Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Star Senshi: Neo ❯ The First Battle ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
OK, that was fast, this is the 1st Chapter in my story and there will be a battle, an actual
battle! YAY! And, not only that, but I have info on attacks so I won't screw up that much! Ps. I
might start using some Japanese so…you have been warned if you don't understand!

Chapter 1: The First Battle

"Usagi! Usagi! USAGI!" Luna had been yelling in Usagi's ears for the last half hour.

Turning, Usagi mumbled some words. "Tsuki ni kawatte! Oshioko yo!" She raised her
hand and accidentally smacked Artemis (who had been laughing for the whole half an hour) in
the face!

"MeeeeeeOOOOOOWWWWWWW!" shrieked Artemis! "Would you please wake up you

Usagi woke up with a start. "NANDE?!!!"

"Arigato Artemis! Usagi, it's Rini, she's having a seizure!" said Luna calmly as if she
had just announced she was a cat. "Diana woke me up thirty minutes ago and I went to call
you, but you didn't wake up!"

"Nande?" shrieked Usagi! She quickly ran to the room with little bunnies stuck to the
door. She had been baby-sitting Rini for the weekend. Her parents were on a sort of 2nd

"Rini-chan!" gasped Usagi as she ran into the room and saw what laid on the bed in
front of her. Usagi quickly ran to the phone but was immediately stopped by Diana.

"Usagi-sama, where are you going?" asked Diana.

"To the phone…I was…"

"Why, I asked Luna to wake you up because we couldn't control the Luna P! I few
could, we would have turned into a special formula created 15 years from now to help cure

"Oh, ummm, ok…so how do I control the thing?" asked Usagi relieved that there was
something she could do.

"Just throw it up in the air and say ' Transform!' Then, say what you want it to
transform into. In this case, just say Formula 13," said Diana.

Usagi quickly ran to the corner picked up the head and threw it up in the air. I hit the
ceiling and instantly fell down and hit Usagi's head. "OOOOOOWWWW"
Usagi, rubbing her head, picked up the Luna P and threw it not so hard and said

Instantly, the head turned into a formula and Usagi grabbed it. She raced to the bed
and quickly dumped the stuff down Rini's throat. Instantly, the colour returned to Rini's face.
"Usagi….there was this…a..shadow. It was here and now it…" exhausted by the seizure,
Rini fainted.

Startled by Rini's words, Artemis and Luna looked at each other. They, knew, that this
was the next chellenge.

"Luna, Artemis….do you know anything about a shadow?" asked Usagi. She was
staring out the window in a sort of day dreamy kind of way.

"NO, we knew there was a new threat, but not what or who it is," replied Artemis.

"Then, I am calling a meeting tomorrow with-," Usagi started but was cut off. A black
creature had pulled Usagi out the window. She landed hard but landed on her feet. Instantly,
she pulled out her Cosmic Heart Compact and shouted her henshin phrase.

"Moon Cosmic Power! MAKE UP!!" a floating heart surrounded her as she began
floated an inch of the ground. She began spinning around. A fuku appeared on her body.
Then, pink ribbons covered hands and merged to form gloves. Next, she did a sort of
handstand (sort of because she was floating in the air remember) and boots appeared on her
feet. She flipped back right side up and almost instantly, the floating heart exploded in a burst
of light and the pieces of the heart turned in to rays of light, which formed themselves in to a
skirt around Usagi. Only Usagi wasn't Usagi anymore, she was…

"I am Sailor Moon, Champion of Justice. I will right wrongs and triumph over evil.
Tsuki ni kawatte! Oshioki yo! (In the name of the moon, I will punish you).

Sailor Moon looked around but nobody was around. Suddenly, a flash of black light
and Sailor Moon was thrown to the ground. She looked up at her opponent and saw that it was
a shadow with the head of a panther. "Who are you?" she asked. She was frightened. How
could she fight an opponent who could you could barely see? She decided to pump it up a
notch. Sailor Moon stood up and took out her Purity Brooch.

"Moon Crisis Power! MAKE UP!" In a flash of light, Sailor Moon transformed and stood
now more powerful and faster than before, she was a Super Sailor! But the shadow was still to
fast and without a word, she punched, kicked and shoved the Senshi. Super Sailor Moon was
getting desperate and there was only one thing she could do. She took out her Eternal Brooch
and yelled…

"Moon Eternal Power! MAKE UP!" As she changed, Sailor Moon was wondering why this villain
was so powerful. "How, could she be faster, more powerful if she was already a Super Sailor?
How?" she thought. She stood ready for battle and was instantly pushed to the ground again.

She stood up and summoned the Eternal Tiel. She shouted the words that would
activate the power of the Tiel. "SILVER MOON CRYSTAL POWER KISS!!" Instantly, the enemy
was blasted to her knees. Sailor Moon, thinking the battle was over powered down to her
normal, human form. But the battle wasn't over… the monster charged at Usagi was stare.
"How the heck can I beat that?" thought Usagi. Suddenly…

"MOON GORGEOUS MEDITATION!!!" The villain was hit and burst into a thousand
pieces. "Moon Dust" thought Usagi. She turned around to see who had killed the monster with
one hit. And there, on the roof of the house was a child, holding a stick. "Not only did it
destroy the monster with one hit, the child had used one of my old signature moves," thought
Usagi. Then, she realized that the figure standing on the roof was Rini as Sailor Minimoon.
Usagi struggled to look at the stick Rini was carrying and recognized it as the Chibi Moon

Rini jumped down from the roof top and powered down. Usagi was shocked. "How…"
but tired from the battle, she just fainted and the last thing she could remember was falling
into Rini's arms.