Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Gaijin ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part 5

It can only get better...right?


Carrot frowned as he stared at the woman sitting across from him at a small
desk. He was dressed in a rather cheap suit and frowned as she leaned over the
desk and typed. "Here you are, your account is set up now."

The boy nodded and stood up as he accepted the paperwork and walked away without
a word.

Finding a bank had been difficult for him. He'd spent most of the previous day
making phone calls from a payphone with change he'd scrounged from a fountain in
a park. Finally, he'd found one that would allow him to have an anonymous
account without too much hassle. It was an international office of the Bank of
Switzerland, and it wasn't an inexpensive way to go. Fortunately, he now had the
equivalent of several million American dollars.

It had been three days since his encounter with the Oyabun of the Hisami family.
His nose was covered in a rather large looking bandage and was now a rather
nasty shade of purple. It ached, but his headaches had gone down. In a short
time he'd receive a bankcard for his account through the mail through a post
office box.

He walked out into the street and stretched his arms in the sunlight. After
looking around he turned his head and cracked his neck a little before walking
towards his new home.

It took about ten minutes for him to reach the small rundown apartment complex.
He smirked to himself as he looked at the building and sighed. "Millions of
dollars, and I'm living in a hole like this." He shook his head and walked into
the entrance.

It wasn't exactly a rat-infested hole, but it wasn't a new building. The rooms
were small, there was a communal bathroom, and a bathhouse was about a block
away. His room was on the first floor of the two-story building, at the end of
the hall. He strolled up to the door and opened it, revealing an empty room with
a bedroll in the corner.

He sighed and sat down with his back against the wall. He was paying his rent in
cash, and had filled out no paperwork. The landlord asked no questions, and the
apartment manager lived in the building. He was a grumpy old man who didn't care
who he was or what he did. Well, as long as he didn't make too much noise.

He frowned at the thought of the old man. It was obvious he didn't think that
he'd be around long. He seemed to be expecting him to be unable to pay his rent
within a month or two.

The neighbors, the ones he had seen anyway, were mostly small lower income
families, and a student or two working towards a degree. It was quiet, dry, and
warm. That was basically all he needed.

With a painful groan he stood up and walked over to the small mirror that hung
on the wall to look at his face. It was taped up with a large piece of gauze
over the bridge of his nose. He looked terrible, but it would work for what he
needed it for.

He'd briefly considered buying an identity, but decided against it. His income
would allow for it, but he'd also be easier to find if he did. As long as the
Yakuza was looking for him he knew it would be a bad idea.

He took of his jacket and tie and tossed them into the small closet that housed
a few toiletry items, a small space heater, and an electric fan. There was also
a small old television set that he'd bought cheaply. He didn't want these people
to know he had money. That would mean they'd start asking questions. Sooner or
later someone would anyway, and that would be much easier to dodge if he was
boring and poor.

He started towards the door and opened it, stepping out into the hall. He had
decided to go out to eat, find a small local restaurant or something. He knew he
wouldn't be doing that very often. It would be a bad idea for him to become a
regular customer anywhere. He'd have to spread out his shopping to different
stores, and not eat in the same places too often when he did go out.

He was walking with his head hung slightly and paused when he found himself
standing in front of a pair of breasts hidden beneath a light green button up
shirt. "Scuse me," he muttered as he started to move around the woman.

"Hold it," said the woman as she grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at
her. She was a young looking woman in her mid twenties. She had long brown hair
that was tied up in a ponytail behind her head. She was scowling at him and
holding his shoulder rather firmly.

"What is it?" he asked a little irritably.

She sighed and shook her head. "You did that yourself didn't you?"

Carrot blinked at this and looked at her dumbly. "Huh?"

"You just put a Band-Aid over it and hoped it would get better on it's own," she
said as she pointed at his face.

"What of it?" he muttered irritably.

"Your nose is broken kid. What did you do, get into a fight with a wrecking

"I tripped and busted it on the pavement," replied Carrot angrily. "It's none of
your business."

"You're right, come with me," said the woman as she waved her arm and motioned
for him to follow.

Carrot glanced around the hall and saw they were the only one's there. She was
walking towards the apartment next to his and opened the door before stopping
and pointing inside.

"Great," he mumbled irritably as he walked inside as he was instructed.

Once inside she made him sit down next to the small table and pulled out a small
black bag from a nearby shelf. The place was decorated warmly, and the boy
noticed that it didn't look like she was in the same level of poverty as most of
the other tenants.

"So what's your name kid?" she asked as she ripped the bandage away from his

"What are you? Some kinda doctor?" he muttered sourly.

"Yes," she replied calmly as she peered at the wound for a moment.

"Oh." He wasn't quite sure what to say to that. "So, what are you doing living
in a place like this then?"

"My practice is about two blocks from here," she said with a smirk on her face.

"Oh, that chiropractor's place down the street?" he said as he remembered the

"That's right," she said calmly. "I'm Doctor Mizura."

"Well, I'm Carrot," he said as she sighed and looked at him flatly.

"This is going to really hurt."

"Huh? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The woman had grabbed his nose
and jerked it violently. She put a gauze up to it and put his hand up to hold it
in place as blood began to seep from his nostrils.

"See, the swelling is going down already," she said cheerfully as she began to
apply a new bandage to the wound. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

"Yes," he replied irritably.

"Well, I haven't seen you before," she said as she grinned at him and moved away
from his side.

"I'm new. I just moved in yesterday," he said flatly. "I'm your neighbor."

"Oh, that's nice," she said cheerfully. "You live here with your parents?"

"My parents are dead," he retorted calmly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said sincerely.

"Don't be, that was a long time ago," he replied a little more gently.

"Well, you should have said hello," she said with a smirk forming on her face.

"I don't like other people much," he said as he turned his head away from her.
"One of the reasons I moved here was the fact that I didn't think anyone would
bother me."

"Well, I can see that. You've certainly got a nice personality," she said with a
small twinge of irritation in her voice.

"Yeah. I'm not used to dealing with other people, sorry," he grumbled as he
turned away.

"That's obvious," she said cheerfully.

"Yeah. I should get going. How much do I owe you?" he said as he stood up.

"Don't worry about it, it was a pleasure," she said cheerfully. "It wouldn't be
polite to charge you when I made you come in here."

"You didn't twist my arm lady, I can afford it," he said as he frowned at her.

"I would have if I'd had to," she replied cheerfully.

Carrot narrowed his eyes, he didn't doubt it at all. "Fine, I guess I owe you

"Yes you do, don't be a stranger," she said cheerfully.

The door opened and a large man walked into the room. He had on a black leather
jacket and sported a scar down the right side of his face. He was Japanese, but
towered to almost six feet in height. "Hey babe, I came ta visit ya."

"Oh, hello Spike," said the woman cheerfully.

"I brought ya some flowers," he said as he handed her a fistful of weeds with
the roots still on them.

"How nice," she said cheerfully as she accepted them.

Carrot merely looked up at the man coolly. "Hello." The oaf was blocking his
exit, and hadn't figured that out yet.

"Who's the shrimp Gia?" snorted the man as he looked at the woman for a moment.

"This is Carrot, my new neighbor," said the woman as she introduced them. "This
is Spike, my boyfriend."

Carrot looked up at the man and then back at her. "Boy, your Mom and Dad are
gonna be pissed."

"Haw!" said the oaf cheerfully. "I like dis kid."

"Yeah, thanks I think," said Carrot with a shrug. "I'll see ya later Doc."

"Don't be a stranger now," said the woman with a slightly surprised smile. Most
people would have been cowering away from someone like Spike, especially someone
as young as that boy was. He hadn't even flinched at her boyfriend's intrusion.

Carrot walked up to Spike and looked up at him. "Scuse me."

"Oh, right," said the man dumbly as he scratched his head and stepped aside. The
man watched him walk away and frowned to himself. "Dat kid's got guts."

"So it seems," said Mizura with a small nod. "He's braver than most."

"Dat kid can fight, I can smell it," said the man as he turned to look at her.

"You think so? He's in excellent shape, but..."

"I can tell dees tings," said the man as his face flashed with what almost
looked like intelligence. "You be careful around dis one."

"He's a little grouchy, but I don't think he'd hurt anyone," replied the woman


Carrot stepped out of the small local restaurant and frowned as he noticed the
sun vanishing behind the buildings. "I should get back." He turned and started
walking towards his home again.

It was dark long before he'd reached it, he'd taken his time finding a place to
eat and had ended up walking for about an hour before he found a place. He
sighed and moved through an alley that would shorten his route home.

Of course, that was when his night went bad.

A familiar figure jumped down from above and landed in front of him. Tuxedo Mask
was standing there with his back turned to him for a moment before he turned and
noticed Carrot standing there.


Carrot smirked at this and simply put his hands in his pockets. "Hello. Now get
lost." His face changed into a scowl as he said the last part.

"Humph, I don't see any reason why I should listen to you," said the tuxedo-clad
man angrily.

"Fine," said Carrot as he started walking again. He passed by Mamoru and
continued on his way.

Tuxedo Mask frowned and pat the pocket on his jacket. "Stealing my watch again?"

Carrot chuckled and turned, tossing it back at him. "You're getting smarter."

"Maybe," replied the man casually as he started towards him and caught the
watch. "I want to talk with you though."

"Well I don't feel like listening," replied Carrot sourly as he turned away

"You know something, whether it's about me, or those weird dreams I don't know.
I'm sure of it though."

"If I do, it's my business to tell," said Carrot coldly.

"This is too important," said Tuxedo Mask firmly. "You can't toy with me this

"Why not, I've been toying with you since I met you. I've got nothing to say to
you, good night," replied Carrot as he turned away again.

"Smug bastard," said Mamoru hatefully.

"Whatever, go away," replied Carrot without turning to look at him again.

"I guess I'll just have to make you talk then," said Mamoru.

"What?" muttered Carrot as he turned his head with a surprised look on his face.

Mamoru rushed forward, charging at Carrot angrily. The boy jumped up and over
his head and landed behind him.

"Humph, I never thought you'd stoop to bullying little kids," said Carrot
irritably as he watched the man stumble for a moment after his charge missed.

"I just think a brat like you needs a good spanking!" snapped Mamoru.

"Your paddle isn't big enough for me," said Carrot coolly.

"We'll see about that!" snapped Tuxedo Mask as he charged the boy again. His
arms were spread wide as he dove for him.

This time Carrot punched up, slamming his fist into the man's jaw and sent him
flying to the ground on his back. "You done yet?"

"Punk," growled Mamoru as he stood up again and took a more cautions position.

"You're dumber than I thought," snorted Carrot.

Mamoru stepped forward lightly, his fist lashed out into Carrot's jaw and
slammed into the side of his jaw. The boy staggered for a moment and growled
angrily. "Watch the nose buddy."

"Tell me what I want to know, and you won't have to worry about it," replied
Mamoru hatefully.

"Bastard!" snapped Carrot as he jumped forward and slammed his fist into the
man's gut. Mamoru lurched forward and kneed the boy in his leg. Both of them
staggered back and growled at each other.

"You're going to tell me what you know about me and the Silver Millenium,"
snarled Mamoru.

"Why would I know anything Endimoron," snapped Carrot.

Mamoru froze and gasped, his defenses fell for the briefest of moments.

Carrot cursed under his breath for the slip up, and took immediate advantage of
the situation. "I have you!" He lashed out with a vicious kick to the man's gut
that bent the man forward, then his elbow slammed into the back of Mamoru's head
and sent him to the pavement. He then proceeded to kick the man in his gut while
he was on the ground. "Take that! And that! You want some of this? Huh?!" he
snarled angrily as he kicked him.

Mamrou's hand snaked out and grabbed Carrot's other leg. He pulled back and sent
the boy to the ground sprawled out on his back. "You little shit! That hurts!"

"It was supposed to hurt," snarled Carrot as they both staggered to their feet

Mamoru punched him in his chest a few times and forced him back.

"Eat this Tux boy!" snapped Carrot as he rushed forward and slammed his elbow
into his opponent's face.

"Ouch!" snapped Tuxedo Mask as he staggered back and clutched his mouth in pain.
He looked up and saw Carrot's back as the boy tried to run while he was
distracted. "No you don't!"

Carrot grit his teeth as a sudden pain exploded in his right butt cheek. He
collapsed to the ground and almost hit his nose against the pavement again as
his legs failed. He was able to stop it just in time and grunted in pain. "Ouch!
What the hell?" He struggled, but was unable to move his right leg. He turned
too look back and saw Mamoru slowly walking towards him.

He also noticed the rose sticking out of his ass cheek. "Son of a bitch! You
stabbed me you dumb fuck!" He reached back and grabbed the rose, ignoring the
pain the thorns caused as they dug into his palm. With a groan of pain he pulled
it out and tossed it aside.

"Are you ready to talk yet?" said Tuxedo Mask coldly as he stood over them.

Carrot rolled onto his back, his leg was still numb. He glared up at the man in
a rage. "I'll die before I tell you anything you asshole."

"Is that so?" snarled Mamoru.

"So? You gonna kill me? Get it over with then," said Carrot as he chuckled
hatefully at the man. "Go on. Do it, ya child molesting weenie."

Mamoru narrowed his eyes at him and stepped back. "You're not worth it. This is
a waste of time."

"Yeah, you'd best remember that too," snorted Carrot irritably as the man walked
away. "Beaten by that tuxedo wearing freak? I won't have it!" He snarled angrily
as he clenched at the ground as the man turned his back on him and started
walking away.

Of course, his hand closed around the familiar feel of a slim metal rod.

"Ha!" cried Carrot as he lashed out with his arm.

Tuxedo Mask fell to the ground, screaming in pain. He was lying face first in
the dirty asphalt and cursing loudly.

Carrot burst into laughter. "Ha! Who's a waste of time now?"

Tuxedo Mask was rolling around on the ground, clutching at the metal pole that
appeared to be jammed up his butt rather deep.

Carrot's laughter slowly faded as the man began to pull it out of place. "Heh,
heh heh, I didn't...heh...I didn't think my aim was that good! heh!"

Finally the sound of metal clattering against the pavement reached him and he
struggled to his feet and began to limp away.

Mamoru was still rolling around on the ground clutching his behind in agony.

"Man, that's an image I'll treasure forever," muttered Carrot as he gave one
last chuckle and walked out of the alleyway.


A short time later he found himself limping down a deserted sidewalk, the only
light was from streetlights that lined the road. He sighed and looked around for
a moment. He still had a good bit of walking to do before he reached his home.

The silence was strangely comforting as he walked along and passed by a small
park. After a few moments, he stopped and sat down at a small bench to rest. He
hung his head back and closed his eyes for a moment. His leg was getting better,
but his whole face hurt like hell, the rest of him wasn't so hot either.

"You!" cried a voice from directly in front of him.

He raised his head back up and almost cried at what he saw. "Oh man! Not again!"

The five inner senshi were all standing in front of him, staring angrily.

"Can this wait till later? I've had a bad night," said Carrot as he frowned at

Sailor Mars burst into laughter as she pointed at his face.

"Yeah, yeah. Yuk it up fireball," he snorted.

Usagi looked somewhat concerned, but most of the senshi were at least giggling
at him.

"What the hell happened to you?" asked Makoto as she stepped forward with a smug
looking grin on her face.

"Well, I broke my nose, and then got into a fight with her boyfriend," said
Carrot as he pointed at Usagi.

"Boyfriend?" muttered the girl dumbly.

"Yeah, you know. The guy in the tux who keeps groping you?" said Carrot flatly.

"Tuxedo Mask!?" cried Usagi in shock. "If you hurt him..." She balled her fists
up at her sides.

"Hey! He started it! I was just walking home when he jumped me!" snapped the

The girls were all glaring at him.

"But, why would he do such a thing?" asked Ami.

"Because he thinks I know something," replied the boy calmly.

"Do you?" asked Rei coldly.

"Not really, no," lied Carrot as he turned his head away from them. "Now if you
don't mind, I've had a long night, and I'd like to get home."

"Where is Tuxedo Mask?" asked Usagi firmly.

"How the hell should I know? I left him. Besides, I thought I told you girls to
leave me alone. Go away damn it. Stop bothering me!"

Rei stepped forward and punched him dead in the face. "You asshole!"

Carrot cried out in agony as he clutched his nose and fell to his knees. "You
bitch! My nose is broken!"

"Tough!" snapped the girl as she frowned at him.

Carrot stood up slowly and kicked out with his leg, catching her shins and
sending her sprawling across the pavement.

The other senshi hung back and watched the scene for a moment.

"Kick a man while he's down will you?! See how you like it!" snapped Carrot as
he repeatedly kicked her on the back. His strikes weren't very strong though,
his leg was still injured from his fight with Mamoru.

"Shouldn't we do something?" muttered Venus.

"No! Stop it! Stop fighting!" cried Usagi.

Rei rolled over and kicked the boy right between his legs.

Carrot fell to his knees, clutching himself painfully. By the time he'd regained
any of his senses, Rei was standing up next to him. She spun around and put her
heel into the side of his face, sending him flying into the air and then
crashing down into the grass of the park.

"Damn," he muttered as he staggered to his feet and shook for a moment.

"I'll kill him!" snarled Rei as a ball of fire formed in her hand.

"Oh shit," muttered Carrot as he backed away from her. He stopped suddenly when
a large cement water fountain blocked his escape. It was little more than a pool
of water that rose about a foot above the ground. There were a few water jets,
but they were all turned off.

"Rei! Stop it!" cried Usagi as she rushed up behind her.

"Usagi! He's the enemy!" said Makoto. "You heard him talking with that evil
guy!" She had a serious frown on her face as she looked at the boy angrily.

"But..." muttered the pigtailed girl with a confused looking frown on her face.

"If we let him go now, he'll only hurt people!" snapped Rei as she blasted the
ball of fire in her hand forward.

Carrot dove to the ground and it sailed over his head, blasting a nearby tree.
"Stop that you crazy bitch! You're gonna kill me!"

Usagi frowned. "You hurt Tuxedo Mask! I won't forgive you!"

"Oh man," muttered Carrot in horror as the girl stepped forward. "Moon Twilight
Flash!" she cried as she adjusted her tiara and sent a beam of light at him.

He grit his teeth and shielded his face. After a moment, he relaxed and looked
out from behind his arms. "What happened?"

Sailor Moon and the Senshi were all looking at him.

He blinked and stood there for a moment. "Great. I can't run, I can't really
dodge, and I'm too weak to fight back..." Finally, he hung his head and almost
cried. "Shit. I hate to do this but..."


"No way!" cried Sailor Moon in shock.

"Nothing happened!" cried Makoto.

"I'll get him!" snarled Rei as she charged another fireball.

Carrot suddenly screamed as if he was in agony and stumbled over into the pool
of water. He fell down and sloshed around violently in what appeared to be the
throes of an over dramatic death. Finally he stood up and fell over the other
side of the fountain and out of sight of the girls.

"That's never happened before," said Sailor Moon dumbly.

"Are you sure he's a Youma?" muttered Makoto.

"I never said he was," pointed out Ami.

The girls spread out and moved around the fountain, only finding a small puddle
of water on the other side.

"We got him," said Venus cheerfully.

"It would...appear that way," muttered Ami in confusion.

"So, let's go home. We won't have to worry about him anymore," said Rei.

Usagi frowned and turned away with an uncertain looking frown on her face. "I
guess you guys are right."

"Sure we are," said Makoto cheerfully. "We all deserve a good night's rest. I'll
make you lunch tomorrow! How does that sound?"

"Really?" cried Usagi with hearts appearing in her eyes as she completely forgot
about her deceased enemy.

The girls walked away leaving the scene empty.


Carrot grumbled hatefully as he lay down flat against the wet surface of the
cement pipe. He was wedged inside a drainage pipe just below the ground. The
metal grate he'd escaped into giving him a clear view of the girl's above him.
He might have enjoyed the view from below more if he wasn't in so much pain and
busy being angry at them for trying to kill him again.

After a minute or two they dispersed and left the scene. He growled and slid
himself out of the pipe. He had a spider web in his hair, and he was now covered
in mud and dirt. With a heavy sigh he pushed the grate up and climbed out of the
hole. "Damn it."

He sat against the fountain and began to wash himself off with the water. Most
of the dirt and mud cleaned away easily, but his clothes were a wet mess now. He
sighed and started staggering away.

"This really sucks. All I need now is one of those stupid ninja to show up
tonight and I'll have the end of a perfect day."
Fortunately, he was spared that fate. He moved through the darkness, walking
along the grass and looked up at the moon for a moment.

"I hate you," he muttered at it.


It was very late in the evening when he finally made it home. He staggered into
the building and stumbled through the halls looking almost drunk.

Unfortunately, the landlord was standing in the hallway. "Coming in drunk? I
won't stand for..."

Carrot looked at him and frowned. "It's none of your business if I do, and for
your information, I haven't had a drink all night. I just had a really bad day,
so go the hell away and shut the fuck up." He continued to stagger towards his
room, leaving the old man standing there staring at him in shock.

Finally, he made it to his door and opened it. He collapsed on the floor and
managed to kick the door shut. After a moment of lying there, he rolled over and
started to remove his clothes. He tossed them aside messily and struggled up to
his knees long enough to unroll his futon. Finally, he sprawled out across from
it and began to drift to sleep.

Unfortunately, it was not to be.

"OH GOD! SPIKE! SPIKE! SPIIIKKEE!" The wall next to him began to vibrate
violently as a squeaking noise that sounded like it was no more than two feet
away from him began.

Carrot's eyes flew open and he simply stared at the wall. "Oh god. I'm in hell!"
he muttered pathetically.

Apparently, Dr. Mizura was a screamer. As far as Carrot was concerned, she was a
damned banshee.

After a half-hour or so, the noise stopped. He sighed in relief and started to
close his eyes again. "Gia! Gia!" cried a deep male voice from the other room.
"Yeah! Dat's it baby! Do dat!"

Carrot began to growl as his bloodshot eyes flew open and the hair on the back
of his neck stood on end.


It was morning, sunlight seeped into the room and Carrot found himself staring
at the wall, his eyes still wide open. The noise had stopped only an hour
before, and now he couldn't even close his eyes. "I hate my life."

Finally, after realizing he wasn't going to get any sleep. He stood up and
picked up his clothes. Of course every movement he made was painful, but it was
far less than the night before. He took a pair of pants out from his closet, put
them on, and threw a towel over his shoulder. After a moment he shrugged his
shoulders and walked out the door. A bath would do him a world of good.

Dr. Mizura stood out in the hall with a bright smile on her face. She was
wearing a long white coat and looked like she was leaving for work. "Oh. Good
morning Carrot!"

"Good morning, Gia," he replied sourly.

"You should really call me Dr. Mizura," she said with a small frown.

"You kept me up all last night, I'll call you whatever I damn well please," he
replied sharply. He stared at her with his bloodshot eyes for a moment and

The woman had the decency to blush, but not enough to apologize. "Well, that's
fair enough I suppose."

"Right. I'll see ya later," he said as he started walking again.

The woman looked him up and down. He was beaten to a pulp, and he was also
limping quite badly. "No you won't, you're coming with me this morning. I
suppose it's the least I can do. I forget how thin these walls are sometimes."
She turned away and blushed.

"They could be ten inch think steel, and I still would have been kept up,"
muttered Carrot to himself. "Why should I come with you anyway?" he said a
little louder as she looked at him.

"Well, for starters, your shoulder is starting to get infected. That's a nasty
looking cut. Plus, you're starting to bruise, and I'm wondering what's wrong
with your leg."

Carrot sighed. "I suppose it would be pointless to argue with you," he muttered

"Well, that and I'll drag you there if you don't come," she replied cheerfully.
"You're in no condition to stop me."

"Right," grumbled Carrot as he followed her.


"Okay," she replied after she had reset his nose, applied some sort of balm to
his bruises, and disinfected his shoulder. She'd also discovered that his skin
was slightly cooked, and the wounds on his palm from the rose. Carrot was not
happy, the balm was the only thing so far that didn't hurt. "Are you finished
torturing me?" he muttered.

"Sorry, not yet," she said cheerfully as she rubbed at his back. "I must admit.
You're in excellent shape. I knew you were, but I wasn't expecting this."

Carrot frowned, she was referring to his muscle tone. "Yeah. I guess I'm just

"Obviously with the way you keep getting injured," she replied cheerfully. "Drop
your pants kid."

Carrot sighed and did so.

The woman blinked and frowned. "That's a nasty looking puncture wound. I wonder
what could have caused that?"

"Someone threw a rose at me," replied Carrot.

"A rose?" she said dumbly.

"Yeah. Stuck me good too, hurt like a bitch," he said calmly.

"Okay," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Well, bad news. This is gonna hurt

Carrot hit his forehead against the counter he was leaning on. "Of course it

"Aw, take it like a man," she said as she poured some sort of burning, stinging,
liquid over the wound.

Carrot grit his teeth and held his scream in.

"A rose huh?" said the woman as she stood back and began to apply a bandage.

"Yeah, a rose," he said sourly. "I got the bastard back though."

"Oh really?" she said.

"Yeah, I shoved an iron pole up his ass," replied the boy calmly.

"Sure thing kid," she said as she stepped back. "Well, you seem to be all right

"You gonna bill me this time?" he asked her.

"No, I like you. I get plenty of business here," she said cheerfully.

"Okay, don't worry about me though. I can pay ya, it's no problem," he said with
an uncomfortable looking frown.

"That's all right. You can just owe me favors," she said cheerfully.

"Suit yourself," replied Carrot with a shrug. "See ya later."

"No bathing for at least three hours," said the woman to him.

"Sure, I'll probably try to catch some sleep or somethin," he muttered as he
realized he was feeling tired again.

"You do that, you need it," she said.

"Yeah, thanks to you," he said with an almost amused looking half grin appearing
on his face.

She blushed again. "You really shouldn't speak about that, you're a little young
you know."

"Well, I've never been one for beating around the bush," he replied as he walked
out of her office.

"Well, that's certainly obvious," she replied to herself after he'd gone. She
cocked her head slightly in thought and shrugged. The boy was interesting, but
she also had work to do that day.

