Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Of Broken Homes and Broken Children ❯ Chapter 2 – The Big Change ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Of Broken Homes and Broken Children

Chapter 2 – The Big Change

The sound of a blaring alarm clock woke Leo up groaning. She turned and slammed her hand down and the clock shutting it off. Rolling onto her back she rubbed a hand over her eyes before yawing and sitting up the sheets falling to lie at her waist. Looking at the stupid clock she saw that it was 6 in the morning, she was about to lie back down to sleep a little longer when the urge to pee hit her.

Getting up she stumbled her way across the room. In her sleep state walking into the dark bathroom she reached into her pants and pulled out her dick and began to pee. Once the stream of pee ended she shook wiped the end off with a piece of tissue paper then put herself back in her pants. Walking back to the bed she almost laid on down her long tail before she made it wrap around her waist. Making sure it was in a nice position so that she didn’t hurt it or herself she went to set on the bed. Laying back she closed her eyes and slowly began to drift off to sleep.

Her blue eyes snapped open and mouth fell open to scream but nothing would come out. Leo jumped and out of bed and flipped on every light and the room and almost passed out. There she stood tail on her back swishing soft back and forth, fangs in her mouth, and she just knew if she were to smile they would make her look more sexy, and her claws made her put her hand out in front of herself and give it a flex.

Leo shut her eyes and counted to ten, then opened them back and up looked at her new form once more, before slowly turning her head. Looking on the table there sat the book; the same book she had drawn her self in looking as she did now. Slowly walking over she picked it up and looked at before throwing it back down.

“SON OF A BITCH!!” was all she could scream as she looked at the picture and herself. Standing there she reaching for a pencil to change herself back she dropped it when her dad pounded on the door yelling “GET THE HELL UP AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A SON…NOW!!” Flinching she looked at the clock and then the book she didn’t have time but then how was she supposed to hide this werewolf look. She read over her sketch and smiled in relief closing her eyes she concentrated really hard and slowly she could feel the tail fade, she felt her claws pull in until only a bit of them still stuck out, and lastly her fangs shortened but only a little. Opening her eyes she quickly got out of the chair and ran into the bathroom to bathe.

Reaching into the shower she turned on the hot and cold water. Taking off her clothes she gasped, her penis was still there but at least it was soft. Looking at it she wondered how big it was, she was a curious person by nature shrugging she ran back into her room.

She found a tape measurer and quickly returned to the shower. She stepped into it, feeling the hot water hit her and slowly drip down the front of her body. She took the tape measurer and stared at her penis. Grabbing the base of the soft cock, she cupped her grape sized testicles inside her sack and lifted it up to her other hand. Taking the tape she measured how long she was.

She had to draw a model once a naked male model. That was where she got the idea of the penis in the first place. She had drawn it, even if she didn’t find men attractive. But the idea of having a penis was something that had turned her on. Leo had fantasized about her coach so many times, and having a penis, to be able to fuck her with it was a huge turn on for her. She knew it would make her father happy, if nothing else.

But that model had been a bodybuilder, in great shape, and his penis was only three inches long when it was soft, while Leo was a whole five inches!

“Oh, Tara-sempai” Leo moaned to herself as he thought about her coach. She fantasized about her dirty blond hair reaching down past her gorgeous face into her perfect cleavage, not to mention her beautifully curvy ass.

Leo looked down at her penis still in her hand; she had gotten hard, just from thinking about her coach. The tape measurer was still there, and she pulled the tape a little longer, smiling at her cock, it was eight inches long now! She inspected it for a moment, her penis wasn’t cut like the model had been, she had skin wrapped around the head and pulled it back. With her hands cupping her balls and her hand around her penis thinking about Tara, she had a desperate urge to try her new penis out.

The shower water beating down on her was a perfect lubricant as she slowly began to stroke herself; she lost herself in the feel her world faded around her. She found her self in a room that looked all old and Roman like, in the way it seemed to right out of the movie 300.

White and light blue drapes hung all over the walls, and from the ceiling as she made her way to the center she could smell something, that made her lose focus and her animal features came back. It was something so sweet and tasty she slowly got to her knees and crawled sniffing the air with her eyes closed.

She stopped when her lips and nose touched something wet. Opening her eyes she whimpered with need. Tara sat there with her legs spread open and waiting with a lustful look in her ocean blue eyes. Blond hair, wild and untamed flowing down her back to reach her butt. Leo felt her member pulse and she growled, as she moved forward like an animal stalking its prey.

Tara slowly fell back on the bed legs spreading more to make room for the younger girl. Leo moved her lips over stomach, up ribs, and to nipples pulling them into her mouth with such want. Sucking she almost howled when the sweets milk reached her mouth. Pulling back her fangs showed and she let out a lustful howl.

Leo looked down once more at the spread lower lips of Tara’s pussy, pushing in she found a barrier, Tara’s maidenhead, before growling and saying “MINE” as she slammed forward. Tara screaming out “YES” her legs quickly locking around Leo’s waist as she began to pound harder and faster. Letting out animal like whimpers and grunts, her breathing hard, Tara gripped her back hard with one hand and played with her tail in the other.

Leo’s hands were everywhere on Tara’s body, touching and squeezing what was in her reach, wither it be hips, breast, or thighs. Lips found soft spots on the neck to suck and mark, every time Leo found a spot she left a mark, the taste was sweet and salty. Sweat built up between their bodies and made their movements easier. Leo found that holding up Tara’s right leg closer to herself made it easier for her to slam in.

Tara’s nails dug into Leo’s skin drawing marks down her sweat soaked back, leaving small red trails in their wake. Leo felt as if the air and heat was a thousand degrees and rising as the sexual need built up between them, skin burned, lips left hot marks, hands could only make hissing sounds as the touched skin. Tara was on fire inside holding fast to Leo’s member every time she pulled back and pushed forward.

The steam was rising; passion burning inside Leo made her lose herself even more as she slowly sank her teeth into the nape of Tara’s neck. Tasting the sweet blood flowing into her mouth across her tongue and down her throat. She marked Tara as her mate; Tara’s moan of lust was all she needs to know she hadn’t hurt her.

Leo was in heaven, she slowly began to lose herself, she could feel it coming. Faster, faster, faster, Leo’s eyes squeezing shut. Taking a deep breath she opened them to find she was just by herself once more, in the now lukewarm shower water, with a generous amount a jizz on her hands and some already in the drain.

Leo blushed before quickly washing herself scrubbing her body from head to toe. After rushing out of the bathroom while drying her body off. Once dry she grabbed her clothes from last night pulling on her plan white boy briefs, fallowed by her black jeans, pulling on socks and shoes, and grabbing her wraps.

Wrapping up her chest quickly, she finally pulled on her shirt and then her school jacket. Grabbing all her stuff she shoved them into her bag. Looking at the book on her desk she quickly hide it under her pillow before running out of the room, shutting the door and locking it she ran down the stairs, then down the second flight, stopping quickly to grab a piece of toast her father had mad for himself.

Running out the door she skidded over to her motorcycle, pulling her helmet on, she made sure everything was secure before starting up and heading to school. It didn’t take her long before she was pulling into the school parking lot, she took off her helmet and turned off her motorcycle; parking it she got off and gathered her stuff.

Looking in the mirror on her bar handle she sighs in relief she looked normal enough. Walking into the build and head to her locker she threw her helmet in there and some of the books that she didn’t need right away.

Shutting the locker door she made her way to the cafeteria to grab some more breakfast. After eating some warm food she made her way to class.

(Time Skip Gym Class)

Leo slowly walked over to her water bottle gym was slowly begin to come near its end and the whole time since she started class she couldn’t take her eyes of Tara nor could she stop her racing heart that speed up even more when the woman was near her. She could almost taste her she smelt so good. Leo shook her head and took a swig of her water when a soft warm hand touched her shoulder. Leo Looked up into warm blue eyes and blushed.

“Tara-sensei, is something wrong” asked Leo

Tara smiled down at the younger charge and said “No I just wanted to ask you something, are you free this Saturday”