Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Lady of Love ❯ Talk the Night Away ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The reception did not end until late in the evening. Minako and Kunzite danced several dances, as was expected, but never spoke, one too afraid, the other too unsure. The two stood side by side and thanked the many nobles for coming, then were separated once again by the King, Queen, Generals, and Princesses.

The women had noticed that Minako was quite worn out and had snatched her up to get her back to her rooms, while the men had grabbed Kunzite to make sure he didn't do anything stupid when it came to Minako.

"I'm serious Kunzite," Nephrite stated, "Don't do something with her that you'll regret later. Wait until the time is right. That is usually what works best."

Jadeite nodded, "I'm with Nephrite on this. If you'll remember when Rei and I got married, then you'll remember that we didn't do anything for months. We waited until we were comfortable with one another. Of course, no one would have thought about the resulting in us practically being soul mates."

It was the wrong thing to say. Kunzite's face darkened slightly and his gray eyes turned almost black. His hands were clenched and they shook. Nephrite, Zoisite, and Jadeite all backed away, but kept themselves in front of Endymion. For several minutes, Kunzite stood there, sweating from the exertion of controlling his anger. But soon, he was calm once again.

"Kunzite," Jadeite whispered, staring at his commander and friend, "I'm sorry. I-"

"Don't worry about it, Jadeite. You didn't mean it in that way, I know," Kunzite hissed. He then straightened and raised his chin to stare at all four of them in the eye.

"I give you all my word that I shall do nothing that will cause my wife harm or to fear. I shall take care of her to the best of my ability. With Your Majesty's permission, I would like to retire. It has been a long day."

Endymion nodded. "Granted."

When Kunzite was gone, Zoisite whirled and growled at Jadeite, "You have a big mouth, you know that? How could you even think of insinuating that he and Minako are soul mates? Are you insane?"

Jadeite lowered his eyes. He'd blown it big time.

Zoisite's hard green eyes softened slightly at seeing his cheerful friend so down and saddened. Shaking his head, he merely bowed to Endymion and left. Endymion followed soon after, wanting to rejoin his wife.

Jadeite stared after them a moment, then left as well, followed by Nephrite.


Serenity sat in her inner receiving room, going over papers at her desk when Endymion entered. Taking off her reading glasses, she stood up with a smile on her face.

He beamed back and asked, "Is this where I came in?"

Laughing, Serenity stepped forward and draped her arms lightly around his neck. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms about her waist.

"You're beautiful, do you know that," he murmured. His eyes were beginning to droop; Serenity could see that he was exhausted.

Smiling fondly at him, she pulled away and led him into their inner chamber. With much prodding, Serenity convinced him not to just fall in bed as he was. So Endymion reluctantly changed into his nightwear, as did she.

Once they were in their bed, Endymion pulled her close to him once again. His eyes were almost completely closed, but he was awake enough to mumble, "Our children will be as beautiful as you, Serenity…"

Serenity's face lost some of its happiness. `If the Gods will it, Endymion,' she thought, `If the Gods will it that we should have children of our own.'

Such depressing thoughts coming from her on this subject were hardly unfounded. Even after nearly a decade since their marriage, no child had been conceived.

`It's not as if we're not doing our part,' she thought, blushing slightly as she fell into a contented slumber in her husband's arms.


In a place where the stars did not twinkle benevolently on the inhabitants of the various worlds in the Universe, in a place where darkness reigned, something… no, some*one* raged silently.

This particular being was currently sitting on a twisted, maligned chair that served him as a sort of throne. If anyone had been watching him and knew him, they would have known that he was in a terrible mood.

He was known to his enemies as Malagent, the Dark Sorcerer.

Currently, he was staring through a portal, watching his ultimate goal sleep in the arms of her husband. He cursed Endymion for touching her, for defiling her. He would certainly enjoy killing him when the time came.

And when that happened…

His plan was simple. He would defeat the Generals and their King, kill them, claim Serenity as his own, and keep the Generals wives as his concubines. Relatively simple, if one looked at it in a certain way. He certainly didn't want to rule. Having people fear him was enough.

And now that plan was endangered because Endymion had used what little intelligence he actually had. He'd brought the island nation of Erosa into this by marrying his head General, that fool, Kunzite, to the island's only heir, Minako l'Eros.

That threw more than one wrench into his plans. Malagent knew the ancient prophecy of the last Terran King's oracle. With this "Lady of Love," the first of the five children that had the power to destroy him would be born.

Oh, Endymion would pay dearly for this. Perhaps he would claim Endymion's beloved Queen in front of him as he was slowly disemboweled.

Still, Malagent knew not to allow his desire for revenge to get the better of his good judgement. With Minako l'Eros now married to Kunzite, he would have to change some of his plans.


Malagent continued to plan in silence.


Minako stared out over the sea from her window. It had taken time, but she had managed to convince everyone that she was fine for the night. Now, her ladies had retired to their rooms, along with Haruka, who had a room right next to hers, in case of danger.

She sighed, turned, and moved to make herself some Lou'sa. Kunzite wouldn't do anything tonight, if ever. Even from just dancing with him, she'd been able to see the kindness in his eyes. He would not hurt her, she knew that.

Still, why did she feel a flicker of fear whenever he was around?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door to her outer receiving room. Minako reacted immediately, not wanting whoever it was to awaken Haruka, who had always been a light sleeper.

"Who is it," she called quietly once she'd entered the outer receiving room.

"It is Kunzite, my lady," the voice replied, "I was hoping that we could speak."

Minako froze and her heart began to beat tremulously. A part of her wondered if her observations of him were wrong, while another part of her continued to believe that he would do nothing untoward.

Carefully, she moved forward and opened the doors. He stood there, his face a mask of neutrality, but she could see that his eyes were curious and wary.

"Come in, please," she whispered quietly, opening the door to allow him entry.

Kunzite entered and glanced around the room. He had made sure that her rooms were beautiful, but he had known that they lacked depth. But what she had done with them had made them represent perfection.

She motioned for him to follow her further into her rooms. When they entered the inner receiving room, Minako pointed to one of two stuffed chairs that sat near the fire. As he sat down, she nervously broke the silence.

"Would you like some Lou'sa?"

Staring up at her, he smirked and answered, "I do not know, my lady. I have never heard of this `Lou'sa.'"

A small, tremulous smile began to form. "It is a drink that I brought with me from Erosa. Her Majesty has tasted it and she believes that it tastes similar to warm milk, but with more of a… strawberry flavor."

Kunzite considered a moment, then nodded.

"If you'll excuse me for just a moment, I'll finish the mix I had started."

After she had retreated, Kunzite turned to stare at the fire. What was he doing? He was no fool. She hid it well, but he could see that she was terrified of him. Why? Surely she knew that she had nothing to fear from him.

Surprisingly, the thought that the woman, who he had originally believed to be an angel, feared him sent a feeling of sadness and remorse through his heart. Why, though?

Minako quickly mixed up the rest of the ingredients of the drink, despite her trembling. Why was she so fearful of him? Her mind knew that he would never harm her, his eyes had promised that much to her. But her heart trembled and jumped whenever he was nearby.

The drink was finished, so with little recourse, Minako poured a cup for the both of them, placed them on a small tray, and picked it up.

Good, she wasn't shaking. Perhaps her training was beginning to kick in. `No more of this shaking and nervousness,' she told herself firmly, `You trained to be a Guardian. What would they think of you now? Walking around and feeling faint all because of some tiny little emotion inside. No more.'

Those words in her mind, Minako walked back into the inner receiving room, where her husband was waiting for her.

Kunzite heard her come in. Turning, he discovered that Minako had seemed to have undergone some sort of transformation. Her eyes were no longer nervous, darting this way and that, but firmly placed ahead of her. In them, Kunzite could see gentleness, but also a will of steel.

`She doesn't seem to be one a person would want to push around,' he thought.

Kunzite watched as she set the tray down nearby, picked up two tiny tea cups, and turned to hand him one. Her eyes still held that same look, he noticed. It was almost as if she were giving her full attention in keeping it up.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

"Your welcome," she replied just as softly as she sat in another stuffed chair across from him.

Silence fell between the two once again, but it didn't seem as strained as before. Still, both of them still had to work up the courage to speak to the other.

To do something to fill the silence between them, Kunzite took a sip of the strange concoction that Minako called Lou'sa. It did indeed taste a bit like warm milk, but with a strawberry twist to it.

"This tastes wonderful, my lady," he complimented her, looking at her face, "Perhaps your people will be willing to trade for this. I know a many people who would like this potion. Truly, your people seem to be capable of creating wonderful things."

Her sea blue eyes glittered in the faint firelight and she smiled. "But most would say that while what you say is true, we are not very adept at sharing them. `Tis true, that is what most people think."

Kunzite couldn't help but chuckle. It was becoming clear that his new wife had a sharp wit and tongue. Mayhap her tongue was not as sharp as Lady Rei's was. He did not think he could bear another one like her.

When his chuckles died down, he uttered, "I was thinking that perhaps we should try to become acquainted with one another, as we are now husband and wife."

Minako stared at him for a moment, not answering. `Twas almost as if she were reading his soul. At least, that is what it felt like to Kunzite. He fought the impulse to run his hand through his off-white hair, a nervous gesture.

Finally, she nodded. "I agree. Please, tell me of your life, General Kunzite of Avalon."

A wry smirk graced Kunzite's features. "I imagine the Queen and the three Ladies have told you far more than I could ever tell you, my Lady. They are good women, but they do love their gossip. So, tell me of *your* life, Princess of Erosa, Lady Minako."

"Well, I was born in the village of Cupí, but I have spent most of my life in the seaside capitol of Erosa, Aphrodita. My mother died in childbirth, and as she and my father were soul mates, he followed her. I was placed in the care of the High Priestess to be raised and trained. From the age of ten…"

Dawn's light had just begun to skitter across the star-filled sky when Kunzite rose to leave her chambers. Glancing out the window, he frowned in mild agitation.

"It seems, my lady, that in my wish to know more about you, I have kept you from your rest the entire night."

Minako rose from her seat and took his hand in hers. Softly, she spoke.

"'Tis all right, my lord. I know that harsh destinies have been placed upon us both. And I know that we will attempt our hardest to fulfill them. Perhaps… we can do so together, as friends."

Kunzite stared down at her, marveling at her sense of duty. And even beneath that sweet and docile exterior, he could sense a will and determination of steel. He sincerely hoped he never found himself in disfavor with her.

"Yes," he replied, "Friends."

Like a gentleman, he kissed her hand. Then he turned and quietly let himself out of the door. Minako did not move for several minutes. She just stared at the door, her expression neutral.
