Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Makoto awoke from the sofa. She had fallen asleep against Hiei, but Hiei wasn't there any more. She frowned and got up. He wasn't in her room. She checked the kitchen. That's when she saw the note.


When you will read this I will be gone to the park so that I can reserve a space for everyone. Don't worry, I'm okay. I'm used to sleeping outside. I took the plastic carpet so I can get as much space as possible. I will try to find the best spot for you, Mako-chan.

Makoto smiled softly and decided to go sleep in her bed.

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Hiei arrived at the park and spotted the most wonderful place. Unfortunately, someone was setting camp at HIS spot. He grumbled. Maybe he could persuade the fool to move. Hiei jumped next to the guy as he was getting ready to jump into his sleeping bag. Hiei recognized him.

"Seiya? What the hell are you doing here?" asked Hiei, scaring the daylights out of Seiya.

"YAAAH! HIEI?!" yelled Seiya. "Could you PLEASE stop doing that?... What are you doing here yourself?"

"I..." started Hiei, can't tell him my real reason, he thought. "Well Mako-chan was concerned about finding a good spot. I thought I would find her one to thank her for letting me stay at her place. Now move over. I'll put that plastic cover there. I guess we could share the spot..."

Seiya nodded. "Well that was my plan - find a big space so we could be all together..." Seiya helped Hiei. That plastic cover was big and once in place it could easily accommodate all of their friends and they still had some space to spare.

"That plastic blanket was a good idea, Hiei..." started Seiya.

"It wasn't my idea... it was Mako-chan's" replied Hiei as he laid down to get some more sleep. Seiya smirked at the koorime as he crawled back into his sleeping bag.

"Hiei, since when do you call Makoto, Mako-chan like that?"

Hiei eyes opened wide, he coughed. "Isn't that her name? That's what everybody calls her anyway..."

"Yeah, but... Is there another reason why you're here?" asked Seiya.

Hiei grumbled and turned to his side opposite to Seiya. "Nosey Idol Singer..." mumbled Hiei under his breath.

"What was that?" asked Seiya.

"I said, she snores... I wanted a good night's sleep," spat Hiei. It wasn't true but he wouldn't say that to him. Seiya facevaulted, shrugged and went back to sleep.

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"Hiei? What are you doing here?" Hiei opened his eyes in time to see a pair of green eyes and a mop top of silver hair look down on him.

"Is it morning already?" replied Hiei.

"Hai..." replied Taiki. "Actually we are the first to arrive... Do you want coffee, Hiei?"

The koorime nodded, scratching his head then yawning. When he finished stretching, Taiki was holding a cup of hot coffee for him. As he drank, Hiei looked around. The park was getting filled with people. Many eyed their spot. Well, tough, thought Hiei. He saw the four generals that were always with that Tuxedo Kamen arrive. On the opposite side of the park, Ami, Minako and Rei arrived too.

As they all were saying good morning, Mamoru, Usagi and Redi arrived, followed by Keiko and Yuusuke, Kuwabara and Yukina. Seiya rose and bid Redi good morning. Keiko went to sit next to Yaten. She didn't seem to pleased.

"Anything wrong, Keiko-chan?" asked Yaten. He was surprised when she took his hand.

"Yaten-kun... You must know Kurama has not be truthful to you." Started Keiko. Yuusuke facevaulted.

"Keiko-chan! That's between Kurama and Yaten, don't butt in!"

"Yuusuke-kun! If Kurama says that he loves Yaten-kun, then he must know about this!" replied Keiko. Yaten was getting worried here.

"Demo (urk!)" That's all Yuusuke could say as Keiko decked him.

"Yaten-kun! You may not believe me but I must tell you this! Kurama is not what he seems. He a fox spirit!" She took a deep breath. "There I said it..."

Yaten blinked a couple of times. Everyone on the plastic blanket looked at them. "Is that all?" said Yaten.

"What do you mean is that all? Isn't that enough?" she asked.

"Well I already knew about it... so there is not big problem, right?" replied Yaten simply.

"You... you already knew?" Yaten nodded. She blinked before continuing as Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna and Hotaru arrived. "Anyway, Yaten-kun you CAN'T be gay!"

"I AM NOT G..." started angrily Yaten. He sighed. "You wouldn't understand anyway..."

"I mean, you're an Idol Singer... You can't have a homosexual relationship..." continued Keiko.

"OH? What do you have against homosexual relationships?" asked Haruka.

"Indeed, girl!" hissed Kunzite. "It's not like it's your business, anyway..."

"I'll say!" added Redi. "I thought that archaic mindset was gone... " She hugged Seiya, "Don't worry, I don't feel that way!". Usagi and Mamoru sweatdropped.

Keiko blinked and looked at Seiya and Taiki. "You mean you don't mind?"

"Of course not!" replied Taiki. "We're happy for Yaten." he added, hugging Ami.

"We like Kurama, and as long as Yaten is happy with him, why should we be against it?" added Seiya.

"But... he's a fox spirit and he has enemies..." continued Keiko.

"It's all very nice but I can take care of myself..." replied Yaten gruffly. "Just because I'm sick right now doesn't mean I can't pull my own..."

"Demo..." said Keiko.

"He knows what he's talking about, Keiko-chan. Don't worry, you busy body, you..." kidded Yuusuke. Keiko fell silent. She didn't know why, but in the back of her mind she knew somehow that was true. She excused herself for being so rude.

Kurama and Makoto arrived together and all the goodies were placed for all to enjoy. Kurama and Yaten sat next to each other but the only sign of affection they showed were side glances. Kurama spied that Makoto and Hiei shared the same quick little glances.

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The scene at the park was illuminating a dark room. Three figures watched. One of them stepped forward.

"My friends..." it started. "I think I found a way to reap our revenge on our enemies..."

"How?" the tallest of them said.

"You see, each of them has a weak spot. Each, even the koorime, has a betrothed. If we can't get to them directly..."

"Then we shall hit them where it hurts the most," finished the third one. "We shall take their loved ones away. If they do not surrender to us, we will kill them. Either way, we avenge our siblings..."

"Brilliant!" exclaimed the tallest. "Shall we pluck them now?"

"Don't be so eager..." said the smallest. "Right now, it would be folly to try something against them. They are all together."

"Yes..." gloated the last one. "They can't watch their beloved all the time... And when they are alone, we shall strike!"

They started to laugh evilly, the echo of their laughter shaking the foundation of the derelict castle.

"Never fear, brother. Thy death shall be avenged!" they all chanted in chorus.

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"Chibi-chibi!" said a voice behind Hiei. He turned around and was face to face with a cute red haired little girl that looked at him with baby eyes. What the hell? Hiei had barely time to think when the little girl grappled him in a bear hug.

"GYAAAA! What is this?" screamed Hiei.

"Chibi-chibi-chan!" all the senshi said. The members of the Reikai Tantei and friends blinked.

"What are you doing here, Chibi-chibi-chan?" asked Makoto as she was trying to pry the little girl from Hiei. But she held on, she held on good. Makoto had to let go. Chibi-chibi snuggled to Hiei as the others looked on amused at Hiei's indignant look.

"I think she's a little too young for you, Hiei!" said Kuwabara.

"...for you, Hiei." repeated the little girl, hugging Hiei.

"KAWAII... ne minna?" said Minako.

"Looks like Hiei will make a very good father one day," said Rei. The members of the Reikai Tantei started to chuckle, then laugh. Hiei merely grumbled, it didn't look the little girl minded.

"Well... I know how to get her off Hiei..." said Usagi. She took a handful of sweets and called Chibi-chibi. That worked. She let go of Hiei and ran to the Okashi. She ate with almost as good an appetite as Usagi.

"You know," kidded Yaten. "It's a good thing we know she isn't Usagi's kid, because the way she packs in the food you would wonder."

Both Usagi and Redi swallowed the big mouthful they were chewing. They glared at Yaten. "And what is that supposed to mean?" they both said in perfect unison.

"K-K..." stuttered Yaten, trying to calm them down. "Nothing... I was just joking..." They both glared at him. A huge sweatdrop fell down Yaten's skull. The two girls decided to cut Yaten some slack after making him cringe good.

Soon everyone decided to imitate Chibi-chibi and dug in. The atmosphere was that of pleasant conversation and laughter. Full, Yaten reclined on the blanket and looked at the cherry blossom petals flowing in the wind. This was so nice and perfect. Nothing in the world could happen to mar this perfect day, he thought.

Famous last words...

Setsuna moved and went to sit next to Redi. She whispered something in her ear. Redi turned with a puzzled look at Setsuna. The older woman nodded grimly. Redi gulped. She knew this look. Setsuna never kidded when she was looking at her like that.

"Okay, my lips are sealed..." replied Redi. Setsuna smiled and nodded.

Yaten was still looking up in the sky when he saw a pink cloud appear. "What the?" he said. Out of the cloud fell a small white figure. Yaten had just time to get up when the small figure fell head first into Usagi's cake just as she said.

"Who wants some of my cake?" Well everybody got some all right. The cake flew all over the place as the little figure fell into it. Everybody was so busy dodging the cake no one saw the shining metallic object that flew from the grasp of its small holder.

"Nanni o... My cake!" cried Usagi. "Who destroyed my cake?"

"Ahhh well, whoever it is, he's welcome to it!" said Rei. "I think I had enough cake for today..."

"Ara... Kawaii..." cooed Michiru. Everybody was looking at what she was looking at.

There was a very cake soiled little fox spirit. He didn't seem much older than Chibi-chibi. His big green eyes were looking at everyone. The little kitsune seemed to realized he lost something and he started to wail a high pitch sob.


"Is that your little brother, Kurama?" asked Taiki.

"I don't have a younger brother... Well I didn't last time I checked..." replied Kurama looking at the little kitsune full of cake.

"ahhh... What's your name, little one?" asked softly Yaten.

"Ki... Kiku..." said the little kitsune wiping his tears. He got up and ran to Yaten and hugged him and hung by his neck.

Yaten started to cringe. "My brand new shirt..." he said between his teeth. "Oh well... I can always buy another." He tried to pry off the little kitsune so he could look at him. "What did you loose, Kiku-chan?"

"I lost my..." the little kitsune bit his lips. "Nothing. I lost nothing..." Yaten could tell he was lying through his teeth, but he was giving him such a kawaii puppy face, Yaten didn't pursue the subject.

"Kiku-chan..." said Usagi. "Where is your mama?"

"At home..." Kiku replied.

"What's your mama's name?" tried Usagi.

"... mama." answered the little kitsune. Everyone facevaulted.

"I guess the best thing to do is to ask Botan or Koenma if they know about this little kitsune." said Yuusuke.

"Yeah... We have enough of one sweet kid around here..." grumbled Hiei. Everyone looked at him. Chibi-chibi was hanging on to him as though he was a new stuffed toy.

"But you both look so cute together..." said softly Makoto. Hiei tried not to blush and tolerated the little girl.

"And you're so darn cute tooYIIIIOUTCH!" yelled Kurama. All the attention was directed to him and the little fox spirit. Kiku was actually growling as he was biting Kurama's finger. "LET GO!!!!" Kurama growled back. The little fox spirit let go and his lower lip started to quiver.

"Nice going Kurama..." cringed Yuusuke. "Now the waterworks will start!" And as if on cue Kiku started to wail.

"BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! He's a meanie! <hiccup> BWHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The little kitsune buried his head into Yaten's chest inching away from Kurama.

"There... there, shhh... It's okay... You probably scared him when you pushed away that lock of hair, Ku-chan..." Yaten said.

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the one he bit..." said Kurama dryly. "He even drew blood!..."

Yaten chuckled. "Poor dear... let me see." As Yaten examined Kurama's finger, Keiko couldn't help but notice that Yaten had started to, well... act like a girl. That made her hair stand on end, as though he just took off a mask or something. It was quite distressing to see a popular Idol Singer act like that. Keiko whispered to Yuusuke.

"Is he really like THAT?" she accompanied her comment with a downward movement of her hand, suggesting that Yaten was effeminate.

Yuusuke sweatdropped. How could he explain to Keiko that Yaten was in reality a girl without blowing up their Senshi cover... and frankly he really didn't see how he could pull that off.

Minako started to giggle. "You know, it looks like Yaten-kun is a kitsune magnet."

"I'll say..." said Rei. "Maybe you should go in the exorcist business, Yaten-kun. You seem to have the knack for finding them..."

"I resent that comment..." mumbled Kurama. He turned his head and looked at the little kitsune who blinked at him. Kurama was about to say something nice to make him feel better, when the kitsune pulled on the skin under his left eye and stuck his tongue to Kurama.

Kurama's eyes narrowed at the little child. Kiku just grabbed back Yaten and cringed.

"Kare o kowai ni" The child sobbed. "He's scaring me..."

"What? but... but... " stuttered Kurama.

"Ku-chan! Stop antagonizing him!" scolded Yaten. He rocked the little kitsune and took a rice ball and gave it to Kiku.

"Me???? I didn't do anything! Who's side are you on?" asked Kurama, slightly annoyed.

The little kitsune's face lit up when Yaten gave him the rice ball. He hungrily tore into it. "I'm on nobody's side. But he's obviously scared and hungry..."

"I could have told you that he was hungry when he bit me like that..." grumbled Kurama.

"Come on... he's just a little kid..." started Yaten.

"Kit... he's a little kit..." started Kurama, he sighed. "You're right... I'll behave... he's probably scared..."

Haruka nudged Michiru. "Is it me or is Yaten acting... well... weird?"

Michiru chuckled lightly she put her bent finger to her chin. "I think the word you are looking for is 'motherly' Ruka..."

"You know... I have a feeling of deja-vu here..." whispered softly Mamoru. "Yaten?... Does he have a key on him?"

"A key?... let me check..." Yaten checked the small pockets on the little kitsune. He started to giggle. "Nope... no keys why?"

Then that can't be it, thought Mamoru. "Nothing, Yaten... just checking..."

The little kitsune was giggling and teasing Yaten into tickling him. "You're ticklish aren't you?" grinned Yaten as he tickled Kiku. He laughed himself silly.

Kurama looked at the entire scene with mixed emotions. He saw that Yaten was happy with the little kitsune. But he also felt the pangs of jealousy budding in him. He shook his head. That was crazy. He's just a little kid. He can't take Yaten away from him... can he?

Kiku planted a big kiss on Yaten's cheek. "Ya-chan!" he said in such a cute manner that all the girls were going: Aaaaaawwwww!

Seiya blinked "Hey what are we going to do? We can't take him with us..."

"My mom is going to kill me if I bring him home!" said Minako.

Ami got up. "My mother is away for a conference. She left this morning. I could bring him home with me..." She tried to take Kiku from Yaten but he started to yell.

"Yaaaa, Yaaaa... Yaaaa... I wanna stay with Ya-chan..." cried the baby kitsune. Why am I NOT surprised? thought Kurama. Ami let him go and Kiku put his head on Yaten's shoulder. He looked back at Ami with pleading eyes and started to suck his thumb.

Ami cooed, "Oh you're soooo kawaii... Would you mind if I visited you sometimes?" Kiku nodded. Yaten started to yawn.

"No one is going to hurt you, Kiku-chan... but I'd like to rest a little while... Okay?" asked Yaten. Kiku nodded and got off of Yaten's lap. Yaten laid down next to Kurama looking at the little kid as he made sure he visited everyone on the plastic blanket.

Kiku giggled as everybody was saying hello, but he froze in front of Setsuna as she was smiling softly at him. He turned around and ran to Seiya and started to tug at his ponytail, saying piggyback ride. Seiya chuckled and took him around the park with Redi.

"Oh, look at the cute kid in a fox spirit costume..." some people said. "he's sure one kawaii little tike..." said another.

After a while Seiya and Redi came back. Kiku was sitting on Seiya's shoulders eating a snow cone. Redi had one for Chibi-chibi. The little girl let go of Hiei when she saw Redi present her with a cone.

Kurama was thinking, why did Kiku ran away from Setsuna like that? I saw his eyes; he looked frightened. Kurama felt Yaten's face brush against his hand. While every one was busy watching Kiku's antics. Kurama caressed with his thumb Yaten's face. Yaten smiled and sighed in his sleep. Kurama started to massage Yaten's scalp with his fingers when he saw Kiku looking at them.

Kiku went on all four and crawled underneath Yaten's arm. He snuggled up to Yaten and started to suck his thumb. Slowly he closed his eyes and went to sleep. They are so cute together, thought Kurama. He stroked the little kitsune's head and heard him whisper.

"papa... mama... gomen ne..."

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Meanwhile six figures were watching on a dais the scene at the cherry blossom festival.

"It was a brilliant idea..." said a female voice. "They will never suspect our little bundle of joy is there to spy on them."

"Please..." said another. "They are not ready... They can't fight you now..."

"It would be dishonorable to strike them now, I agree. Our victory would be without flavor..." added yet another.

A fourth figure merely nodded as she watched the scene.

"You know, we cannot go against the elder's wish. It's an unsavory duty, but one we must perform," said a fifth.

The last one stepped in. "I know, they seem so happy. If it were just of me, I would leave them alone..." she sighed. "But we have our orders. How shall we do the deed?"

They all fell silent. This wasn't something they were looking forward to. One of them was crying bitterly. Suddenly a form appeared in the shadow, that of a man.

"I could help you out..." he said. "Actually, I have a proposition to make to the elders..." They all turned to the man and listened to what he was offering.

End of part 7

Note: Kiku means Chrysanthemum.