Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Symboless Soldier ❯ Introduction: My name is Mika ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I know, another new story, and for an old fandom this time too. Shame on me when I already have a few out there that need to be worked on. I promise that I'll only work on this when I have the time and not when the deadline to another story's chapter is coming up. This is the prologue to this story, the rest of it is written in 3rdperson.
Standard Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in Sailor Moon; Naoko Takeuchi does and I thank her for creating such a creative universe to use for my own devices.
It's been a long while since I have discovered anything about the person I used to be. Sometimes I wonder how it could have happened in such a short amount of time. A soul transfer and merger is practically unheard of in these time, if at all in this century.
I bear the scars from the final moments of the part of the soul that fused with my new one, showing that I am not completely blameless in the events that have passed. These burn scars on my wrists, each one about the length of my index finger and shaped like a square that wraps around my entire wrist.
Like I had placed metal bracelets fresh from the forge around my wrists.
They don't hurt really, not unless I'm anywhere near a fire, then they start to hurt after a while from the heat. The scars have kind of faded to the white color of healed flesh and are easily hidden by my sleeves. At times, I wonder what could have caused these burns and yet, from the fragmented pieces of a past memory, I don't think it really matters anymore.
Scars don't compare to the lives you've taken and destroyed.
My name is Densetsuno Mika, I'm seventeen years old and temporarily living on my own, thanks to the fund my mother sends me from Okinawa. Though born in the tropical climate of Ishigaki Island in the Okinawa Prefecture, I do not resemble any of my family members. Or at least, the ones I have met thus far in my new life.
My mother is a housewife of the eternally cheerful though stubborn and often times blunt kind. The years have been kind to her, giving her only a few laugh lines around her mouth and eyes. She and my father are dark haired and eyed and tan easily in the summer sun. My older sister has mousy brown hair that she keeps short for her track meets in college and the same dark eyes as our parents. My older brother has the same hair color as my sister, although his eyes are the same serious dark blue as mine are.
In a way, I guess you could say that being the youngest in the family gives me a right to be the odd one. As I have said before, my eyes are dark blue but my hair is a rich shade of blonde with lighter, natural highlights. Unlike the rest of my family, I burn rather easily in the sun and usually go swimming or running in the early hours of the morning or in the late hours of twilight and night. I'm the smallest as well, only reaching five feet and one inch with my shoes on. My mother and sister are the same height and top me by about four inches.
Enough about my appearance though, aside from my unusual coloring, I'm a normal, quiet, and average high school girl. I have dreams and fears like every other person I know and have come to care for. Though, unfortunately, I do have the side that few people seem to see and most likely don't have as well.
I am a member of a specially chosen group of people called a Sailor Senshi.
Although, where most have their small to large groups of people that form a team against whatever threat comes their way; I am alone in this world.
Or, I have not found them yet.
My mother was the one who gave me an idea for a title, if anyone ever needed to give me one other than those from my past. She's a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance.
I have been dubbed the “Reluctant Fighter”.
Reluctant, I guess that would suit my attitude towards my role as a Defender. People really have no idea about what it means to be a Senshi. They think all the glory and power and fame come without a cost.
But they're wrong.
When you transform, all this unbridled power races through every fiber of your being, feeling like you've dropped an electronic device into a bathtub filled with water and you're standing in it. It hurts to transform. Using the power has an even more devastating effect on one's body and mind too.
Using the power just drains everything from you, and I do mean everything. Why do you think most of the others eat so much? They have to in order to keep their bodies from wasting away to skin and bones. No one wants to see an emaciated person fighting for everyone's lives. Everything is used up and it explains the reason why most of the Senshi people have seen seem to have the “perfect” bodies no matter how much they eat or what kind of things they eat.
Winding up in the hospital with little to no memory of how you faired in a fight has a damaging effect on the mind and the heart, especially when you learn it was because of your power that the innocent people were wounded or killed all because you were trying to save them by destroying the threat to their lives.
Of course, I have been fortunate this far in my “career” as a soldier gifted by someone's light. There have been very few occurrences where there was actually a foreign attacker from out of this planet back home in Ishigaki. Usually I was preventing the sporadic burglar or violent person from doing harm to anyone or helping out by looking for someone who was missing.
But now I am in a place that seems like an entirely new world to me. My mother told me that it was called “culture shock” and that I would eventually adapt to my new enviorment and be able to resume my search for what I am looking for.
I guess that means I should let you, the reader of my story, know what it is I'm looking for now.
I am looking for the crystal of my past life; the Sapphire Crystal.
As you may have figured out by now, I am Sailor Galaxia reborn but without over three quarters of my memory and I've lost most of my former power. I believe if I check again, I've only been allotted a quarter of the strength I was once supposed to have had. It doesn't bother me, I feel uncomfortable wielding so much power in the first place. After all, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I have a Senshi name, Sailor Galactica, as I've come to discover from my transformation phrase and yet, the rest of the Senshi in this universe and in the others scattered throughout space and time have something I do not.
And that became the inspiration for my second Senshi title. I'm also known as the “Symboless Fighter”.
I hope that by reading my story and how my life seems to lead me into one predicament after another, that you begin to understand that I am not the monster that my tainted past has painted me as and how the people see me now.
All I can ask if for you to bear witness and try to accept me as I am; not for who I was before I was reborn as a new person.