S-CRY-ed Fan Fiction ❯ S-cry-ed, renewed ❯ Enter: Ayanna ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

She looked up suddenly as she heard distinct panic in the streets of her beloved parish. She lived alone, no family and only one true friend: Kunihiko Kimishima. The girl was 15 years old, and a native alter with the ability to transform water into metal.
The girl ran to the window of her shabby dwelling. Outside, the people of her town were running and screaming in terror.
She quickly leaned forward to get a look at what had caused so much fear. Her eyes grew wide and she stared, horrified, at the HOLY vehicle that drove nearer. The young girl leaped away from the window and while breathing heavily, raced to her concealed trapdoor leading to the cellar. The handle was a part of the rug so that it would not seem suspicious.
The young native alter grabbed the handle and pulled. It took some strength -for the door was rusted shut- but she managed to open it with a loud scrape. She swiftly dropped into the cellar and slammed the door after her. In an instant, she was enveloped in absolute darkness. Everything was quiet besides her heavy panting. Only sixty seconds passed and the girl was already growing impatient when she heard her own door crash open. She flinched for the force shook the entire house.
Closing her eyes, the young alter-user heard voices and the sounds of footsteps over her door, searching for any trace of alter users not connected to HOLY. Her grip upon the handle to her trapdoor stiffened. Would they find me? She thought. This is stupid I should have run!
However, her violet eyes unlocked when she heard the entry close. Relieved, the girl heaved a sigh and dropped her arms to her side. She fell back against the rock wall of the small basement and took a moment to calm down before she grabbed the handle once more.
A sliver of golden light spilled through as the girl opened the door a crack. She was facing the entry of her house. The door was shut. She slowly pulled herself quietly from the cellar and fastened the trapdoor.
Her heart jumped into her throat when she heard the front door open once again. Startled, she turned around in a whirl and stared wide-eyed at two HOLY members; a man and a young woman. The man was tall with dark green hair, as the other seemed only slightly younger and her black hair streamed down three inches below her waist. The young woman stared at her with piercing grey eyes and stood behind the man.
The man looked first at the girl, but then around the room. He took a step forward and the young native-alter panicked. She swiftly dipped her hand in a bucket of water and in one swift movement; she launched the fluid at the strange man. At the same time, an eerie multicolor glow traced her body and her straight, short violet hair became wispy and blew around her as if it were made of water. The water transformed into eight small daggers. However, her attack was deflected as the man's alter suddenly appeared, saving him gracefully and appearing in front of her. She turned to run to her back window, but the man's alter grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her down to the hardwood floor.
“My name is Ryuhou. I am a member of HOLY. As a native alter you are restricted from living in any part of the Lost Ground...” The man recited.
The girl scrambled to her feet as he spoke and threw the entire bucket of water at the alter-users. It again transformed into larger blades of steel and threatened to stab the HOLY members. Again, her attempt was in vain. The female alter-user for HOLY raised the back of her left hand and a grey shield, the color of her eyes, appeared there and blocked her attack.
As this happened, the man's alter raised its piercing whips. One grazed past her head as the other caught the girl in the ribs. The breath was knocked from her.
“As a native alter-user, it is impossible for you to co-exist with the people of this world. You will be brought for interrogation and...”
Ryuhou went on as his alter -Zetsuai- continued its onslaught and the girl remained defenseless without the ability of her alter.
“...Given an offer. If you are to refuse this offer or revolt you will be imprisoned and sent to a labor camp.”
She fell to the ground, her teeth gritted and eyes shut tightly as she hit the floor. She felt weak. Moreover, she felt her eyes closing very slowly. The girl saw the silhouettes of the two HOLY members before her and heard their voices.
“Ya think you were a bit too hard?” The girl heard a feminine voice ask.
“She'll be fine, Seyaa...For now.” Ryuhou replied.
The girl faintly felt the man lift her and carry her out before she fell into sweet unconsciousness.
Two hours later
Her eyes shot open. The girl whimpered slightly as the light shining upon her blinded her momentarily. She shaded her violet eyes and reopened them to see she was being held up (by alters in the shapes of hands) in a dark room. The light was focused only on her and the man who had attacked her, Ryuhou.

Ryuhou glanced at the stranger and took a few steps forward.
“NP3241,” Ryuhou addr- essed her, “You are now inside of HOLY.”
The girl looked up, grimacing from the bruises Ryuhou's alter had inflicted upon her. “Wh-Why am I here?” she asked meekly.
Ryuhou looked at her. “You attempted to attack two members of HOLY. Do you recall?”
The native alter remained silent. She struggled against the hands that held her. The alter-users commanding them stood behind her and would not loosen their grip.
Ryuhou spoke again. “Do you have a name, NP3241?”
The girl raised her head and glared at Ryuhou. “Go to hell,” she replied breathlessly, yet fiercely.
Ryuhou glowered at the prisoner and Zetsuai appeared beside him. This only made the girl angrier. She tried again to break free from the alters. She kicked in mid-air, but the spell did not break. “Let go of me!” she screamed at him.
“No.” Ryuhou replied simply. He walked to the left of the girl and she watched him from the corner of her eye. He stopped and looked back at her. “As a native-alter outside of HOLY you have been named dangerous and were brought here.”
“What have I done wrong?! How am I to blame for being what I am? Am I supposed to change? Just so I would fit in like you alter-users who think you're doing justice to lock the natives up?” she snapped at him.
Ryuhou's expression remained as stone. “And is `fitting in' so bad? Native alters as you are all alike. You're thugs who use your abilities for attention.”
“No!” The girl shouted back at him angrily. “Stupid! You don't know anything, do you? You've no idea!”
“Enough! Zetsuai!” Ryuhou shouted back, glaring at the brazen alter-user. Zetsuai shot forward and knocked the breath from the brazen young girl. Ryuhou walked towards her. “NP3241, your words are running dry! You challenged two HOLY members. This is a direct offense and you will be sent to a slave labor camp unless you cooperate!” He said angrily, inches from the girl's face as they glared at each other.
“And what do I have to do for you?” she asked sarcastically.
Ryuhou took a step back. “We are searching for a dangerous native-alter by the name of Kazuma.” He waited for her response.
“I haven't heard of him,” She replied bluntly. Ryuhou looked closely at her. The girl's violet eyes burned with hatred as she stared back. She never had a very truthful look about her when she was angry, which brought doubt to Ryuhou.
“You will tell me all you know of him.” He commanded.
“I don't know anything!” She yelled.
“Kazuma is dangerous! If he is not found and locked away he will continue to remain as harmful as he is!” Ryuhou retaliated.
“I told you! I haven't heard of him!” The girl shouted back.
Ryuhou looked away for a moment before asking, “Do you have any family or friends?” he asked.
The girl glared daggers at him. “I've no family and I have one friend, but you'll never hear his name pass through my lips.” She responded boldly.
Ryuhou turned his back to her calmly. “NP3241, you are of no use here. Take her away,” he said.
As the prisoner was dragged away, she fought to stay, to challenge Ryuhou. “I have a name! I'm not some experiment, you nasty piece of shit, I have a name!”
Ryuhou turned his head slightly so that the girl could make out the side of his face as she was warded away. He took advantage of her blind anger to ask: “And what is it?”