Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Gaijin ❯ Gaijin Part 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ah. I have returned yet again, however briefly. It's taking me much longer to write things. It took almost two weeks for this chapter. ^_^; I'm not giving up though! I continue onward!

As to where I've Personal stuff mostly, nothing particularly exciting or interesting. I've also become a slave to my X-box. The near future does not look bright. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker will probably consume a few weeks of my free time at least. However, the next chapter of this will definitely be out before then. ^_^;


Part 24

Things get worse.


Carrot was clinging to the side of a building ten stories above the street. He was hidden away in a shadow as he looked down below him at the bustle of the city. He found himself wondering if things were really going to be as bad as he had thought.

It was around one now; the lunch rush had hit the street below, stuffing even more people into the cramped walkways of the city. He was still wearing the Spiderman costume and had no idea what he was going to do over the next several hours. Hiding out in a bar seemed like a good idea, but he really couldn't do that in his costume. He cursed himself for leaving his street clothes behind for a moment. It would take him a little time and he'd have to cover a lot of ground to go get them, and it didn't really seem like it would be worth the effort.

With a heavy sigh his head sank as he tried to find some way to avoid confrontation today. That crazy Chinese girl was enough for him to deal with. He had no idea that no more than ten feet above him, something watched him with a wicked looking grin on its nearly invisible maw.

"I can't just hang here all day...can I?" It was starting too look like a good idea actually. He could see most anything that would be coming for him in the position he was hanging. A clear view of the sky and the street stretched out before him. "That's not a bad idea." He seemed quite pleased with his idea now and nodded too himself. "Great. I'll just hang out here for a while."

"You know, you're incredibly boring today Spiderman."

Carrot almost screamed. He jolted and spun around on the side of the wall, looking up at the thing that was clinging to the wall just above him. "Aw, man."

Venom was leering at him as it chuckled at his predicament. "So, Spiderman. What brings you here?"

Carrot couldn't feel anything, there was no hint of danger in the things tone as it glared down at him. It seemed almost amused in fact. Venom had always set off his spider-sense before though. "What do you want?"

"We're keeping an eye on you Spiderman. We've been watching you for some time now."

"So?" grumbled Carrot as he shifted his position, ready to jump at the slightest hint of danger from the thing.

"You're interesting," said the thing calmly. "We're starting to wonder just what you're up too."

"Up too?" grumbled Carrot.

"Yes, you hate the Senshi, almost enough to want them dead. Yet you still help them. Why?"

Venom's voice was downright creepy. The thing seemed to speak with several voices at once; it seemed almost childlike when it spoke to him.

"Who said I wanted them dead?"

"Oh come now. We know better than that." Venom's eyes narrowed as it spoke to him.

"What do you want from me?"

"To make sure you can't cause any more damage. Killing you would be useless at the moment, it won't bring the Senshi back."

"What do you care about the Senshi?" muttered Carrot as he set himself a little more firmly onto the wall as he peered up at the thing. Venom was simply squatting on the side of the building above him with its arms crossed over its chest.

Venom growled slightly at this. "You've got no idea who we are do you?"

Carrot backed away slightly. "What?"

The thing seemed amused by this. "I'll let you wonder for now."

"Did you just come here to bug me?" grumbled Carrot as he started backing away, putting a more comfortable distance between himself and the creature.

"We'd rather arrest you." Venom's maw curled back and almost split its head in two as it grinned at him.

Carrot shot off the wall like a bullet. "Gotta catch me first!" He twisted in mid-air and sent out a web line as he went into free fall.

"A game then? Sounds like fun." The dark creature pushed off the wall, cracking the concrete as it did so. It flicked its wrist and mimicked its prey's maneuver.

Carrot sailed through the air at speeds that his wires would never allow. The web lines worked like rubber bands almost, propelling him forward at impossible speeds. Unfortunately, Venom had no trouble keeping up. He twisted as the thing released its line and made a grab for him. Without thinking he pushed off Venom's chest with his feet and changed his direction in an instant.

The creature was thrown back and down by this and caught itself about halfway down to the street. "Play nice!"

"Are you insane?!" muttered Carrot as he looked back at the thing.

"Sooner or later we'll catch you!" snarled the beast.

"Forget I asked," grumbled the boy as he turned a corner and shot across the sky above another street.

Venom was behind him by a good distance, and seemed hard-pressed to catch up. Unfortunately, it was able to keep from falling too far behind. He had to put some more distance between them before he could escape and he knew it. Unfortunately he had no idea how.

He turned to look back again and almost fell off his web line as he realized that Venom was gone. "What the?"

A hard blow slammed down between his shoulder blades and he lost his grip. He plummeted down towards the busy street below. He could feel the wind ripping at his limbs, as he grew ever closer to an incredibly intimate relationship with the pavement.

At the last possible moment he caught himself and twisted to avoid slamming into traffic. He passed between two cars as he sailed upwards and flipped through the air as he released his line. He landed on the side of a two-story building and glanced around desperately for his assailant. "Damn! Where is..."

"Surprise!" Venom appeared directly behind him and punched him in the back of his head. Carrot slammed into the ground hard enough to crack the pavement. He slowly staggered to his feet and shook the blow off as best he could.

"Damn it." The crowd on the street had parted as the two inhuman things faced off.

"Come on Spiderman, you can't win," growled the thing. "Just give up and come along quietly."

Carrot growled as he simply stared forward. "You're gonna have to beat me first."

"Heh. That shouldn't be too hard." Venom faded from view causing the crowd to gasp.

Carrot cursed as he twisted and turned searching for some sign of his assailant. A blur of motion caught his attention to his right. It almost looked like a man shaped blur of nothing as it moved.

"That cloak only works when you stand still huh?" said the boy as he jumped in the air and flipped over a punch.

Venom roared angrily as its cloak faded away. "So it seems. Our optics probably need an upgrade."

"Right," muttered Carrot halfheartedly.

"Come now Spiderman, you know you can never win."

"Come to think of it, I'm not so sure actually," replied Carrot as he landed on the hood of a parked car on the edge of the road.

Venom was simply standing there glaring at him.

"You're really creepy you know that?" said Carrot after a moment of staring. "Maybe you should work on your look a little? Something a little more people friendly maybe?"

"You're not running. Perhaps you're not as cowardly as we'd thought?" Venom's body seemed to writhe as tendrils of black ooze shifted around across its massive frame. It was easily three times bigger than Carrot.

The boy didn't waste a moment. "Actually, I'm just not sure how much I can hurt you yet." His wrist shot forward and covered the creature's face in webbing. Venom roared and tore at its face in anger.

"Why you!"

Spiderman shot forward slamming his fist into the thing's gut at full force. He followed quickly with an uppercut that set it flying into the air. Venom came crashing down on the top of a car, crushing the roof and shattering the windows.

He stood watching the creature for a moment, as it did not move. After a few seconds he spoke up. "I hope you don't think I'm stupid enough to go over there and check on you."

Carrot paused for a moment as Venom remained still. "Don't tell me it was this easy."

The creature sat upright and put its hand against its head. "Ouch. Our impact dampeners did not come on-line fast enough."

"Huh?" said Carrot dumbly. "I guess it's not this easy."

"We must remember to preset them before entering combat in the future. Spiderman, you have made us very angry."

"You mean you weren't upset before now?" asked Carrot as he crouched low as the creature recovered.

"No." replied Venom. He hunched down to match the boy's pose and growled.


The thing literally twisted the roof of the car and ripped holes in it as it pushed off and charged.

Carrot was almost frozen in horror. He hadn't felt a thing to warn him. His instinct for survival kicked in and he rolled forward so that the creature landed behind him. Venom turned instantly towards him. Spiderman kicked himself to his feet and jumped into the air sending out a line.

"Not so fast!" snarled Venom as it simply shot a line into the boy's back and slammed him back onto the pavement.

Carrot was having trouble moving at this point. He simply groaned as he tried to push himself into just a sitting position.

Venom leered at him ghoulishly as it simply stood there and watched. "Heh. It may not be right, but it's definitely fun."

"Not having moral issues about this at all?" grumbled Carrot painfully as he managed to pick himself up finally. He stood slowly and staggered back a bit.

"I'll bet you're wondering how you'll get out of this one Spiderman. The answer is simple. You won't."

Carrot was starting to realize why Peter Parker was so terrified of Venom. In a way no other person on the planet could possibly understand. He doubted if Stan Lee himself could convey Spiderman's feelings on the matter better than he could at that moment. "Oh shit. I'm fucked."

Unfortunately, it was only the start of what was to become the busiest day of his life.


In the sky above Tokyo, a billowing cloud of smoke began to form high above the tall skyscrapers. The Goblin floated through the air on top of his ghoulish glider as it flapped its wings slowly to keep him aloft.

"Where to begin?" he muttered to himself as he peered down into the city below. "Ah, so much to destroy, so little time." He stopped and hovered for a moment watching the street below. His dark smirk twisted into an insane grin as he noticed the crowds in the street. Traffic was particularly heavy on a section of street populated by small restaurants and bars in the middle of town.

"Ding dong! It's one o'clock! Who can come out to play?" He laughed as he swooped down into the street holding a glowing orb of pumpkin shaped energy in his hand as he plummeted downward.

The crowd seemed to freeze as he swooped down on them and pulled up at the last moment. He launched the projectile into the air. The bomb slammed into a parked car next to the sidewalk and exploded in a huge ball of flames. Pedestrians were tossed in every direction in the wake of the explosion.

The creature turned back around in the air and began to swoop down for yet another pass. "Heh. Pathetic fools."

Someone in the crowd screamed. "He's coming back!"

The streets turned into a stampede of people in an instant.


Gia was standing in her office with a cup of coffee in her hands as she stared at the television with an almost obsessive interest. Luna was sitting on the counter right next to her watching the screen as well.

"No! Don't do it!" cried Luna fearfully.

"Shhhh!" snapped Gia.

The animal quieted and both of them leaned towards the screen with increasing interest.

"Oh, Jiro..." said the woman on screen as her lips drew ever closer to the handsome man who held her gently in his arms.

"You know I love only you Suzuko!" exclaimed the man dramatically.

"But what about Kai?" whispered the girl.

"You're the only one who matters!" insisted the man.

"I'm not sure...I just..."

"No! Don't think! Just feel!" said the man as he gazed into her star struck eyes.

Both Luna and Gia's eyes were locked on screen as the pair's lips grew even closer. Suzuko still looked uncertain, and she seemed to almost pull away from him.

"We interrupt this program to bring you an important news bulletin!"


"The creature known as "The Goblin" has appeared over the streets of Tokyo. Reports are unclear at the moment, but sources tell us that he is using some sort of explosives on the city. Viewers are advised to stay away from the city if at all possible until this crisis has been averted. Police are scrambling to deal with the threat. We take you live to the scene..."

Gia switched off the television and looked down at the animal on the counter with a serious frown on her face. "I guess I should get some bandages ready."

"Huh?" said the animal in confusion. "What happened to the show?"

"I doubt if it'll be back on again today Luna. Whoever that guy is, he's making a real mess. I'm going to call Mei Lin and get some supplies for when Carrot gets back."

"Oh. Don't forget the burn cream. That guy has bombs or something. Are you sure you'll need them? I mean, the news didn't say anything about him being there."

"What are you kidding?" said Gia as she stared at the animal.

"Oh," said Luna with a heavy sigh. "He probably won't feel much like petting me when he gets back either. The jerk."


Venom snarled viciously as it jumped towards its prey.

Carrot hopped out of the way and landed on the side of a wall just over the thing's head. He flicked his wrists and shot two streams of web into the thing's face.

Venom roared angrily as it tore at the goop that covered its face. "You'll have to do better than that!"

Venom was right and he knew it, the move barely slowed the creature down at all, and it was only his second time using it. Carrot didn't respond and flipped over the thing and onto the ground behind it. He flicked both his wrists and set himself on the ground firmly. Five wires shot from each wrist and impaled the creature in the back and arms.

"Ragh! That hurt!" snarled the larger creature as it flexed its back and pulled the boy off his feet.

Carrot landed face first on the pavement and cursed. "Shit. I should have known better."

"Maybe you should have," replied Venom as it calmly pulled the last of the wires from its back as it stood over him.

"Look. Maybe we can talk this out?" said Carrot as he was lifted by his collar.

"The time for talking is past Spiderman," replied Venom. "We'll avenge ourselves now, and you won't ever bother us or our friends again."

Carrot was clutching at the thing's arm uselessly. The creature's skin felt like metal almost. "What the hell are you talking about? What fr..." He paused for a moment as something sunk in finally. "Wait a minute. How do you know the senshi anyway?"

"You've caused us nothing but pain! You've tormented us far too much. It's time we took extreme measures."

"So, you're going to kill me? Is that it?" growled Carrot. He was trying to keep the thing talking and buy some time.

Venom chuckled. "Kill you? Don't be foolish Spiderman. We're going to arrest you...after we've had our fun that is."

Carrot wasn't sure what to say to that. "Arrest me?"

"Yes. You'll be handed over to the police. First, I think I'll take away your voice." The creature pointed its index at him. It grew into a long sharp point.

"Oh man," muttered Carrot as he swallowed.

"Don't worry, it'll hurt quite a bit, but you'll live."

Something inside the boy's mind clicked into place once again. "Usagi?"

"Finally figured it out?" replied the creature with a small chuckle. The long sharp finger didn't waver as it pointed at the boy's neck.

Carrot's mind worked fast. "Hey! What's that!?" He pointed off to their right.

"Eh?" said Venom as its attention moved to where he was pointing. "Say. What is that?"

Carrot was tossed aside almost casually. Venom obviously didn't think she'd have much trouble catching him again. The boy blinked in surprise as he found himself sitting on his rear on the pavement. "Huh?" He quickly scrambled away from Venom, who was staring up and to the right.

Carrot glanced back at her, the thing was obviously looking at something, but that wasn't a real big concern for him. He had to get away. He jumped into the air and sent out a web line. Venom didn't budge from where it was standing.

"Is it playing with me?" asked Carrot out loud as he peered back over his shoulder at the thing. It was about this point that he noticed the crowd was looking up in the same general direction.


Carrot cursed as a familiar laugh sounded from behind him. "Oh shit. You mean there really was something there?"

Goblin swooped out of the sky and rammed him in the back with the bottom of his glider.

Carrot was knocked off of his web line and plummeted towards the street. He twisted instantly and sent out another line barely in time to catch himself before he hit the pavement.

"Just the insect I was looking for! Hello Spiderman! Want to help me blow up the city? Ha ha ha! I'm sure we'll have a smashing time!"

"What the hell did he just say?" muttered Carrot in a sort of stupefied horror. That line was right out of a comic book. "I knew I shoulda just stayed in the bathroom all day! Damn you Gia!"

Goblin swooped back and fourth behind him as he swung away. He lobbed a bomb into one of the buildings sending a shower of debris into the air that almost knocked Spiderman out of the air.

The boy landed on the pavement once again and cursed. "Oh man. How much worse can this get?"

"You should know better than to say that. It's bad luck," replied the Goblin cheerfully as he hovered nearby.

Carrot backed away from the thing slowly and tried to think of a way out of his new problem.

That was when his old problem decided to make sure he hadn't forgotten.

"A friend of yours Spiderman? We'll arrest him too then. Plotting to blow up the city..."

"Oh man," grumbled the boy as he hung his head.

Venom landed between them cracking the pavement as he slammed into the ground. "Who are you?"

Goblin smirked. "Hmmm. You're an interesting one. Who are you? Another like me, did they improve you too?""

"We are Venom, and we're nothing like you monster."

"Didn't know it was a soft spot," replied the thing.

Carrot cursed as he found himself standing directly between them.

"I suppose we should get started!" snarled Goblin as he tossed one of his pumpkin bombs at the boy.

Carrot shot into the air and caught a street lamp. He flipped over it and swung himself onto a third story wall. "Jeez. You could put someone's eye out!"

"That's an interesting idea!" snarled the creature as it readied another bomb and tossed it where the boy had landed. Carrot pushed away and swung to the other side of the street just before the impact.

Venom blindsided him and punched him back down to the pavement. "You're not going anywhere until we're finished with you!"

Goblin snorted. "I'm afraid I need him for a few hours. You two can play later. If he survives that is."

"What the hell is going on?!" snapped Carrot.

"We're arguing about who is going to kill you," replied Goblin calmly.

"Spiderman is ours!" snarled Venom angrily.

"I'll take him from you then!" cried the Goblin as he charged from the air.

Venom's hand shot out like a snake, the arm extended slightly and snagged the thing's face. With a casual looking swipe of its arm, Venom grabbed Goblin out of the sky and slammed him head first into the wall behind it without looking back.

"Now where were we?" said Venom as it turned towards Carrot again.

The boy simply swallowed and backed away a little more. "You were just about to let me go?"

"No. I think I was going to put a hole in your throat to repay you for the one you gave me. Remember?"

"My god. It is Usagi..." muttered Carrot in horror. Somehow, some way, he'd pissed off Sailor Moon so much that she'd told him that she was going to cut his throat open. That shouldn't have been possible.

"I hope you don't seriously think you've finished me off so easily. You surprised me once, but now it ends."

"Eh?" growled Venom as it peered back over its shoulder.

Goblin lobbed a bomb directly into the creature's back. Venom was sent flying as it exploded. The beast crushed a brick wall as it impacted and sent people running from a small nearby business screaming.

"Man. This is going to be a hell of a day," said Carrot as he turned to look at Goblin again.

"It will be your last. Enjoy it," said the thing.

"No. Murder is wrong!" roared Venom as it smashed through the pile of bricks and rushed out into the street again. "Maiming is okay, but killing him is a bit too much."

Carrot wanted to cry, he really did. So naturally he acted tough. "You jerks think you can take Spiderman!? Come on then! I'll kick both your asses!"

Goblin and Venom both turned to face the boy in unison.

Carrot stood his ground and waited.

The two monsters began to laugh at him.

"Fine be that way! Hey Goblin!"

"Eh?" muttered the creature as it stopped laughing.

"Catch." Carrot reared back his arm and smirked as he closed his fist behind his back. An iron pole appeared in his palm and he threw it dead into the thing's face. Goblin was knocked off his glider and bounced twice when he hit the pavement. The pole clattered on the ground a few yards away.

"Guess that argument is over. We get to have him!" said Venom as it turned its attention towards the boy again.

"Back to square one," grumbled Carrot as he shifted back defensively.

"Not so fast." Goblin raised his arm into the air and a pumpkin bomb roughly five times larger than the ones he'd been using appeared. "We've still got plenty to argue about."

"Oh shit," said Carrot as he saw the bomb.

"Heh. We haven't tried fighting a Youma as Venom before." Almost as an afterthought the creature grabbed Carrot by the neck and tossed him right into Goblin.

"Asssshoooolllleee!" called Carrot as he sailed through the air.

The explosion filled the street in a flash of light and knocked the windows out of stores for four blocks. Concrete, asphalt, and pieces of vehicles rained down from above in the wake of the explosion. Needless to say, Carrot didn't feel good, he was alive though. Covered in ashes and face down on the ground with the charred remains of a web line firm in his grip still. Ground zero was about ten feet away from him and a low chuckle from the still smoking crater told him he had to get up.

"Hmmmm. You're tougher than you look Spiderman. I expected you to be dead."

The boy staggered up and growled as he clutched his left arm. He'd been cut pretty badly.

"This should do the job though," said the thing as it readied another bomb.

"I thought we told you that Spiderman was ours!" snarled Venom angrily.

"You're still here?" snorted Goblin.

Venom snarled as it readied itself to attack.

"Now. Where is Spiderman?" He glanced around casually.

"What?" growled Venom. "He ran away?"

"He usually does," replied Goblin calmly. "He'll come back if I cause enough damage though. Time to get started."

"Spiderman may be gone, but We still have you monster."

The Goblin frowned at this. "Who are you calling a monster?"

"You!" The thing jumped forward claws outstretched.

Goblin nimbly hopped out of the way and back onto his waiting glider. "I can fly, can you?"

"We don't need too!" snarled the creature as it jumped up after the monster.

"Heh. If Spiderman won't oblige you'll have to do," said the Goblin as he noticed Venom keeping a steady pace behind him. He turned in the air and flew full speed towards Venom.

"What?" snarled the thing as it reached out to intercept.

The Goblin curved around the extended arm and turned up sharply. He nabbed the web line a few hundred yards up and laughed. "I just wanted Spiderman to play wrecking ball with me! You'll fit in a pinch!"

Venom snarled as Goblin twisted in the air and swung the line. It slammed into the side of an office building and caved in the reinforced glass of several of the windows. "That hurt!" It snarled as it stuck there.

The Goblin started to pull in the slack in order to dislodge his new toy. "What's the matter, this web sticky? Can't let go?"

Venom leered at him. "Web? What web?"

"What?" cried Goblin as he looked at the line in his hand. It had turned black and was starting to cover his hand.

Venom jerked its arm back after planting itself firmly in place. Goblin was tossed forward like a doll and made a similar impact on the building. He didn't have the power to stick there and promptly plummeted downward. Venom didn't really see any reason to save the creature. Usagi had already dispatched a few of them before after all.

"No! What are you doing!?" cried the girl inside suddenly.

"He is not human," replied the thing with mechanical calm. "His existence threatens many lives. There is no reason we should save him. It would be counter productive."

"We can't just kill people!"

"As I have already explained, he is not a 'person'. Data shows you have dispatched several such creatures in the past. Why was this any different?"

"I killed them because I didn't have a choice! He was..."

"He would have continued to attack us when he recovered."

"Maybe he would have given up? Maybe we were too strong for him?"

"Scenario does not compute."

"What does that mean?"

"That situation is extremely unlikely."

"Well, maybe you're right."

"Primary target lost."

"We'll find him again. With you, I should have no trouble."

Venom paused as something impacted between their legs inside the glass crater. It looked down and noticed what was resting just behind them, right between its legs.


The pumpkin bomb exploded sending a shower of glass down on the street. Venom was thrown from the building and went into free fall over the street. The black mass seemed almost shredded as lightly burned human skin could be seen for the briefest of moments. It took only a few seconds for it to recover and it caught itself with a line of its webbing.

"Surprised? Forgot I've got wings already?" called the Goblin with a cackle from overhead. "My, you're a tough one too! We'll have lots of fun today!" He was on his glider again and turned away to start the chase up again.


Meanwhile, in an alleyway near where the fight started...

"Let those two duke it out for a bit," grumbled Carrot with a heavy sigh. He knew he'd have to deal with the winner sooner or later. His eyes shot open suddenly and he jerked upright.

Goblin was fighting Usagi. If he killed her, there was a very good chance Metallia would win. "Aw, man."

As much as his life sucked now, it would suck a whole lot more if that happened. Self-preservation is a powerful motivator, and now it was attacking him on both fronts. Immediate safety, or safety from soul sucking black death or something similar.

Carrot grunted painfully as he forced himself to stand up. "I gotta go back to work again."

Every step he took towards the street felt heavier. His tasks just kept mounting up. Now he had to fight Goblin, figure out a way to get Usagi out of that thing, get the stupid bitch her powers back, avoid Kei, stay out of the Yakuza's hair for a while and hope those other ninja didn't get brave again, avoid Yakuza hitmen, get the cat's memories back, avoid the violent Chinese National, find a way to get Kajura to leave him the hell alone, find a way to get rid of his new and psychopathic girlfriend, get rid of the freeloading Chinese National, find a new apartment and get some damn solitude, and pick up Michiru by eight.

Carrot noted that the last thing on his list was a date. "Oh god. I've really become Spiderman. This sucks."


Hisami frowned as he sat silently in the back of his limo. The old ninja master sat with him at the moment on the opposite side of the seat. They pulled up to the gates of the dock and passed through them unobstructed. Everyone knew who was coming; most of them had no idea why he was there either. It wasn't the sort of thing that filtered down well.

The vehicle pulled up to the side of one of the larger buildings and rolled slowly to a stop outside one of the smaller entrance doors. It was a massive structure that probably housed entire cargo shipments.

He remained seated with the windows rolled up as the other vehicles in the convoy unloaded first.

Kei was the first one to walk up beside his window. She was facing the warehouse and leaning against the side of the car. He rolled down the window very slightly and she spoke.

"We are being watched."

The old master spoke as Hisami remained silent. "How many?"

"Hakage is going to check on their equipment now. There are two men, watching from a car parked outside the gate. The car is unmarked, but I'm pretty sure those two idiots are cops."

"Yoshida's obsessed brother no doubt. There is little cause for concern."

"He is becoming dangerous," said Hisami finally.

"Don't be careless," cautioned the old man.

"Hikyu is doing his job well. Perhaps he may still have his uses for us?"

The old man narrowed his eyes. "You're choosing a dangerous path."

"They are still allies too us."

"They don't care about us. We've served our purpose too them, and they are keeping us around in case they might find a use for us. If that does not destroy us, they will when this is over."

Hisami frowned at the old man and turned his eyes towards the window. "Leave the two men in the car be for now. Just make sure you kill them before we go."

"All right. Don't blame me when Yoshida hears about it."

"I will tell him later."

He turned his head away from the window and the girl vanished.



"What is it Saito?"

"How much of a raise do we get when we get promoted for this?"

"A big one, quit wasting film until he gets out."

"Should I call this in now?"

"Leave the radio off until he gets out. We don't want to tip him off, he's got a scanner in that thing."

"Oh, right..." muttered Saito dumbly as he pulled his hand back from the radio.

Kajura zoomed the lens of his camera in a bit more. "Come on you fat bastard. Come out and smile."

"Who was that girl he was talking too?"

"Who cares? Probably a toy for later."



Kei smirked as she stood next to Hikyu in the blind spot of the vehicle watching the two men stare forward with cameras ready.

"Just a few cameras. The film will need to be destroyed."

"I'll take care of them. Hisami gave me orders to deal with them some time before we left. I'll let them enjoy their moment and then kill them. 'A toy for later' indeed."

"I shall return then."

"You do that."


Hisami stepped out of his vehicle and adjusted his suit for a moment as he stared sternly forward. "Bring me Wo Hin Shu. I'll speak with him in the main office. Then we'll inspect everything and see about disposing of this mess quickly. The South Koreans will most likely be very happy to take it off our hands."

The men around him immediately started towards the door surrounding him as he walked with them. "How did those two find out about this meeting?"

Hikyu was waiting inside the door. Hisami had been awaiting his return to exit his vehicle. "I do not yet know sir. Kei knows to check into that after she kills them. We will probably not see her again until later this evening. I'm sure she'll have a full report."

"She'd better."

"I will make sure of it when our business here is complete."

"Very good."

The shinobi faded into the shadows as Hisami strolled across the concrete in front of towering stacks of boxes with his entourage.


"Ah, the wind in my hair!" said Carrot as he swung over the street towards the screaming and explosions. All he really wanted to do was go home. Usagi could probably take the Goblin out without too much trouble. Who knew? Maybe 'Venom' would disappear for a while afterwards. They would definitely smack each other around quite a bit even if they both survived.

He hung a sharp right and barely missed the corner of a building. "Hey. I'm getting pretty good at this." The distraction of pulling that off so easily wore off rather quickly as his mind started wandering into his problem again. Goblin's bombs effected whatever Venom was made of. That meant that Goblin might win.

It also gave him a weapon to use against the monster. Magic or not, Goblins bombs were little more than a little bang with a lot of heat in them.

The sounds of explosions grew ever closer as he sped towards the scene. His head cocked as he realized he could hear something below him.

People were looking up at him and cheering, while pointing in the direction of the general destruction. The streets were a mess, and debris covered the pavement almost completely in a few places.

"Yeah. I'm going to get my ass kicked and these people are cheering and telling me which way to go. Great. Thanks a lot frightened masses."


It was going to be a busy day at the Emergency room at Tokyo General Hospital. The news was on every television in the building almost. Everyone was watching the terror unfold as the bomb-throwing madman battled the inhuman monster. It was a plot worthy of a great film. Explosions shattered buildings, raining debris into the crowded streets below. Casualties were being reported. Police were unable to keep up with the acrobatic battle, and choppers were still minutes away from the scene.

The hospital employees bustled about, caring for those already there, and preparing for the worst. A woman in a white coat with a clip board resting in her grip. She had shoulder length brown hair and a nice figure. She looked to be in her late twenties and had a pair of glasses resting on her nose as she peered down at the document on the clipboard.

"Dr. Mizura, I think we've got the first one here!"

"Oh no," muttered the woman as she turned to look down at the gurney an emergency medical team had rolled in. There were four men pushing a red mess of a man blood covered the sheets he was on.

"We haven't been able to stop the bleeding," muttered one of the men in horror. "Nothing we've tried has worked."

The man's face was covered in red, his hands were dripping with it. There was no way he could be alive after losing that much blood. "Make it stop. Please make it stop. Make the bleeding stop!"

The woman jumped back and almost lost her glasses as she gasped. "Bring him over here!" She started running into the hall along side the man while the men rushed him towards an operating room.

"Make it stop."

"Don't worry, we'll make it stop," said the Doctor firmly as she started putting on her protective clothing near to a sink by the door.

"No. You don't understand. You've got to get it out of me."

"Get what out of you?" asked one of the medical team. "We haven't found anything. Where are you hurt?"

"It's in my blood. See?" Two of the medical team were leaning over him trying to figure out what he was talking about. A shower of gore exploded from their back as a large sharp spike loomed into the air.

The woman heard the sound of flesh tearing and froze, unable to look and see what happened. Two muffled screams started from behind her and she squeezed her eyes shut, afraid to turn around.

"I was afraid you couldn't help one can help me now. So I'll just kill all of you."

She slowly turned her head as a dark shadow loomed over her from behind. "Oh god."

Two of the emergency medical team were already dead. The remainder had their faces wrapped up in its hands. The thing they had brought in had actually formed a face out of its own blood and some sort of black oil that seemed to ooze through it. It had a deformed hole of sharp teeth for a mouth. She could still see the liquid surface of blood pulsing and moving in the back of its throat. "I don't want to die. Let me try and help...there's no need for this." She pleaded with the thing as she stepped back away from it.

"Oh, the carnage has only just begun." It lifted its arms up and hefted both men into the air. Their muffled screams heightened as blood began to drip from between its fingers. Finally both men fell to the floor as their skulls finally caved in.

Dr. Mizura was backed against the wall with nowhere to run. She screamed as the creature simply walked towards her.


Rei Hino's back arched sharply as she sucked in a quick breath. Her eyes were wide with horror at the vision she had just received. Something terrible had happened, she wasn't sure what it was. She had seen bodies, dead people. They were lying in pools of their own blood in a strange room. A dark shadow loomed over them.

What scared her the most, is that she felt a connection. Usagi was involved somehow. She wasn't sure why she knew that, or what it meant. The girl wasn't hurt though, at least not yet.


"I cannot be disturbed now," she hissed as she glared at him. The look on his face silenced any further protest.

"Stay home. It is too much for you alone, even with the help of your friend."

"What? What are you talking about?"

The old man sighed. "So. It appears I was mistaken. I thought you came in here to meditate on what was going on now."

"There's something going on?" muttered the girl dumbly.

The man looked slightly annoyed. "Hmmm. Should have just kept my mouth shut."

"I've got to go then."

"Come and see what you face then. It's all over the damn news."

The girl blinked and stood up to follow.

The girl took one look at the screen on the television and gasped. She was frozen in shock.

Venom and the Goblin were swinging at each other in the street. The beastly looking black creature was swinging a light pole around like a baseball bat, and the Goblin was lobbing bombs at it occasionally. Venom was getting pretty good at hitting them away, which was unfortunate for the surrounding buildings. The streets around the scene were basically vacant save for a few newscasters in the background.

"See what I mean? Stay home Rei. Let the police handle this."

The girl was simply looking at the screen.

"I've already called Makoto. She says she's remaining behind as well. It is far too dangerous for a single girl to handle this alone."

"I've seen that thing before. In a vision."


"Sorry. I've got to go. Usagi needs my help." She started walking towards the door. She pulled out a small compact and flipped it open as she strolled out the door. "Makoto. I'm going. Are you in or out?"

"You sure about this?" muttered the girl on the other side nervously.

"We have to help Usagi."

"Usagi!? What's she got to do with this?"

"I'll explain when we meet up." She tapped a button on the bottom half and growled as the ring sounded several times. "Pick up!"

"Huh? Oh, hey Rei. What's up?"

"You were sleeping?"

"Yeah. Can't do Sailor Venus anymore remember?"

"Forget about your punishment. We need you."

"Rei! You know I would..."

"Minako. Usagi is in danger. We have to do something."


"Minako. Your parents want to protect you, but we're all there is right now. I just saw a newscast, Spiderman is gone."

"Gone? Somebody killed him!??!" The girl looked completely shocked.

"No. He ran away."

"So you're on your way to fight something that guy ran away from?"

"That's why we need you. Minako...please."

The girl frowned deeply. "I'm gonna get so grounded for this."

"You are grounded, remember?"

"Oh. Right."

With another tap Rei switched channels again. She waited for a few moments and frowned. "Pick up Ami." The communicator continued to ring.


Ami Mizuno looked down into her hand at the small ringing compact. She was sitting at a computer in a small room with lots of records placed on bookshelves around her.

"What is that ringing dear?" asked her mother as she stuck her head out of her office.

"Just my communicator. We all got them when we became senshi. Mostly we just use them like cell phones these days. I'll call Rei back later tonight."

Her mother gave her a small frown. "All right. You know I don't like that senshi business though."

"I'm sorry. It's harmless though. It seemed like such a waste to get rid of it..."

"It's all right. I suppose I can tolerate that as long as I don't hear about any more of it."

"Yes Ma'am."

"How long is it going to ring?"

"I'll switch it off. I don't have time to speak with her anyway. I've still got a lot to do here."

"All right. Just remember that we break at two for lunch. The cafeteria isn't bad on this floor either. How is it coming?"

I've almost got these sorted out. I don't see why you don't just do this to begin with. It seems counterproductive to update the patient files manually.
"Sorry dear. I can't perform examinations in here. The other room doesn't have a terminal in it remember."

"Laptops aren't that expensive you know. You should invest in one. It will free up a lot of time for you."

Her mother smiled. "Getting bored?"

"I don't mind doing it at all. It does seem a bit silly to me though." The girl giggled slightly and arched her back as she stretched her arms up.

"Well. If anything happens to the computer, I've still got the hard copy. That's why we do it this way."

The girl shrugged at this. "I guess that makes sense then."

The pair quickly turned towards the door to the hallway as the sound of rushing feet pounded past the door.

"Security?" muttered Dr. Mizura as she poked her head out the door. "Wonder where they're going in such a rush?"

"Is something going on?" asked Ami curiously.

"I'm not sure," replied her mother. "It's probably nothing."


"You're beginning to annoy us," snarled Venom as it slammed into a wall creating a large crater in its wake.

"I'll do more than annoy you!" snarled Goblin as he tossed yet another bomb.

Venom jumped out of the way and a shower of concrete and brick shot into the air as the projectile exploded.

"Come down and fight us!"

Goblin was still on his glider and circled above the thing at a fairly good distance. "Why don't you come up here. It's so much more fun that way."

"We'll make you then!" roared the creature as it pointed its fist towards the airborne monster.

Goblin weaved in and out of the webs almost casually. "Come on. At least make some sport of it!"

"All right then!" snarled Venom as it jerked the still taught lines back suddenly.

"Eh?" said Goblin as he turned his head back. Two chunks of wall slammed into it from behind and he jolted forward, knocked from his glider again.

"Now you've come down to play some more."

"I'm starting to like you," said the monster as he rose to his feet again. "I should really look into some straps for my feet. This grows irritating."

"We don't like you much. Let us show you!" Venom roared and jumped forward arms extended.

Goblin punched it in the face and sent it off course. The thing landed on the pavement face down. It was on its feet again almost as soon as it hit. "Ouch."

Goblin used the opportunity to mount his glider again.

"Next time, we break that thing first," growled Venom irritably.


Carrot sighed as he landed on a rooftop overlooking the fight.

Apparently Venom and Goblin were having a pissing contest to see who could destroy more cars. They weren't paying much attention to what was going on around them either. Small fires and piles of twisted metal and rock littered the path of their battle. It had gone on for almost fifteen blocks now. There were stretches of undamaged road as well, when they paused to change scenery. "Guess they keep running out of stuff to break and people to scare. Now what the hell do I do about it?"

He cocked his head as he looked down at the small garden on the rooftop beside him. There were a few garden tools strewn about and he shrugged as he picked up a pair of shovels.

"How much longer can I put this off?"

An explosion ripped through the air as a car's gas tank blew up.

"Great. I miss dull moments. I guess we're just lucky these two assholes haven't managed to bring down a building yet."

He paused and watched the tiny monsters battle below him. "I think I've got it." With a heavy sigh he raised his hand. "God I hope this works."


Venom snarled as it climbed up the side of a building after the annoying youma.

"Are you sure you don't want a hand? It's taking you an awfully long time to climb this," taunted the Goblin as he hovered at about ten stories, more or less halfway up the building.

Venom jumped away as another bomb fell from above. It twisted in mid air and swung across the street as the explosion shattered the building.

"Hey assholes! Don't you know littering is a crime?!"

Venom and Goblin turned their heads in unison. Goblin twisted in the air with the strike and nearly spun out of control as a garden hoe knocked him hard in the jaw. "Argh!"

Venom received a shovel that merely bounced off it's skin. "Ah. Spiderman!"

"Look at the mess you two made. Well, it's time to start cleaning it up."

"You must be joking!" muttered Goblin as he shifted from side to side in the air.

"Not very funny."

The boy didn't move and simply looked at Venom. "If that is you in there Tsukino. I think it's time you made a decision."

"What's that?" snarled the creature with a deep hiss.

"Which of us, is the lesser evil?"

"Eh?" muttered Goblin as he jerked his head towards Spiderman. "So that's your game is it?"

"You can try to take both of us, or we can get this jerk out of the way so we can finish our fight later."

Venom didn't move.

"Well?" asked Goblin.

"We're thinking," replied Venom. It turned towards Spiderman and shrugged. "Very well. We'll dispose of this thing, and then we'll poke a hole in your throat."

"Not very inventive," commented Goblin.

"Mind your own business!" hissed the thing.

A dull thumping sounded above them and the trio looked skyward.

"Police? Again? Can't those idiots catch a clue?" grumbled Goblin.

"Great. Helicopters," muttered Carrot as he saw three police choppers emerge from behind several of the taller buildings.

"This is the police! Stay where you are! You are under arrest!"

"Well. I can tell this is going to turn into a big mess."

"Best get started then!" cried Goblin as he shot into the air. He made a bee's line straight for one of the choppers.

"No! We have to stop him!" growled Venom as it followed.

"Hey! Where the hell are you two going! Haven't we broken enough of the city?!" Carrot kicked at the dirt and followed reluctantly. "I hate you both!"



Well, it's been a while hasn't it? ^_^; Anyway. The next chapter is about half written. Lots of fun stuff next time.

The dark sword and the return of the Senshi. Ooh. Sounds ominous.