Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Destiny: Charon ❯ Awakening of the Senshi ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: ~ I got the inspiration for
this story from Charon, Pluto's satellite,
also known as the twin of Pluto. Some people
like to think of Charon/Pluto as a double
planet because before, people thought that
Pluto was larger than it actually was because
the images of Pluto and Charon were blurred
together. Now, though, it is known that
Charon is really a satellite. So, I started
thinking. What if Pluto really did have a twin?
Or... What if *Setsuna* had a twin? Not
identical, of course not, but similar... ~

Hidden Destiny: Charon --
Part One --
The Awakening of the Senshi

The Plutonian palace was silent on this
day. No one moved about; no one even took the
time to speak to Setsuna when they passed her
in the hallway. Why not? What was so special
about today? "Mama, what's going on?" she had
asked her mother, the queen.

There had been no response, though, only
a quickly uttered, "Hurry along, Setsuna, today
is a day of celebration!"

But no one would tell her *what* they
were celebrating! She knew it wasn't her
birthday. It wasn't her mother's birthday, or
her grandfather's. So who were they honoring?
Today wasn't the Day of Selene, nor was it
set aside for any of the other Immortals. So
what was going on?

Fifteen-year-old Setsuna was curious,
but she knew that as the future Time Guardian,
it paid to be patient. In time, she would
learn what was going on here. Not now, though.
For now, it was something that she couldn't
find out.


In a hidden room, where no light was
allowed to enter, a young girl stood before
her grandfather. Her dark black hair, run
through with strands of glittering violet,
hung to her waist. Her violet eyes were
wise, knowing that there was no going
back from this day -- from this life.

"You are prepared for this?"

She nodded. "Yes, Grandfather.
I know what I must do." She paused.
"Setsuna can never know of me. I am
to be her 'counter-part' in all but

"If she were to find out about
your existence, the entire universe would
be thrown off course."

"I understand."

The man nodded, his ancient
eyes full of wisdom. "So be it."

The woman raised a hand into
the air, calling out, "Charon Planet
Power, Make Up!"

After the transformation was
complete, she stood there in a dark
fuku, similar to Sailor Pluto's.
As always, the bodysuit was white, but the
collar, skirt, and bands around the gloves
were black. The bow was light violet, the
only spot of color on it. In her hand, she
held a staff with a copy of the planet
Charon atop it, with the symbol of Pluto
burned into the center of the Charon
look-alike. She looked at the old man
who seemed tired now.

"Grandfather, I shall not
fail you," she told him. "With
everything that I do, I *shall* be
the best Sailor Charon there ever

"Be careful, granddaughter. If
Setsuna were to ever find out about you,
it would--"

"I know," she said softly. "Her
eyes will never stray to my post; she
will never know of me."


A week later, Setsuna bowed before
the aged man. "Grandfather, it is my destiny
as Princess of Pluto to become the Time

"You are wise beyond your years,
Setsuna." He paused. "You know what it means
to be the Time Guardian... You know of the
lonely vigil you will be forced to take...
Of the loneliness that will never leave you."

She sighed. "I understand my destiny.
As the only princess of Pluto, I am destined
to take over the post of the Time Keeper."

"There are three taboos that must never
be broken," the man said. "These are--"

"I know of them," she said, cutting him
off. "Please, let's make this as unemotional as
possible. It's already hard for me."

He nodded sharply. "Then accept your

Holding up her hand, Setsuna grasped the
henshin pen that appeared there. "Pluto Planet
Power, Make Up!"

As the transformation faded, she was
revealed as the Soldier of Time -- Sailor
Pluto. Grasping her Time Staff, she looked
solemnly at her grandfather. "I will not
let you down," she vowed.


And so, the last two "good" Senshi were
born. Sailor Charon, and Sailor Pluto. They
were twins, although Pluto had no idea that
a Senshi called Charon even existed. If she
had attempted to look at the remote corner of
the universe where Sailor Charon was, she
would be blocked and get only a view of a
peaceful, dark landscape. Charon would not
allow Pluto to know of her -- of her ghastly

Sailor Charon -- Senshi of the
Underworld -- was to stop the Messiah,
Sailor Saturn, from ever being awakened
to destroy the world. She was also
to always protect Sailor Pluto, and if
the unthinkable happened, to take over
the Gates of Time if Pluto could no
longer remain at her post.

Sailor Charon remained on her
planet, using her powers to keep
Saturn in a deep, unbreakable slumber.
It was her destiny to keep Saturn
from bringing the entire universe
to the Underworld -- that which
Charon guarded.


Is anyone interested? Let me know. You
can e-mail me at
or IM me on AIM at Moonlight10shi

I hope to get some responses from my
readers!! ^_^