Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Learning to Love Again ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Learning to Love Again
Part 2
By Alecto
Edited By Jenny
Email Jenny:

Angel Of Saturn: Konnichi wa, minna =) I have another name, depending on my
mood. I'll name it after I create a screen name ^.^; ANYway... *A computer
materializes out of nowhere, along with a relaxing armchair* Currently I am
in the clutches of the manga and anime, Card Captor Sakura, or CCS. LUV it!
It's by CLAMP. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful... rivals SM (sailor moon)! I
LOVE it! Thus the computer... <3 my goals - a) but Every volume of it!
(Japanese of Chinese!) b) GET every image of Li-kun and Sakura-chan
together! They are the PERFECT couple!!!! C) get all of the English
subtitled anime episodes... hee! Ja ne! *becomes absorbed in computer*
Note: I am bordering on the edges of insanity and CCS-all-out-obsession. The
only thing that is keeping me from it is that I'm the only sane person in
this group to stabilize it, soo... ^_^ GO SEE/READ CCS!!!! Trust me, it
seems boring in the beginning, but once you know the story... *hearts!*
Stefanie-san, are you reading this? Well anyway, BIG recommendation of CCS
to EVERYBODY out there!
(Suddenly, Jenny runs onto the stage with a frantic and worried look in her
(*Note: I know you're wondering what Jenny's attachment to the plastic wall
is, honestly I don't know, it just came an idea...)
Alecto: (nonchalantly) So what's the problem then?
Jenny: (incredulously stares at Alecto and whacks her over the head) What do
you MEAN 'what's the problem'?! My plastic wall is gone! It could be in the
grasps of... of...
Alecto: (looks at Jenny) Who?
Jenny: That's just it! I don't know! (falls to knees and sobs) my... wall...
Alecto: Where did you look for it?
Jenny: (yells) Everywhere! I checked everywhere!!
Alecto: Really? Maybe it ran away. (mutters) I wouldn't be surprised...
Jenny: What? Why would it run away from me?
Alecto: (sighs annoyed) There are more important things we should be
Jenny: What's more important than this? My wall is gone! I'm going to be
emotionally damaged for life! All is lost!
Alecto: (mutters) Too late for that... (clears throat and talks normal
volume) Anyway, I think everyone who has emailed me: I love feedback!
Jenny: (sobbing) my... plastic... wall...
Alecto: (ignoring Jenny, *Note: like you all should...) And I've noticed
that some of you has emailed me at my old address. Presently that inbox is
jammed with 114 messages and I don't have time to search through all the
junk mail I'm getting to look through other people's email. You're asking
why I have so much junk mail? Let's just say someone has put me on a spam
mailing list. And I'll kill them next time I see them.
Jenny: (hysterically) MY PLASTIC WALL!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: You should know by now what this is, so let's skip the
'I-don't-own-this-so-don't-sue-me' thing and get on with the story!

Nothing happened, nothing simply happened. No flash of light or burst of feathers. Nothing, nothing at all.

Usagi gaped at her broach in shock, "Masaka!"

"I will not fail upon Pharaoh 90's honor." She raised her left arm, the golden bracelet shone dimly again. A hazy green light is cast upon the trio. "You won't get through this shield, I will make sure of that."

Mamoru, holding Usagi closer to him, demanded, "Who are you?!"

The woman laughed lightly, "You don't remember me? Well it has been almost ten years."

"Remember you?" Usagi asked quietly.

"I am Kaolinite of the Death Busters. And while I'm at it, I might as well draw out your other friends including that wretched Sailor Uranus and Neptune." Kaolinite growled.

"Sailor Uranus? Sailor Neptune?" Usagi wondered aloud.

"Enough!" Kaolinite exclaimed, her bracelet began to glow softly again. "I'm stronger now. As a reward from Hexas-sama for my loyalty, he has given me new and stronger magic. Please take this as a token of my esteem."

Kaolinite formed a large fireball in her hand, her bracelet glowing more brightly than ever before as she feed her energy into it. She threw it at the confused couple. Mamoru quickly acted upon his warrior instinct, he pushed Usagi to the ground and shielded her with his own body. An explosion rocked the small alleyway as Kaolinite powered up for another attack.


Ami typed furiously on her computer. She pulled up a map of Tokyo and scanned for her friends' 'communicators' signals. Four blinking colored dots appeared on the map, each telling the location of a senshi. Green for Makoto, red for Rei, orange for Minako, and light blue for herself, but no Usagi. Ami slapped her forehead as she realized why. Usagi didn't bring or turn on her communicator.

Suddenly two more dots appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, one navy blue and the other sea green. They were about three blocks away from Ami. She quickly downloaded the signal. She would have to investigate it later, she didn't have the time now. She had to find Usagi.

"Find anything?" Zoisite asked as he appeared suddenly behind her. Ami jumped in surprise.

"Don't do that!" Ami rubbed her temples, "I've found everyone but Usagi-chan."

"Try scanning for her energy signature." Zoisite suggested.

"I was going to." Ami snapped slightly.

"Gee, gomen." Zoisite muttered and went back to his silent pondering. 'She's doesn't care anymore, she's no longer my water sprite. I wish she could remember, if only she could remember.'

Ami pulled up Usagi's energy signature and started to scan for it. She found Usagi in a small alley not too far off. There were two other life forms with her, one of which was filled with negative energy.

Ami punched the all-alert button on her computer, but only to get static. "Shimatta!"

"Here, hold this." Zoisite handed Ami a small brown crystal.

Ami examined the small crystal carefully, all the time wondering what its purpose was. The gem began to glow softly. She looked over at Zoisite, who was chanting something inaudible under his breath.

"Ami-chan! You got the communicators to work?" Makoto asked suddenly through the computer and making Ami jump.

Ami tossed a curious glance in Zoisite's direction, who mouthed 'later' to her. Ami turned back to her computer and said, "Uh, yea. Don't ask me how. I found Usagi-chan and I have a dark energy right next to her."

"Must be that woman from before." Rei growled, "I'd like to give her a piece of my mind."

You can hear Minako giggling somewhere in the background.

"What so funny?!" Rei snapped.

"Nothing, it's just you sound so much like Mako-chan." Minako giggled.

"I resent that." Rei snapped yet again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Makoto growled over her end of the line.

"That's enough." Ami sighed, "We'll meet on the roof of the department store on Tenth Street. It overlooks the alley where Usagi is. We'll analyze the situation from their first and then attack." Ami said, "Oh, and bring the generals with you, we may be in need of their assistance." Ami added almost like a side note.

"Great, are we like your lap dogs now?" Jadeite grumbled in the background. His comment was soon followed by Rei's angry ranting.

Zoisite smiled to himself. Some things never change no matter how long it's been. This was a comforting thought to the blond-haired general. He looked longingly at Ami. 'Perhaps there's still a chance for an "us".'

Ami turned off her computer, sweatdropping. She caught Zoisite's gaze. It pierced through the deepest reaches of her soul, for a moment she felt complete like she never had. She could have spent the whole day gazing into his eyes but there were more important matters at hand. "Stop staring, you're making me feel uncomfortable. Mercury Star Power! Make Up!" In a flash of blue light, Sailor Mercury stood before Zoisite. "Are you ready to go? I'm not going to wait for you if you don't hurry."


"Should we join them? Perhaps it's time for our debut." She said as her companion closed her communicator.

"I don't know, we usually don't pick up their signals." The second woman said curiously. "We must be close to whoever put out that alert."

"I take it we should keep an eye out for them." The first said. Her partner nodded as the pair ran off.


Usagi was having a great time dodging attacks that would undoubtedly fry her to a crisp if she didn't. How she hated irony. Sweat ran down her face as she evaded yet another fireball.

"Having fun?" Kaolinite laughed delightedly to herself. Usagi took this moment of distraction and performed a roundhouse kick. She sent the fiery-haired woman flying into a pile of trash.

"Woah, nice." Mamoru muttered, mostly to himself.

"Trash should stay where they belong." Usagi sneered.

Kaolinite was, needless to say, extremely pissed off. She picked herself up, her bracelet glowed brightly.

The ground Usagi stood upon exploded, throwing her back hard into a brick wall and knocking her unconscious.

Mamoru saw red and it was not Kaolinite's hair. "You're gonna pay for that!"


"We're here." Sailor Venus announced as she and Kunzite joined the other senshi on the roof.

"About time." Jadeite and Sailor Mars grumbled in unison.

"Usagi is currently unconscious." Sailor Mercury said. At the mention of those words she was soon jumped by her fellow warriors.

"Whoever did this is gonna pay!" Sailor Jupiter growled in a bloodthirsty manner.

"What are we waiting for?! Let's attack!" Venus cried.

"Is Endymion all right?" Kunzite asked.

"Minna, please. We would attack if we could." Mercury said.

"What do you mean 'if we could attack'?"

"We have to help them."

"Minna, listen-"

"Why can't we attack?"

"Is Usagi-chan gonna be all right?"

"Minna, calm down and let me expl-"

"Who's after us this time anyway?"


"Would you please let me explain the situation."

"Don't be stupid, Jadeite. You've been spending too much time staring at that old game."

"HEY! It could happen."

"Will you listen!?"

"Great now you sound like a McDonald's commercial."

"Or maybe it's NORG, or Adel, or Seifer, or worse, ULTIMECIA, THE ULTIMATE BOSS!!! By the way, anyone know how to boost a GF's attack?"


"What are we gonna do?"

"Is there a point to this pointless conversation?"

"Hey, Kunzite actually made a pun!"


"Will you two stop arguing already! Who cares about that stupid game anyway?"

"SHUT UP!!!" Zoisite shouted. A miracle then happened, everyone stopped talking. A miraculous and awkward silence settled over the group. "*You all will listen to Mercury-sama and you will all listen good.*" Zoisite said this in a very malice manner which made everyone just a bit nervous.

"Ahem, uh, arigato uh... um... Zoisite-san. There is a barrier surrounding the alleyway which prevents anything from getting in or out. It is self-maintaining, it absorbs elemental energy from all around." Mercury explained.

"So how do we shut it down?" Jupiter asked.

"We can't." Mercury replied simply. "It's not like we can shut off the planetary energy around us."

"We could try." Kunzite said, "We, being the guardians of this planet, are each connected to a element of this Earth. Perhaps if we asked nicely, they'll cut the flow of their energies long enough for us to get into the shield." Kunzite suggested.

"Ask them nicely? What's that supposed to mean?" Venus asked quizzically.

"Eac-" Mars was cut off by Jadeite. She tossed him a look that could kill.

"Each element has their own characteristics and personalities. If you happen to offend them, well you don't want to know what will happen." Jadeite shivered.

"That's why I'm able to read fire. You have to ask it nicely and do the favors they ask of you, before they'll help you. It sounds weird but that's how it works." Mars finished.

"Well let's go then. Get a move on it!" Jupiter exclaimed impatiently.

"All right, all right." Jadeite muttered. The four generals formed a circle on the rooftop, facing outward. Kunzite faced the north, Nephrite faced the east, Jadeite faced the south, and Zoisite faced the west. Each men closed their eyes and concentrated.

Kunzite felt the earth humming beneath his feet in a harmonious melody. Plants pushed out of the ground, extending their roots to grasp the nutrients and water below. Its leaves reached up toward the sun, catching its rays. He reached down into the depths of the earth to softly awoke the
dormant spirit of the earth.

Nephrite could hear the wind spirit's songs. She flew among the clouds and sang forth rain to bring forth-blooming flowers for spring. She immediately recognized Nephrite and asked him to join her in her sing and dance. He declined but quickly explained the grim situation they were in. The sprit
gasped and quickly agreed to help.

Jadeite reached deep into the earth's core, he beseeched the sleeping fire sprit that would soon awaken for summer. The sprit grumbled unhappily at his sudden awakening, ready either to throw Jadeite back to the surface of the earth or burn him to a crisp. Jadeite apologized and explained the urgentness of their problem.

Zoisite beseeched the water sprit within the seas. The slumbering spirit awoke with a start in his presence. She bubbled curiously at Zoisite as he explained their circumstances. She agreed to help nevertheless.

For the next moment, all became quiet, silent. The wind stopped and the sun's rays lost their warmth. It was neither hot nor cold. The world seemed empty, the world stopped cold, the world became completely silent.

"NOW!!!" Kunzite signaled to the others.

The shield finally fell and the warriors jumped to join the fight below.

"I still think its Edea." Jadeite muttered as he followed everyone else.

"Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?" Mars grumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"


Mamoru swung another punch at the fiery-haired woman. Kaolinite laughed as she teleported behind him and struck him with one of her fireballs. Usagi remained unconscious against the brick wall. Mamoru stumbled forward, a drip of blood slipped out the corner of his mouth.

"You can't win." Kaolinite sneered. She powered up for the finishing blow, a blood red aura enveloped her. She released the energy at the injured man.

'Usako, I'm sorry. Forgive me.'

*To Be Continued*

"Of all life's treasures through the years.
the one we're fondest of
Is that which passing time endear...
the lasting gift of love."
- Constance Parker Graham

Alecto: Announcement!! Stefanie has a web page. The address currently
escapes me so check out her fanfics and find out
Jenny: (shouts in Alecto's ear) Alecto-chan! My plastic wall!! Where is it?!
Help me find it!
Alecto: (rolls eyes) In a minute, in a minute, jeez...
Jenny: (goes hysterical again) WHAT DO YOU MEAN IN A MINUTE?! THERE'S NOT A
MINUTE TO SPARE! WE HAVE TO FIND IT NOW!!! (runs off stage deranged,
backstage and Alecto sweatdrops)
Alecto: (looks back at audience Due to the popularity of Mailing Contests
that fanfic writers are holding, I decided to hold a small one myself,
remember when Jadeite was ranting off a series of names earlier? If anyone
can tell me what video game that those names are from, I'll send them Part 3
as soon as I'm done. That means you don't have to wait till Sunday! (Hint
hint: It's a playstation game)
Jenny: (runs in with plastic wall and is jumping up and down joyously) I
Alecto: Where was it?
Jenny: (sheepishly) It was leaning right against the wall backstage ^.-;
Alecto: (rolls eyes and sighs) Check more carefully next time
Jenny: (indignant) But it was like camouflaged! It was only when I crashed
into it and it fell on me that I knew!
Alecto: Well you know how those stage people put stuff around that back
wall. You should have checked there first instead of running around shouting
in my ear!
Jenny: (shouts) But I didn't know!
Alecto: (yells back) You said you looked everywhere!!
Jenny: In my room, yeah!
Alecto: (looks at Jenny and drops head) When you look for something, Jenn,
you don't just look in your room, you look other places too!
Jenny: Well then, let's see if you can find one of your things >D
Alecto: (gives Jenny a 'if-looks-could-kill' glare) What do you mean by
Jenny: (smiles innocently) Oh nothing...