Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Legends of the Dark Knight- The Sailor Moon Crossover: MST'd ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
*Our chilling scene opens within the barren moutains of Latveria. Deep within the bowels of Castle Doomstat, three lost otaku are, at this very moment, being tortured by a meglomaniacal madman bent (in more ways than one) on world conquest. Who knows what hiddeous schemes he is up to. Who knows what horrors he is inflicting upon our hapless heros...

Deso (interrupting the Narrator): "The REAL horror here is the prices at this confection stand! SIX DOLLARS FOR GUMMI BEARS?! Give me a break..." *Deso glares at the Servbot behind the counter.* "Well, at least they have Fruitopia..."

Rosy (glancing over the counter): "They have cheeseballs!!! I LOVE cheeseballs!!!"

Deso (reaching for his wallet): "I'll buy you a pack of them, Rosy-chan."

Rosy: "WAI!!!"

Serenity: "I've got a solution to these inflated prices."

Deso (raising an eyebrow): "Oh? what is it?"

Serenity: "THIS!" *With a wide, cat-like grin, she unsheathed her claws and, with a casual bat of her arm, beheaded the Servbot.* "There. Problem solved." *winks*

Rosy (jumping over the counter): "FREE CHEESEBALLS!!!!"

Deso (sweatdrop): "But now who will make the Popcorn?"

Serenity (ploping a service cap on Deso's head): "Thank you for volunteering."

*Deso grumbles about the evils of women and starts up the popcorn machine while Serenity smiles at him sweetly, Rosy being too busy grabbing all of the cheeseballs to pay heed. The theatre darkens suddenly, and the face of their "host"/kidnapper appeared on the screen.*

Von Doom: "Well...I trust you are all rested and prepared to see the next part of my great masterpiece? Soon the genious of my work will transform you all into my willing slaves, and the first step towards building my invincible avatar army will be complete!"

*The MSTers look at each other in bewilderment*

Rosy (whispering): "Does he REALLY think his writing is good?! I've coughed up hairballs that had a better plot than this fic..."

Serenity: "And they no doubt had better grammer, too..."

Deso: "Well...we'd best humor him. We do seem to be in his least for now.."

Von Doom: "What are the three of you whispering about?"

Deso (>.>): "Ummm..."

Rosy (=<.<=): "Uhhh..."

Serenity (=^.^=): "We were wondering how you manage to go to the bathroom wearing that getup."

*Serenity is electrocuted by hidden blasters in the walls.*

Von Doom: "Silence!!! Since you all have so much free time, it's obvious that you are ready for the next installment! Start the projector!!!"

MSTers: *GULP!*

Legends of the Dark Knight

Deso: "Legends of the Dork knight would be more appropriate the way THIS fic is going..."

Serenity: "Yeah, really; this is one of the worst fics I've ever read! Well, almost..."

Rosy (=>.<=): " bad fic stop..."

Serenity (pats Rosy): "Sorry, we can't; we're stuck here untill it's over."

Rosy (=~_~;=): "Victor no baka..."

The Sailor Moon Crossover
by Victor VonDoom
MST'd by the Lost Fanboy Desolation, Rosy the Cat, and Serenity Darkness
Episode 2
Deadly Thoughts

Deso: "I'm having some about the author right now...Oh Victor, could you come hear a minute...EXPLOADING POMEGRANATES OF DEATH!!!"

Serenity: "NO EXPLODING POMEGRANATES OF DEATH!!!" (runs around, screaming, to evade the pomegranates.

Deso: "Gomen Seren, I was aiming at Dr. Dork over there..."

Rosy (singing!): "Kill the author, kill the author, kill the author, KILL THE AUTHOR!!!"

Serenity: "Ouch! Bad singing..."

Rosy: "I just love making Loony Toons references... (Whacks Sere!) I DO NOT SING BADLY!!!"

Serenity: "OUCH!!! My POOR EARS!" (tries to soothe her sensitive ears) "That hurt..." (cries)

Rosy (apologetic): "I'm sorry! I forgot about the ears thing! Hmm, I wonder if I've got any ear-plugs on me..." (Rosy riffles through her sub-space pocket.)

Seeing that Sailor Venus was in danger, Batman allowed them to escape,

Rosy: "Since when does Bats let the badguys escape?"

unfortunately they decided to take Sailor Venus with them, due to the effects of the fear gas she didn't resisted.- In the auditorium Batman and Robin were helping the other Sailor Scouts, Robin noticed that the one who was more affected by the gas was Sailor Mercury who was crying in a corner,

Deso: "I know the feeling..."

he feared that this experience could create traumas on her, he got beside her and injected the antidote on her right arm, feeling the pain Sailor Mercury tried to run away but after getting up she fainted Robin took her back to Wayne's manor but in the way back she transformed back to Ami, situation that shocked both Bruce and Dick,

Rosy: "Of course they were shocked; a 14-year-old magically flashed them!"

Serena and the others had no option but to reveal their identit

Deso: "This sentence just goes on...and on..."

ies as well, seeing this Bruce and Dick revealed their own to make things even.

Deso (slapping his hand over Rosy's eyes): "Don't look. It ain't pretty."

Serenity: "When they call him Dick, they're not kidding..."

Deso: "Hush."

Serentiy: "But I could have so much fun with him, Deso!"

Meanwhile Sailor Venus opened her eyes as well but she found herself hanging from chains that were holding her by the arms.

-Where am I ?

Deso: "Hey! Stop stealing my lines!"

Riot (showing up momentarily): "Anything goes Martial Arts Trademark Infringement Fu, is it? Most Dishonorable..."

Serenity: "Ahhh!!! Not Riot, too!!! I thought we only had one fanboy in this MST!"

(A door opens, and in pops someone else)

Jade: "Nihau!"

Serenity: "NOOOOO!!! NOT YOU!!!"

Rosy: "Sere, now you're gonna have to explain Jade to the readers..."

Serenity: "I don't wanna!!!"

Jade: "I'll explain myself! Ugh, I have such a crybaby for a twin...Hello readers! I'm Serenity's twin, Jade..."

Deso (backing away from Jade): "AHH!!! She's gonna molest me!!!"

Jade: "Only if you want me to, Deso...'Sides, I can help MST the fic."

Rosy (to Riot and Jade): "RUN!!! RUN, BEFORE YOU ARE TRAPPED HERE, TOO!!!"

Jade (to Rosy): "Too late: she's here, so I'm already trapped."

-Well finally the sleeping beauty decidees to wake up, HAHAHAHA ! !


-Ah you have a good memory too eh ? Welll maybe you are smart enough to solve this riddle, WHO IS BATMAN ? ?

Deso (smacking the Riddler): "He's the star of the show, you Baka! *sighs* This is what happens when you don't show up for rehearsal."

Rosy: "ACK!!! BAD BATMAN FOREVER REFFERENCE!!! (whimper...) the pain..."

Serenity: "We know..." (pats Rosy's back and licks the other neko-jin)

Rosy: "EEK!!!" (goes SD and glares at Sere) "NO ME GUSTA!!!"

She turned around and saw a man in a green costume with question marks on it.

-I don¹t know, what are you talking abouut ?

-uh oh wrong answer.

Mina felt a fist hitting her face after which she felted blood coming out from her mouth.- She tried not to cry but tears came out of her eyes due to the intense pain she felted.

Rosy: "Mina covered the pain in felt? That makes no sense...Anyhoo, Mina's been killed without crying; why would being smacked by a psycho be worse?"

Deso: "Not as intense as the pain of reading this fic. And why is she covered in felt, anyways?"

Serenity: "I didn't notice that..."

Jade: "You¹re a ditz, Sere."

-uhhh the little beauty is crying HAHAHAAHAHA ! ! ! !

Deso: "That doesn't sound like crying..."

-Why are you doing this to me ?

Deso: "Better yet, why is the author doing this to us?!"


-Because you are helping our greatest fooe, now tell us why you and your friends are helping him ?

There was no answer, and another fist impacted on Mina¹s face and many others followed but she refused to talk.- When they decided to stop her uniform was red due to the great amount of blood she had coming from her face.- They continued beating her later that night until there was no part of her body that wasn¹t bruised, seeing that they couldn't get anything out from her they decided to get rid of her, after dropping her out of a car a second one that was behind hitted her and she flew until she hitted a wall.

Deso: "Victor's grammer makes me want to hitted him!"

Next morning when Serena, Bruce and the others were in the batcave searching for Mina,

Rosy: "What, are they playing tag now?"

Serenity (to Rosy): "No; hide and seek..."

Rosy (=^^;=): "I knew that..."

Deso (scratching his head): "Why are they looking in the Batcave? Batman didn't kidnap her."

Rosy (to Deso, patting his head): "There there...Don't spend too much time thinking about it, or your brain'll explode..."

a news report shocked them all.

-This is a special news bulletin, a blonnd girl was found this morning in an alley in the city limits,

Serenity: "Hey, cool! It's a hooker!"


our informant states that she was comatose and that she had no identification, there was only rare pen on her, if someone can identify this strange item, please go to Gotham's Central Hospital, the girl is known to be on intensive care battling between life and dea...

Serena turned the TV off and started to cry.- Rei got beside her to give her some support.

Deso (as Rei): "Here, Serena; you can wear my bra."

Rosy (to Deso): *smack!* "ECCHI!!!"

Jade (as Serena): "Oh really, Rei? I knew you were my girlfriend for a reason! I love you, Rei!"

Rosy (as Amy): "Get a room, you two..."


Deso (to author): "...Why...why...Why are you inflicting this fic on us?"

Rosy: "Because he's an Eastern European dictator bent on global conquest, that's why."

They rushed up to the hospital and Serena couldn't believe what she saw, there was no part of Mina's body without injuries, but what horrified her the most was that Mina¹s face was unrecognizable both her eyes were black and her nose was broken.

Jade: "Damn! Mina's gonna die?"

Rosy (to Jade): "No; knowing this author, Serena is the one that gets killed off the most often..."

Jade: "Damn...Oh well, at least one of the blonds die. Can I throw Sere into the story and get rid of her, too?"

Serenity: *glares evily at her twin*

Jade (Yanking on the theater door): "Arg! I'm stuck; someone SAVE ME!"

Rosy (to Riot): "Get Jade out of here, stat!"

Serenity: I think Riot's already gone...

Deso: "Lucky Bastard!"

Rosy (to Deso): "I thought that was your nickname?"

Deso (to Rosy): "No, mine's 'Unlucky Bastard!"

Rosy: "Aah..."

- Meanwhile Bruce was talking with the DDoctor.

Deso: "What is he doing off of Voyager?"

Rosy: "I don't know, but I certainly wouldn't mind being stuck in 'Sailor Trek, Voyager', right about now...THAT author is a good writer."

-How is she Doctor ?

-I'm not going to lie to you Mr. Wayne, if she survives we don't know how damaged is her brain due to the brutal impacts she got on her head.-

Deso: "If WE survive, I don't know how damaged our brains will be from this fic!"

Serenity: "What brains? If we're stuck here, we must not have any to begin with!" (she knocks on Rosy's head) "Hello in there?"

Rosy (smacks Sere's hand away): "QUIT IT!"

Serentiy: "Must I?"

Rosy: "YES!!!"

Ami was in the other side of the corridor and couldn¹t help to hear the terrible diagnostic, she sitted on a coach and started to sob silently.-

MSTers: (sobbing not so softly) "Make the bad fic stop...!"


Deso (unimpressed): "...We're still stuck reading this fic..."

Rosy: =@.@= "no me gusta..."

Deso: " me gusta?"

Rosy: "Spanish for 'I don't like it...'"

Deso: "Ah...So ka desu..."

Serena was in Mina's room when she opened her eyes for the first time since she arrived to the hospital.

-Mina ! How do you feel ?

-Who...who are you ? and why do you havee that weird hairstyle ?

Serentiy (as Mina): "Oh you¹re so cute...Can I have your phone number?"

Jade: "Oh great..."

Rosy: "Umm...Sere, I don't think this fic has yuri in it..."

-What ? Mina it¹s me Serena, Sailor Moonn, can¹t you remember me ?

-Sailor who ? And why do you call me Minna, my name can't remember my name...

Rosy: "I'd forget my name, too, if I had to be in this evil fic..."

Deso: "I wish I could just forget the fic..."

Serentiy: "I wish I could forget the author..."

Jade (to Serenity): "I wish I could forget you..."

Artemis jumped in and talked to Mina

-Mina is nice to see you again, how do yyou feel ?

Rosy (as Mina): "Like I've been tortured by Victor VonDoom...Oh, yeah, I am!"

Artemis was shocked.

Deso (hiding Taser Behind his back): "Gomen."

-Of course I talk, I¹m your guardian Arttemis, don't you remember me ?

Deso (applauding): "You're doing a great job so far. Out of curiosity, did you go to school with my Fairy Godbabbit?"

Serenity: "At least you¹re not stuck with the Vampire from heaven."

-Help me please, I think I¹m losing my mmind....take this weird cat away from me please.

-Artemis I think she doesn't remember annything, you should leave her alone for a while.

Artemis didn't answered her, he just jumped out of the window and lefted the hospital.-

Jade: "And this time he didn't land on his feet and fell to his death from a 10 story window."

Meanwhile Serena told the other Sailor Scouts about Mina¹s situation.- Everyone was concerned but Ami falled to her knees and started to cry uncontrollably.- Lita rushed to help her.

-Ami calm down, we know it¹s hard but wee must control ourselves.



Havoc: "Hotcha! I'll take her panties, then!"


Serenity: "'VOC!!! I thought I punted you out of this MST!"

Jade: "OH, 'VOC! Roger me with your tentacles!!!"

Havoc: "The uberperv will always 'rise' to the challenge!!"

Rosy (smacks Jade): "We all signed an agreement before this MST; NO LEMON!!!"

Jade: "I wasn't here for the agreement, so..."

Serenity (punts both jade and Havoc out of the fic): "Goodbye!!! Have fun on Planet X!"

Jade: "I¹m Freee!!!! OH Yes...!"

Rosy (snags Jade's tail, yanking her back into her seat): "If we have to suffer, so do you..."

-That¹s not true Ami, we were under the effect of that strange gas, there was nothing we could do about it.

-You don¹t get it Lita,

Serenity (as Ami): "I¹m a Bisexual, and I'm in love with you!"

Jade (as Lita): "Oh Amy, you dont know how long I've been waiting ot hear those words from you!"

Rosy (=>o<=): "ACK!!! DESO, WE'VE GOT YURI SIGN!!!"

I was the one who made him use that gas, I was so selfish and stupid that I tried to do everything on my own and the only thing I was able to do was to get Mina beated up to death and now she doesn¹t remember anything, and all because of me....

Serena got in front of her.

-Ami, it doesn't matter, we know and Minna does too, that you were only trying to help, what we have to do now is get the creeps that hurted her, OK ?

-Maybe you are right Serena, what we havve to do is find those creeps and turn them into moondust.

Later that night Amy was in the Bat-cave, her portable computer was attached to the Bat-cave's main one allowing her to access Batman¹s criminal database, suddenly she felt a


hand on her shoulder that made her jump from the chair.

-Sorry, I didn¹t meant to scare you.

-Don't worry Dick it's just that I stilll feel guilty for what happened to Mina the other night.

-Amy, you have to understand that it wassn¹t your fault, found anything?

-Well I found something really interestiing, when they arrived to Gotham's University, they didn¹t had to force the entrance doors, they were already open.

Serenity: "Well, duh! There was a party going on in there; of course the doors are going to be open!"

Rosy (singing and dancing in her seat): "We like to party; we like, we like to party!"

-What ?

-I checked the doors a day later and theere were no signs of violence on them, but I have to continue my investigation in order to get a conclusion.

-Whoa. Bruce was right when he decided tto bring you here.

Serentiy (as Dick): "Yeah, you really are cute...Let's go out; forget Mina: you're smart, and that blue hair totaly rocks! What d'ya say we go to my room now?"

Then he lefted, what Amy didn¹t told him was that she indeed knew where the Joker and the others were due to a call she received earlier that day telling her the location of the villains hideout, later that night she lefted her room, but when she was about to transform, Alfred entered the living room.

-What are you doing up this late, miss AAnderson.

- I know where the Joker and the others are and I¹m going to get them now.

Rosy: "Now, I know Ami's a genius, but isn't Bats supposed to be the world's greatest detective? How did a 14-year-old figure it out first?"

Serenity (to Rosy): "She's Ami; remember, she's the super-genius!"

-But, it would be better if master Brucee and your friends come with you.

-No.- Alfred, everything that happened tto Mina was my fault, I¹m the one who is supposed to fix everything up.

Serenity (as Ami): "Yes, I have to go fix everything...including the author of this story, who must never have childeren..." (holds up meat cleaver)

Rosy: *Evil cackle* "MUHA-HA-HA-HA-HAH!!!"

-At least let me drive you there.

Serenity: "Now that's Ecchi!!!! Even I'm not desperate enough to want to do that with jail bait! ECCHI!!!!!"

Deso: "Alfred no hentai!!! (turning to Rosy) Are you SURE this isn't a lemon?"

Rosy (=~_~;=): "Yes, I'm sure..."

-OK Alfred.

Deso (O.O): "Ami!!!!"

In minutes they were in front of a warehouse in Gotham¹s city limits.

-Alfred please do me a favor.

Serenity (as Ami): "Don't tell the others that I let know..."

-Yes miss ?

-If something happens to me, give this eenvelope to Serena.

-OK, but please be careful.

After Amy's departure, Alfred located a public phone and after putting some coins on it he dialed a number, a feminine voice answered him.

Rosy: "Hey, I just thought of something! Why would Alfred be using a payphone? Can't Bruce afford to give him a cell phone?"

Deso: "How do you think he became a millionaire? He's cheap."

Rosy: "Well, yeah, but, still, wouldn¹t there at least be a car phone in the limo?"

Serentiy: "Nope, he had given Alfred all the change; besides, he's just alowly butler."

Rosy: "But, but Alfred practically RAISED Bruce! He's Bruce's father-figure...Who just happens to be on his payroll...Hmm, how DID Alfred get away with raising Bruce without child¹s services sending Bruce to an orphanage...?"

-Hello ?

-Miss Barbara ?

-Alfred ? What is it ? Is Batman in the need of help ?

-Well it's not precisely Batman, miss Goordon, I think you heard about this new heroines that helped Batman the other night.

-Yeah, I heard of them.

Rosy (as Alfred): "Well, your boyfriend is cheating on you with one of them..."

Serenity (as Barbara): "Really, so they are sluts?? I never would have known...What, you did which one?! Alfred, you shouldn't have...!"

-Well one of them may need your help, shhe is trying to catch the Joker and other villains by herself.

-And how did she found out were they werre ?

-If my memory serves me right someone caalled her and...

-Tell me the address !

-25684 Mariner Drive.

Serentiy (screams): "THATS MY HOUSE!"

Rosy (=O.O=): "Really?!?"

-Did you allowed her to go inside the pllace ! ?

-Yes miss, did I do something wrong ?

-It's a trap Alfred ! ! It¹s the Joker¹ss way of setting up someone, that's the way he killed Jason Todd the first Robin, I'm on my way.

Serenity: "There were two Robins??? But I only remember one..."

Rosy: "Actually, there have been a total of three Robins. Dick was the first one, which goes to show that Victor knows jack squat about the comics continuity. Jason Todd was the second; Joker tricked him, and then beat him to death with a metal pipe. The current Robin in the comics is Tim Drake, and nowadays Dick is called Nightwing, and he works in Bludhaven, a city near Gotham, which is surprisingly even worse than Gotham... (notices Sere and Deso both staring at her...) Is it too obvious that my brothers and I read too much comics?"

Then she hanged up.- Meanwhile Amy was in the front door of the warehouse and after transforming into Sailor Mercury she stood there, when suddenly a voice made her react.

-Sailor Mercury ! ! What in the world arre you doing here ?

Deso: "I find myself asking the same question...What am I doing here reading this fic?!"

-Luna ! ! Why did you followed me ?


-I saw you when you lefted the manor witth Alfred and I decided to see what were you two up too this late.

Serenity (as Luna): "Now Ami, I know you can do much better than an old man; why not Dick instead? He's young, good-looking, and I'm sure he's got plenty of money!"

-Well I'm going to get the Joker for whaat he did to Mina, you stay out here, if anything happens to me, please tell Serena that she is the best friend I ever had.

-NO ! ! I¹m going to get the others and.....let go of me ! ! !

Sailor Mercury took her and returned to the car and instructed Alfred to keep her there, he tried to warn her but she didn¹t cared and then she returned to the warehouse and entered through a window.- She started to walk when suddenly she began to hear voices, she followed the trail of the voices until she found their origin, a tape player attached to a bomb which she activated when she pressed the stop button of the player, a counter appeared and she saw that there was only five seconds before the explosion, knowing that there was no escape she dropped the player back to the table and falled to her knees, she hugged herself, closed her eyes and waited for her death.

- Good bye my good friends, I'll never fforget you..Serena...Rei....Mina...Lita...Luna...Arte..

Outside Luna and Alfred where shocked when they heard a brutal explosion emanating from the warehouse, in seconds the place was a horrible inferno, the fire was coming out from every window.

Serneity: "I thought you said Serena was gonna die, not Ami!"

Rosy: "I said that he USUALLY kills off Serena...Besides, I don't think she's dead; it¹s too early in the fic; he usually does any killing off of characters towards the end..."

-AMY NO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Screamed Luna.

To be continued.....

Minna: "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"