Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Tales from the Silver Millennium ❯ Jadeite's Tale ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
WARNING!!! Mamoru lovers beware!!!!
Tales from the Silver Millennium
by Sakura
Jadeite's Tale
I am lonely like the moon
You are as faraway as the earth
Now you say I light your thoughts
Night after night
Soon you forget
We are drifting in this dance
I can feel you circle my heart
Keeping just a graceful distance
So close, but somehow apart
Sometimes I cry for you
Knowing you don't want me to
Sometimes I whisper to the stars up in the sky
That I want to find the way to your soul
Kiss in the sun when morning comes
You don't seem to count the hours
When we are together
I've seen a tender fire in your eyes
Yet, when I'm gone, you carry on
I float in this emptiness
Till at last love returns
With the night and the lonely moon
      --The Lonely Moon (Tenchi Muyo)
     He was one of two of Endymion's guardians to be born on the small blue and green planet.
      He and the prince grew up together since Jadeite's parents were close friends of King Herne and Queen Gaia. the two boys quickly became best of friends as they spent their days together in the same school.
      As the boys grew older, Jed began his training as a guardian. It had been decided that since Endymion and him spent so much time together and were such good friends, he should be Endymion's personal bodyguard. Much to his dismay and Endymion's, Jed was forced to separate from his best and only friend to train far away for what he didn't know. No one ever told him. They just thrust the training upon him.
      Meanwhile the prince was to go through similar training to learn how to be an ambassador for his planet. While Jed was off training gods-knew-where, Endymion was taken from planet to planet meeting the various royalties and leaders. It would be years be he ever saw his home planet again.
      "Endymion! What are you doing here?! How'd you find me?!" said Jadeite running up to his friend.
      "I brought him here lad." said Antares, captain of the royal guard and also trainer of Endymion's guardians. "It seems that his highness wishes to train with you Jadeite." he said putting his hand on the prince's shoulder.
      "Endy. Is it true? You're going to stay here?" asked Jed hoping this wasn't a dream. He had missed his friend so much.
      "Hai Jed. If Captain Antares thinks I'm worthy enough." said Endymion.
      "Oh, that you are lad. I've seen you best some of my best men. It'll be a great honor to teach you. said the captain.
      "I guess that means I'm staying." said the prince.
      "Good I hate having only this old geezer to talk to." joked Jadeite.
      He hugged his best friend whom he hadn't seen for years. "I missed you Endy."
      "I missed you too, Jed."
      "Well, since you don't seem to like my company, I decided to get some more young blood over here. Anyway a young pup like you shouldn't have to be burdened by an 'old geezer' like me." said Antares.
      They both knew that neither was a burden to the other of them and that they enjoyed each other's company. Antares was like a father to Jadeite. Even more of a father than his real one.
      "Jed I'm not the only who's going to be joining you." said Endymion.
      "What do you mean Endy?"
      The prince gestured for someone to come forward and three people, two boys and a girl stepped out of the royal transport. One boy had long, wavy auburn hair and seemed to be about Jed and Endymion's age. The other had long silver-white hair and cool blue-grey eyes. The girl had long, wavy blonde hair the color of honey. She looked to be about eighteen, but her emerald green eyes told a different story. They stood near the prince. "Jed, this is Kunzite Shidou, Nephrite Stanton, and 'Milady.'"
      "Hello, Jadeite is it?" said the silver haired boy. Jed nodded. "I'm Kunzite, from  Venus." He extended his hand and the blond boy shook it.
      "Call me Jed. All my friends do."
      "I'm Nephrite, from Krynn. Pleased to meet you." said the auburn haired boy shaking hands with him.
      "I too am from Krynn. I am honored to meet a friend of Endymion-ouji-san's." said 'Milady.'
      Jed couldn't help but stare at her. He'd never seen anything like her. Her features were delicate. Too delicate to be a human. Her eyes seemed to burn straight into his soul. She had a regal bearing and she knew it.
      "The honor is mine, my lady." said Jed taking her hand and gently kissed it. "May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"
      She stiffened at the young man's seemingly innocent question. Seeing her discomfort, Nephrite quickly diverted their attention. "Captain, I'm sure 'Milady' would like to see her quarters."
      The girl silently thanked her gods for her comrade's timely interruption.
      "Of course. The lass is probably tired from such a long journey. Right this way, my lady." said the old captain forgetting to wait for her as he began walking toward the barracks.
      "My lady." said Kunzite offering his arm to her.
      She looked at the boy as if he'd insulted her. She started to say something, but changed her mind and put her hand on his arm and let him lead her after the captain.
      "Strange girl." said Jadeite.
      "She's been through some tough times, Jadeite-san. Best leave her alone till she gets used to you." warned Nephrite.
      "What do you mean 'tough times'?" the blond asked.
      "Jed, if she wants to talk about it, she will. Just forget about it." said Endymion.
      "I guess you're right, Endy. I can show you two where the men's barracks are. They're over here."
      The two boys followed their blond friend to their quarters.
      Over the months of training, the five of them became inseparable. Especially the girl, whose name was Zoisite, and Kunzite. After finishing their training, Prince Endymion, and his four guardians returned to the royal palace on Earth.
      Each of the guardians were given a residence of their own not too far from the palace. Jadeite however chose to remain at the palace because he wished to be near his best friend, the prince.
      The next couple of years were peaceful ones for the planet Earth and the guardians used the time to pursue their individual interests or whatever caught their fancy. Nephrite perfected his ability to use the power of the stars. A talent he had hidden from his friends since he was afraid of being labelled a wizard. Besides from being an amateur astronomer, he also on occasion would sell bits of jewelry he'd made, a practice he had on his home planet of Krynn. During one of the diplomatic missions to the Moon Kingdom, he had fallen in love with one of Princess Serenity's guardians, the Princess of Jupiter.
      Zoisite started a garden, one to almost rival those on the Moon. She managed to coax almost any plant to grow in the earth's soil. There were plants from every planet in the Silver Millennium. Even the extremely rare pale purple roses of Saturn. The one plant she could never could convince to grow for her was the Vallenwood tree of her home planet Krynn. This saddened her for she secretly missed her elven homeland with its tall vallenwoods. Eventually, she moved in with Kunzite, who she'd fallen in love with.
      Kunzite went back to his artistic studies which he sorely missed. But once Zoey moved in he hardly had the time to do anything artistic. ;)
      Jadeite spent most of his time with Endymion in the royal library reading and cataloguing the vast collection of intergalactic works it contained. He also began to build a small one of his own at his house.
      Everything was peaceful for Jed. Until the day SHE came into his life.
      Jadeite was returning from a visit with Nephrite when he noticed a strange girl in a dark brown tunic, rust colored shirt, and olive green trousers with boots matching her tunic wandering through the woods near his house. Her hair was in a long blonde braid that reached to her ankles. She had her back to him so she didn't see him pull out his sword and sneak up behind her.
      The girl seemed to be more interested in the trees than watching her back like she should have. Before she knew it, she felt someone grab her from behind and place a sword at her throat. She began to scream but a gloved hand immediately covered her mouth.
      "Make a sound or move a muscle and I'll cut your throat." he said. He slowly removed his hand form her mouth once she stopped struggling. He turned the girl around so he could see her face.
      He stared at her for what seemed to him to be an eternity. Hers was the most beautiful face he'd ever seen, well almost. Zoisite's beauty was to be unmatched, but this girl had an ethereal quality. She had pale alabaster skin the color of moonshine. Her eyes were two sapphires that lit up her kawaii little face. He long hair was the color of sunshine, rivaling Zoisite's of golden honey. Her forehead was covered with a white headband.
      <God, she's beautiful! Where'd she come from?> he thought. "All right, who are you and just what are you doing this close to the palace?" he asked her removing his sword from her throat but not from her body. He held the weapon in front of him just in case she tried anything.
      "I-I got lost. I-I just wanted to see what a forest looked like. I've never really seen one." she stammered.
      "Never seen a forest? Where'd you come from, the moon?" he said sarcastically and narrowed his eyes. <Is she for real? What kind of idiot does she think I am?>
      "N-no. Well, I've seen pictures, but I've never actually been to one. P-please d-don't kill me. I just wanted to see an Earth forest."
      <Earth forest? That means she's...> "You're from one of the other planets?!"
      "H-hai. I-I know I shouldn't be here, but I just had to see what the earth was like. You see I've never been here before, in fact I've never left home before."
      "Well, that would explain your clothes, but not what are you doing this close to the king's palace, girl."
      "The king's palace?? Oh no! I've really got to be going. I-I shouldn't be here."
      "You've got that right." He raised his sword.
      "Please don't tell anyone about me. I-I meant no harm, honest. I-I just wanted to see your planet, that's all. WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" She began wailing as soon as Jadeite's sword reached her throat again.
      Seeing that she was telling the truth, Jed lowered his sword and sheathed it. He put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Daijoubu. I won't hurt you. Just be more careful next time you decide to visit another planet, especially this one. Our king doesn't care for aliens much."
      The girl stopped crying and looked at him incredulously. "A-arigato." she stammered still trembling.
      "If you'd like, you may rest at my house for a while before you return to wherever it was you came from." said Jed giving her time to dry her tears and regain her composure.
      "Arigato. But I don't wish to impose-" she began once she recovered from the shock of almost having her throat cut.
      "It's no trouble at all. It's just beyond that clearing over there. I just happened to be on my way there when I saw you. No one will bother you there since I'm the only one who goes there." he said.
      She looked at the blond man not knowing if she could trust him or not. But fatigue finally made her give in since the trip to the earth and having her life threatened had taken its toll on her. She stumbled on a loose root and he helped her up. "Well, if it's that close, then all right. I'll just rest there if you don't mind."
      "It's no bother. I was going there, as I said before, to get a few things before heading back to the palace. No one should come so you're free to stay as long as you like." <What in the name of Queen Serenity am I doing?! Inviting a potential spy or assassin into my home. I hope my instincts are right on this. Her speech is too cultured for an assassin or a spy. Just who are you?>
      "Arigato. I really appreciate this. Coming here made me really tired." <Not to mention you almost killed me.> she silently added. She gave a yawn then quickly blushed.
      "Yes, well I can imagine. Come, it's this way - um what's your name?"
      "My name? It's, um," she searched for a fake name to give him, not wanting to risk her true identity. Just then a rabbit hopped by across their path. "My name's Usagi." she said.
      "Usagi. Interesting name." he said. He knew it was a false name, but didn't press further. <She must have a good reason for keeping her name a secret. Probably someone important and doesn't want to cause a scandal.> He smiled at that thought. A scandal was just what the Earth Kingdom needed to break the monotony of a peaceful life. "I am very pleased to meet you, 'Lady Usagi.'"
      The girl spent the night at his house, just as she said she would. When he came back in the morning to check up on her, he saw that she was gone, but not before cleaning the house and making the bed.
      <Hmph. She's a better housekeeper than I am.> Jadeite thought as he admired 'Lady Usagi's' handiwork. On the kitchen table was a note addressed to him. He picked it up and looked at the neat script written on the paper. <Excellent penmanship too. Just who are you Usagi?> He read the letter.
      'Lord Jadeite,
       Please do not be alarmed that I am not here. I had to return home. I just wish to thank you for permitting me to rest at your charming home. I tried to repay the favor by cleaning your home a bit. I hope I have not offend you.'
      <Hardly, my lady.> he thought with an amused smile. He went back to reading.
      'I do not think this could ever repay your kindness to me. I am eternally grateful to you for not turning me over to the king. I feel I will never be able to repay you. Perhaps someday I will, if we meet again. Though it is very unlikely we will. I shall miss your fascinating conversation.
      Domo arigato gozaimashite.
                   Ever grateful,
                   Lady Usagi Tsukino'
      He smiled and gently refolded the letter and placed it inside his uniform tunic, but not before holding it up to his nose breathing in the faint scent of her perfume, still fresh on the paper. He left his house and went to his duties.
      Months passed by and 'Lady Usagi' had not returned. Jadeite was both saddened and glad at the same time. He spent every waking day trying not to think of her. He thought it'd be easy to forget a mere girl, but he was wrong. Very wrong.
      Ever since the evening he found her wandering in the woods, he had been unable to get Usagi out of his mind.
      <What's wrong with me? She's only a girl. Hardly sixteen. Of course she's beautiful, but she's too young. I don't even know how or where to find her.> he thought, staring off into space.
      He and Endymion were fishing at a stream in the woods near Nephrite's house.
      "Terra (a coin similar to a penny) for your thoughts." said the prince noticing Jed's far away stare. The blond haired guardian paid no attention. Endymion got a mischievous look on his face and said, "Your hair's on fire."
      "That's interesting." said Jed not exactly listening. "NANI?!" he said jumping up frantically patting his head. Once he was sure his hair was still on his head, he shot his friend a black look. "That.... was NOT funny."
      "To you maybe, Jed, but it sure was to me." said the prince laughing hysterically.
      "Why you!" Jadeite threw himself on top of the prince and began twisting his arms.
      "OK! OK! I give up! Gomen!"
      "Say 'oji'(uncle), and I might forgive you." said Jed.
      "You've gotta be kidding. OK, all right, all right! OJI! OJI!" yelled the prince as Jadeite twisted his arms some more.
      "Apology accepted. Just don't try that again, Endy."
      Hidden amongst the trees, two pairs of eyes watched the scene with great amusement, one chuckling at the prince's 'joke', the other at Jadeite's 'discipline.'
      Zoisite giggled as she watched Jadeite jump and pat his head. <Looks like Endymion-kun's managed to trick Jade-kun. AGAIN.> she thought as she watched the friendly 'fight.' She heard someone come up behind her. "They're at it again, love. You think we should break it up?" she said without turning to see who had come.
      "We'd better. We don't want to be late for the fair." said Kunzite wrapping his arms around the elf woman. The two lovers left to join their friends.
      From another part of the forest, a pair of blue eyes watched Jadeite and Endymion 'fight.'
      <He's so strong. Not to mention handsome!> she thought with a giggle. <I wonder who his friend is. He's kinda cute, but Lord Jadeite's way cuter. Maybe I should get Miko-chan down here next time, she'd definitely like the other guy.> She stared at the blond guardian longing to join him, but how could she with the dark haired man with him.
      <Oh no! Not more of them.> she inwardly groaned. <By the time I can talk to him, it'll be time to go home. Oh! She's gorgeous!!> She caught sight of a golden haired woman as she stepped into view. <OOOH! What a hunk!!> she thought as a silver haired man joined the woman. <Rats! He's taken!> she pouted.
      <Earth people are so beautiful, but still Lord Jadeite's the best looking of them all.> she said admiring the view of Endymion and his guardians.
      "OK you two. That's enough play for now." said Zoisite as she came up to the two men.
      "You don't want to miss the girls at the fair, do you?" said Kunzite joining his love. She gave him a jab in the ribs. "Ow, Zoey! You know I'm not interested in any other girls."
      "Just making sure, love."
      Endymion and Jadeite stopped wrestling each other and brushed off their clothes.
      "Hello Zoisite-chan. Where'd you come from?" said Endymion.
      "Aren't  you two supposed to be getting ready for the fair?" asked Jed.
      "I was about to ask the same of you two." she said.
      "We'd better be going Jed. Don't want to make fools of ourselves looking like this." said the prince and began walking towards the palace.
      Jadeite was about to follow when he sensed they weren't alone.
      "Coming Jed-kun?" asked Kunzite seeing his friend's hesitation.
      "You go ahead. I'll meet you there. I've got some spare clothes at my house.
      All right, just don't take too long." said Zoey. She put her hand on Kunzite's arm and the two left the blond man alone.
      <I know you're there, whoever you are. So there's no use thinking you'll surprise me.> he thought as he silently left the stream and snuck behind where the intruder was hiding.
      It was a girl. He stealthily came up behind her and put one hand over her mouth and one arm around her waist. With very little effort, he spun her around to look at her.
      "YOU!" he said when he saw it was the same girl he had met in the woods several months ago. He removed his hand from her mouth.
      "Hello Lord Jadeite. I've missed you." she said with the biggest smile she could muster.
      "What in Gaia's name are you doing here, my lady?" he asked.
      "I got lonely at home so I had to come see you. What's all this talk of a fair?" she said her eyes lighting up. She no longer had any fear of him. She knew he wouldn't turn her over to the king.
      "Lady Usagi, you really shouldn't be here. If you're caught-"
      "I already was caught. By YOU silly." she giggled. "Please, Lord Jadeite take me to this fair of  yours. I'd really like to see an Earth fair."
      <Is she crazy? Did she just ask me out to a date?> he thought as she brushed herself off and adjusted a few loose hairs.
      She was dressed as before and her hair was in the same long braid. It really was becoming of her.
      "Well, aren't you or not?" she asked her bright eyes boring into his soul with their pleading.
      <It would be a good way to keep an eye on her. Besides, what harm could it do? I could always pass her off as a visiting cousin.>
      "All right, but you'll have to come with me to my house so I can get a suitable change of clothes." he said.
      "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!" she said jumping up and down like a child rather than the young woman she appeared to be. "Arigato Jadeite-kun! Arigato!" she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then ran off towards his house.
      For an eternity, he just stood there, his hand on his cheek where she kissed him. <What's wrong with me? She was just thanking me. Why am I attracted to her?> he thought over and over. <So much like a child, and yet...> The thought was left unfinished as he heard a familiar sound.
      "Hey come on, slowpoke!" came her voice as she ran up and pulled him off with her.
      "Usagi-chan, my house is this way." he said leading here in the right direction.
      "Oh yeah." she said slightly embarrassed.
      After Jadeite 'escorted' Usagi to the fair, they decided to go back to his house so that she could rest before going back to wherever it was she came from. She was carrying a stuffed rabbit Jed had won for her playing some game.
      "Domo arigato, Lord Jadeite. I had a wonderful time at the fair today. Thank you for getting this kawaii bunny for me." she said as they walked through the woods.
      "It was my pleasure, my lady." he returned.
      Feeling a bit tired, she put her head on his shoulder. Without thinking, he put his arm around her waist.
      <Why does this feel right? I shouldn't even be here with her. She's too young. Maybe in a few years...> he thought as they neared his house.
      <Why do I feel so strange inside? I know I shouldn't be even doing this. Okasan would kill me if she ever found out. But this feels so right.> she thought as he helped her walk.
      "Well, here we are, my lady." he said opening the door to his home for her. "I enjoyed today as well." He smiled as they walked through. "You've probably saved me from a day of total boredom. Arigato." he took her hand and gently kissed it.
      She turned bright red. "You're welcome, Jadeite. I'm so glad I could see you again." she said smiling.
      Before they knew what they were doing, their heads got closer and closer until their lips met in a passionate kiss. 'Usagi' unconsciously dropped the stuffed rabbit.
      <What am I doing? We should be together like this!> ran through both their minds.
      <She's too young, barely an adult. I'm at least six years older than her.> thought Jed.
      <He's way older than me. Okasan wouldn't approve.> she thought.
      <But this feels so right.> both thought.
      "Um, I should be going back to my duties. You're welcome to stay as long as you like, Usagi-chan." said Jed breaking from the kiss, creating an sense of uneasy embarrassment. "Sayonara, my lady."
      "Uh, thank you, Jadeite-kun. I'll just rest here for a while. I really did enjoy seeing you again." she said blushing. "Sayonara, Lord Jadeite. I hope to see you again someday." She watched him leave the house and disappear through the woods before closing the door.
      After that day, Jadeite's life became a whirlwind. He no longer tried to forget the girl, it was impossible. Instead he tried his best to hide the fact that he'd fallen in love from the others. Of course it wasn't easy, especially when he lived at the palace with Endymion, his best and closest friend.
      Endymion noticed the change in his closest friend and tried to find out just what was going on with him. Jed just brushed his friend's attempts off saying that he was just fine.
      With the other guardians it was a bit easier to hide his love from them. Zoisite and Kunzite were too wrapped up in their own love to worry about their friend's sudden change in behavior. Nephrite, however, noticed he was in love, but said nothing believing Jed was entitled to his privacy. If he wanted to tell what was wrong, he would. Anyway he had his own love to deal with. ;)
      To make matters worse, he was losing sleep when it was close to when his love was scheduled to come, for 'Usagi' would visit and stay at his house every full moon for a few days. He'd toss and turn trying to fall asleep. When she did come, he'd spend all of his free time with her. This, however, had begun to wear on Jed and Endymion's friendship.
      The prince and guardian began to grow apart once Jadeite realized just how much he loved 'Usagi'. He had come to love her more than his dearest and closest friend whom he had grown to call 'brother'.
      As the year rolled by, he slowly began moving his things from his wing in the palace to his house in the nearby woods. He also began to make the house less Spartan so his lady love would be more comfortable.
      When it was finally finished, it was a day before one of  'Usagi's' visits. He spent the whole day at the house making sure nothing was out of place. He wanted to impress his love with her new home away from home.
      The next day, there was a knock at the door.
      <She's here! She's come!> he thought as he rushed and opened the door, as he expected to see 'Usagi'. Instead of the usual outfit of a simple tunic and trousers, she was wearing a flowing white dress embroidered with pearls and gold moons along the neckline. Her hair was not in the usual simple braid, but was done in two long ponytails with meatballs at the tops. Her forehead was bare. Gone was the white headband she always wore. A golden crescent moon peeked out from her bangs.
      "Usako?" he asked hesitantly, staring at the young woman before him. If she was beautiful before, she was simply breathtaking now.
      "Hai, Jed-kun. I'm 'Usagi'." she said sadly.
      When she entered the house, he said. "Usako, doushita no koishii (What’s wrong beloved)?"
      "Jadeite, I've come to say sayonara." she looked down at the floor unable to look at him.
      "'Sayonara'? What do you mean, Usa?"
      "I've become engaged to someone else. We can never be together again, my love. I've tried to get out of it, but okasan is adamant about this. You could never imagine how much this is hurting me telling you this." She began to weep. Great streams of tears fell from her eyes.
      He gently wrapped his arms around her hoping it would comfort her a little. "Engaged? To whom?" he asked pressing her close to his chest.
      "Endymion-ouji." she managed to say between sobs.
      <Endymion! How?! They've never met. Anyway he's a prince, she's just a noble. Wait a minute! If she's supposed to marry the prince, then she's a -!>
      "Hai, Jed-kun. I'm a princess." she said guessing at his thoughts. "You’d’ve found out the truth sooner or later so I guess it's time to tell you who I really am. I'm not just some princess from some far away planet, I'm THE princess. Serenity."
      "Serenity-hime?! Then that would mean your mother is-"
      "Queen Serenity. Hai. Please don't hate me for lying to you for so long. But I had to keep my true identity a secret. You see, if I hadn't, you and everyone else would have made a fuss over me and I'd never be able to really see your wonderful planet. They would never have let me leave the palace. I just wanted to experience the earth without all the fuss. Gomen nasai, Jed-kun."
      He held her even closer. "Usako. Serenity. Thank you for telling me the truth, but it makes no difference to me one bit. I'd love you no matter who or what you were. You're the only one I'll ever love. I could never let you go, Usako."
      "Please don't make this any harder for me than it is Jed-kun. I love you and I always will, but we can never see each other again as lovers. This'll be our last day together. Please don't be sad koishii. I'm sure you can think of something to keep our minds off this sadness." she said with a wink, returning to her usually cheerful self.
      Not knowing what to do, Jadeite let himself be led from room to room as she admired the decorating he'd done for her. Eventually they had made their way upstairs to the bedrooms.
      Jed felt her next to him as he lay on the bed. She was on her side pressed as close to him as she could get. An arm was draped across his chest. He carefully removed one arm from under hers and began to tenderly stroke her golden hair, which she had undone the night before.
      She awoke and murmured, "Aishiteru."
      "Suki da yo." he said gently placing her head on his chest.
      "I wish I didn't have to go. I wish I didn't have to marry Endymion-ouji." she said slowly sitting up.
      "So do I koishii. So do I, but you said it yourself. Your mother is adamant about this."
      "Hai, and once again she's running my life for me." she said leaning back into his embrace.
      "What do you mean 'running your life' for you, Usako? I thought Serenity was a fair and just queen." he said kissing her neck.
      "She is. But when it came to me, she went from being the fair and just queen everyone loves to the overprotective, yet loving mother I know and love. All my life, she chose my school lessons, my clothes, even my hobbies for me. I never got to decide what I'd like to do. She even chose my friends for me."
      "Chose your friends for you?! Isn't that a bit too far? The other things I can understand, but this?"
      "She wanted me to have friends she could trust to watch over me and to make sure I never left the palace without them. You see she wanted to shield me from this 'Queen Beryl' she keeps worrying about."
      "So the senshi were hand picked by her majesty herself?"
      "Hai." She wormed out of his arms and began to get dressed.
      As she dressed herself, an idea formed in her head, albeit an wicked one.
      "Jed-kun, I love you so much, that I can't bear to tear myself away from you."
      "Then stay for a bit, koishii." he said rising from the bed and wrapping his arms around her once more.
      "I'll stay, but not just for a bit, koibito." A mischievous gleam appeared in her sapphire eyes.
      "Usako, what are you saying?"
      "Let's elope, Jed. That way okasan would have to call off the engagement. We can be together. Forever."
      "Elope? But Usako-" he never finished what he wanted to say. She had cut him off with a deep kiss. He sighed mentally no longer resisting. "All right, Usagi. We'll elope." he said when she freed his mouth.
      "Oh arigato Jed-kun! You'll never regret it. I'll come back tonight and we'll go to Venus and get married there. Does that sound ok to you?"
      "Of course, koishii. Whatever you want." he kissed her one last time before letting her finish dressing and getting dressed himself.
      But the princess did not come back. Not that night nor any day after, making Jadeite even more miserable than he ever was.
      Over the next few months, he tried to forget the fact that he still loved the Moon Princess. But as with before, he couldn't. He'd see her everywhere he went. He heard her voice in every sound he heard. In short everything around him reminded him of her. What made things even worse was that he was a close friend to her fiance, Prince Endymion.
      If their friendship began to drift apart when he began seeing her, it most certainly was in danger of dying now. He had started to hate his childhood friend for forcing his lover to marry him. He tried to hate her for promising to runaway with him, then breaking her promise, but he couldn't. His love for her wouldn't let him. He had been secretly planning to go to the Moon Kingdom and make Queen Serenity listen to her daughter's wishes. If that didn't work, he would leave the earth and its moon never to return. He would go to a place where nothing was familiar to him, where he could escape her.
      But his plans never left the drawing board.
      One lonely night, Jed was in his small library reading when he failed to notice a woman enter the room.
      She had wavy, fiery red hair that reached down to her ankles and blood red eyes. She had a black tiara studded with a huge beryl on her forehead and was wearing a long, tight, sleeveless, purple dress. She quitely came up behind him and peered at the book over his shoulder.
      "My that must be a very interesting book for you to not hear me come in, Jadeite." her voice was silken, seductive.
      He jumped from his chair dropping the book and almost hitting his head on the ceiling. He reached for his sword and realized he had taken it off earlier.
      "Who are you and how did you get into my house? The door was locked and warded." he managed to say after his heart started beating again.
      The woman smiled. "I am Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom. No mere wards can stop me. I have come to speak with you Lord Jadeite." she said in a calm voice without ever taking her eyes off the handsome blond man before her.
      "What do you want here woman? If it were up to me, I would've run you through by now." He knew he was in trouble, for no one could ever hope to defeat the 'Bitch Queen' of the Dark Kingdom let alone insult her to her face and get away with it. But he had to try. He wasn't about to give up without a fight.
      "Ah, but it's not up to you is it?" she said with a smirk. "I'm merely concerned about you Jadeite." she used her seductive tone again.
      <What in the name of Gaia is this witch playing at?> he thought. "What do you mean concerned? Out with it woman!"
      Beryl smiled ignoring Jadeite's lack of protocol. "It has come to my attention that you've grown apart from your closest friend, the prince, due to Endymion's upcoming marriage to that little twit, Princess Serenity no doubt. Ah, I see I'm right. Well, I came to tell you this Jadeite. If you truly wish to get revenge on the prince, then join me. I will help you get your precious princess back and maybe even help you to rule the earth, for me of course. Come Jadeite, what do you say?" She stared straight at him her blood red eyes boring into his soul. "I can see it in your eyes. You want to do this." She came closer to him. He wanted to back away, but wouldn't. Her silken voice held him in place.
      She reached out and touched his cheek tenderly. "Such a handsome, young man should not be so sad." she said seductively. "Come join me Jadeite. Take my hand." She held out her hand to him. Her fingers looked like claws.
      He stood motionless, thinking over what she had said to him. <I know she lies, but if there is a chance to have my 'Usagi' come back to me, I must do what I can. Forgive me, Endy. Forgive me, Usako, koishii.> Two single tears fell as he reached out and took her hand.
      Both were gone in a manner of seconds.
Author's Notes:
1) I know the song is from another anime, but I couldn't stop thinking of Usagi and Jed every time I heard it. Besides I think it kinda fits.
2) I know Zoey's a guy but I'm making him a her. Call it a little creative license, if you will.
3) I know Usagi’s OOC here, but since Naoko-sama didn’t write how Princess Serenity was back then I decided to combine Usagi with what little I’ve seen of her future self Neo-Queen Serenity.
C&C extremely welcome. No flames please