Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Reasons Why I, For One, Like the Pink Rabbit ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

20 Reasons Why I, For One, Like the Pink Rabbit

Author's notes: My first story posted on Media Miner! Wai! Wai!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. If I did, then Janice Sonski's
head would be mounted on my wall and Kunihiko Ikuhara would be reduced
to mail boy for completely screwing up Sailor Stars.

1. She pulls a gun on Usagi. That's about the only gun you see in the
whole series except for Eudial's, but if any of you have seen the
video clip of that with the monologue from `Pulp Fiction' put in
there, you'll understand why I think it's cool.
2. She comes from a different time period, with only her umbrella,
Luna P, silver crystal, and her time key. She doesn't know a
single person and she's doing this all to save her mother and her
future. That's one courageous and strong willed kid!
3. When was the last time you saw something as cool as Luna P?
4. She's got mad skills when it comes to basketball.
5. She's friends with two of the most powerful senshi in the solar
system, Pluto (ability to stop time) and Saturn (ability to
destroy the universe).
6. Her senshi team consists of Sailor Juno, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta,
who were previously known as the Amazoness Quartet. They were
enemies for crying out loud!
7. She's got the same seiyuu as Miaka. `Nuff said.
8. Except for Chibi-Chibi, the Amazoness Quartet and Tin Nyanko, her
hairstyle is probably the most difficult to make in the morning.
Another reason why it's wicked cool.
9. She's the daughter of Sailor Moon, which I know that almost
everyone would want to be.
10. Pink Sugar Heart Attack. Okay, now you have to admit that it's
adorable when it doesn't work, not to mention laugh ass funny.
11. She ran through those flames to save Pegasus without hesitating. I
know that Sailor Moon would do the same thing, but it was mad
sweet what she did.
12. She was able to kiss a horse and not gag from horse breath. Now
that takes guts!
13. She befriends Hotaru, who's the total opposite of her and doesn't
have any friends. That's really nice.
14. Just look at the expression on Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars' faces
when she returns in the S season. I laughed hysterically for the
rest of the episode.
15. She's got two boyfriends! Helios and Peruru. Okay, so Peruru may
not count, but who's counting?
16. She trash talks Badiyanu without considering the consequences.
That's gusty to take on a biznotch like her!
17. All the cool characters in anime have pink hair! Ann, Black Lady,
Cere-Cere, Utena, Tira Misu, Washu, Nurse Joy (Thor: It's red you
moron. Ranma: It looks pink to me!) and tons of others.
18. Her picture diaries make for great parodies. For an example, see
Wakaba's Picture Diary.
19. She's way more mature than Usagi in every sort of way. Well in the
dub at least.
20. She's Chibi-Usa for crying out loud!