Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ As Heaven is Wide ❯ A Prince's Curiosity ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes:

Konnichiwa, minna! Hi! All right, guys, here is the second chapter. Will the Prince ever notice our young heroine? What exactly are Serena's chores? Will she find happiness? Stay tuned for more. Just some shoutouts: To Kristin (Usagi) Awesome fic, keep writing, sister. Also, to Neo-Queen Serenity for her awesome two thumbs up romantic story, A Vision of You and Me, my favorite romantic Usagi/Mamoru story so far. Neo-Queen Serenity is a really great writer. Read any of her fics or short stories. Fabulous!! Last but not least, to Pam, for her kewl fic with an anime cross between Sailor Moon and Fushigi Yuugi, keep up the good work! Go read her fanfic at Look under "p". Her fic is called Meetings. It's really good. Now, on with Chapter 2!!

As Heaven is Wide

Chapter2: A Prince's Curiosity

By: Faye Valentine

Edited by: Reeni

" She is there again," he muttered aloud, to no in particular. "Everyday, the same spot in the same position, with the same thoughtful and beautiful cerulean eyes. Is she a ghost? Just a figment of my imagination? Why is she always there?"

Prince Endymion, a tall handsome man with deep, thoughtful ocean blue eyes and raven black hair, cut nicely to show off his eyes, pondered over these questions daily. For, it seems, that he had a distant admirer. For as long as he could remember, he would see a gorgeous young lady with a long, flowing ocean of blonde hair, sitting with a dreamy expression fixed on her face, staring towards him and his rose garden.

" Hey! Endo! If it bothers you that much, just go talk to the maiden," a friendly male voice said from behind The Prince, startling him.

"Andy? Where did you come from? I thought I was out here alone," Endymion said in a monotone voice, without taking his eyes off the girl.

Lord Andrew, know as Andy to friends, was as tall as Endymion but actually a few inches taller, his sandy colored hair was cut in the same style of Endymion's, his dark green eyes gleamed with excitement. He walked up beside his friend and followed Endymion's glance over to the other side of the field.

"Ahh! I see! The great mysterious beauty is back. Let me give you a little bit of advice, Endo, … If you want to solve her mystery, your going to…. have…. to… talk to HER!!"

Endymion nodded his head slowly, as if thinking hard and then more vigorously, as if agreeing.

"Yes," he said as he turned to his friend. " I'll march right over there and say, `Good day, fair maiden. I am the Prince Endymion from the Earth Kingdom and I want to inquire as to why you continuously stare at my palace and it's gardens, especially my rose garden.' Real smooth, Andy. I would get her in an instant. I would have her eating out of the palm of my hand," Endymion said sarcastically.

Andy placed his hand on Endymion's shoulder and gave him a sidelong glance.

"Blunt," he started. "Blunt is good."

Endymion rolled his eyes at his friend and they both chuckled a little at Andy's futile try at humor. As the laughter died down, Endymion turned back towards the open field and it's lovely goddess that sat with in it.

" She's really gorgeous, isn't she? She seems so peaceful, serene almost, as if nothing seems to bother or trouble her," he thought aloud.

" You know it's really hard to see anything from this point," Andy said, shading his eyes and looking toward the subject at hand. " How can you exactly tell what she looks like from here? She looks like an ant to me. For all we could know, she could be some little old lady infatuated with you, or here's a thought, even me!"

Endymion and Andy looked at each with crooked smiles and burst out laughing.

Endymion said," Now, there's a thought! Someone infatuated with you!"

Andy put his hand on his friends' shoulder to keep himself up. When they finally turned their attention to their subject at hand, she had disappeared.

Andy said, " Maybe, she saw what you really looked like and ran away in fright!"

Endymion playfully punched Andy's shoulder and shook his head at him. Endymion couldn't fight back a faint wave of disappointment that washed over him.

"Of course," he said. " 7:15, the time she always leaves."

Andy threw his buddy another sidelong look and chuckled to himself. Endymion slowly turned his head accusingly towards the Lord and said, "What?!?"

Andy chuckled while pointing a finger at Endymion; " I don't believe it!"

The Prince looked at him with confusion, raising one eyebrow.

"You've got it written all over your face! Hahaha!" Andy said with laughter in his eyes. "You've got feelings for her! You're in love with that peasant girl! Your parents are gonna love this!"

Andy continued his laughter while Endymion turned his back on him angrily and growled, "I don't have any clue as to what you are saying. You're crazy if you think that I would actually fall in love, especially with a peasant girl!"

He began to storm off towards the castle when he heard Andy say, "Oh! Come off it, Endo! It so obvious, even Myles can see it in your eyes and he's been blind forever. Who are you fooling, beside yourself? Endymion, you can't shut everyone out of your life because of what happened. I knew you were hurt but you need to learn to move on. I'm really sorry, man."

" That doesn't mean anything, Andy! You don't know what it was like! How could you ever know?" Endymion shouted angrily.

Andy lowered his head and said slowly, "Hey Endo, …Your not the only who lost someone precious during that time."

Endymion stared at his friend blankly and then smacked his head in disgust. "Hey Andy," he began. " I'm sorry buddy, I totally forgot about Lita and..."

Andy looked up and said, " It's all right! We both need to move on. That is all in the past now. You'll learn to love again, Endymion. I can promise you that much, my friend."

Endymion looked at his best friend and laughed softly. Andy smiled and said, taunting his friend, "Endo's in love! Endo's in love! Endo and the peasant girl sitting in a tree…."

Andy ran towards the palace gates shouting this over and over, like a little kid.

"Am I?" Endymion thought.

Endymion shook his head, smiled and took off after his friend.

Well, that is the end of chapter 2. Any good yet? You might be wondering what they were talking about but you find out till later, much later. Well, I hope you all are interested in reading more cause there is more. HAHA! Stay tuned for Chapter 3, which has not been named yet. More to come. Bye!