Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Gathering of Wolves ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Notes: I don't own any fictional properties that this may be based on. I'm basing the Ikedaya Incident as happening on June 5 which according to what I read would have been the date according to the calendar used at the time. The calendar was changed to the one we're used to in 1870 which changes it to July 8th I believe.

Philalexandros brought up a point about Sano's business which for lack of a better word I'm calling "tavern". I'm thinking this is a westernized type place a lot different than where he used to hang out "back in the day". Tavern sounded very turn of the century-ish to me so I went with it.

Adismar , MissBehavin, Lychee2: Thank you reading and responding. I hope you like this installment too.

A Gathering of Wolves



Sano suppressed his pleasure the day the letter arrived for Saitou. "Bill, bill, another bill and something for you. Maybe from one of your many female admirers?" he joked passing it to the former cop.

"It's from Eiji," he said referring to the boy he'd adopted after the Shishio affair. " He wants me to come to Kyoto by the end of next week."


Saitou frowned. "He doesn't say anything except that it's important and I have to be there no later than June 5th."

"It doesn't sound good."

"No, it doesn't."

Sano looked up from the ledger he'd been writing in. "Of course I'm sure there's nothing really wrong. Maybe he needs your advice on some legal matter or something."

Saitou fixed him with a cold gaze."Surely there are lawyers in Kyoto he would consult."

"Sure, but he values your opinion. Maybe it has something to do with politics or something. He probably needs your superior detective skills."


"So, you're going?"

Saitou sighed and looked at the letter again before letting it fall on the nearby table. "I don't know."

"The trip will do you good..You need to get away; especially now."

Saitou was out of his chair and in Sano's face before the ex-fighter knew it. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Sano met the angry amber eyes with his own unruffled gaze. "It means what it says. A trip will do you good. Otherwise you'll just sit here and brood like you do every year at this time." The words tumbled out and he held his breath hoping his big mouth hadn't ruined things.

Saitou pulled back. "I do not brood."

"Of course not. My mistake."

"Ahou," the wolf muttered, leaving the office.

Sano ran his hand through his hair then forced his attention back to his bookwork. Next time, Sagara, think before speaking.

# # # # # #

To Sano's relief Saitou made arrangements to travel to Kyoto and he bought himself a ticket the day before.

"You think I'm too old to make the trip and return on my own?"

"Not at all. I was actually worried that you'd bump into Shinomori, run off with him and spend the rest of your days meditating naked and sipping green tea."

"Ahou," Saitou mumbled, slipping off his yukata.

"Your ahou, always," Sano answered in a dusky tone, reaching out to caress Hajime's face as he turned on his side to face him.

Saitou took hold of his hand and pressed it to his lips. "I don't mean to take it out on you."

"It's all right."

"No, it isn't." He paused and rolled onto his back, left arm flung above his head. "The closer it gets, the clearer the picture becomes in my mind. You were there, you saw how awful it was. She was barely recognizable..."

Sano slid his hand back and forth across Hajime's broad chest. "I wish I could change it. If I could, I'd give my life to take that memory away, to bring her back to spare you ever having to feel that pain, the guilt that isn't yours to bear."

Saitou captured Sano's hand, brought it to his lips and turned back on his side inching closer until their bodies touched from waist to toe. "I know you would and I'm grateful. You're a lot like her in that respect. I put her through hell the early years of our marriage. I was so hateful inside at the world and the men who treated us like garbage for doing our duties. They imprisoned us, tried to cast us off to a piece of barren rock where so many men died of starvation or by their own hand because they couldn't bear the humiliation. She's suffered by their hand as well but part of me was too selfish to see it.

He paused then continued, his eyes taking on a faraway look. "I don't know how or why she did it, but little by little she took that pain that gnawed at my belly and made it her own. She made me see that I was still a man, still a warrior who could still walk a Warrior's a Path even if I had to alter it just enough to fit in with the new Meiji era."

"I don't know how she did it either," Sano said, trailing his hand down between them. "But I do know the reason why. She did it because she loved and respected you, just like me..." Saitou groaned, arched into his touch and Sano let instinct guide his way into easing his lover's troubled spirit in the best way he knew.

# # # # # # #

Saitou was gone when Sano woke at seven. His small traveling bag was gone as well. Atop Sano's bag was a note that said simply:

I'll meet you at the depot

Sano washed his face and got dressed then grabbed a rice cake and took it with him. He went to the cemetery and leaned against the outer gate to wait. It wasn't logn before he was subjected to a very familiar amber colored glare.

"I told you I'd meet you at the train."

"This is on the way so I thought I'd wait a bit."

"I might have been clear across the city," Saitou said, walking away.

Sano picked up his bag and followed, a few steps bringing him alongside his companion. "I figured you'd come to repay your respects to Tokoi and Okita in case we aren't back by the 5th."

Saitou grunted and kept walking, not looking over until he heard Sano's sharp intake of breath when their train appeared at the platform. The old wolf smirked though his eyes bore a definite look of compassion. "I would think you'd gotten over your dislike of these sicne your run in with those motor cars."

Sano couldn't suppress his shudder at the mention of those beastly contraptions which appeared on the streets of Tokyo when he least expected it as though they were hunting for him. "They're all too noisy and fast for my liking."

"You have the nerve to call me 'old man' when the thought of 'modern progress' is enough to soil your pants."

"Fuck you, Hajime," Sano muttered climbing aboard behind him.

Saitou glanced over his shoulder and leered. "Maybe, once we get to Kyoto."

# # # # # #

It's a bit of a short chapter but better short and somewhat timely than waiting for that infernal Muse to toss a bucket of serious inspiration my way.

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