin sat stiffly on the edge of the couch, his crimson bangs hiding his face. “So what does the great Battousai ask of me after all these years?”
“We don't have time to play games, Saito.”
The voice was quiet and Megumi glanced now at the man on her other side. He emanated a quiet fury, something that frightened her. Sano had exploded with the news of Kaoru's disappearance. Kenshin had not reacted at all. He had shut down saying very little since they had returned to the house. With the mention of calling this man in front of them the redhead had radiated a controlled fury and that scared Megumi more than anything. It made her remember that even though he was Kenshin, a man she had come to respect and cherish as a friend, he had once been the notorious Battousai. Before she had her doubts but no longer.
The man chuckled and inhaled from his cigarette once more. “No we do not. But I can not offer my help if you don't tell me what you need.”
“My daughter has been taken.” Kamiya stepped forward.
The officer looked up at him. “This is quite a treat for me. Two such formidable foes, coming to me for help.”
The dark eyes of the older man hardened. “You and I were not enemies. You were still a neophyte on the force when I walked away.”
The golden eyes narrowed speculatively as he inhaled his cigarette. “Be that as it may, Battousai can not claim the same thing.” The piercing eyes focused once more on Kenshin. “It might be his daughter, but you are intrinsically tied into the situation, are you not?”
The redhead raised his eyes and Megumi grabbed Sano's arm at the look that radiated in their depths. The irises had turned a wintry blue, gold tingeing them. It was the gaze she had seen him land on Enishi when he threatened Kaoru at the party only a few days ago. “She was taken by Yukishiro Enishi.”
Saito sat back, the rail of smoke from his cigarette lazily rising into the air. “The plot thickens.”
“What do you know of Enishi?” Sano demanded softly, leaning forward.
“All in good time, tori-atama.” The man stiffened underneath her hand. He only allowed close friends call him that and walk away. The man ignored him and stood slowly. “What is it you want from me? The Oniwaban have their own network in place. What can I possibly tell you they haven't already?”
Kamiya put a hand on Kenshin's shoulder to prevent the man from rising. “We have been informed of some of the man's safe houses. But surely you have your own eyes on the situation as well. Hiko informs me you still keep in contact with your own former allies. The Shisengumi has not been completely disbanded, as they would lead the public to believe. I imagine that all lines of communication aren't as legal as they might first appear.”
The tall officer crushed his cigarette out a smirk on his thin lips. “You shall hear from me tomorrow.” He nodded curtly at Kamiya and then glanced at Kenshin. “Save some of the resentment for me. You and I have a play date when this is over.”
With that the man strode out of the room.
“The Shisengumi?” Megumi breathed after a few moments. “Is it really wise to involve one of them?”
Kamiya ran a hand through his graying hair and sat down wearily. “We need as many people on this as we can get.”
She pressed her lips together and then glanced around. “What of Aoshi? He's a spy. Perhaps he might know something.”
The older man waved a hand at her. “He's already checking into it. But apparently Enishi is aware of him. He would not be so foolish as to keep Kaoru in a place we could so easily be aware of.”
“Why not?” Sano asked. “He's conceited enough.”
Kenshin stood. “He wants to play this game his way. If we knew where Kaoru-dono was before he was ready to relinquish her, he knows I would come for her. While Enishi is proud and arrogant, he is not stupid, that he is not. He knew what he was doing in taking her. Don't forget that.” He strode out of the room without looking back.
“I don't think I understand what he was doing.” Megumi glanced at the men in the room. “What is Kenshin and Enishi's connection to each other?”
Kamiya had watched the redhead leave. Now he sighed. “Kenshin killed his sister.”
“And now Enishi means to receive atonement.” Sanosuke murmured.
Sanosuke closed the patio door shut behind him. The stillness that surrounded the house ate at his nerves. The idea that Kaoru was gone, taken by a man she had once trusted, plagued him. Distraught over his daughter's disappearance, Kamiya had retreated to his office, Hiko locked with him behind the door. Kenshin had not taken the news well. He had retreated even further into his shell and locked himself down in the studio. He knew the redhead was not well, nearly biting his head off earlier at dinner. He blamed himself for apparent reasons. But his friend had become a man Sano did not know. Tensions were running high. It was matter of playing the waiting game, and no one wanted to participate.
Hoping air might clear his head; he spotted a lone figure by the railing. He paused wondering if she would want some peace as well. The head was dropped forward, her arms wrapped about her torso. Very slightly the shoulders shook and he realized she was weeping. Without a second thought he went to her and turned the woman around, pulling her into his arms.
Megumi balked at first, but he wouldn't allow her to turn away. Finally, she gave in and wept against his shoulder. Gently he stroked her hair and back, savoring the feel of her in his arms. Who knew when they would stand this way again? He only hated the fact it was the grief of their missing friend that had brought them to this moment. After awhile her sobs slowed and she awkwardly pulled away from him. Sano bit back the groan of disappointment at the loss of her body against his.
Absently she swiped at her tears and turned once more to stare out over the pool. “Thank you.” She whispered.
Her anguish was still close to the surface and he debated on what he should say. Deciding he had nothing to lose he took the bolder approach. “Why do you cry?”
She sniffed. “It's all my fault.”
“How so? You didn't take Jou-chan, did you?”
“No, but-“
“And you didn't tell Enishi to take her did you?”
“No - “
“Then tell me how this is your fault?” He demanded, trying not to get angry with her and at the same time, his own frustration coming to the surface.
Megumi whirled, her long dark hair fanning out behind her. “She was with me! I should have seen something, noticed Enishi when he went into the store or something. Instead, he took her right under my nose. I should never have let her go into the store alone.”
“Kit, you didn't know! None of us did.”
“It's still my fault.”
“Then maybe you should go tell Kenshin that.” He told her fiercely. “He's convinced that he's to blame for sins he committed a million years ago.” He turned away from her and placed his hands on the cold metal of the railing, trying to cool his temper. “Then again, her father is also blaming himself. If he had been home more often this summer, perhaps the loon wouldn't have attempted it in the first place. I bet Aoshi and Misao are also blaming themselves. Apparently they've been watching Enishi for a long time. How come they didn't see this coming? Why didn't they take measures to prevent it?” He turned to her and grabbed her shoulders. Giving her a slight shake, he lowered his head so he was looking straight into her dark brown eyes. “Maybe we should place the blame on who's really guilty here.”
“Considering he's the one who took her, I'd say Enishi.” He swallowed and let her go abruptly. “There was nothing any of us could have done. This way, we're at least lucky no one has been hurt……… yet.”
“But if I had gone into the store with her, she wouldn't be alone.” She reasoned.
Sanosuke glanced at her to see she was hugging herself again. He was amazed at her passion. He knew she and Kaoru had a strange friendship, one that revolved around competition and loyalty. Personally, he wasn't sure why the two had roomed together for three years. However, she added a dynamic to their group he couldn't imagine functioning without. Then there was the fact he found her amazingly attractive. But he wanted more than that from her and he had no clue what her feelings towards him were. Sometimes she would be harsh and cruel, he felt only to annoy him. Others, she was soft and sensitive, talking to him as though perhaps there was more. But never had he seen her like this.
Megumi was so composed all the time. Even the one time he had held her hair while she was sick from too much alcohol, she had done it with an elegance no one could ever attain. They had become friends and somehow the antagonism which existed between the two of them, allowed the to co-exist contentedly. But now, everything was changing.
“You don't know that.” He murmured, some of his fears coming to the surface of how the kidnapping could have gone other ways. He knew Enishi's background. The two had gotten into a fistfight one night and only Kaoru's interruption had ended it before a winner was determined. Of course she had sided with her lover at the time. But he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps the older man might have succeeded in beating him to a bloody pulp if there had been no interruptions. He had seen Kenshin's fighting style, but never truly seen the man against an opponent. All he had to go on was the legends of who the man had once been. Enishi cared for no one, save Kaoru and even that was limited. He needed her to accomplish his goal, whatever it was. Enishi despised Megumi as much as the rest of Kaoru's friends. There was no guarantee he wouldn't have hurt her. Kenshin's earlier words rang in his ears.
Suddenly the idea of the woman being hurt threatened to overwhelm him. “You don't know that.” He reiterated a bit louder.
“You don't think so?” She asked, her voice slightly stronger now that she had expended some of her anxiety.
He shook his head fiercely and ran a hand through his spiky brown hair. “He could have tossed you out anytime. Kaoru he needs alive right now. There's no assurance he won't harm her. But you, you he has no need for.” A lump rose in his throat and he gripped her shoulders again, bringing her to him. Her eyes widened in surprise but his emotions had risen to the surface and the fear he had been denying since first learning his childhood friend had been taken finally broke. “There's no telling what he might have done to you. Kenshin said it himself. Enishi could have killed you just to stir Kenshin's animosity even more. It would mean he was serious.”
“Sano………” Her voice was hushed, but he barely heard it. He clenched his eyes against the images flashing against his eyelids. A hand delicately touched his face and his shoulders heaved. The sob echoed across the night. Hands pulled him into an embrace and he clung to the woman.
“I don't know what I'd do if I lost either of you.” He whimpered, his legs giving out underneath him.
“It's alright.” Megumi soothed. Her embrace was comforting and she fell to the ground with him. “I'm here and Kaoru will be fine.” She whispered, her fingers soothingly stroking his back.
How long he cried into her lap he didn't know. He was slightly chilled and he wiped away the tears, feeling slightly embarrassed. He couldn't recall the last time he had let himself go like that. Usually he went out and picked a fight. How many times had Megumi treated cuts and bruises from the arguments he would enter during the tempestuous courtship of Enishi and Kaoru? Even afterwards, though the reasons then were for another purpose. He enjoyed having her dote on him and she never seemed to mind.
Slowly he lifted his head and gazed into her dark chocolate eyes. They shimmered faintly in the light. Her lips were parted and she licked her lips in apprehension. “Feel better?” She whispered.
He studied her and nodded. “Do you?”
Her lip twitched. “It's nice to see you do have feelings.”
“I meant it.”
Her smile trembled. `Which part?”
“If I lost you. You and Jou-chan are the two most important people in my life.”
She closed her eyes and a tear fell free from her lashes. “Don't say things just to make me feel better.”
“Despite what you think, Megumi, I usually don't.”
Her eyes flew open. “I think that's the first time in a long time you've ever done that.”
“Not called me Kitsune or some other form of the word.”
Sanosuke reached out and touched her cheek tentatively. “I want you to know that I am serious. We don't know what Enishi is capable of. For all we know, Jou-chan could be dead, though I hope to think he wouldn't have hurt her. At least I know you are safe right now, here with me.”
She swallowed. Absently he stroked her skin, his mind straying, not wanting to focus on what could have been. “What happens now?” She inquired, her voice filled with apprehension.
“I think I like it better when you call me Kitsune.” She murmured, her eyes dropping, her demeanor suddenly shy.
He smiled as her comment registered. “Kitsune?”
Sanosuke leaned in closer to her and the woman raised her head to look at him. “I have no clue.” He said softly, closing the distance to press his lips gently against hers.
Kenshin stared into the darkness, sweat drying on his forehead. Hiko had come down and had demanded he get some sleep. In return, Kenshin had charged the man, trying to get him to fight. Hiko had not acquiesced and merely sidestepped the attack. “If you even think you stand a chance against Yukishiro, you need to get your anger under control.” He had then gone on to mutter about his stupid pupil before returning upstairs.
He knew the man was right, though he loathed admitting it. But his nerves were shot, the possibility of some harm falling Kaoru more than he could handle. He had gone through the motions again and again until he finally felt as though he would go crazy without striking something. Finally giving up, he sat now against the wall, turning off the light. Why did this have to happen? Kenshin had spent so long trying to escape the guilt that encompassed him. At long last, though he didn't feel any less guilty, he thought he could return to a normal life. Kaoru had awakened things within him he had long since thought dead. But now it was all on the verge of being taken away. The bitter irony that it was by the very man he had wronged all those years ago.
He cried out in frustration and rose swiftly to his feet. He grabbed his sakabatou and left the room. He entered the large sitting room and went out the slim glass door and into the side yard. He didn't know how he was going to wait until the next evening when he might see Kaoru again. And that was all he wanted at this point. Just to se her face, to know she was safe. Kenshin had sworn to never shed blood again, but if that man had hurt her in any way, so help him, he would slay that man.
And there it is. Sorry if I'm keeping you on the edge of your seat. At least I'm hoping I'm keeping you on the edge of your seat. I also decided to add a nice little moment between Sanosuke and Megumi. I had to get them together too and it seemed that only a stressful situation would really allow them to fully express their feelings for each other. Let me know what you think. The next chapter is a jumble in my head right now. I hope to have it out by next week. Be patient. We will find out what happened to Kaoru and of course the inevitable is on its way. Until then!