Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Desolate ❯ Desolate ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Notes: This fanfic goes by my belief that Sailorcosmos is the final and ultimate form of Sailormoon and is Usagi of a time so far into the future that we cannot even imagine how much time has passed

Authors Notes: This fanfic goes by my belief that Sailorcosmos is the final and ultimate form of Sailormoon and is Usagi of a time so far into the future that we cannot even imagine how much time has passed. Anyone who thinks that Sailorcosmos is NOT Sailormoon… well, that's you're opinion, and I have mine, please don't flame me for it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon, Takeuchi Naoko-sama does.


Stardust white against rusty red desert, the figure raised her ungloved hand to shade the sun from her eyes. The action was more of an old, deep habit than for any real purpose, for the desert was to be seen in all directions. It was all there was. Cold, dry, orange sand. A galumphing wind blew the dust particles around like discarded angels, their cries echoing in her ancient ears.
A tear, as archaic as her countenance, trembled on the cliff of her eyelid, threatening to abandon the light violet orbs that was its prison home, but she pulled it back with determined intensity. Her hair, as silvery white as the rest of her, waved cheerfully at the wind, sky, and ever-reaching desert. A sigh, accented by a lonely sob, escaped her pinkish lips and she closed her eyes against the desolation. The sandstorm grew and attacked her, but somehow the glittering whiteness of her form remained the same: clean, pure, untouched.
She guarded this dead, deserted planet as if she were guarding her own life, and in many ways she was. This had been her home for as long as she could remember and she would protect it with her soul.
But in some moments she could remember another home. One far away and long ago, a home that had long since died a warrior's death. Those walls had all sifted into power, as had the bones that heralded the passing of a noble and proud people. She'd been a princess there, and fallen in love, and died on that far away home of dust.
Another tear was reigned in at the memory. She would not cry. Tears helped no one escape their destiny and tears had not saved her planet when the Death came,
Her tears crawled dejected back into the orb homes, silencing the wailing of her soul.
Yume . . .
That word often drifted in the back spaces of her mind, aged itself without nourishment from her guilt and sorrow. If only it would die and leave her with the desolate kingdom of her reality.
Yume . . .
No dream was this, but she'd wanted it to be for so long that when she closed her eyes her Self misted into someone else and she could see the planet as it once was. Images caressed her tired mind. The green of grass, the sparkling blue of the lake water, the sky that once nearly pulsed with avian life and a blue that was a different shade all to itself. Smells invaded her senses, the gentle wafts of good food she'd once enjoyed and had no need for now. Worst of all, though, were the sounds . . . in her ears danced the laughter of those people she had once called friends. She heard them call her name and knew that she would protect them. Her power was their world and her life was their duty. Their trust filled her heart and that feeble organ beat on for a little while longer.
Then her soul emptied, shuddered with the knowledge that their faith in her had been rewarded only with destruction.
Usako . . .
It was the last voice that drove the immortal guardian to her knees in the throes of despairing sobs. Never, in the vast span of her existence, had she ever regretted anything more than she regretted that moment, that one moment in time when she heard him call her name and knew that he was would be dead before she turned around.
Why, after all of the enemies I faced, after all of the evil that I destroyed, did I run when the lives of my friends were most at risk? WHY?!?
The Dark Kingdom, the Black Moon Family, Pharaoh 90, The Dead Moon Circus, Sailorgalaxia . . . all of these she had been afraid of, but had defied them when she knew she must. Earth needed her protection, but more than the planet, she'd been protecting her friend and . . . and him.
But Chaos . . . Chaos did something to her soul that no one had expected. After years of fighting evil and centuries of ruling her own kingdom, NeoQueen Serenity, Sailorcosmos, quailed in total terror beneath the laughter of Chaos and its promise of death for all.
So she'd run.
She ran, and left them all behind, caring for nothing in the wake of her own complete panic. She heard them all calling for her, even all of these deserted millennia later, and still felt the pains of their words hitting her flesh. If it only they had called to her, she would have kept running and perhaps she would be with them now in death.
But he called to her, using the nickname of their youth.
Mamo-chan . . .
She knew then what an unforgivable thing it was to run, and she also knew it was too late to repair the damage. She turned in time to see her love, her prince and king, fall to the ground in a death so permanent that it finally separate their two souls.
"Serenity-hime . . . you were right to run, don't you realize?"
The words of Chaos.
"You could not possibly hope to defeat me, little princess, so you were right to run."
"No . . ."
"But your cowardice caused the deaths of all those you loved, didn't it?"
"And so, my tiny mortal princess, I will let you live. I will kill your planet and all living things on it save you, and since you are immortal, you will live all the rest of eternity remembering this day."
She wailed, trying to drown out the laughing, mocking voice of Chaos. The orange dust hugged her shining white knees, anchoring her to the ground and its promise of a long, barren life. She wrapped her arms about themselves and folded over until her face greeted the sand and it stuck to her damp face. Dirt danced into the air and into her mouth, choking her sobs short and finally dirtying the purity of the white creature. But no, she was already dirtied. Her corruption had begun on that day.
I can change it . . . I went back once and failed to convince myself to do the right thing. I can go back and this time I will succeed . . I will . . . I have to . . .
The soiled guardian lifted her orange-streaked face to the unrelenting sun and gave a cry of agony to the skies. Then she called upon her power, the powers of her birthright and of her long ago home.
"Take me back! Take me to the time before this happened! TAKE ME HOME!"
White light coalesced around her shimmering form and in those next few moments her body twisted and shrank, collapsing in on itself to make her disguise: a small child with hair red like blood and large blue eyes that were innocent, yet filled with the knowledge of countless ages. And finally, Sailorcosmos vanished from the place that was no longer her home, and in the grip of that white light began the journey that would end much the same way it always did.
But this time, she would understand why.
